صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني
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LITURGICS: G. Semeria, The Eucharistic Liturgy in the Roman Rite: its History and Symbolism adapted from the Italian by Rev. E. S. Berry, New York, 1911.

LORD'S SUPPER: F. Dibelius, Das Abendmahl. Eine Untersuchung über die Anfänge der christlichen Religion, Leipsic, 1911.

K. Kircher, Die sakrale Bedeutung des Weines im Altertum, Giessen, 1911.

LUTHER, MARTIN: P. Drews, Beiträge zu Luthers liturgischen Reformen. 1. Lateinische und deutsche Litanei von 1529. 2. Luthers deutsche Versikel und Kollekten, Tübingen, 1910. H. Grisar, Luther, vol. ii., Auf der Höhe des Lebens, Freiburg, 1911.

A. C. McGiffert, Martin Luther: the Man and his Work, New York, 1911.

O. Scheel, Dokumente zu Luthers Entwicklung
(bis 1519), Tübingen, 1911.

P. Smith, The Life and Letters of Martin Luther,
Boston, 1911.

LUTHERANS: A. H. Smith, The Lutheran Church and
Child Nurture, Philadelphia, 1911.
MACLAGAN, W. D.: F. D. How, Archbishop Mac-
lagan. Being a Memoir of William Dalrymple
Maclagan, D.D., Archbishop of York and
Primate of England, London, 1911.
MARGARET, SAINT: St. Margaret, Queen of Scotland,
London, 1911.

MARPRELATE TRACTS: The Marprelate Tracts 1588,

1589. Edited with Notes Historical and Explanatory by William Pierce, London, 1911. MATHER, COTTON: Diary of Cotton Mather, part 1, Boston, 1911.

METHODISTS: W. McKinley, A Story of Minnesota Methodism, Cincinnati, 1911.

MILLENNIAL DAWN: E. L. Eaton, The Millennial

Dawn Heresy. An Examination of Pastor Charles T. Russell's Teaching concerning the Purpose of the Second Advent and the Millennium, as set forth in his Published Books and Papers-" The Divine Plan of the Ages," and others of similar Import, Cincinnati, 1911. MILLER, J. R.: The Beauty of Self-Control, New York, 1911.


tian Missions, containing a Directory of Mis-
sionary Societies, a Classified Summary of
Statistics, an Index of Mission Stations, and
Maps showing the Location of Mission Sta-
tions throughout the World, ed. J. S. Dennis,
H. P. Beach, C. H. Fahs, with maps by J. G.
Bartholomew, New York, 1911.
Georgiana M. Forde, Missionary Adventures.
A Simple History of the S. P. G. With a
Preface by Edward Talbot, London, 1911.
John F. Goucher, Growth of the Missionary
Concept. The Nathan Graves Foundation
Lectures delivered before Syracuse University,
New York, 1911.

E. T. Reed, A World Book of Foreign Missions:
What They Are, What They Prove, and How
To Help, London, 1911.

T. Walker, Missionary Ideals. Missionary
Studies in the Acts of the Apostles, London,


MODERNISM: B. Baur, Klarheit und Wahrheit. Ein Erklärung des Modernisteneides, Freiburg

1911. MOHAMMED, Mohammedanism: I. Goldziher, Vo lesungen über den Islam, Heidelberg, 1910. M. Horten, Die philosophischen Probleme da spekulativen Theologie im Islam, Bonn, 1910 D. S. Margoliouth, Mohammedanism, Londo 1911.

E. Montet, De l'état présent et de l'avenir d
l'Islam, Paris, 1911.

R. A. Nicholson, The Kashf al-Mahjúb. Th
Oldest Persian Treatise on Súfiism by ‘Ali
'Uthman al-Jullábí al-Hujwiri. Translat
from the Text of the Lahore Edition, compare
with MSS. in the India Office and Britis
Museum, London, 1911.

P. Ponafidine, Life in the Moslem East, Ne
York, 1911.

H. Stubbe, An Account of the Rise and Progres
of Mahometanism with the Life of Mahome
and a Vindication of Him and His Religio
from the Calumnies of the Christians, Londo

Harem. A New Era for Moslem Women, e
Annie Van Sommer and S. M. Zwemer, Lon
don, 1911.

S. M. Zwemer and others, Islam and Mission
New York, 1911.

MORE, HENRY: R. Ward, The Life of the Learne
and Pious Dr. Henry More. Edited with In
troduction and Notes by M. F. Howard, Lon
don, 1911 [original ed., 1710].
MYSTICISM: R. Steiner, Mystics of the Renaissan
and their Relation to Modern Thought. In
cluding Meister Eckhart, Tauler, Paracelsu
Jacob Boehme, Giordano Bruno, and other
New York, 1911.
Patterson, The Negro and his Needs. Wi
a Foreword by W. H. Taft, New York, 1911
NEW THOUGHT: J. B. Anderson, New Thought: "

Lights and Shadows. An Appreciation and Criticism, Boston, 1911. NEW YEAR'S CELEBRATION: F. Bünger, Geschid der Neujahrsfeier in der Kirche, Göttinge


NIETZSCHE, F. W.: E. S. Hamblen, Friedrich N

zsche and his New Gospel, Boston, 1911. ORIGEN: The Philocalia of Origen: a Compilation

Selected Passages from Origen's Works ma
by St. Gregory of Nazianzus and St. Basil
Cæsarea. Translated into English by the Ra
G. Lewis, New York, 1911.

