صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني
[blocks in formation]

Spreads fiercely when no cloud obscures the sight,

Shone out in all the force of mental might She beam'd the beauties of his ev'ning ray, When clouds of gold and crimson herald night

His was the fulness of the perfect dayHer's was its beauteous flush, before it sinks away." 'p. 125.

Eva had appointed the weddingday, and waiting its approach, ends canto the first. The second opens by announcing the sudden and mysterious absence of Eva. Her lover, Leon, half maddened, seeks her every where in vain; her father pines, droops, and loses his reason. At midnight, she comes suddenly into his chamber, makes herself known, and he dies. Then, in an ecstasy of horror, she flies to the residence of Leon, and informs him that she was decoyed away by a villain, overpowered, and polluted. He is raised to a furious pitch of madness, and, urged by the ever gentle Eva, sets out on a stormy night to wreak his vengeance on her seducer, 79.-YOL, VII.

The thunder and lightning are thus grandly described. The latter,

A transcent awful light; the thunder spread
Rending midnight's sable mantle, shed
Its deep reverberating roll around.-p. 167.

In a dark tower they see the light of a taper-Eva points, and informs him there is the victim. Leon enters-a

desperate fight ensues, in which the monster of lust is slain; as soon as the unhappy Eva saw his fate, she committed suicide. With regard to Leon, let the four last lines of the poem testify:

"One day gave sire and daughter to the


And e'er another shed its noontide ray, Reckless if rode his bark, or sunk where none It saw the lover bounding o'er the wave;

could save."

P. 184.

Still this beautiful poem has its defects. It is too long,-too prolix in detail. Fifteen stanzas are devoted

to inform the reader of the sorrow felt by her father for Eva; eight by Leon for his beloved. But it would be fas


tidious to proceed further in dispraise trust we have done enough to inspire of this charming production. our readers with a wish of possessing it. In respect of " Electricity," and


Stanza," with which the volumes conclude, we have little to remark. The former may be very good in its way; and the latter shews the ardent affection of Mr. Bounden for his "lyre." We hope soon to have the pleasure of perusing a second poem from him, who knows so well how to write. Our advice we would give, and hope it will be taken in good part; when he sits down to compose, let him dismiss from his mind all recollection of any other poem which he has read and admired, and draw upon the stores of his own imagination.

REVIEW.-Miscellaneous Poems. By Robert Power. In two vols. pp. 144, -144. London. Simpkin and Marshall, Stationers' Court. 1824, WINE and women, Bacchus and Venus, are bere chanted pretty nearly in every metre which the English lan guage can afford. There are two volumes, and each page contains, on an average, thirteen lines. The paper is of most excellent quality, and the printing is very well executed. The Right Hon. Lady Jane Gray has the honour of patronizing Mr. Power,

2 T

Alas! how different her taste from | Moore has been indefatigable in his that of her illustrious namesake.

There is much smooth, pretty, and sometimes elegant language in the volumes before us; but as for glowing imagery, bold and original conceptions, and strong impetuous "words that burn," they are all evidently beyond the reach of Mr. Power. The frequent odes on love, and young women, are insipid and common-place to the last degree; and the similes are trite and threadbare, There is evidently a frequent forcing of the muse; but she generally resents it, and is flatter than before. The best poem in the books is that commencing the second volume, entitled "Anacreon in Heaven; or, the Rivalry of Love and Wine." Though the title is light and trifling, we are induced to extract a stanza or two, as a specimen of the remainder.

"But Love was there!

Whose wings with wild impatience rose,
And fluttering, fann'd the angry air :

Then deep the mantling crimson glows,
As through his frame the tides of passion fly,
Burn on his cheeks and sparkle in his eye!
And snatching his harp, the wild breeze as
it pass'd

Thrill'd o'er the tremulous wire,

Till o'er it his fingers he hastily cast, And awaken'd its slumbering fire :

The mother of smiles and of rosy delight Hang o'er her favourite child,

And bless'd, while she wreath'd his forehead

of white,

labours to accomplish his undertak-
ing, nor has he suffered any sources
of information that could be brought
within his reach, to remain unexplor-
ed. It must, however, be admitted,
that these volumes contain only a
small portion of original matter.
Nearly every thing of moment had
already appeared in the former bio-
graphies of these extraordinary men,
so that the labour of this author has
chiefly consisted in arranging, modify-
ing, and retouching, what has long
been before the world. In addition to
this, he has lopped off many excres.
cences, and supplied several deficien-
cies, ascribed various actions to mo-
tives which his predecessors but in-
distinctly saw, and occasionally dealt
about his cudgel with no unsparing
hand. The character of these exalted
men, he has drawn through an alembic
constructed by the hand of friendship,
and to give symmetry to all its fea-
tures, has spared no expense.
As a
herald announcing its approach, he
seems to call aloud, "Make way,
make way," the character of John and
Charles Wesley is approaching:

