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النشر الإلكتروني

teaching our people to lead clean lives, and of impressing upon our young men the imperative necessity of moral cleanliness. So many examples come to the surface every day showing sexual iniquity and impurity that it is time to cry out against this sin. Parents, teachers and Church authorities must diligently warn their sons and daughters against these vile sins of the world, and make plain to them the sorrow and death that await the sinners. The warning should come in a Christ-like, earnest, and sincere spirit, in visdom, and without cant and hypocrisy.

One illustration will serve to show the value and result of pure language, and let me say that undefiled language comes from pure thought, which is a fountain of pure life.

I have in mind one of the noble men of our Church whose motto was "The Kingdom of God or nothing"-the late President John Taylor. There was a man who was worthy, a pure-minded man. A cleaner man in habits, views, language and sentiment, I never had the honor of associating with in my life. During President Taylor's Presidency and the latter part of his illness, I was with him by day and by night, and I never saw nor heard a single thing in his actions or words that he might not have said or done in the presence of the most chaste man or woman in the world, or in the presence of angels or of God himself. I can say truthfully that I never heard him tell a joke, nor say anything that he would not have said in the presence of women anywhere. I have heard men say things in jest, among their brethren and among men, that they would not say to their wives and daughters, but never in my life have I heard President Taylor, either in story or jest, say anything that he would or could not have said in the presence of the most chaste in the world. He was a man of God, an example to all mankind.

I wish to say to all who read these lines that the key to purity is found in chaste thoughts, and the young man who obtains it will be able to unlock a rich storehouse of cleanliness enabling his life to be as the fresh morning. If in our community we shall succeed, as heretofore, in rearing young men whose lives are thus clean and pure, whose actions are above reproach, who will observe the commandments and the teachings of the gospel, as we understand them, and as we are or should be teaching them to

our children and to the world, this Church need have no fear of the outbursts of falsehood and indignation from our enemies and from those who seek to destory us with lies and sensational stories. We shall triumph over all, for truth and purity will triumph in the end. But woe unto us if we fail in this great duty, for the Lord will have a pure people.


On Titles

We desire to call special attention to an article appearing elsewhere in this issue, entitled, "The Honor and Dignity of Priesthood;" written by Elder James E. Talmage, of the Council of the Twelve. We heartily commend the article to the careful study of every officer and member of the Church, as well as to our friends who are investigating the doctrines of the restored Church, and who have not yet identified themselves with us as members of this great organization, established by Divine command in this the Dispensation of the Fulness of Times.

Priesthood is not given for the honor or aggrandizement of man, but for the ministry of service among those for whom the bearers of that sacred commission are called to labor. Be it remembered that even our Lord and Master, after long fasting, when faint in body and physically weakened by exhausting vigils and continued abstinence, resisted the arch tempter's suggestion that he use the authority and power of his Messiahship to provide for his own immediate needs.

The God-given titles of honor and of more than human distinction associated with the several offices in and orders of the Holy Priesthood, are not to be used nor considered as are the titles originated by man; they are not for adornment nor are they expressive of mastership, but rather of appointment to humble service in the work of the one Master whom we profess to serve. The Scribes and Pharisees of old sought to be esteemed as great above their fellows, and loved to be greeted with distinct on in the markets and upon the streets, and to be called by titles of honor, "But," said our Lord, addressing his disciples, "be not ye called Rabbi; for one is your Master, even Christ; and all ye are brethren." (See Matt. 23:1-8.)

In our custom of using the expressive term of address,

"Brother," and the corresponding form "Sister," there is accorded suggestive emphasis of our common family membership in the household of the Lord. We are all brethren and sisters, not some of us masters and others underlings. Nevertheless those who are chosen, ordained, and sustained in offices of responsibility and authority are to be respected, and their official acts and counsels are to be heeded, in all things pertaining to their special ministry, for they act not of themselves but as representatives of the authority of God.

The too frequent use of the name of Deity, even in our prayers, is to be avoided; that Name is holy, and the Lord will not hold guiltless one who uses his name lightly or in vain.

In the use of all names and titles pertaining to the Holy Priesthood, to the Church, and to members thereof, let due care and reverence be felt and shown.

The article herein referred to has our fullest endorsement and sanction. We trust its teachings, counsels and injunctions will be heeded by every member of the Church.




First Presidency.

