sedly written in imitation of the style, as well as of the spirit of the elder poets; but with a few exceptions, the Author believes that the language adopted in it has been equally intelligible for these three last centuries. The lines entitled Expostulation and Reply, and those which follow, arose out of conversation with a friend who was somewhat unreasonably attached to modern books of moral philosophy. CONTENTS. The Rime of the Ancyent Marinere The Foster-Mother's Tale Lines left upon a Seat in a Yew-tree which stands near the Lake of Esthwaite - - The Nightingale, a Conversational Poem The Female Vagrant Goody Blake and Harry Gill Lines written at a small distance from my House, and sent by my little Boy to the Person to Page 1 53 59 63 69 85 95 98 105 110 115 117 133 139 141 149 Lines written near Richmond, upon the Thames, at Evening Expostulation and Reply The Tables turned; an Evening Scene, on the - Lines written a few miles above Tintern Abbey |