PAINTING: Baroness Freda de Knoop, "All Hail'

Simple Teachings on the Bible Illustration from the Old Masters, London, 1911. PALESTINE: Conférences de Saint-Etienne, Par

1911 (a composite work dealing with rece Palestinian excavation and discussion). J. E. Dinsmore and G. Dalman, Die Pflanz Palæstinas, Leipsic, 1911.

PASCAL, B.: H. Petitot, Pascal, Paris, 1911. PASTORAL THEOLOGY: S. C. Black, Building a Wa ing Church, New York, 1911,


PASTORAL THEOLOGY: C. E. Blakeway, The Claims
of Modern Thought upon the Clergy, or The
Present Task and Opportunity of the Pastorate,
Lichfield, 1911.

Non-Church Going: its Reasons and Remedies.
A Symposium, ed. W. F. Gray, New York,


J. G. Haller, The Redemption of the Prayer-
Meeting, Cincinnati, O., 1911.

A. T. Robertson, The Glory of the Ministry,
New York, 1911.

W. H. G. Thomas, The Work of the Ministry,
London, 1911.

PATRICK, SAINT: St. Patrick, Apostle of Ireland,
London, 1911.

PAUL THE APOSTLE: A. Deissmann, Paulus. Eine kultur- und religionsgeschichtliche Skizze, Tübingen, 1911.

M. Dibelius, Die Briefe des Apostels Paulus.
II. An die Thessalonicher. III. An die Phi-
lipper, Tübingen, 1911.

P. Gardner, The Religious Experience of Saint
Paul, London, 1911.

A. E. Garvie, Studies of Paul and his Gospel,
London, 1911.

H. L. Goude, The Mind of St. Paul as Illus-
trated by his Second Epistle to the Corinthians,
London, 1911.

H. Holtzmann, Praktische Erklärung des I.
Thessalonicherbriefes, Tübingen, 1911.

K. Lake, The Earlier Epistles of St. Paul: their
Motive and Origin, London, 1911.

J. E. McFadyen, The Epistles to the Corinthians,
with Notes and Comments, London, 1911.
C. Wise, The New Life of St. Paul, London,


PERFECTION: J. Mudge, The Perfect Life in Experi-
ence and Doctrine, Cincinnati, 1911.
PERU: P. F. Martin, Peru of the Twentieth Century,
New York, 1911.

PETER LOMBARD: W. Benham, The Letters of Peter

Lombard, ed. Ellen D. Baxter, London, 1911. PFLEIDERER, O.: Primitive Christianity, its Writings

and Teachings in their Historical Connections, London, 1911.

PHILIP OF HESSE: P. Wappler, Die Stellung Kur

sachsens und des Landgrafen Philipp von Hessen zur Täuferbewegung, Münster, 1910. PHOTIUS: E. Martini, Textgeschichte der Bibliotheke des Patriarchen Photios von Konstantinopel, part 1, Die Handschriften, Ausgaben und Uebertragungen, Leipsic, 1911.

PIERSON, A. T.: Dr. Pierson and His Message. A Sketch of the Life and Work of a Great Preacher, together with a Varied Selection from His Unpublished Manuscripts. Edited by J. Kennedy Maclean, London, 1911.

PIETISM: W. Goeters, Die Vorbereitung des Pietismus in der reformierten Kirche der Niederlande bis zur labadistischen Krisis 1670, Leipsic, 1911.

PILGRIMAGES: S. Heath, Pilgrim Life in the Middle Ages, London, 1911.


PIUS V.: C. M. Antony, Saint Pius V., Pope of the Holy Rosary (the preface by Mgr. R. H. Benson contains a defense of the Inquisition), London and New York, 1911.

P. Deslandres, Saint Pie V., Paris, 1911. PLATONISM: J. Adam, The Vitality of Platonism and Other Essays, Cambridge, 1911. PRACTICAL THEOLOGY: Norman E. Richardson (ed.), The Religion of Modern Manhood, New York, 1911.

PRAGMATISM: A. v. C. P. Huizinga, The American Philosophy, Pragmatism, critically Considered in Relation to Present-Day Theology, Boston, 1911.

F. H. Johnson, God in Evolution: a Pragmatic Study of Theology, New York, 1911 (tentative application of the pragmatic method to religious thought).

PRISON REFORM: J. Friedrich, Die Bestrafung der Motive und die Motive der Bestrafung. Rechtsphilosophische und kriminalpsychologische Studien, Berlin, 1910.

PROPHECY: G. C. Aalders, De valsche profetie in Israël, Wageningen, 1911.


