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النشر الإلكتروني

the meeting; and though we had frequently showers of rain and sometimes quite heavy, yet it did not appear to stop the work. During one of these thunder showers, thirteen souls professed to find the Lord in one tent. The last night of the meeting was truly affecting and pleasingly solemn. The cries for mercy and the shouts of new-born souls were heard aloud, with very little, if any intermission, during the whole night. It was judged that one hundred whites, and between forty and fifty coloured people were converted. I had a camp-meeting at the same place the last year, which was rendered a peculiar blessing to several students of Tabernacle Academy, which is under our direction, sixteen of the students then professed to get religion, and though a few of them have since their departure from the Academy, not so fully demonstrated their change of heart by a pious and holy life; yet others have, and in the Academy the work is still going on, and almost every young man who comes to it, receives a change of heart before he leaves it. It is bidding fair to become a grand nursery for virtue and all the Christian graces. I have had a few other camp-meetings this year, which have been good, though not equal with that at Tabernacle. Yours in Gospel bonds,




Baltimore, Aug 14, 1823

We have had two camp-meetings in the bounds of this district, which were attended with much good. The first on the Baltimore circuit commenced on the 31st of July, and was attended by large attentive congregations, who seemed deeply to feel the weight of divine truth, and many of them submitted to its influence, and proclaimed its power in their personal salvation from the guilt of sin. Among the number was a Quaker lady of sixty, whose sweet simplicity after conversion, carried the mind back to Pentecost, and made us imagine we were among the primitive disciples. There was among the converts also a lady of eighty. Truly she was saved in the eleventh hour. The orderly conduct of the people at this camp-meeting was truly worthy of praise.

The second meeting was held in the bounds of Severn circuit. The number of tents was one hundred and thirty. The preaching commenced on Friday night, August 8. Every day subsequently was a day of great grace to the people, and numbered some of the multitudes who attended among the heirs of salvation. Saturday evening and night were seasons of mercy. Sunday night in some of the tents there were many conversions; but on Monday night, Tuesday, and Tuesday night, God poured out of His Spirit in an uncommon manner. On Wednesday morning we closed our exercises. From tolerably correct data we estimated the number who professed to have experienced religion during the meeting, at one hundred and twenty whites and coloured. Many left the ground under deep convictions.

[blocks in formation]


Extract of a letter from Rev. S. Sias.


New-Bedford Aug. 27, 1823.

WITH pleasure I inform you of the continuance of the revival mentioned in my last. The work has extended about twenty miles, and bids fair to be great and glorious indeed. We have formed an entire new circuit, where there is suf ficient work for three preachers. There has never been such a cry for the word since the settlement of our forefathers as at the present time. It is impossible for us to supply the numerious Macedonian calls" Come over and help us.'. "The harvest is great but the labourers are (comparatively) few. The Lord send them into the field of labour till the harvest be fully gathered in.

Extract from the First Annual Report of the Genesee Conference Auxiliary Missionary Society.

In the course of the year past, a number of Branch Missionary Societies, auxiliary to the Genesee Conference Missionary Society, have been organized, and their reports received, together with the avails, to aid us in the common cause of our Holy Redeemer.

Many of the communications from these Auxiliary Societies are of an inte resting character, and clearly evince a laudable and praise-worthy zeal. And we cannot forbear mentioning with gratiude, that gentlemen of respectability and influence, who are not members of any particular church, have come forward in this cause, and nobly set an example of which no Christian need to be ashamed; and many who stand more particularly related to other churches than ours, have manifested a catholic spirit which should characterize every disciple of Jesus, by becoming subscribers and managers in these societies. We bail, with emotions of peculiar delight, the dawning of the day which shall witness the destruction of bigotry and party spirit among Christians; and a general and universal spread of gospel holiness, till the glory of God shall cover the face of the earth.


Catharine Branch Missionary Society." A Society was formed in this town a few months since, and a constitution adopted agreeably to the recommendation of the Genesee Conference; the object of which, is to aid the several Annual Conferences, in spreading the Gospel throughout the United States and elsewhere. The sum of sixteen dollars has been forwarded to the funds of the Genesee Conference Missionary Society. But though we have done so little, the cause of Missions engages our best feelings; and we esteem it in a high sense, the cause of God; and feel ourselves highly honored to be among its advocates. Many of us have been constant readers, for years past, of Missionary intelligence, and watched, with ardent desires, for success, the movements of this best of causes; and we have wished to cast our mite into the treasury of the Lord, to aid in spreading the glad tidings of salvation. For the want of opportunity, we have hitherto remained only friendly spectators of what others were doing; but we rejoice that the time has now come, in which we can unite with our brethren in this labor of love."

