once chief over many statesmen, adorned with virtue, and learning, and truth; he has borne at his chariot wheels a renowned one of the earth. How often we have crowded into that aisle, and clustered around that now vacant desk, to listen to the counsels of wisdom as they fell from the lips of the venerable Sage, we can all remember, for it was but of yesterday. But what a change! How wondrous! how sudden! 'Tis like a vision of the night. That form which we beheld but a few days since is now cold in death! But the last Sabbath, and in this hall he worshipped with others. Now his spirit mingles with the noble army of martyrs and the just made perfect, in the eternal adoration of the living God. With him, "this is the end of earth." He sleeps the sleep that knows no waking. He is gone - and forever! The sun that ushers in the morn of that next holy day, while it gilds the lofty dome of the capitol, shall rest with soft and mellow light upon the consecrated spot beneath whose turf forever lies the PATRIOT FATHER and the PATRIOT SAGE. REMEMBRANCE OF THE GOOD. H. HUMPHREY. WHY is it that the names of Howard, and Thornton, and Clarkson, and Wilberforce, will be held in everlasting remembrance? Is it not chiefly on account of their goodness, their Christian philanthropy, the overflowing and inexhaustible benevolence of their great minds? Such men feel that they were not born for themselves, nor for the narrow circle of their kindred and acquaintances, but for the world and for posterity. They delight in doing good on a great scale. Their talents, their property, their time, their knowledge and experience and influence, they hold in constant requisition for the benefit of the poor, the oppressed, and the perishing. You may trace them along the whole pathway of life, by the blessings which they scatter far and wide. They may be likened to yon noble river, which carries gladness and fertility, from state to state, through all the length of that rejoicing valley, which it was made to bless; - or to those summer showers which pour gladness and plenty over all the regions that they visit, till they melt away into the glorious effulgence of the setting sun. Such a man was Howard, the prisoner's friend. Christian philanthropy was the element in which he lived and moved, and out of which life would have been intolerable. It was to nim that kings listened with astonishment, as if doubtful from what world of pure, disinterestedness he had come. To him despair opened her dungeons, and plague and pestilence could summon no terrors to arrest his investigations. In his presence, crime, though girt with the iron panoply of desperation, stood amazed and rebuked. With him home was nothing, country was nothing, health was nothing, life was nothing. His first and last question was, "What is the utmost that I can do for degraded, depraved, bleeding humanity, in all her prison houses?" And what wonders did he accomplish! What astonishing changes in the whole system of prison discipline may be traced back to his disclosures and suggestions, and how many millions, yet to be born, will rise up and call him blessed! Away, all ye Cæsars and Napoleons, to your own dark and frightful domains of slaughter and misery! Ye can no more endure the light of such a godlike presence than the eye, already inflamed to torture by dissipation, can look the sun in the face at noonday. NATIONAL MONUMENT TO WASHINGTON. R. C. WINTHROP. FELLOW-CITIZENS, let us seize this occasion to renew to each other our vows of allegiance and devotion to the American Union, and let us recognize in our common title to the name and the fame of Washington, and in our common veneration for his example and his advice, the all-sufficient centripetal power, which shall hold the thick clustering stars of our confederacy in one glorious constellation forever! Let the column which we are about to construct be at once a pledge and an emblem of perpetual union! Let the foundations be laid, let the superstructure be built up and cemented, let each stone be raised and riveted, in a spirit of national brotherhood! And may the earliest ray of the rising sun till that sun shall set to rise no more - draw forth from it daily, as from the fabled statue of antiquity, a strain of national harmony, which shall strike a responsive cord in every heart throughout the republic! Proceed, then, fellow-citizens with the work for which you have assembled. Lay the corner-stone of a monument which shall adequately bespeak the gratitude of the whole American people to the illustrious father of his country! Build it to the skies; you cannot outreach the loftiness of his principles! Found it upon the massive and eternal rock; you cannot make it more enduring than his fame! Construct it of the peerless Parian marble; you cannot make it purer than his life! Exhaust upon it the rules and principles of ancient and of modern art; you cannot make it more proportionate than his character. But let not your homage to his memory end here. Think not to transfer to a tablet or a column the tribute which is due from yourselves. Just honor to Washington can only be rendered by observing his precepts and imitating his example. Similitudine decoremus. He has built his own monument. We, and those who come after us, in successive generations, are its appointed, its privileged guardians. The wide-spread republic is the future monument to Washington. Maintain its independence. Uphold its constitution. Preserve its union. Defend its liberty. Let it stand before the world in all its original strength and beauty, securing peace, order, equality and freedom, to all within its boundaries, and shedding light and hope and joy upon the pathway of human liberty throughout the world, - and Washington needs no other monument. Other structures may fully testify our veneration for him; this, this alone can adequately illustrate