W. P. Aylsworth, The Growing Miracle:
Practical Study of Hebrew Prophecy, Bethany,
Neb., 1911.

Lineage from Apostolic Times of the American
Catholic Church, commonly called the Episco-
pal Church, Milwaukee, 1911.
PROTESTANTISM: N. Paulus, Protestantismus und
Toleranz im 16. Jahrh., Freiburg, 1911.
PROVIDENCE: H. Siebeck, Ueber Freiheit, Entwick-
lung und Vorsehung, Tübingen, 1911.
RAMABAI, S.: H. S. Dyer, Pandita Ramabai: the
Story of her Life, New York, 1911.
RAMSAY, SIR W. M.: The First Christian Century.
Notes on Dr. Moffatt's Introduction to the Lit-
erature of the New Testament, London, 1911.
REFORMATION: H. Wace, Principles of the Reforma-
tion, Practical and Historical, New York,


H. B. Workman, Christian Thought to the Reformation, London, 1911.

REFORMED (DUTCH) CHURCH: J. I. Good, History of the Reformed Church in the U. S., in the Nineteenth Century, New York, 1911. RELIGION, PHILOSOPHY OF: E. Boutroux, Science and Religion in Contemporary Philosophy, New York, 1911.

P. Deussen, Allgemeine Geschichte der Philosophie mit besonderer Berücksichtigung der Religionen, vol. ii., part 1, Die Philosophie der Griechen, Leipsic, 1911.

H. Ehrenberg, Die Parteiung der Philosophie.
Studien wider Hegel und die Kantianer, Leip-
sic, 1911.

J. H. Randall, A New Philosophy of Life, New
York, 1911.

R. Richter, Dialoge über Religionsphilosophie,
Leipsic, 1911.

RELIGIOUS DRAMAS: M. Blondel, La Psychologie dramatique du mystère de la passion à Oberammergau, Paris, 1911.

RELIGIOUS DRAMAS: Netta Syrett, The Old Miracle Plays of England, London, 1911. REVELATION: C. H. Scharling, Offenbarung und heilige Schrift, Leipsic, 1911. REVIVALS: T. B. Kilpatrick, New Testament Evangelism, London and Toronto, 1911.

J. S. Simon, The Revival of Religion in England in the 18th Century, London, 1911. ROMAN CATHOLICS: T. J. Campbell, Pioneer Priests of North America, vol. iii., Among the Algonquins, New York, 1911. RUFINUS, TYRANNIUS: The Works of Rufinus of Aquileia, in vol. xlvi. of CSEL.

SACRED MUSIC: W. A. Barrett, English Church
Composers, new ed., New York, 1911.

C. F. Price, The Music and Hymnody of the
Methodist Hymnal, New York, 1911.

SAILER, J. M. von: R. Stölzle, Johann Michael Sailer, seine Massregelung an der Akademie zu Dillingen und seine Berufung nach Ingolstadt, Kempten, 1911.

SALVATION ARMY: A. M. Nicol, General Booth and the Salvation Army, London, 1911. SARPI, P.: K. Benrath, Neue Briefe von Paolo Sarpi (1608-16). Nach den im fürstlichen Dohna'schen Archiv aufgefundenen Originalen, Leipsic, 1909.

A. Robertson, Fra Paolo Sarpi, the Greatest of the Venetians, London, 1911.

SAVONAROLA: See above, FRANCIS, SAINT, OF ASSISI. SCHLEIERMACHER, F. D. E.: G. Cross, The Theology of Schleiermacher, Cambridge, 1911.

H. Süsskind, Christentum und Geschichte bei
Schleiermacher, part 1, Die Absolutheit des
Christentums und die Religionsphilosophie,
Tübingen, 1911.

H. Westerburg, Schleiermacher als Mann der
Wissenschaft, als Christ und Patriot, Göttin-
gen, 1911,

SCHOLASTICISM: M. Grabmann, Die Geschichte der scholastischen Methode. Nach den gedruckten und ungedruckten Quellen, 2 vols., Freiburg, 1911.

J. M. Verweyen, Philosophie und Theologie im Mittelalter. Die historischen Voraussetzungen des Anti-Modernismus, Bonn, 1911. SCHOPENHAUER, A.: T. Ruyssen, Schopenhauer, Paris, 1911.

SEMITIC LANGUAGES: E. Sachau, Aramäische Papyrus und Ostraka aus einer jüdischen Militärkolonie zu Elephantine, Leipsic, 1911.

SMYTH, JOHN: W. H. Burgess, John Smith the Se-
Baptist. Thomas Evans and the First Bap
tist Church in England, with Fresh Light upon
the Pilgrim Fathers' Church, London, 1911.
Social Task of Christianity, New York, 1911.
A. T. Devine, The Spirit of Social Work, New
York, 1911.

Mary L. Goss, Welfare Work by Corporations,
Philadelphia, 1911.

SOLOMON, ODES OF: Les Odes de Salomon, ed.

Labourt and P. Batiffol, Paris, 1911.

