صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني
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For two years I fed my cow and raised my own corn to feed my gallant nag, which shared my toil and its profits. -PAGE 156.

An old horse which I hired of a friend, had a glorious way of limping, and was a source of much merriment among my patrons. His faults of limping I attributed to a sense of politeness; and this nag, with my plain and rustic appearance and toiling habits, endeared me to the laboring population, among which I lived, and my calamities became. my greatest friends. My fortune was soon to change, and the experience and name I had acquired, now came în to act as capital in trade; and the flood of luck which followed, I will relate anon.


TUBERCULAR or scrofulous consumption, is but a fragment of a great constitutional malady, said Dr. Latham, and that malady plays its part most conspicuously in the lungs. This is high authority, and it is the sentiment of the entire profession throughout the world.

Tubercles are white substances, like cheese, scattered throughout the lungs and elsewhere; they are entirely destitute of blood-vessels-or, as physicians say, unorganized, and must, therefore, sooner or later irritate the surrounding parts, and produce matter, just like a splinter of wood or other irritating substance.

We have heretofore observed that spinal disease, white swellings of the knee, king's evil, or scrofulous tumours in the neck, were also tubercular; the wasting away of children and adults, sometimes with tumors in the abdomen, is also very often tubercular. They are all forms of the great constitutional malady, SCROFUula. It descends "from the fathers to the children, even of the third and fourth generation." How it may sometimes be checked in its development, we have already set forth; but there was one remark which the reader did not believe it shall be the object of this paper to convince him it was true; for on that depends the solution of the question-will medicine cure consumption?

We said that a common cold was rarely the exciting cause of consumption, and perhaps never its originating one.

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