They knelt them on the desert sand, Alone upon the dreary strand Of Oceaned solitude! They looked upon the high blue air, And felt their spirits glow, Resolved to live or perish there, Two hundred years ago! VI. The Warrior's red right arm was bared, His eyes flashed deep and wild; Was there a foreign footstep dared To seek his home and child? The dark chiefs yelled alarm-and swore The white man's blood should flow, And his hewn bones should bleach their shore, Two hundred years ago! VII. But lo! the warrior's eye grew dim, His arm was left alone The still, black wilds which sheltered him, No longer were his own! Time fled-and on this hallowed ground And cities swell where forests frowned ODE. VIII. O! stay not to recount the tale Twas bloody-and 'tis past; The firmest cheek might well grow pale, The God of heaven, who prospers us, And shield us from the red man's curse Two hundred years ago! IX. Come, then-great shades of glorious men, From your still glorious grave; Look on your own proud land again, Oh, bravest of the brave! We call ye from each mouldering tomb, And each blue wave below, To bless the world ye snatched from doom Two hundred years ago! Χ. Then to your harps-yet louder-higher, And pour your strains along And smite again each quivering wire, In all the pride of song! Shout for those godlike men of old, On this blest soil their anthem rolled, 201 AMERICA TO GREAT BRITAIN. BY W. ALLSTΟΝ. ALL hail! thou noble land, Our fathers' native soil! O stretch thy mighty hand, Gigantic grown by toil, O'er the vast Atlantic wave to our shore : The world o'er! The Genius of our clime, From pine-embattled steep, Shall hail the great sublime; While the Tritons of the deep With their conchs the kindred league shall proclaim, Then let the world combine O'er the main our naval line, Like the milky way, shall shine Bright in fame! AMERICA TO GREAT BRITAIN. Though ages long have passed Since our fathers left their home, Their pilot in the blast, O'er untravelled seas to roam, Yet lives the blood of England in our veins! And shall we not proclaim That blood of honest fame, Which no tyranny can tame By its chains ? While the language, free and bold, In which our Milton told How the vault of heaven rung, When Satan, blasted, fell with all his host; Ten thousand echoes greet, From rock to rock repeat While the manners, while the arts, Still cling around our hearts, Between let Ocean roll, Our joint communion breaking with the sun : Yet, still, from either beach, The voice of blood shall reach, More audible than speech, 'We are One!' 203 : THAT SILENT MOON. BY G. W. DOANE. THAT silent moon, that silent moon, How oft has guilt's unhallowed hand, And superstition's senseless rite, But dear to her, in summer eve, By rippling wave or tufted grove, And heart meets heart in holy love, |