Utica Branch Missionary Society."The members of the Utica Auxiliary, have felt an interest in the success of the Parent institution, well knowing, that occasional contributions alone, could never answer the purpose, like that of a permanent establishment; yet, in whatever channels Christian benevolence flows, we rejoice that the object of Missions is promoted. To forward this object, the sum of twenty dollars has been forwarded to the Genesee Conference Missionary Society. The preaching of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, has hitherto been made the means of salvation to man. It has been blessed at every period of the Christian church. In the primitive ages of Christianity, it produced great and happy revolutions in the minds of all descriptions of men. It broke the fetters of Jewish prejudices, and rent asunder the galling yoke of heathen superstitions, exposed the folly and weakness of the proud systems of human philosophy and translated thousands from the kingdom of Satan to that of God's dear Son."

Bethany Branch Missionary Society." A society has been formed in this place, under no common feelings of interest for the prosperity of the Missionary cause. Though in our first efforts, we have to encounter difficulties, yet; as we are persuaded, that the cause of Missions is the cause of God, we rejoice in the opportunity afforded us, of exercising that charity to the souls of men, which goes further than to say, 'Be ye warmed, and be ye clothed.'"

ANCASTER BRANCH MISSIONARY SOCIETY:-Extract of a letter from H. T Page, Secretary of the Society, to Rev. E. Bowen, Secretary of the Genesee Conference Missionary Society. "A Missionary Society having lately been formed in this township, as a Branch to your society, we beg leave to enclose to you, a copy of the constitution, together with the names of the officers and managers for the present year; as also, to say, that the sum of £7 38.' currency of this Province, ($28 60,) is forwarded by our Treasurer, to the Treasurer of your society. We assure you, that we esteem it a privilege, to contribute to the support of an institution whose object is so noble, and whose Missionaries in this country have been so laborious and successful."

STAMFORD BRANCH MISSIONARY SOCIETY:-From the Secretary. "In calling to mind the state of society, when thirty years ago, the gospel was first introduced into this country, and comparing it with the present state of improvement, effected by the means of your Missionaries, we admire the change, and are persuaded that the labours of your Missionaries will not be lost, nor the aid afforded by Missionary Societies, be in vain. Indeed, who can read the accounts of the work of God among the Indians at Sandusky, and other Missionary establishments among the natives of the forest, without ardently desiring to take part in this good work? Our donation, though small, ($22 50,) is forwarded, with our best wishes for the prosperity and extention of your Society."

NIAGARA QUARTERLY MEETing ConferenCE BRANCH MISSIONARY SOCIETY:Extract of a letter from the Secretary. The amount of two branches on this circuit, ($47 61,) is forwarded by our Treasurer, to the Treasurer of your Auxiliary. In adverting to an event so laudable, and so expedient, as the formation of Missionary Societies in Upper Canada, we cannot but express our delight in the promptitude and zeal, which have been manifested by the people in this part, for the promotion of the Missionary cause. So that if the inhabitants, more than thirty years ago, were first in petitioning, before your Missionaries came into this country, so they are not the last to come forward to aid them in their labors, which have been rendered so essentially beneficial. The institution is with us new, but we doubt not that when the design is more fully understood, and time afforded for more extensive operations, those who have so earnestly listened to the truths of the gospel, will most readily engage with their influence and money to promote the institution."

"At a time so auspious as the present; at a season when almost every religious institution is crowned with abundant success; at a time especially, when your Missionaries are successfully bearing the cross, not only to the destitute and friendless of settlements entirely new, but also to the nations of the forest, the Wyandotts, the Creeks and the Mohawks, we feel that we should be criminal if we did not exert ourselves in support of so good an undertaking. Indeed, our liberality appears but a reasonable service, to aid in meeting the expenses incurred by your Missionaries, while laboring for the moral and religious improvement of the newly formed settlements of this country. We request, therefore, that your society will accept our humble offerings, as a tribute of benevolence of gratitude, and of duty'

Extracts equally interesting might easily be multiplied from reports of other societies; but as they breathe the same spirit, what have been given may serve as specimens of the zeal awakened in the hearts of the people, so creditable to themselves, and encouraging to the friends of the institution. By order of the board of managers, F. REED.

From the Family Visiter.


sacred functions of the holy ministry, as an itinerating preacher of the Methodist MR. POLLARD, With an aching heart, Episcopal Church; and with ability, I have to inform you and the public, of faithfulness, and success he filled the the unexpected death of the Rev. PEY- various stations to which he was apTON ANDERSON, who departed this life pointed by the hand of Providence, for on Wednesday the 27th ult. at Culpep- eight years in succession. He possessed per Courthouse, in the triumphs of faith, an humble, meek, diligent and perseverafter an illness of only seven days. He ing spirit; his mind seemed to be entirewas born and raised in Chesterfield ly devoted to the blessed work in which county, about twenty-five miles from he was employed, and when I saw him this city. At a very early period of life last his cup was full to overflowing, and he sought and found the pearl of great his whole soul appeared to be swallowprice, and with propriety it may be said ed up in God. that from his youth up, he observed all the precepts of the divine law In the morning of his days he entered on the