G. Diettrich, Die Oden Salomos unter Berüc sichtigung der überlieferten Stichengliederung Aus dem Syrischen ins Deutsche übersetzt un mit einem Kommentar versehen, Berlin, 1911 H. Grimme, Die Oden Salomos. Syrisch, h bräisch, deutsch. Ein kritischer Versuch Heidelberg, 1911.

SON OF MAN: E. Hertlein, Die Menschensohnfra im letzten Stadium. Ein Versuch zur Ein sicht in das Wesen altchristlichen Schrifttum: Stuttgart, 1911.

SPAIN: W. W. Collins, Cathedral Cities of Spain new ed., New York, 1911.

STRAUSS, D. F.: A. Lévy, David-Frédéric Straus La Vie et l'œuvre, Paris, 1910.


les isiaques sous l'empire romain, Paris, 1911.
TRINITY: L. Berthé, La Sainte Trinité, Paris, 1911.
TURKEY: N. Jorga, Geschichte des osmanischen
Reiches, vol. iv., Gotha, 1911.
TYLER, M. C.: Moses Coit Tyler, 1835-1900. Selec-

tions from his Letters and Diaries made and
edited by Jessica Tyler Austen, Garden City,
ULTRAMONTANISM: J. P. Cannegieter, Het ultra-
montanisme en de christenen van Nederland
sinds 1853, Utrecht, 1911.

J. Leute, Der Ultramontanismus in Theorie und
Praxis, Berlin, 1911.

UNION OF THE CHURCHES: T. Christian, Other Sheep
I have. The Proceedings of the Celestial Com-
mission on Church Unity, New York, 1911.
Pilgrimes: a Description of

SUFFERING: J. Hinton, The Mystery of Pain, Lo VATICAN: Ye Solace. 1450 by John Capgrave, an

don, 1911.

SUNDAY-SCHOOLS: R. C. Harker, The Work of th Sunday School: a Manual for Teachers, Na York and Chicago, 1911.

SYMBOLICS: M. A. Curtis, History of Creeds an Confessions of Faith in Christendom and B yond. With Historical Tables, New Yor and London, 1911.

SYRIAC LITERATURE: CSCO: Scriptores Syri, seri III., vol. vii.-viii., Eliæ metropolita Nisibe Opus chronologicum, ed. E. W. Brook and I.-B. Chabot, series II., vol. ci., Diony sius bar Salibi in Apocalypsim actus et epistol

Rome, circa A.
Austin Friar of King's Lynn. Edited by C.
A. Mills, London, 1911.

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catholicas, ed. I. Sedlacek; Scripton ALEXANDER, WILLIAM (1): d. in Dublin Sept. 12, Ethiopici, series II., vol. xxiv., Vita san torum indigenarum, I. Acta S. Abakerazu

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II. Acta S. Takla Hawaryat, ed. KARNOLD, C. F.: Became consistorial councilor in Conti Rossini, Leipsic, 1911.


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Edited with translation, vocabulary and not

by W. A. L. Elmslie, Cambridge, 1911. CLARKE, W. N.: d. at De Land, Fla., Jan. 14, 1912. THEISM: See above, GIFFORD LECTURES. FLICKINGER, D. K.: d. at Columbus, O., Aug. 29, 1911.

THEOLOGICAL LIBRARIES: W. H. Allison, Invento of Unpublished Material for American ReHARRIS, G.: Resigned presidency of Amherst Colious History in Protestant Church Archi lege to take effect 1912. and Other Repositories, Washington, 1910.. JOHNSON, F. F.: Translated to become bishop. THEOLOGY AS A SCIENCE: H. W. Robinson, T coadjutor of the diocese of Missouri. Christian Doctrine of Man, London, 1911. KENDRICK, J. M.: d. at Los Angeles, Cal., Dec. 16, H. C. Sheldon, Theological Encyclopædia:: 1911. Brief Account of the Organism and Literatu of Theology, Cincinnati, 1911.

THEOSOPHY: Mrs. A. W. Besant, Popular Lecturi on Theosophy, Chicago, 1910.

O. Hashnu Hara, Practical Theosophy. A Pla Statement of its Tenets, London, 1911. THOMAS AQUINAS: F. Wagner, Das natürliche S tengesetz nach der Lehre des heiligen Thomi von Aquin, Freiburg, 1911. THOMASSIN, L.: J. Martin, Thomassin, Paris, 191 TIME: F. Westberg, Zur neutestamentlichen Ch nologie und Golgathas Ortslage, Leipsic, 191 TITHES: A. F. Marr, God's Stewards: or, Propë tionate Almsgiving, London, 1911.

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MACARTHUR, R. S.: Retired from pastorate of Calvary Baptist Church, New York, 1911. McCook, H. C.: d. at Devon, near Philadelphia, Oct. 31, 1911.

MCGARVEY, J. W.: d. at Lexington, Ky., Oct. 6, 1911. MACKAY-SMITH, A.: d. in Philadelphia Oct. 16, 1911. MADSEN, P.: d. at Copenhagen Aug. 7, 1911. MOFFATT, J.: Became Yates professor of N. T. exegesis at Mansfield College, Oxford, England.

