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النشر الإلكتروني

flocks into Wales, and thus the pagan Saxons having overrun all the lowland portion of the country, the saints, whose memory is honoured in Wales, and St Colomba in the North, were the only remaining teachers of the Church of Britain.'-Churton's Early English Church, p. 30.

WE are glad to see by a circular which, we understand, has been extensively distributed, that a renewed effort is about to be made to publish and circulate religious Tracts, suited to the peculiar wants of the members of our communion. The number of cheap publications, both Tracts and Periodicals, of infidel or sectarian principles, now continually issuing from the press, and the industry with which they are circulated, render some counteracting influence of a similar kind absolutely necessary. Every one at all acquainted with the ways and habits of the poorer classes, especially in country districts, must know, that while they can hardly be induced to peruse a large work, such as can read, (and in the present day who cannot ?) willingly read a short tract: they are not frightened by its length: the few minutes they can spare in the intervals of their daily tasks, or in the evening when the labours of the day are over, suffice for its perusal. While, therefore, large books are refused, Tracts and other short Publications are read with avidity, and that in general without any idea of selection, all that come to hand being taken indifferently. Yet there is reason to believe, that this indifference is in great measure the result of there being few or none of the works of orthodox writers placed within their reach in the same attractive and suitable form as those of sectarians and infidels. Were it otherwise, the former could hardly fail to be preferred, for there is something in the writings of those separated from the communion of the faithful— even though they may be the writings of earnest and well intentioned men-repugnant to the religious temper naturally induced by frequenting the services and sacraments of the Church.

It will occur to some, that the universally admitted deficiency of such publications amongst us might be supplied by adopting Tracts at present circulated in England; but, as the circular truly states, those tracts are in a great measure unfitted for distribution among our people, owing to the difference of circumstances between the Scottish and English branches of the Catholic Church,-in that the English Church is supported by the civil power, while the Scottish is not; and that the former is the predominant religion of the country,

while in Scotland the Church is as a besieged city, is scorned, if not hated, by the great mass of the population, and has but a slight hold on the affections of such of the great and wealthy of the land as profess to be her members-for they do not call themselves her children. With a few verbal alterations, however, we believe, that there are many, both English and American Tracts, admirably suited for circulation in Scotland; and we would recommend the projectors of the present scheme to keep this in view.

This is by no means the first attempt at the publication of Tracts suited for home circulation, but as most of our readers are probably aware, and as some of our clergy and laity know to their personal cost, all the previous undertakings have been unsuccessful. This arose in a great degree from their being confined to a few individuals in the same locality, and so coming under the suspicion of being got up with party views. The projectors of the present scheme have endeavoured to avoid this rock on which their predecessors have split, by placing their undertaking under the sanction and control of the Primus and his colleagues, and by engaging on their committee clergymen and laymen from all parts of the Church. We heartily wish the undertaking every success, and for the better information of our readers, we subjoin the circular alluded to above, as well as a memorandum appended to some of the copies, which contains the names of [some of the] Tracts preparing for immediate circulation, and those of the members of the committee of management, as far as this has yet been definitely arranged.



All clergymen who have been engaged in Pastoral Duty, must have felt the want of proper Tracts calculated to instruct their people in the true Faith and Doctrine of the Christian Church, especially in those points where the difference of circumstances between the English and Scottish branches of the Church renders inapplicable to the latter the Tracts at present circulated in the former.

It is proposed, therefore, to form a Society for the purpose of publishing such Tracts as are likely to meet this want; that is to say, Tracts of a devotional and practical, rather than of a directly polemical character. They will consist of reprints as well as of new works.

This proposal has received the sanction of the Primus and other Bishops of our Church; and care will be taken to furnish the public with a sufficient guarantee, that the works published shall be in strict conformity with the Doctrine and Discipline of the Church.

To carry this scheme into efficiency, subscriptions will be neces

sary. It is calculated, that if the proposal be well received by the members of the Church, an annual payment of 5s. by each subscriber will be sufficient to cover the expenses, and in order to burden the clergy and others as little as possible, it is proposed, that subscribers shall be entitled to receive Tracts in a certain proportion to the value of their subscriptions.

All who are interested in this scheme are requested to communicate with the Secretary, Dr Ogilvie, 156 Union Street, Aberdeen, who is authorized to receive subscriptions and donations, and who will furnish such additional information as may be desired in regard to the proposed scheme.

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With additional Clergy and Laity from the other dioceses of the Church.


1. The Moral Training of the Church. By the Rev. W. T. Kip, M.A.

2. Popular Objections against the Church. By the Same.

3. The Church in all Ages the Keeper of the Truth. By the Same.

4. The Church and Schism. By Bp. Jolly.

5. Occasional Schism. By Bp. Rattray.

6. The Old Paths. By Bp. Hobart.

7. Unity. By Bp. Seabury.


8. Worship, the Use of a Liturgy. By Bp. H. U. Onderdonk.
9. The Faith and Practice of a Churchman. By the Rev.
10. Guide to the Church. By Bp. W. Abernethy Drummond.
11. The Inventions of Men in the Worship of God. By Abp. King.
12. The Cross of Christ, and the Religion of the Cross.