"Ye vulgar, at your peril give it room.” Happy it is for those who can take the friendly warning, get out of the road, and secure a retreat; but should any unfortunate straggler remain to obstruct the march of the procession, the herald is immediately metamorphosed into a hatchet-man, and those who escape with nothing worse than wounds and bruises, may congratulate themselves in not having received broken legs and arms,

His numbers impassion'd and wild; And stealing around him with silent joy, The Graces applauded the glowing boy." p.5 and 6. A word at parting with Mr. Power. Let him thrust aside that merry little old wine-bibber, Anacreon, to whom it appears he is inordinately attached, and apply himself heartily to the works of Virgil and Homer: (verb. sapienti.)grapher, when the character he deli

REVIEW.-The Life of the Rev. John Wesley, A. M. the Life of the Rev. Charles Wesley, A. M. and Memoirs of their Family. By the Rev. Henry Moore. In two vols. 8vo. Vol. II. pp. 578. London. Kershaw. 1825.

"Or half their limbs in battle lopp'd away."

It is easy to conceive why a bio

neates is lame, should resort to such expedients, for, to one of his description, a crutch may prove serviceable; but that of John and Charles Wesley being strong, hale, and vigorous, disdains to be indebted to any artificial aid. In the Italian states, the chair of infallibility may be occupied withIn the sixth volume of the Imperial out giving any offence; but on this Magazine, col. 945, the former volume side the water, every attempt to proof this work passed under our review, vide it with an occupant will be viewed with jealousy, and even the purest accompanied with intimations that another would soon succeed; and we friendship, when engaged in such emhave now to announce that our ex-ployment, will be suspected of favourpectations have been realized. Mr. ing the cause of idolatry.

fellow-creatures, and to promote the glory of God. In the whole mass of Christian biography, we look in vain for one that shone with more uncloud

been attended with more ample success. His name will be remembered with solemn honour, until piety, zeal, and usefulness, shall cease to be virtues, and, identified with pure religion, it will be more extensively known, as vital Christianity shall encircle the globe.

Among the biographers of the two Wesleys which have hitherto appeared, no one has possessed capabilities superior to Mr. Moore, and it is but justice to add, that no one has em-ed brightness, and whose labours have ployed them to more beneficial purposes. Being long and intimately acquainted with the venerable founder of Methodism, he had for a series of years an opportunity of watching all his movements, of developing his motives, of entering into his plans, and of perceiving the immediate effects of their operation, the ultimate issues of which, eternity only can unfold. In all these, so far as they are open to observation, the leadings of an overruling providence appear every where conspicuous. This is a point which the author has invariably kept in view, so that while the reader of his volumes is led to honour the instrumentality of Mr. Wesley, he is compelled to give gratitude and glory to God.

The work now under consideration is not less entertaining than it is instructive; the author having enlivened his narration by numerous facts, anecdotes, and incidents, which were previously but little known, and in their detached form but little regarded. Several of these are restored to their former connexions, and they acquire an additional importance from the association. Neither is this work altogether destitute of originality. Many letters are introduced that had not previously appeared; a few exquisite poetic effusions are now, for the first time, presented to the reader, and new connexions are given to conversations and transactions with which he is already familiar. Of the more permanent materials which form this work, a considerable portion has been taken from Mr. Wesley's journal, which is one of the most entertaining compositions in the whole compass of the English language. To these, the biographer has added every thing valuable which he has been able to select from the works of his contemporaries and predecessors, and from the unpublished documents that time has thrown into his hands.

On looking over the life of Mr. Wesley, we cannot but admire that unwearied industry which marked his long and useful career, and venerate that undissembled and ardent piety which led him to devote his time and talents exclusively to the good of his

The summary of his character, in the concluding chapter of this work, is given in a masterly manner. In this epitome, the sacred rays that irradiated his life, are so concentrated, that they blaze upon us with awful splendour, and many Christians of high repute, on comparing their diligence and usefulness with his, may sicken at the disparity, and turn from the contrast with a sigh. Mr. Moore has done ample justice to his friend, and that friend was richly deserving of all the honours which justice has awarded, and friendship has bestowed.

REVIEW.-A Whisper to a NewlyMarried Pair from a Widowed Wife. 12mo. pp. 144. London. Scatcherd and Co. 1824.

