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Peplo etenim induta erat fplendidiore ignis fulgore. Ne to your lady will I fervice done.Ji. e. do.Anglo-S. I think from hence we are to explain that beaudon to Do Somn. tiful address to Venus by Sappho,


So underneath her feet their fwords they fhard.]
Spenfer corrected it himself among the faults
efcaped in the printing, mard: they mard their
fwords, they destroyed the honour and dignity
of their fwords; they did marr them by fo ignobly
debafing them.

Mote princes place befeeme fo deckt to bee.] It might
grace the palace of a prince to be fo adorned.
It is frequently omitted.


The walls were round about apparelled
With coftly clothes of Arras and of Toure;
The which with cunning band was pourtrahed
The love of Venus and her paramoure

Ποικιλόθρον, ἀθάνατ' Αφροδίτα,
Πᾶι Διὸς δολοπλοκίες

Which M. Dacier renders, Grande & immortelle
Venus qui avez des temples dans tous les lieux du
monde &c.

Philips has followed this in his tranflation,
O Venus, beauty of the skies,

Spenfer has expreffed it learnedly and elegantly, coloured like the starry skies. And hence I would explain the epithet given to Aurora, Il. 9.565.

To whom a thousand temples rifeIn Dionyf. Halicarn. 'tis printed loxov, cunning, crafty-minded: but then this epithet is too like Aoλóλox, which immediately follows. So that 1 think we are to bring back the old reading, Пoxogo, and interpret (as fome commentators already have interpreted it) from Homer, Ι. χ'. 441. ἐν δὲ θρόνα ποικίλ ̓ ἔπασσε, operaque picta varia fparfim intexebat. Ifóra i. e. manihμata, The fayre Adonis turned to a flowre.] The walls ären. From this paffage of Homer Sappho of Castle Joyous were hung with fuch costly seems to have formed her compounded epithet, clothes as are now made at Arras or Tourer, alluding to her mantle and drefs, as 'Tis usual for poets to bring minuter circumstances down to their own times: which may be more allowable in a Fairy, than in an Epic or Tragic poem: and yet the most approved writers in both, have, by a kind of anticipation, alluded to their own cuftoms and fashions, arts and fciences. So above in B. i. C. 4. St. 14. He introduces the fafhionable dreffes of Queen Elizabeth's court. And in B. i. C. 4. St. 26. he alludes to the fowle evil not known, 'till brought into Europe by the crew of Columbus. Several of these anticipating allufions occur not only in our poet, but in every the most correct poet of antiquity-He adds, in which with cuna ning hand, &c. i. e. fkilful. Tis frequently fo ufed in the tranflation of the Bible, Cherubims of cunning work, Exod. xxvi. 1. a cunning player on a harp, 1 Sam. xvi, 16.-The story of Adonis, the paramour of Venus, being turned into the flower anemone, is told in Ovid. Met.L. x. Fab. 12. XXXVI.

Her mantle colourd like the ftarry Skyes.] The beautiful drefs of Venus is mentioned by Homer, Il. v. 338.

Αμβροσία διὰ πέπλα, ὃν ἂν χάριτες κάμον αυτάι.
Divinum per peplum, quem ei Charites elaborarunt

And in the hymn to Venus, which some think

Πέπλον μὲν γὰς ἵεσο φαεινότερον πυρὸς ἀυγῆς.

poves, not pulchro in folio fedens; but alluding to her variegated and flowery veft, in which (to poetical eyes) fhe appears dreft, when the first unbars the gates of light: 'tis with the fame kind of allufion that Homer gives her the epithet of xgonówewλog, croceo-peplo-induta, II. 9'. 1. XXXVI.

And whilft he bathed, with her two crafty pyes.] By a metonymy he ufes SPYES for that which the pyes with, viz. her eyes. Speculatores i. e. oculi quibus fpeculatur. The faine expreffion he has in B. i. C. 2. St. 17. and B. vi. C. 8. St. 43. as Grimas ir tais orais, thofe that look out of the

windows. Ecclef. xii. 3.


