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Protestant Missions of the World. Held in London, June, 1888. Edited by the Rev. JAMES JOHNSTON, F. S. S., Secretary of the Conference. Two large 8vo. vols., 1200 pages, $2.00 net per set.

An important feature in this report, lack of which has prejudiced many against reports in general, is the special care taken by the Editor, who has succeeded in making the work an interesting and accurate reproduction of the most important accumulation of facts from the Mission Fields of the World, as given by the representatives of all the Evangelical Societies of Christendom.

And another: The exceptionally complete and helpful indexing of the entire work in such a thorough manner as to make it of the greatest value as a Reference Encyclopedia on mission topics for years to come. THE MISSIONARY YEAR BOOK FOR 1889-90. Containing

Historical and Statistical accounts of the Principle Protestant Missionary
Societies in America, Great Britain and the Continent of Europe.

The American edition, edited by Rev. J. T. GRACEY, D.D., of Buffalo, embraces about 450 pages, one-fourth being devoted to the work of American Societies, and will contain Maps of India, China Japan, Burmah, and Siam; also a language Map of India and comparative diagrams illustrating areas, population and progress of Mission work. This compilation will be the best presentation of the work of the American Societies in Pagan Lands that has yet been given to the public. The book is strongly recommended by Rev. Jas. JOHNSTON, F.S.S., as a companion volume to the Report of the Century Conference on Missions. Cloth, 12mo. $1.25. GARENGANZE: or, Seven Years' Pioneer Missionary Work

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The author's two trips across Africa, entirely unarmed and unattended except by the local and constantly changing carriers, and in such marked contrast with many modern adventurers, strongly impress one to ask'if another Livingstone has not appeared among us. Traversing where no white man had ever been seen before anu meeting kings and chiefs accustomed only to absolute power, he demanded and received attention in the name of his God. Cloth 8vo, 290 pages, $1.25. IN THE FAR EAST: China Illustrated. Letters from Gerald

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In the Far Eazi,
Rev. C. H. SPURGEON, writes:

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The author is to be congratulated for the taste and beauty with which these letters are now put into permanent form. A full page colored map of China enhances this admirable gift book.

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NEW YORK: 12 Bible House, Astor Pl.

Fleming H. Revell

CHICAGO: 148 & 150 Madison St.

Missionary Publications



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NEW YORK: 12 Bible House, Astor Pl.

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