In the year 1845-on the Petition of the Bishop-the United Dioceses of Moray, Ross, Argyll, and the Isles (in the Scottish Episcopal Church), being found too large for the superintendence of one Diocesan, were divided: Moray and Ross were retained under the care of their former Diocesan; Argyll and the Isles were placed under the charge of a separate Diocesan.

This Diocese comprehends the Shires of Argyll and Bute, the greater portion of that of Inverness, and the whole of the Western Isles. It extends for about 230 miles from north to south, and about 120 from east to west.

The population has always been distinguished for its adherence to the Episcopal form of Church Government; but the depressed state of the Episcopal Communion in Scotland for so many years, and the difficulty of obtaining clergymen who could speak the

Gaelic language-the native tongue of a great proportion of the people has reduced the number of Episcopalians very considerably, so that there are not at present more than about two thousand souls enjoying pastoral care. There are, however, many more ready to avail themselves of its advantages, were it in their power. But the people, in general, are extremely poor, and unable to provide themselves with what is requisite. It is the hope and expectation of the Bishop, with God's blessing, to enable them to obtain, in some measure, that of which they stand in need. To assist him in this purpose, he has instituted a fund called The Highland and Island Episcopal Fund'-the chief objects of which will be the erection of churches in destitute districts; of schools, in which the English language may be taught; the education and maintenance of clergy able to speak to the people in their native tongue; the publication of books and tracts in the English and Gaelic languages; and such other things as may seem most likely to help forward the spiritual welfare and condition of the people. The management of this fund will be vested in the Bishop, but its working will be submitted from time to time to those who take interest and part in its operation. The Bishop (at Lochgilphead) will be glad to receive and acknowledge all sums sent to him in aid of the fund, and to afford such information as may be desired as to the wants of the Diocese.

It is deemed unnecessary in this place to make any lengthened appeal to those who may receive this statement, and have it in their power to contribute to forward the objects embraced in it. Among the many claims put before the religiously disposed, however, it may be said, that there are few of a more pressing nature than this, the poverty of the people, the diversity of language, the great distances between the various church localities, the paucity of clergy, and the want of means to raise up and supply an adequate number of them, give this statement a claim to attention second to none of a similar import.

The Diocese of Argyll and the Isles is one of great interest, from its natural scenery and historical associations, as well as from the condition of its people. It is a land of hills and valleys, and drinketh water of the rain of heaven'-it is the land of the labours of the primitive Saint Columba-it contains the holy island of Iona and the seats of the ancient Bishops of the Isles, of Sodor, and of Argyll. The sheep have been scattered on the mountains in the dark and cloudy day'-it cannot but be the work of the Lord to restore and bring them back.

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PREVIOUS to the attempt in 1745 to restore the house of Stuart to the British throne, there was in Drumlithie a flourishing congregation, with a commodious church, under the pastoral care of the Rev. Mr Petrie. In the spring of 1746, this church was entirely razed to the ground by the soldiers of the Duke of Cumberland, who, on his way to the north, took up his quarters for a short time at Stonehaven, and employed his soldiers in demolishing the churches and burning the Bibles and Prayer-books of the Episcopalians.

From that time, the members of the Church in and around Drumlithie possessed no regular place of worship, but were obliged to meet in such places as their circumstances and the persecutions to which they were subjected would allow, till 1819; when they were enabled, through the exertions of their Bishop, the Right Rev. George Gleig, LL.D., to build their present church, which consists of a nave 48 feet long by 20 feet wide, and stands on the site of the church destroyed in 1746.

The wood work of this building having fallen into a state of complete decay from dry rot,' it has become absolutely necessary to have it all renewed, and that, too, in such a manner as will prevent in future the operation of the dry rot. In making this restoration, it is proposed to have the present very awkward, uncomfortable, and unchurch-like seats in the nave replaced by low open benches, sufficiently wide to allow the worshippers to kneel; but in order to carry out this proposal, the space at the east end of the nave, presently occupied by the altar, prayer-pue, and pulpit, must be added to the space allotted for the benches, and a chancel built. The cost of these improvements is estimated at about £280. To raise this sum the congregation, owing to their poverty, are constrained to appeal to the members of the Church generally, in the earnest hope that, by the abounding of their liberality, through the grace given in Christ Jesus, the endeavours now made to render the church of Drumlithie a house in some degree suitable to the worship of the God of Heaven, will be crowned with success.

Working plans, which have been approved of by the Bishop of the Diocese, have been generously furnished by Alexander Roos, Esq., Honorary Member of the Ecclesiological Society. The Rood and Lectern are given by A. J. Beresford Hope, Esq., M.P. for Maidstone.

Subscriptions will be received by the Right Rev. the Bishop of Brechin, Dundee; the Rev. R. K. Thom, Drumlithie, by Stonehaven, N.B.; and by Mr Joseph Masters, Aldersgate Street, London.

NOTE.-'The Duke of Cumberland made war upon the church in his progress northward, as well as on the invader of the kingdom and the rival of his house. He ordered all the Episcopal meetings in the north of Scotland to be demolished; many of their places for public worship were burned to the ground, with their Prayer-books

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