صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني
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te that bird, when friendship's throng

fortune's sun depart,

zers with its cheerful song,

nestles on the heart.


Dice of Spring! and blushing flowers rembling from their seats,

g from sunbeams and from showers exchange of sweets:

birds their matin notes prolong g the cottage vines: ottage children list the songincense to sweet shrines! to depart, the sunny stream, rning, glides awayings of Paradise the dream is dim spot convey.

cs! which the sweet affections bind

nature's purest tie,

re hope and faith are deeply shrined,

deeply, soon to die

ove the season! pure as light,

red the spirits play :

dreams are yours for coming night,

richer still for day

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'Speed, speed my bark! life's laughing seas
Are not as false as fair'

The white sail fills-cold blows the breeze
And rocks have darkened there!

The voice of Autumn! earth receives

The summons of decay :-
Rustling around, the yellow leaves
Bestrew the wanderer's way.

No bloom or balm to cheer the hours;
The blithe bird sings no more :
Hoarse brawls the stream in forest bow'rs,
That murmured sweet before:
Through the black woodland, dim and pale
The dying hills appear;

And hark! the moaning night-winds wail
'The requiem of the year!

Hearts! where misfortune has effaced

The sunrise beams of youth;

And cold experience truly traced,

'Earth is no home for truth;'

Fame, friendship, pleasure-vainly bought-
Love-wasted to a sigh-

Dark night descending-ere ye thought

The gentle evening nigh:

What hope remains? 'lone Autumn's smile

To mourners kindly given

Wasted on changing earth awhile

Beams from unchanging heaven.'

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IT! solitary night!'

the weary, pleasant dreams for wo, vorn heart a freshness and delight, thou bestow:

s on the sheltering nest,

owers unfolded to the dewy air, ight ascending to the worlds of rest, sway declare.

h thee a shadowy band,

› remembered music on our ears,

ished hope, whose arch of promise spanned e coming years.

ht! solitary night!

fundying fame and power are thine, ag rich gleams of intellectual light Dund thy shrine:

■, how wert thou adored,

The Chaldean read thy bright array, Hence through the starry maze explored er radiant way!

vak'ner of high thought;

assion struggling with the solid earth!



By thee mankind are eloquently taught
Their primal wortn.

Night! solitary night! Immortal pages, glowing with deep song, And minds inspired outwinging human flight, To thee belong!



FAREWELL! perchance we meet no more
Upon this dreary earth;

Fill up! for parting hours should be
The tempest-time of mirth;
Too soon they'll pass, and weariness
Cling to this heart and thine-
So let us tinge the coming cloud
With the rosy flash of wine.

Thou just one! in thy spirit
The ancient spirit burns;
Its truth, its courage, and its faith
Beam from thine eye by turns:
I throw me on thy trusting breast
And starts the unbidden tear-
A tribute on the unsullied shrine
Of thy affection here.


told thee I was stern and cold, d bade thee turn away

a one by his own feeling doomed wither and decay

s! little know they that the heart ow throbbing 'gainst thine own gns its citadel to pridetenderness its throne.

up! and when the golden wine ouches the sparkling brim,

'll drink the memory of that star Whose light grew early dim;

- friend-our brother-he who rests On the far Indian shore

cheerful smile and manly song

Can gladden us no more.

ace to his ashes! o'er his grave
The screaming sea-bird wheels;
ne silver wave, with timid step,
To kiss its bosom steals,
ne spicy winds moan over it
A sadly musical strain-
ut fill! here's the name of MILLER
Once more-again-again!

Jas, alas, that MEMORY

Should be still in love with Wo;

That her brightest glances linger
On the dreariest spots below.


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