صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

in at the Psalm; could not hear the reader in the lessons, but attended the prayers with tranquillity.


To read the New Testament once a year in
Receiving the Sacrament,

done, and little to be known, teach me, by thy Holy Spirit, to withdraw my mind from unprofitable and dangerous inquiries, from difficulties vainly curious, and doubts impossible to be solved. Let me rejoice in the light which Thou hast imparted, let me serve Thee with active zeal and humble confidence, and wait with patient ex-I profess my faith in Jesus. pectation for the time in which the soul which Thou receivest shall be satisfied with knowledge. I implore, in the highest act of worship, grace to I declare my resolution to obey him. Grant this, O Lord, for Jesus Christ's sake. Amen. keep these resolutions.

Ashbourne, August 28th, 1784. Almighty and most merciful Father, who afflictest not willingly the children of men, and by whose holy will now languishes in sickness and pain, make, I beseech Thee, this punishment effectual to those gracious purposes for which Thou sendest it; let it, if I may presume to ask, end not in death, but in repentance; let him live to promote thy kingdom on earth, by the useful example of a better life; but if thy will be to call him hence, let his thoughts be so purified by his sufferings, that he may be admitted to eternal happiness. And, O Lord, by praying for him, let me be admonished to consider my own sins, and my own danger, to remember the shortness of life, and to use the time which thy mercy grants me to thy glory and my own salvation, for the sake of Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

[The following Prayer was composed and used by Doctor Johnson previous to his receiving the Sacrament of the Lord's Supper, on Sunday, December 5th, 1784.]


Almighty and most merciful Father, I am now, as to human eyes it seems, about to commemorate, for the last time, the death of thy Son Jesus Christ, our Saviour and Redeemer. Grant, O Lord, that my whole hope and confidence may be in his merits, and thy mercy; enforce and accept my imperfect repentance; make this commemoration available to the confirmation of my faith, the establishment of my hope, and the enlargement of my charity; and make the death of thy Son Jesus Christ effectual to my redemption. Have mercy upon me, and pardon the multitude of my offences. Bless my friends; have mercy upon all men. Support me by thy Holy Spirit, in the days of weakness, and at the hour of death; and receive me, at my death, to everlasting happiness, for the sake of Jesus Christ. Amen.

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I hope to rise to a new life this day.


On the 17th, Mr. Chamier took me away with
him from Streatham. I left the servants a
guinea for my health, and was content enough
to escape into a house where my birthday, not
being known, could not be mentioned. I sat
up till midnight was past, and the day of a new
year, a very awful day, began. I prayed to
God, who had safely brought me to the begin
ning of another year, but could not perfectly
recollect the prayer, and supplied it.
desertions of memory I have always had.
When I rose on the 18th, I think I prayed again,
then walked with my friend into his grounds.
When I came back, after some time passed in
the library, finding myself oppressed by sleepi
ness, I retired to my chamber, where, by lying
down, and a short imperfect slumber, I was
refreshed, and prayed as the night before.
then dined, and triffed in the parlour and library,
and was freed from a scruple about Horace.
At last I went to bed, having first composed a

19th, Sunday. I went to church, and attended
the service. I found at church a time to use
my prayer, O Lord, have mercy-

July 30th

Almighty God, Creator and Governor of the world, who sendest sickness and restorest health, enable me to consider, with a just sense of thy mercy, the deliverance which Thou hast lately granted me, and assist by thy blessing, as is best for me, the means which I shall use for the cure of the disease with which I am now afflicted. Increase my patience, teach me submission to thy will, and so rule my thoughts and direct my actions, that I may be finally received to everlasting happiness, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

[The following Meditations and Prayers have no whose help labour is useless, without whose light

dates in the MS.]

ON THE STUDY OF RELIGION. Almighty God, our heavenly Father, without search is vain, invigorate my studies, and direct my inquiries, that I may, by due diligence and I did not, this week, labour my preparation so right discernment, establish myself and others in much as I have sometimes done. My mind thy Holy Faith. Take not, O Lord, thy Holy was not very quiet; and an anxious prepara-Spirit from me; let not evil thoughts have dotion makes the duty of the day formidable and minion in my mind. Let me not linger in ignoburdensome. Different methods suit different rance, but enlighten and support me, for the sake states of mind, body, and affairs. I rose this of Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. day, and prayed, then went to tea, and afterwards composed the Prayer, which I formed with great fluency. I went to church; came

He died the 13th following

O Lord God, in whose hand are the wills and affections of men, kindle in my mind holy desires,

and repress sinful and corrupt imaginations; ena- | oy thy Holy Spirit, to amend my life, according ble me to love thy commandments, and to desire to thy Holy Word, for Jesus Christ's sake. Amen thy promises; let me, by thy protection and influence, so pass through things temporal, as finally not to lose the things eternal; and among the hopes and fears, the pleasures and sorrows, the dangers and deliverances, and all the changes of this life, let my heart be surely fixed, by the help of thy Holy Spirit, on the everlasting fruition of thy presence, where true joys are to be found. Grant, O Lord, these petitions. Forgive, O merciful Lord, whatever I have done contrary to thy laws. Give me such a sense of my wickedness as may produce true contrition and effectual repentance, so that when I shall be called into another state, I may be received among the sinners to whom sorrow and reformation have obtained pardon, for Jesus Christ's sake. Amen.

Almighty and most merciful Father, whose clemency I now presume to implore, after a long life of carelessness and wickedness, have mercy upon me. I have committed many trespasses; have neglected many duties. I have done what Thou hast forbidden, and left undone what Thou hast commanded. Forgive, merciful Lord, my sins, negligences, and ignorances, and enable me,

O merciful God, full of compassion, long-suf fering, and of great pity, who sparest when we deserve punishment, and in thy wrath thinkest upon mercy; make me earnestly to repent, and heartily to be sorry for all my misdoings; make the remembrance so burdensome and painful, that I may flee to Thee with a troubled spirit and a contrite heart; and, O merciful Lord, visit, comfort, and relieve me; cast me not out from thy presence, and take not thy Holy Spirit from me, but excite in me true repentance; give me in this world knowledge of thy truth, and confidence in thy mercy, and in the world to come life everlasting, for the sake of our Lord and Saviour, thy Son Jesus Christ. Amen.


Imploring Diligence.

O God, make me to remember that the night cometh when no man can work.


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