OETTLI, S.: d. at Greifswald Sept. 23, 1911. PATTERSON, R. M.: d. at Philadelphia, Pa., Apr. 5, 1911.

SEWALL, J. S.: d. at Bangor, Me., Oct. 10, 1911.




Vol. i., p. 89, col. 1, line 28: Read "Edward VI." for "Edward I."; p. 492, col. 1, line 7 from bottom: Read "Heralds" for "Perils.” Vol. iii., p. 350, col. 1, line 29: Read "Evil-Merodach 17 for "Eril-Merodach "; p. 401, col. 1, bibliography, line 4 from bottom: Read "Nevius " for "Nevins."

[ocr errors]

Vol. v., p. 32, col. 1: In signature read "Hollenberg " for Hallenberg p. 127, col. 1, line 27: Remove "(q.v.)"; p. 151, col. 1: In signature read “A” for “R”; p. 351, col. 1: In signature read " Herrmann" for Hermann p. 351, col. 2, line 13 from bottom: Read "Cranmer" for "Franmer"; p. 358, col. 1: Remove † from signature. Vol. viii., p. 102, col. 2, line 8 from bottom: After "Pa." insert with a total wealth of nearly

[ocr errors]
[ocr errors]
[ocr errors]

a million dollars." Vol. ix., p. 131, col. 1, line 29: Read "Felix" for Filix '; p. 132, col. 1, line 5 from bottom: Read 1523-34 for " 1534-32"; p. 188, col. 1, line 22: Read "M. Bristol " for “T. Bristol "; p. 302, col. 1, line 19 from bottom: Read "Balmes" for "Balme "; p. 365, col. 1, bibliography: Remove the entry under T. Wright; p. 370, col. 1, line 21 from bottom: Read" 1887-88 for 1899 ; p. 401, col. 2, line 16: Read "W. R. Greg ” for “ R. W. Gregg '; p. 402, col. 1, line 28 from bottom: Read New York " for "London."

[ocr errors]
[ocr errors]
[ocr errors]
[ocr errors]

Vol. x., p. 19, col. 2, signature: Read "G. E.” for 'D."; p. 130, col. 2, line 17 from bottom: Read "mosaische "" "". for · “mosäische p. 251, col. 2, line 26 from bottom: Read "Decorah for " Decoran p. 454, col.

1, line 22 from bottom: Read" Ancient" for Early 499, col. 2, line 7 from bottom: Read "Life" for "Christology.”


[merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][ocr errors][ocr errors][merged small]
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(1889) " for " (1899) ”; p. 52, col. 2, f 24-23 from bottom: Read «F. W. Myers" for "F. W. Meyers"; p. 56, 2, line 18 from bottom: Read “ 1906


1896 p. 75, col. 1, line 17 from bott Abbreviations in common use or self-evident are not included here. For additional information conDelete" Maximilian " ́(a mistake from " cerning the works listed, see vol. i., pp. viii.-xx., and the appropriate articles in the body of the work. meaning "magister"); p. 105, col. 2,

[ocr errors][merged small][ocr errors][ocr errors][ocr errors][merged small]

AJT. line 29: Read “ Abel” for “Cain ” and 31 read "Cain " for “Abel": p. 247, œ|AKR.. line 25 from bottom: Read “Casluhim" Gasluhim," and last line: Read on |ALKG.. sides" for "beyond"; p.248, col. 1, line etc., from bottom: For "If Cush . . fre read “He refers Cush (verses 8–12) to BAMA.. and separates it from the Arabian st (verses 26–29), perhaps because he knew ANF. col. 2, line 17: Read "700" for "709", 23 from bottom: Read "and means the Apoc.. Apol. ple of the Mediterranean Sea (cf. verse Arab. p. 249, col. 1, line 29 from bottom: Aram (xviii.” for “ (xix.,” and line 23 from art... tom: Read "Napata " for »Art. Schmal " Meravi 19 '«'ASB.. Awalites 2, line 2; Read for

[ocr errors][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small]

lites," also line 22: Read "Jokshan'ASM. “Joktan," and line 47: Read "south Assyr "north"; p. 250, col. 1, line 8: 4.7. col. 2, line 2: Augs. Con. "required forbidden p. 342 2, line 18 from bottom: Read "W. De Dictionary.. "'T. De"; p. 346, col. 1, line 43: Sign Bardenhewer, should read “P. W. Crannell ”; p. 364 Geschichte.. 1, lines 17-18: Read "Foecht " for “ FoBardenhewer, C. W. "" C. M.", for 66 and Yutzy' Patrologie.... "Zutzy"; p. 430, col. 1, lines 30 Bayle, from bottom: Read "in Bavarian | Dictionary.... conia, between Erfurt and Würzburg Benzinger, “circuit of Nagold "; p. 434, col. 1, n Archäologie... Insert before Romanists the Bingham,

[ocr errors]
[ocr errors]

p. 32, col. 1, line 30 from bottom: Read for " (1877) (1887) ; p. 39, col. 2, line 30 from bottom: Read "Eliot” for “ Elliott," and line 28 from bottom: Read

[ocr errors][ocr errors][ocr errors]

Arguments of "; p. 467, col. 2, line 19 Origines......... bottom: Read "How to for" Houg p. 472, col. 2, line 32 from bottom: Cutten" for “ Culten.”