THE writer's whisper, in this book, is divided into two parts, one of which is addressed to the husband, and the other to the wife. The former is comprised in nine short chapters, and the latter in ten.

The work contains nothing profound, but it affords internal evidence that the authoress was a close observer of human nature. She has seized on facts, and reasoned from them, without attempting to explore their principles; and both in the male and female department of the married state, she has contrived to

"Catch the manners living as they rise."

Of domestic happiness and connubial infelicity, many obvious causes are pointed out, which require only to be understood, to be acknowledged. It will readily be allowed that they seem in themselves trifling and insignificant; but who does not know, that trifles become important when they lead to serious results; and, in the majority of instances, that family disturbances originate in things of

comparatively no moment? Against these inlets of overwhelming torrents, the writer recommends both parties to be constantly on their guard; and strongly inculcates an attention to those little nameless offices of friendship, which will feed the sacred fire of matrimonial bliss, when things of superior magnitude cease to be effica


In a review of this publication, which fell under our notice some time since, the writer was accused of attempting to give an undue exaltation to the female character, if not to place the reins of connubial government almost exclusively in her hands. On this point we have kept a steady eye while perusing its pages; but justice compels us to declare, that we have been unable to discover any rational foundation for the charge. The duties of each sex are pointed out with fairness and impartiality; and, except in the sight of those lords of creation who wish to establish a domestic despotism, and who can discover in the female character nothing beyond what administers to their own gratification, reason must be allowed to hold the balance, when either scale preponderates.

We have no design, in making these remarks, to hold up this publication as a standard of infallibility. On the contrary, some positions have appeared, to which we should yield our assent with hesitation, particularly, as in page 77, where deception is half recommended, and, in 78, where artifice is solicited to lend its assistance. But while we have found some things to censure, we have discovered much more to command our approbation; and were the hints given by the writer to be adopted in any tolerable degree, we can have no doubt, that the sum of domestic discord would be greatly diminished.

On the treatment of children, the following rules are deserving universal publicity; and we give them the more readily, as they refer to an important subject, on which many nurses and mothers want information.

"Proper nursing tends to preserve the human species. The mother's breast is the infant's birthright. Feed an infant in an upright posture: it gives uniform distention to the stomach. Expose it early to the air: it keeps it from cold. Place it, while asleep, on its right side: it obviates indigestion. Attend to its cries: it never cries when well and at

ease. Encourage it to stretch out its limbs,
and to creep about: it promotes strength and
activity. Rub it morning and night all over
with the hand: it promotes circulation. Never
awaken an infant out of sleep by rough means:
it may produce fits. Avoid the use of tight
bandages, particularly round the body. Avoid
quack medicines and old women's nostrums.
a case of illness, at once call in medical aid.
Avoid feeding infants in the night: it produces
griping. And beware at any time of over-
feeding. Avoid warm nurseries and close air:
admit a current of air through the room every
Avoid carrying chil-
day that will allow it.
dren on the same arm: it makes them crooked.
Never provoke violent laughing, nor disregard
violent crying: it weakens their little frame.
If the child be weakly, give it a small cup of
chicken broth or beaf-tea daily. And put on
a flannel shirt in the day, but not at night: it
promotes perspiration. After the first year,
animal food may be given twice a week. If a
child lately weaned should pine away, or con.
tract any disease, by all means give it the
breast again. Encourage it to walk and creep
about as soon as it shews any wish to do so.
Time enough at six or seven months old to
put on shoes: and to make it hardy, let its
petticoats be very short, and its arms and
bosom be exposed to the air. Let it sleep in
the middle of the day till it is three years old;
put it to bed at seven o'clock, and let it rise
early. Plunge it every morning into cold water,
beginning in warm weather, and continue it
every season after. If the child should be
delicate, let the chill of the water be slightly
taken off by adding a little warm water to it,
until the child gets hardy. Be particular in
the choice of the servant who attends your
baby; and, if possible, let some one of the
family accompany her when she takes it to
walk. To rest her arms, she will often, most
injuriously, place it on the damp ground, or go
into a house infected perhaps with hooping-
and then, instead of the benefit of air and exer-
cough, small-pox, or some infantine disease:
cise, the poor baby is kept sitting in her lap,
while she, perhaps, gabbles away anecdotes of
the family she lives with. In a fit, loosen the
child's clothes, raise the head, place it neat
an open window, sprinkle the face with cold
water, rab it all over with your warm hand,
tickle the nostrils and inside of the ear with a
feather. Let it be moved as little as possible;
put it in a warm bath, or keep a succession of
warm flannel round it. To an infant give five
of two years old you may give ten; but give
drops of hartshorn in a little water; to a child
it with caution, to prevent it going against
its breath."-p. 122 to 124.