his services to mankind. Nor does he need even this. The republic may perish; the wide arch of our ranged union may fall; star by star its glories may expire; stone by stone its columns and its capitol may moulder and crumble; all other names which adorn its annals may be forgotten; but as long as human hearts shall anywhere pant, or human tongues shall anywhere plead, for a true, rational, constitutional liberty, those hearts shall enshrine the memory, and those tongues prolong the fame, of GEORGE WASHINGTON. ON DECLARING THE REPUBLIC. A. DE LAMARTINE. GENTLEMEN - In beholding one of the most affecting sights which the annals of human life are capable of presenting that of an august princess defending herself with her innocent child, and coming from the midst of a deserted palace to throw herself into the midst of the representatives of the people-at such a spectacle, I share with all of you, and feel as profoundly as any of you, the two-fold sensations which have but just now agitated this assembly. I beg permission to repeat my words, and entreat you to wait to hear what will follow them. I said, gentlemen, that I feel as deeply as any man in this assemblage the two-fold sensations which have just now agitated all of us. I say this without making any distinctions. This is a moment which will not admit of them. It is a moment of equality; and this equality, I doubt not, will serve to show that those men who may hereafter be selected by their country to give peace, harmony and concord, to the nation, will only receive a sacred mission for the peace and happiness of their country - not for their own emolument and aggrandizement. But, gentlemen, if I have experienced 30 much emotion, which such an affecting spectacle naturally nspires - a spectacle of the greatest of human catastrophes - if I have shared, in common with you all, in the feelings which have animated you all, whatever in other respects your opinions may be, much less have I been wanting in deeply partaking and vividly feeling a sensation of the deepest and profoundest respect for that glorious people, who have now for two days been fighting to overthrow a treacherous and deceitful government, and to reëstablish, upon a foundation henceforth not to be shaken, the reign of order and the empire of liberty. But, gentlemen, I do not fall into the delusion made a little while ago in this place. I do not conceive that a sudden exclamation, the effect of a momentary emotion, can bestow any solid right to the possession of the government over thirty-five millions of men! What one plaudit may proclaim, a succeeding acclamation may overthrow. Whatever form of government it may please the wisdom and interest of the country to erect, it is the interest of all persons, that a popular, solid and firm government should be established. Well, then, gentlemen, how are we to do this? How are we to find this unshakable foundation? From the great mass of the people - from them let it be, as it were, expressed in a convention of the people. This will be better than having recourse to tricks, to subterfuges, to intrigues, to sudden surprises and sudden emotions, of which the people sooner or later will have cause bitterly to repent. I come forward, therefore, to support with all my powers the two-fold demand; first of a government provisional, and of necessity, I admit, but a government of order, a government which may staunch the blood which is now flowing, and stop the civil war which is raging between fellow-citizens. I demand, therefore, that instantly, by the rights of public peace, by the rights of the blood which is flowing, by the rights of a 72 PROSE DECLAMATIONS glorious people, exhausted with the heroic toil of the three past days-I demand the immediate establishment of a provisional government - a government to be set aside by the definitive government which the people may be pleased to organize when consulted in convention - a provisional government, whose first mission will be, in my opinion, to establish peace between citizens; the second, to prepare immediately to consult the whole nation- to consult the whole National Guard of the whole people - I mean the entire people - all who, by the title of a man, have rights as men. SUFFERINGS AND DESTINY OF THE PILGRIMS. 1 E. EVERETT. METHINKS I see it now, that one solitary, adventurous vessel, the Mayflower of a forlorn hope, freighted with the prospects of a future state, and bound across the unknown sea. I behold it pursuing, with a thousand misgivings, the uncertain, the tedious voyage. Suns rise and set, and weeks and months pass, and winter surprises them on the deep, but brings them not the sight of the wished-for shore. I see them now, scantily supplied with provisions, crowded almost to suffocation in their ill-stored prison, delayed by calms, pursuing a circuitous route; and now driven in fury before the raging tempest, on the high and giddy wave. The awful voice of the storm howls through the rigging; the laboring masts seem straining from their base; the dismal sound of the pumps is heard; the ship leaps, as it were, madly, from billow to billow; the ocean breaks, and settles with ingulfing floods over the floating deck, and beats, with_deadening, shivering weight, against the staggered vessel. I see them, escaped from these perils, pursuing their all but desperate undertaking, and landed, at last, after a few months' passage, on the ice-clad rocks of Plymouth, - weak and weary from the voyage, poorly armed, scantily provisioned, without shelter, without means, surrounded by hostile tribes. Shut, now, the volume of history, and tell me, on any principle of human probability, what shall be the fate of this handful of adventurers? Tell me, man of military science, in how many months were they all swept off by the thirty savage tribes enumerated within the early limits of New |