{ Allgemeine deutsche Biographie, Leipsic, sqq., vol. 53, 1907 adversus, against "


American Journal of Philology, Baltimore, 1880 sqq.

American Journal of Theology, Chicago,

Creighton, Papacy



Archiv für katholisches Kirchenrecht, Innsbruck, 1857-61, Mainz, 1872 sqq. Archiv für Litteratur- und Kirchengeschichte des Mittelalters, Freiburg, 1885 8qq.

Abhandlungen der Münchener Akademie, Munich, 1763 sqq. Ante-Nicene Fathers, American edition by A. Cleveland Coxe, 8 vols, and index, Buffalo, 1887; vol. ix., ed. Allan Menzies, New York, 1897 Apocrypha, apocryphal

Corpus reformatorum, begun at Halle,
1834, vol. lxxxix., Berlín and Leipsic,
1905 sqq.

M. Creighton, A History of the Papacy
from the Great Schism to the Sack of
Rome, new ed., 6 vols., New York and
London, 1897

Corpus scriptorum Christianorum orienta-
lium, ed. J. B. Chabot, I. Guidi, and
others, Paris and Leipsic, 1903 sqq.
Corpus scriptorum ecclesiasticorum Lati-
norum, Vienna, 1867 sqq.

Corpus scriptorum historia Byzantinæ, 49 vols., Bonn, 1828-78

Currier, Religious (C. W. Currier, History of Religious Orders,

[blocks in formation]


[blocks in formation]


Altes Testament, “ Old Testament " Augsburg Confession


De vir, ill. DGQ.

Authorized Version (of the English Bible)

(J. M. Baldwin, Dictionary of Philosophy and Psychology, 3 vols. in New York, 1901-05

§ O. Bardenhewer, Geschichte der altkirchlichen Litteratur, 2 vols., Freiburg, 1902

§ O. Bardenhewer, Patrologie, 2d ed., Freiburg, 1901

The_Dictionary Historical and Critical of Mr. Peter Bayle, 2d ed., 5 vols., London, 1734-38

(I. Benzinger, Hebräische Archäologie, 2d ed., Freiburg, 1907

(J. Bingham, Origines ecclesiasticæ, 10 vols., London, 1708-22; new ed., Oxford, 1855

M. Bouquet, Recueil des historiens des Gaules et de la France, continued by various hands, 23 vols., Paris, 1738–76 Archibald Bower, History of the Popes to 1758, continued by S. H. Cox,

3 vols., Philadelphia, 1845–47 Baptist Quarterly Review, Philadelphia,

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Eph Epist

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Ersch and Gru

ber, Encyklopädie..

E. V.






Friedrich, KD....

Gams, Series

episcoporum . .

"Bouquet, Recueil

Bower, Popes...


[blocks in formation]



Corpus inscriptionum Semiticarum, Paris,

1881 sqq.



od. Theod.

coder Theodosianus

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[blocks in formation]


I Cor..



II Chronicles

Corpus inscriptionum Græcarum, Berlin, 1825 sqq.

Epistle to the Colossians

column, columns

First Epistle to the Corinthians

.Second Epistle to the Corinthians

See Schrader

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[blocks in formation]

Gibbon, Decline ̧ and Fall.. Gk....

Gross, Sources,


Haddan and

Stubbs, Councils..

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O. S. B..

Benedict "


O. T.

Old Testament

Lichtenberger, ᎬᏚᎡ .


See Smith


Lorenz, DGQ


0. Lorenz, Deutschlands Geschicht len im Mittelalter, 3d ed., Berlin, The Septuagint

Pastor, Popes..

S. P. C. K.



Mai, Nova lectio Mal..

Mann, Popes.

Mansi, Concilia.


I Pet.

[blocks in formation]

II Pet.

[blocks in formation]

I Macc

II Macc

[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][subsumed][merged small][subsumed][merged small][subsumed][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][subsumed][subsumed][subsumed][subsumed][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small]

col-j A. Mai, Scriptorum veterum nova lectio, 10 vols., Rome, 1825-38 Malachi

Milman, Latin Christianity..

R. C. Mann, Lives of the Popes is
Early Middle Ages, London, 1902,
G. D. Mansi, Sanctorum concili
collectio nova, 31 vols., Florence
Venice, 1728

Monumenta Germanic historica, ed. (
Pertz and others, Hanover and
lin, 1826 sqq. The following abbr
tions are used for the sections
subsections of this work: Ant., As
tates, Antiquities"; Auct. ant,
Oldest Write
tores antiquissimi,
Chron. min., Chronica minora, “L
Chronicles"; Dip., Diplomata,
plomas, Documents"; Epist., !
Lola, Letters "; Gest. pont. I
Gesta pontificum Romanorum, "D
of the Popes of Rome"; Leg.,

[ocr errors]

