184 THE DYING SENECA Be still my worshipped Being, In mind and heart, in mind and heart. And bid thy song that found me My minstrel maid, my minstrel maid! Be winter's sunbeam round me, And summer's shade, and summer's shade. I could not gaze upon thee, And dare thy spell, and dare thy spell, And, when a happier won thee, Thus bid farewell, thus bid farewell. wwwwww THE DYING SENECA. He died not as the martyr dies, Wrapped in his living shroud of flame; He fell not as the warrior falls, Rome's slaughtered sons and blazing piles To fill the fiery scroll of wrath ; The field was sown with noble blood, PAINTING. g up its crimson flood was rent away s trampled on his clay. -none pitied-they who knelt ng by the despot's throne, dashed the laurelled bust 185 -ned the wreaths themselves had strown; of triumph echoed wide, ung reptile writhed and died! PAINTING. BY P. M. WETMORE. to the pencil's magic skill s thine, o'er history's storied page, Men To shed the halo-light of truth ; With mailed men to people forth; That told life's agony was o'er- 1 THE FIRST DAY OF THE YEAR. 187 E FIRST DAY OF THE YEAR. ADDRESSED TO MY DAUGHTERS. BY MRS. S. J. HALE. day-it is a trifling theme, nd who would heed a day? evening's gloom, a morning's gleam, Cow soon they pass away! s but a welcome an adieuThe fairest day is gone; a with to-morrow's hopes in view, Ve bid the hours roll on-day like bird in tethering string, th faded eye, and folded wing, Its narrow circle creeps; t like a bird in airy flight, ith wing of power and eye of light, To-morrow heaven-ward sweeps. ach are the dreams of early youth, The vine, even when its prop is lost, 188 THE FIRST DAY OF THE YEAR. Its tendrils torn and tempest-tost, 'Tis sad, as years grow short, to know But saddest of all earthly wo, Is childhood bowed in grief; In sunny skies let fledgings fly ; Be prairies green and fair, Their glancing footsteps there; And thus doth feeling's signet prove When eye meets eye in trusting love, |