But for fhe faw him bent to cruell play,
To hunt the falvage beast in forrest wyde,
Dreadful of daunger that mote him betyde,
She oft and oft adviz'd him to refraine
From chaife of greater beaftes- But for she saw
him, &c. i. e. But becaufe fhe faw him bent
to cruell play, namely to hunt, &c. dreadfull,
i. e. full of the dread of danger, fearing what
may betide him, fhe thus advised him,

Parce mes, juvenis, temerarius effe periclo:
Neve feras, quibus arma dedit natura, laceffe.
Ov. Met. x. 545-

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E chiaramente fe veder ch'ella era.

xi. 625. So again to Ferrau, xxxv. 78.

And all the while fweet mufic did divide
Her loofer notes with Lydian harmony.] This is a

grataque faeminis

Imbelli cithara carmina divides.

Hor. i. xv. 15. And thus Seneca, Hercul. Oet. 1080. according to Dr. Bentley's correction,

Orpheus carmina dividens.

I must not omit Milton in his ode on the paffion:
My Mufe with Angels did divide to fing.
Spenfer mentions here Lydian; harmony which
was proper for this effeminate place, being soft
and complaining: Seu tu velles Acolium fimplex, feu
Afum varium, feu Lydium querulum. L. Apuleii
Florida. Jam tibiae multiforabiles cantus Lydios
dulciter confonant: quibus fpectatorum pectora fuavè
mulcentibus &c. L. Apul. Met. Lib. x. So Mil-
ton in L'allegro.

And ever against eating cares,
Lap me in foft Lydian airs.

And Dryden likewise imitating these soft meafures,

Softly fweet in Lydian meafures

Soon he footh'd his foul to pleasures.

The following verfes fhould perhaps thus be printed,

Which when thofe knights beheld, with scornful eye They fdeigned fuch lafcivious difport.

In the close of the ftanza, fort means company; as may be seen more fully in the Gloffary.

Teneva la vifiera alta dal viso.

Juft in the fame fenfe as below, C. 2. St. 24. Through whofe bright ventayle lifted up on high His manly face-lookt forth

The ventayle is the vent or breathing part of the helmet, which is made to lift up.

The virgin fhone in filver armes arraid,
Her ventall up fo high that he defcryde
Her goodly vifage and her beauties pride.

Alta tenea dal vulto. And G. D. in his verfion So Fairfax tranflates Taffo vi. 26. E la vifiera of Virgil xii. 434.

Summaque per galeam delibans ofcula fatur. Per galeam, throw his helmes bentale. Chaucer writes it aventaile, and after him his imitator Lydgate. The a is added or omitted frequently (as it happens) in our language. 'Tis likewife called Umbriere from ombrare, because it shadows XLIII.

the face.

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And her knights fervice ought, to hold of her in fee.] And owed her knight's fervice, viz. to hold of her in fee, and to fight her battles. This lady of Caftle-Joyous is contrafted to the chaft Britomart: and the names of her knights correspond to their characters.


As hee that hath efpide a vermeil rofe,

To which are thornes and breres the way forestall,
Dare not for dread his hardy hand expofe,

But wishing IT far off his ydle with doth lofe.] I
would rather read,

But wifhing them far off

i. e. the thorns and briars. Characterizing Bri-
tomart he fays that he was full of am able grace
and manly terror: in which defcription I believe
he had in view Heliodorus L. VII. as äuan
gopyor mрoochiпar, amabiliter pariter et feverè intuens.

Like Sparkes of fire that fall in fclender flex-]
Utque leves ftipulae demptis adolentur ariftis.

Ov. Met. i. 492.

Non fecus exarfit-
Quàm fiu's canis ignem fuppmat ariftis.


Ov. Met. vi. 455.

And ranfact all her veines with paffion entyre.] Ob-
ferve how Spenser ufes entire. i. e. with a paffion
that wholly, entirely poffeffed her.

He weened that his affection entire
She should aread.
B. iii. C. 7. St. 16.
i. e. his affection that had wholly poffeffed him.
And there out fucking venime to her parts entyre.
B. iv. C. 8. St. 23.

i. e. to all her parts

-into their harts and parts entire.
B. iv. C. 8. St. 48.

i. e. and into all their parts.
She entred into all their partes entire.
B. 7. C. 7. St. 37
i. e. thoroughly: used adverbially. ·
And groning fore from grieved hart entire.
B. vi. C. 8. St. 48.
i, e. from a heart entirely grieved.