Laws"; Lib. de lite, Libelli & inter regnum et sacerdotium secuk xi. et xii. conscripti, "Books conce the Strife between the Civil and E siastical Authorities in the Elem and Twelfth Centuries"; Neo, crologia Germaniæ, "Necrology Germany "; Poet. Lat. avi Poeta Latini ævi Carolini, “1 ས་ Poets of the Caroline Time"; } Lat. med. œvi, Poetæ Latini medü "Latin Poets of the Middle Script., Scriptores, "Writers": & rer. Germ., Scriptores rerum Gen carum, "Writers on German jects"; Script. rer. Langob., Scrip rerum Langobardicarum et Italia Writers on Lombard and It Subjects"; Script, rer. Merov., § tores rerum Merovingicarum, “Wi on Merovingian Subjects " Micah

(H. H. Milman, History of Latin ( tianity, Including that of the Pop Nicholas V., 8 vols., Lo


C. Mirbt, Quellen zur Geschichte des l tums und des römischen Katholici Tübingen, 1901

Mirbt, Quellen.... MPG. MPL. MS., MSS. Muratori, Scrip- § L. A. Muratori, Rerum Italicarum ! tores.. tores, 28 vols., 1723-51

| J. P. Migne, Patrologiæ cursus comp series Græca, 162 vols., Paris, 185 J. P. Migne, Patrologic cursus comp series Latina, 221 vols., Paris, 18 Manuscript, Manuscripts

[blocks in formation]

Jahrbücher für protestantische Theologie, Leipsic, 1875 sqq.




Neues Archiv der Gesellschaft für deutsche

Pliny, Hist.


weiser.. Prov.



Patres ecclesiæ Anglicana, ed. J. A. Giles,

34 vols., London, 1838-46

Palestine Exploration Fund

First Epistle of Peter

.Second Epistle of Peter

[ocr errors]

B. Platina, Lives of the Popes from Gregory VII. to London, n.d. nat...Pliny, Historia naturalis

q.v., qq.v..
Ranke, Popes..

Reich, Docu-

Rettberg, KD.

Richardson, Encyclopaedia...

A. Potthast, Bibliotheca historica medii avi. Wegweiser durch die Geschichtswerke, Berlin, 1896

Richter, Kirchenrecht. Robinson, Re-[E. searches, and Later Researches..

A. L. Richter, Lehrbuch des katholischen und evangelischen Kirchenrechts, 8th ed. by W. Kahl, Leipsic, 1886 Robinson, Biblical Researches in Palestine, Boston, 1841, and Later Biblical Researches in Palestine, 3d ed. of the whole, 3 vols., 1867 Robinson, Euro-J. H. Robinson, Readings in European pean History.. 1 History, 2 vols., Boston, 1904-06 Robinson and J. H. Robinson, and C. A. Beard, Development of Modern Europe, 2 vols., Boston, 1907

[merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]
[blocks in formation]

in Foreign Parts

.and following

.Stromata, Miscellanies "

.sub voce, or sub verbo

H. B. Swete, Introduction to the Old Testament in Greek, London, 1900

O. J. Thatcher and E. H. McNeal, A
Source Book for Medieval History,
New York, 1905

First Epistle to the Thessalonians
Second Epistle to the Thessalonians
Theologische Tijdschrift, Amsterdam and
Leyden, 1867 sqq.

L. S. le Nain de Tillemont, Mémoires ecclésiastiques des six premiers

siècles, 16 vols., Paris, 1693-1712

First Epistle to Timothy

Second Epistle to Timothy

Theologischer Jahresbericht, Leipsic, 18821887, Freiburg, 1888, Brunswick, 1889

1897, Berlin, 1898 sqq.



1819 sqq.


J. A. Robinson,


Texts and Studies,

Cambridge, 1891 sqq.

Transactions of the Society of Biblical
Archæology, London, 1872 sqq.
Theologische Studien und Kritiken, Ham-
burg, 1826 sqq.

Texte und Untersuchungen zur Geschichte
der altchristlichen Litteratur, ed. O. von
Gebhardt and A. Harnack, Leipsic,
1882 sqq.

Ugolini, Thesau- B. Ugolinus, Thesaurus antiquitatum sacrarum, 34 vols., Venice, 1744-69 Vetus Testamentum, Vieux Testament, "Old Testament "


TUB.. V. T.


Heidentum.. Wellhausen, Prolegomena...


Zahn, Einleitung

W. Wattenbach, Deutschlands Geschichtsquellen, 5th ed., 2 vols., Berlin, 1885; 6th ed., 1893-94; 7th ed., 1904 sqq.

J. Wellhausen, Reste arabischen Heidentums, Berlin, 1887

J. Wellhausen, Prolegomena zur Geschichte Israels, 6tb ed., Berlin, 1905, Eng. transl.. Edinburgh, 1885

Zeitschrift für Assyriologie, 1886-88, Berlin, 1889 sqq.


