صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

Monarchs, sovereigns, kings, absolute rulers.
For what reason is death said to have an empire?
.Trophies, signs of victory, spoils, booty.

What are the spoils of death?

Disown, disavow, refuse to acknowledge.

Hope, expectation of immortal glory.
Rise, awake. What day is intended?'

Faith, trust, confidence in the sayings of God, accompanied with a love for them.

Lamb. Who is intended? Why called a Lamb.? Bequeathed, left as a legacy, gave as an inheritance.

Resolved, determined, purposed, designed.

Lake George. Give a description of this lake. See maps.

Adjacent, lying near, adjoining.

-Section, tract, district, part of a book, act of cutting.

Fort, a fortified house, a castle.

Ticonderoga. Where situate?

Revolutionary struggle, war for independence.

Rambles, wanders, irregular excursions.

Ruins, remains, desolations, destroys.

Imagination, a power of the human mind, fancy.

Heroes, eminently brave men, illustrious characters. Savage yell, Indian war-hoop, terriffic shout. Murderous, destructive, bloody, guilty of murder.. Tomahawk, an Indian hatchet.

Thundering, loud roaring, like thunder.

Groups, groops, crowds, clusters, huddles together.

Recollection, memory, remembrance.

Transparency, clearness, power of transmitting light.

Grandeur, sublimity, splendor magnificence.

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are pent up in one vast reservoir; produce in the mind of him, who loves to contemplate nature in her noblest and richest apparel, a state of the most interested and delicious feeling. What traveller has passed this place and did not feel himself transported at the sight of Roger's Rock, stretching its proud summit to the sky. Often does the stranger, as he is gliding swiftly down the lake, when he comes within full view of this rock, request the watermen to rest on their oars that he may contemplate its sublimity in silence. I can distinctly recollect my emotions, on first seeing it. I had heard its story, and the circumstances which gave name to it, and fancied I could almost see the bold Rogers, and his daring followers, descending its steep and then icy declivity, with the rapidity of lightning, and the astonished and blood thirsty savages, shouting above, on its bleak summit, whence none but themselves would have dared to descend. It was such scenes that I intended to make my study, and delight, as I left home, and in two days arrived at the borders of the Lake.

If any of my readers have passed from one end of the Lake to the other, they may have observed on the eastern shore, about ten or eleven miles from the outlet,

a little cottage. It stands at the bottom of a little glen, a few rods distant from the water's edge. A little cove puts up from the Lake, between the rugged mountain on one side, and the southern skirt of the glen on the other. The clouds in a lowering day are always seen resting on the summit of the mountains, which arise on each side of the ravine, which stretches off to the east of the cottage. Half way up these heights the eagle builds her nest, without fear of molestation, and seems to look down from her conscious elevation in defiance of man below. The white washed cottage, and the swelling mountains have a pleasing and inspiring effect, when viewed from the water. It was here one evening, I requested the boatmen to land me as I was returning from the excursions of the day.

There are seasons in the life of almost every man, when he needs not the formality of an introduction to a stranger to enable him to commence an acquaintance.

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Reservoir, rêz-êr-vwor', receptacle.

Contemplate, kôn-têm' plåte, meditate, think studi


Apparel, garment, covering.

Delicious, sweet, luxurious.

-Transported, carried over, greatly delighted.

Summit, top. From what derived?

Waterman, boatman.

-Distinctly, clearly, not confusedly.

Story, tale, account of its scenes.

-Descending. What know you of the adventure here alluded to?

Steep, precipice, ascent or descent approaching to perpendicularity.

Arrest, captivate, seize, lay hands on.

Clasping, twining, embracing, enclosing.
Declivity, descent, slope of a hill.

Savages, Indians, wild men, barbarians.

.Bleak, cold, bare, destitute of vegetables.

Borders, confines, boundaries.

Lake. What is a lake? Has it fresh water?

My readers, readers of this piece.

Observed, noticed, remarked, seen.

Glen, valley, a dale.

Cove, kove, small creek or bay, shelter.

Puts up, runs out, extends itself.

Skirt, boundary, outer part, fringe.

.Lowering, gloomy, sky obscured by thick and heavy clouds.

Ravine, râv-èèn', narrow opening, defile.

.Heights, high grounds, lofty eminences.

Molestation, interruption.

.Conscious, knowing, privy to.

White-washed. Of what is white-wash made ?

Imposing, grand, lofty, burthening.

Spell returning, stretches, half, heights.

Excursions, rambles, deviations from the settled path.

-Seasons, times, four divisions of the year.

-Formality, dulness, custom, etiquette, established form.

Commence, begin, enter upon.

The mind is in such a state of buoyancy and good feeling, that we feel every stranger, whom we meet, to be an acquaintance, and every human being our brother. Such were my feelings as I walked leisurely forward towards an elderly and venerable looking man, who sat beside his humble dwelling, enjoying the calm pleasures of the evening. After the usual salutation of strangers, he invited me to take a seat beside him. I soon found that I had introduced myself to a plain, open hearted, but poor man, upon whose head probably sixty winters had shed their snows. His countenance was intelligent, though there was an expression of sorrow upon it, he seemed to possess an intellect, endowed with good sense, of a sober, meditative cast. He portrayed in lively colors the beauties of the scenery around him, which showed that he had not yet become insensible of the charms of nature by the lapse of years. He adverted also to the fast approaching hour, when he should no longer be animated by these scenes. "Stranger," said he, with seriousness, "see you that setting sun; though it may set to night in darkness, yet it will rise again tomorrow, and rise perhaps, in far brighter_glory. But soon my sun will set to rise no more." "It may rise," said I, "in eternity." The poor pensioner, for such I learned he was, was silent; and I could see the tears standing in his eye, as with a worthy hospitality he invited me into his cottage to tarry all night. I could not accept the invitation, but promised to call on the following morning. I then took my leave of him; and as we glided swiftly down the lake, aided by a stiff breeze, I could not help revolving in my mind the adventures of the evening.

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The same, continued.

Early on the following morning, I left my lodgings for the pensioner's cottage. The old man was waiting to receive me with all the cordiality of an older acquaintance. I found in the cottage of this poor, but worthy

-State, declare, make known, pitch, condition. Buoyancy, bůoè'ân-sè, power to float, cheerful feelings.

-Acquaintance, associate, companion.

Leisurely, le zhůr-lè, slowly, at pleasure.

Elderly, aged. From elder.

-Dwelling, house, habitation, inhabiting.

Pleasures of the evening. In what respects different from the morning?

Salutation, passing of compliments, greeting.
Winter. Why is old age likened to winter?
.Expression, representation, sorrow was depicted up-
on it.

Intellect, mind, rational faculties.
Endowed, furnished, endued.

Meditative, inclined to seriousness, thoughtful.

Portrayed, described, painted.

Colors. Whence the allusion?

-Lapse, gliding away, mistake, fall.

Hour. What hour is referred to?

.Emphasis, force, energy.

Setting sun. Of what is it an emblem?

Eternity. What do you understand by eternity? Pensioner, a person who has a bounty from govern


Worthy, good, commendable.

Tarry, remain, lodge, stay.

.Hospitality, entertainment of strangers.

.Stiff, strong, unbending.

.Breeze, gale of wind.

.Following, next succeeding.

Lodgings, habitations, resting places.
Cordiality, kör-je-ål' è-tè, kindness, good feeling.

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