Faire ladies-] Spenser apoftrophizes the ladies, whom he would not have blamed for the fault of one. In the fame manner he addresses them, B. iii. C. 9. St. 1. leaft they should take amifs his epifode of Malbecco and Hellenore. Ariofto VOL. II.

addreffes the fair ladies in the fame manner, which the reader, at his leifure, may compare with Spenfer, Canto xxii. St. 1. and Canto xxviii. St. 1. He fays

Emong the roses grow fome wicked weeds, i. e.


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And in each gentle hart defire of honor breeds.]
For love does alwaies bring forth bounteous deeds,
Amor dà all' avarizia, all' ozio bando,
E'l core accende all' onorate imprefe.

Berni, Orl. innam. L. ii. C. 4. St. 3.

Whiles fruitful Ceres and Lyaus fatt
Pourd out their plenty-] The proverb fays, fine
Cerere et Baccho friget Venus: our lady of delight,
her caftle, attendants, entertainments, &c. are
all agreeable to her character and difpofition.-
Lyau fatt, Bacchus is fo named and rỡ hú,
fruitfull Ceres, her epithet is alma, frugifera, &c.
quod curas folvat.

Curam metumgne Caefaris rerum juvat
Dulci Lyaco folvere.

Hor. Epod. ix. drinking makes people fat-bellied: hence he is Fatt is a proper epithet for Bacchus, because called Tarpa by Charon in Ariftophanes, Bar. V. 202. He is likewife pictured plump and fat in Gorlæus, Gemm. 205. which gem Cafaubon has printed and illuftrated in his treatife, De Satyrica Poefi. He is called plump Bacchus, in Shakespear's Antony and Cleopatra, A&t ii. S ene te laft. Sometimes Bacchus is painted all grace and beauty; fometimes fat; and fometimes with an old face and beard. So very whimfical and difcordant we find both painters and poets, who will often make mythology fubmit to their own fyftems.-Soon after,

Nought wanted there that dainty was and rare.
i. e. there was nought wanted that &c. but there
and rare have an unharmonious jingle; fo that
the conftruction would he eafier, as well as the
verfe bettered, if I could have found the reading
which I looked for, viz.

Nought wanted they that dainty was and rare.




So when they flaked had-] See note on B. i.
C. 12. St. 15.-Prefently after,

To loofe her warlike limbs and ftrong effort.
i. e. to let loofe, or to unloofe her warlike
limbs, and to lay afide her fterneffe, force or
effort, to loafe her effort, to relax a little. The
fame verb, with fome difference of fignification,
is applied to two different fubftantives.


Forthy he would not in difcourteife wife.] i. e.
difcourteously. B. iii. C. 2. St. 24. in complete
quize, i. e. compleatly. B. iii. C. 6. St. 23.
in fecrete wize, i. e. fecretly.


And through her bones the false inflilled fire

Et pedibus prætentat iter, fufpenfa timore;
Explorat caecas cui manus ante vias.
Tibull. ii. 75.

Compare likewife Ariofto, xxviii. St. 62, 63.

WHERE feeling one-] I fhould have printed it
WHEN, had I authority.

Their lady lying on the fenceleffe ground] Sencelesse
is to be referred to Lady. Spenfer loves this

But lightly rafed her foft filken skin

That drops of purple blood thereout did weepe,
Which did her lilly fmock with ftaines of vermeil fleep.]
Compare this paffage with B. i. Č. 5. St. 9.

Did fpred itfelfe and venime chofe infpire] Virg. iv. believe our poet had Homer in view, where Me


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nelaus is wounded; for he almost literally tran-
flates him,

Ακρότατον δ ̓ ἄρ ̓ ὄιςὸς ἐπέγραψε χρόα φωτός"
Αυτίκα δ ̓ ἔξειν αιμα κελαινεφὲς ἐξ ἀτέιλης.
Summamque fagitta perftrixit cutem viri:

The moist daughters of huge Atlas.] Which Virg. Statim autem fluxit fanguis purpureus ex vulnere.