T. Zahn, Einleitung in das Neue Testament, 3d ed., Leipsic, 1907; Eng. transl. Introduction to the New Testament, 3 vols., Edinburgh, 1909

T. Zahn, Geschichte des neutestamentZahn, Kanon....lichen Kanons, 2 vols., Leipsic, 1888-92 Zeitschrift für die alttestamentliche Wissenschaft, Giessen, 1881 sqq.




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TRENCH, RICHARD CHENEVIX: Archbishop of Dublin, Church of Ireland; b. in Dublin, Ireland, Sept. 5 (9?), 1807; d. in London Mar. 28, 1886. He studied at the schools of Twyford and Harrow, and at Trinity College, Cambridge (B.A., 1829; M.A., 1833; B.D., 1850); traveled in Spain, 1830; was ordained deacon, 1832; became curate to H. J. Rose at Hadleigh, Suffolk, 1833; at Colchester, 1834, then going to Italy; returning, he was ordained priest, 1835; became curate of Curdridge, Hampshire, 1835; and of Alverstoke, 1841; became rector of Itchinstoke, Hants, 1844; examining chaplain to Bishop Wilberforce of Oxford, 1845; was Hulsean lecturer at Cambridge, 1845–46; professor of divinity at King's College, 1846–54; proArabi fessor of exegesis of the New Testament, 1854–58; Greek dean of Westminster, 1856–64; and archbishop of Dublin, 1864–84. He was a devout and conservative High-churchman of the best type, but his theological writings were free from sectional bias. He threw the weight of his influence against disestablishment. As a writer, he showed choice Biblical, patristic, and modern Anglo-German learning, original thought, and a reverential and truly Christian spirit. His repute in philology equaled that in Biblical criticism. Outside of numerous individual and collected sermons, he was the author of Notes on the Parables of our Lord (London, 1841, and often); Genoveva; a Poem (1842); Exposition of the Sermon on the Mount from... St. Augustine (1844); The Fitness of Holy Scripture for Unfolding the Spiritual Life of Men (Hulsean Lectures for 1845; Cambridge, 1845); Christ the Desire of all Nations, or the Unconscious Prophecies of Heathendom (Hulsean Lectures for 1846; 1846); Notes on the Miracles of our Lord (London, 1846 and often); Sacred Latin Poetry (1849); On the Study of Words (Five Lectures; 1851, and often); On the Lessons in Proverbs (Five Lectures; 1853, and often); Synonyms of the New Testament (Cambridge, 1854, and often); Commentary on the Epistles to the Seven Churches in Asia. Revelation i.iii. (London, 1861); Studies in the Gospels (1867); Plutarch; his Life, Lives, and Morals (1873); Lectures on Mediæval Church History (1877); Poems (new ed., 2 vols., 1885); and edited a Household Book of English Poetry (1868).

When the pronunciation is self-evident the titles are not respelled; when by mere division and acce tuation it can be shown sufficiently clearly the titles have been divided into syllables, and the accent syllables indicated.

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c = k

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dh (th)

g (hard)

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““loch (Scotch

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TRENKLE, FRANZ SALES: German Roman Catholic; b. at Waldkirch (9 m. n.n.e. of Freiburg) Jan. 26, 1860. He was educated at the universities of Freiburg (1879-82) and Heidelberg (1884–85; D.D., Freiburg, 1886); became privat-docent at Freiburg for New-Testament exegesis, 1868; and associate professor of the same subject, 1894. He has written a novel, Willa von Waldkirch (under the pseudonym of Fritz Frei; Heidelberg, 1900); a commentary on James (Freiburg, 1894); and Einleitung in das Neue Testament (1897).


Occasion, Sessions, and Attendance (§ 1).
Objects and General Results (§ 2).
The Canons and Decrees (§ 3).
Publication of Documents (§ 4).

The Council of Trent, the nineteenth (or, according to another reckoning, the eighteenth) of the ecumenical councils recognized by the Roman Catholic Church, takes its name from the place where it was held, a city in the southern and Italian part of the Tyrol (73 m. n.w. of Venice), and lasted, with interruptions, from Dec. 13, 1545, to Dec. 4, 1563. From a doctrinal and disciplinary point of view, it was the most important council in the history of the Roman church, fixing her distinctive faith and practise in relation to the Protestant Its decrees were suppleEvangelical churches. mented by the Vatican Council of 1870 (q.v.). In reply to the bull Exsurge Domine of Leo X. (1520) Luther had burned the document and appealed to a general council. From 1522 German diets joined in the appeal, and Charles V. seconded and pressed it as a means of settling


1. Occasion, the controversy started by the RefSessions, ormation and of reunifying the Church. and Attend- After the deliverances of Pius II. in his bull Execrabilis (1460) and his reply to the University of Cologne (1463), setting aside the theory of the supremacy of general councils laid down by the Council of Constance (see CONSTANCE, COUNCIL OF), it was the papal policy to avoid councils and the free discussions they developed. Unable, however, to resist the urgency of Charles V., Paul III. (q.v.), after proposing Mantua as the place of meeting, convened the council as exclusively Roman at Trent (at that time a free city of the Holy Roman Empire under a prince-bishop), on Dec. 13, 1545; it was transferred to Bologna in Mar., 1547, from fear

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