It is admitted by the writer, that the preceding passage is not her own. The rules have been taken from the Universal Dispensary for Children, and strongly recommended by the physician of our late venerable Queen Charlotte. But independently of their intrinsic excellence, the selection shews a discriminating judgment in the fair authoress, and their importance increases the value of her book.

REVIEW.-Observations and Reflections on Various Subjects, Moral and Religious. By a Youth. 12mo. pp. 144. London. Simpkin & Marshall. 1824. THE subjects of these observations and reflections are eleven in number: viz. An Evening at the Abbey; The Missionary; Reflections on a Visit to St. Paul's; Thoughts on War; Remarks on the Treatment of Children; Thoughts during a Ride on a Sabbath; The Irish Reaper; Hope; The Jews; Reflections on beholding the Sea between Dover and Calais; and Thoughts on beholding London from Highgate Archway.

In a short preface we are informed, that this book is the production of a youth in a medical department, during those intervals which the duties of his station allow. The employment is certainly highly commendable; and if many others in similar situations were to follow the same example, their conduct would not be without its influence on various classes of society.

such the gross darkness which reigns over the peasantry of Ireland.

"An example in point will tend to confirm what I have advanced. A sick Irish reaper came to me for medical assistance; after I had prepared and presented him with what was necessary, I asked,

"When were you last in Ireland? "Three months since.

"Of what religion are you? "A Roman Catholic.

"What do your priests teach you?

"That I must pray to the Holy Virgin Mary to intercede with Christ on my behalf. Would it not be better to pray to Christ himself?

"He would not hear me; he is too holy and pure, and too much engaged to attend to me.

"How do you know he will hear the Virgin Mary's prayer in your behalf?

"The priest says he does; besides, the priest himself absolves me from ny sin when pay him for it, and promises to repeat so many Avemarias and Paternosters.

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When were you last absolved? "Three months ago; but I have three months' longer indulgence.

"What! are you absolved beforehand? "Yes; I said so many prayers, and the priest received so much for to do it.

"Is there any harm in killing heretics? "No; for it will lessen the number of the enemies of the church, and we shall be better

But while the motive merits our approbation, we are at a loss to dis-off for it in paradise, for being so zealous for

cover much originality of thought or depth of research. Imagination has had its share in the formation of several scenes that are presented to our view, and the observations to which they have given birth, are such as have often been presented to the public. The most interesting article occurs in the Irish Reaper. The dialogue appears to have been founded on fact, and we cannot but lament, that so much ignorance should prevail in a soil capable of better produce. Of this ignorance, and the dominion of priestcraft, the reader will be able to judge from the following quotations.

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"Though nothing is plainer than the revealed will of God; yet nothing is more evident than the direct opposition of this infallible church to it! The scriptures say, Thou shalt worship the Lord thy God, and him only shalt thou serve:'-the popish priests say to their people, Thou shalt worship Peter, the Holy Virgin, and saints without number.' The word of God says, 'Thou shalt neither steal, nor murder, nor commit fornication and adultery.' But the holy Mother church grants indulgences for thefts, drunkenness, and murder; and her infallible popes and priests themselves have even set the example in fornication and adultery.

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"With money you may purchase the indulgence of any sin. Give them money, and they will pretend even to deliver from hell itself. Such is their faith; such are their delusions;

the church.

“Did you ever read your Bible? "No; our priests won't allow us.

"Then how do you know what he tells you to be true?

"Because the Bible is true; and he tells us what is in it.

"What is the reason he will not let you read it?

"Because we cannot understand it; only the learned understand it.

"So then, if your priest were to tell you the greatest absurdity, you would believe him, if

he said it was in the Bible?

"Yes; I have no judgment in it.

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How do you expect to go to heaven?

I shall pay so much to the priest to pray me out of purgatory into paradise, and shall take two-pence with me to pay my passage with.


My spiritcould hardly contain itself at thus finding an immortal creature, living in a Christian land, so lost in ignorance, superstition, wickedness, and lies; sunk so low as to place his belief in such fooleries and perfect nonsense. I said,

"But do you not know, that when you die, your soul, which is a spirit, will leave this body: how then can it carry with it any thing to pay its passage into another world?

"I don't know, said be, but the priests say so; but you are a heretic, you cannot understand.

Having said this, he turned away, greatly offended at my question, notwithstanding I had just conferred upon him no small obligation. When he was gone, I could not help lifting up my beart, and praying, that God would in his mercy enlighten this benighted reaper's

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