G. i. 221. calls Eoae Atlantides.


Then panting fofte, and trembling every joint,
Her fearful feete towards the bowre she mov'd,
Where the for fecret purpose did appoynt
To lodge the warlike maid, unwifely loov'd;
And to her bed approaching first she proov'd
Whether fhe flept or wakte; with her soft HAND
She foftly felt if any member moov'd,

And lent her weary care to UNDERSTAND
If any puffe of breath, or figne of fence Shee FOND.]
Weary care, i. e. warie. Anglo-S. pæɲe,
warie. Anglo-S. pæne,
cautus. 'Tis fo fpelt in the two old quarto
editions, but in the folios wary. The folios
likewife read fand; as the rhime directs: but I
believe Spenser gave it, HOND- UNDERSTOND
See below C. 2. St. 52. fond
withftond. And immediately follows,
Which whenas none she fond-

Hom. Il. iv. 139.

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So early ere the groffe earths gryefy fhade] I find gryefy printed often for gryefly, or griefly: and the poet perhaps intended it fhould have thus been printed here; fo in other places, griefly night, B. i. C. 5. St. 20. B. iv. C. 7. St. 22. griefty shadows, B. ii. C. 7. St. 51. B. iii. C. 4. St. 54. GRIESLY SHADE, B. iii. C. 6. St. 37. griefly shades of night, B. v. C. 10. St. 33. Anglo-S. gnirlic, horribilis. horrere. If we keep the received readagriran, ing GRYESY SHADE, we muft interpret it This paffage might have been imitated from the (though fomewhat far-fetch'd) moift, humid,



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&c. as Virg. ii. 8. Humida nox.

HUMENTEMQUE Aurora polo dimoverat UM


iii. 589,

Humentibus umbris, iv. 351. Let the reader please himself; though I think the place is to be altered rather than interpreted.





ERE have I cause in men just blame to find That in their proper praise too partial bee-] I scarce know what to make of our poet: the flattery to his Fairy Queen has made him put on the gravity of a Spanish romance-writer. So Ariofto, with a half-laughing countenance, in the fame manner moralizes: See his introduction in praise of women, Canto xx. 1. and Canto xxxvii. 1, 2,-'Twas a faying of Mahomet, that among men he knew many perfect, but of women he could allow but four; and two of those four were his own wife and daughter, See Prid. life of Mahom. pag. 69. I omit Virgil and others; but let us hear Solomon, Among a thousand men I have found none; but not one woman among all. Ecclef. vii. 26. Now is not this, as Spenfer fays, for men to be too partial in their proper praife, i. e. in their own praife, in laude propriâ?

Scarce doe they spare to one or two or three,

Rowme in their writts; yet the fame writingPerhaps 'twas originally, yet that same writing for the and that are often confounded, because written with an abbreviation.


And friving fit to make, I feare do marre.] But my rhymes are too rude, when they light on fo high an object, and ftriving fitly and agreeably to the dignity of the fubject TO MAKE, i. e. to compofe a poem, I fear they do rather spoil it :-to make and to marr are often opposed: here they are oppofed with another ufe of the word to make, i, e. to make verses, to compofe a poem, TOV. hence, Toinτns, a maker, a poet. And hath he fkill to make fo excellent.

Spenf. Ecl. iv. Befides her peerleffe skill in making well. Colin Clout's come home againe.

Juft above he fays,

But ah! my rymes too rude and rugged are When in jo high an object they do lyte. None of the books read,

When on fo high an object they do lyte.

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There are many other paffages where in is used for on. So Milton, i. 52. rolling in the fiery flood. i. 324 rolling in the flood, iii. 448. all who in vain things built their fond hope.

Thefe paffages of Milton Dr. Bentley alters.

Thyself thy praifes tell-] This seems taken from the addrefs of Tibullus to Messala,

Nec tua praeter te chartis intexere quifquam
Facta queat, dictis ut non majora fuperfint.

She travelling with Guyon by the way,

of fondry thinges faire purpofe gan to find-] Here is certainly a blunder, whatever was the occafion of it. Guyon, in the firft Canto of this book, encountreth Britomart; after their reconciliation he goes in queft of Florimell: but fhe went forward, as lay her journey, and fees fix knights attacking one, which was the redcroffe knight, or St. George; whofe adventure is told in the first book: him the rescues; and then St. George and Britomart go together to Castle Joyous; which having left they are now travelling together. It should have been written


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