Messages from the Missions

President Theodore Tobiason, of the Swedish Mission, visited the conferences of Sweden at the close of last year and found them in good condition. He writes: "We have as fine a lot of elders in this mission as you will meet anywhere, good, honest, clean, intelligent

and energetic, all trying to do their best to enlighten the people and keep before them the principles of the gospel as revealed in our day. We meet with considerable opposition. The ministers appear to be very jealous of us, and often call in the brethren before their councils and forbid them to preach or do missionary work in their various dioceses. We pay little attention to their orders, but go right ahead as if there were no ministers in the country. The first time the fine is very nominal. We pay this and proceed with our work as before. In the course of two or three weeks the elders are often called in again, and heavier fines imposed upon them, which often go unpaid. Sometimes they are called in the third time.


They are then generally handed over to the civil authorities who are instructed to collect the fines. We have two cases like this on appeal to a higher court, but continue our preaching as if nothing had happened. We are looking anxiously for a decision in our cases, that we may know what our rights are. If the courts go against us, we will appeal to the king, as we intend to go as far as possible in maintaining our rights. We have not come here to take our orders from the priests; the elders are working with a will, caring little for the ministers or what they say. We look for good results, for when opposition is brought to bear a great many honest in heart are always led to investigate the truths of the gospel, and finally to embrace it. We ought to have a few more elders here, say fifty or sixty. A great many places have not been visited for years, but we cannot visit them for lack of workers."

Elder Daniel Young Spencer, who is at present filling a mission in Germany, having resided for the past five or six months at Konigsberg, writes:

"One of the first things that forcibly strikes a young Latter-day Saint when he comes in contact with the outside world is the fact that he does not know enough of the gospel

to protect his claim as a Latter-day Saint. He feels as helpless as a soldier without `ammunition. And why should this condition exist? We have our Church schools and organizations where he can prepare himself, but as a rule he has no desire to do so. He has not taken the trouble to understand the vital importance of building up a gospel armor to protect himself against the world.

"We, the younger generation, do not take advantage of Our opportunities. Some of us are 'Mormons' for no other reason than that our parents favor that faith. Shame on us for such a reason! It is a confession of negligence and sloth. It is time for an awakening among the young men for a determination to find for ourselves just why we take the name of Latter-day Saints; to study those great principles which will enlighten us as to our purpose here on earth.

"There is in fact something radically wrong with us. We dissipate our time and think too little of the future, and thus are in danger of gradually slipping away from a strict moral code. Let us take time to study ourselves; let us not evade anything, but if we are wrong, admit it, and get it out of our system. Talking will not accomplish anything-let's act. We shall certainly have the help of God in such an endeavor.

"Something happened to me in this line the other morning. I had risen feeling rather out of sorts, and as I started out tracting, I felt rather rebellious that things didn't come easier; that the language didn't come quicker, that my work didn't show bigger results, all this and many other regrets. I was thinking it all over when suddenly the words of the song, "Count Your Many Blessings," ran through my mind. Now that was only a little thing, but as I hummed it over it


made a most wonderful impression. As I walked on, I noticed the cripples, and little children with sore eyes, the homes that spoke of absolute poverty, and each step I felt a little more guilty that I had for a moment repined at my supposed trials, when all about me were things that were really hard to meet. To understand this you would have to get a glimpse of a typical Konigsberg street. In front of every door play five or ten children-very dirty, some deformed, others crippled. Many of them are half blind, and often you find crazy, or weak-minded ones-due to immorality of the parents. You see children of eight or ten years carrying babies, which are left in their charge. The women take part in all manual labor; if a building is torn down, you see women carrying bricks and loading the wagons. In the country you see scores of women in the fields, ploughing, hoeing and doing all kinds of heavy labor. This is because four millions of men serve in the armies of Europe, and some one has to do their work. I could go on indefinitely telling you incidents of unusual conditions, but these will serve to show you what an entirely different atmosphere exists. It makes me thankful every day that I am an American-and a 'Mormon.'"

Elder L. Lamond Bunnell, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia, November 28: "The work in the South Melbourne Branch of the Victoria conference is prosperous. The elders are sorry to lose Brother Charles H. Hyde who has ever been an energetic and untiring promulgator of the truth as well as a willing and wise advisor of the elders.


Our new president, Elder William W. Taylor, will receive the hearty support of all connected with the cause of truth in this land. Elders, front to back: Russell Titenson, Bedford, Wyoming; L. Lamond Bunnell, Provo; William B. Moore, Ogden; Sylvan W. Clark, Lehi, Utah.

Denver Conference, Western States Mission, December, 1913: Back row: S. C. Williams, Teasdale; F. H. Baugh, Jr., Logan; F. L. England, Tooele. Center: D. L. Bowen, Tooele, Utah; Mabel L. Smith, Preston, Idaho; Mary H. Dalton, Manassa, Colo.; Tina M.

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