He left this city about the 14th of last month to attend several appointments in the upper counties, but before he

reached them his labours closed, and Jesus received him to himself. On Wednesday the 20th he was as well as usual, and preached in Culpepper county with his usual energy; on Thursday he started to attend an appointment but could not get farther than the Courthouse. Two skilful physicians were called to his assistance; but such was the stubborn na ture of his disease, which was a Billious fever, that it baffled medical skill and triumphed over the happy victim of death. Just before he fell asleep in the arms of Jesus, he requested that all in the room would meet him in heaven, and although he was delirious during his illness, with intervals of rationality, yet his master did not suffer him thus to die. He deliberately bid all around him farewell, and with a smile he left the world, to gaze for ever on the glories of eternity. We la ment the loss of such a man, minister and friend. He has left an aged father and mother, five brothers and four sisters, to follow him as he followed Christ. May I live his life of piety, die his death of triumph, and may my end be like his, glorious. J. F. ANDREW.


The following is a copy of a note from Dr. Carey one of the Baptist missionaries at Calcutta, announcing the above affecting intelligence. Mr. Ward had been ill but one day. The fatal disease was the cholera morbus:

"Our dear brother Ward breathed his last about half an hour ago, viz. a quarter before 5 o'clock, and will be committed to the grave to-morrow evening. It will be a comfort under our affliction, to see any of our brethren from Calcutta on that painful occasion.

"I am very affectionately, yours,
"March 7, 1823. W. CAREY."


Died on the 15th of June, 1823, at his residence, in Orangeburgh district, South-Carolina, the Rev. Jacob Barr, in the seventieth year of his age. Little is known of the early part of his life. He first came into notice in the time of the revolutionary war. He was among the first in the state, who entered the contest for American Independence, and gave due evidence of his zeal for the cause in which he engaged. When Charleston was invested, he was stationed, it seems, in a fort on Sullivan's

Island. It was taken by the British, but thinking it was surrendered through cowardice; and, acting as deputy Commissary, he ran and stove to pieces the casks of spirits, and damaged as much as he could the clothing and provisions of the Army. For this he was carried on board of one of the enemy's ships, and chained down on the forecastle. How long he thus remained is not remembered. On the night previous to the surrender of Charleston, the officers on watch through the night, endeavoured to persuade him to desert, and join the king, urging many reasons for it. He rejected their offer with disdain.— He suffered great privations during the war.

In 1786 or 7, the Methodist Ministers began to visit his neighbourhood.Among the various opinions expressed about them, his was, that money was their object. Accordingly, the first time he went to hear them, he left his money at home; but no sooner did he give them a fair hearing, than his mind became quite changed, received conviction for sin, and he enlisted a soldier for Christ, and found peace with God.

As he had been zealous for his country, so now he became fervent in the service of God. He was among those who joined the first society raised in what was then, and long after, called Edisto circuit. He was appointed classleader. Persecution arose, and they were soon compelled to leave the old Lutheran Meeting-House on CattleCreek, where they assembled. He stepped forward, and in a few months, a more convenient chapel was finished, which continues to be occupied by the Methodists to this day. He was soon after licensed to exhort, then to preach; and was finally ordained an Elder. discharged the duties of his stations with a conscience void of offence towards God and man. He was a good man, a good husband, a good father and a good preach



He studied his bible diligently, and made good use of what he learned therein. In addition to his other duties, he served as Justice of the Quorum for upwards of twenty years with acceptabilty

and credit.

He had in common with his brethren his trials in domestic and public life; but he remained faithful until God called him home.

As he lived the life of the righteous, so he died his death. His last words were, "I am going to glory."

August 9, 1823.


Methodist Magazine,




The substance of a Discourse delivered before the New-England Con ference of Methodist Ministers, Providence, June 17th, 1823. By Rev. Wilbur Fisk, A. M.

(Concluded from page 372.)

We pass to another argument. Our evidences on this part of the subject multiply, and they brighten. The scriptures are replete with proofs, to clear up this awfully interesting subject. We not only have a scripture analogy, to teach us a probable truth, but we have light from scripture upon the nature of sin, to strengthen that probability; and, as we have just seen, we have, in the word of God, sufficient evidence upon the nature of future punishment, to reduce that corroborated probability to a tnoral certainty. And we have still behind, (with which we shall close this part of the subject,) the argument drawn from those scriptures which expressly state the duration of this punishment.— Considering the importance of the subject, and the frequent references to it in the bible, we should naturally conclude that there would be in the scripture something explicit and definite, on the duration of punishment. This conclusion is justified by matter of fact. None, I believe, deny that the scriptures have express declarations on this subject. All acknowledge that it is said of the wicked they are in danger of eternal damnation of everlasting burnings. That, at the resurrection, they come forth to shame and everlasting contempt-That they are punished with everlasting destruction from the presence of God and the glory of his power. That they go away into everlasting punishment, and into everlasting fire-That they shall be destroyed for everThat the worm dieth not, and the fire is not quenched-That they are tormented for ever and ever. The question then to be VOL. VI.


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