صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

and letters of the particular philosopher selected for the occasion. It was announced at the time this custom was instituted that these addresses were not necessarily to be eulogistic in character, but the endeavor should, rather, be made to point out the true place which the particular philosopher under consideration occupies in the history of thought.

This plan of holding annual commemorative meetings, while, possibly, somewhat unique, has proven of benefit to the Society and the educated public.

The programs of the different meetings follow:

John Locke.

Locke on Government, President C. W. Needham.

Locke's Influence on Modern Psychology, Professor E. A. Pace.

Locke's Metaphysics of Causality and Space, Doctor William T. Harris.

Locke's Personality, Hon. Frank Warren Hackett.
Locke as a Physician, Doctor William Osler.

Baruch Spinoza, Mar. 6, 1906.

Spinoza as the First Representative of Modern Higher Criticism, Professor F. H. Bigelow.

The Corner-Stone of Spinoza's Ethics, Professor E. I. Devitt, S. J.

Spinoza's Relation to Modern German Philosophy, Doctor W. M. Coleman.

Spinoza and His Relation to Preceding Jewish Philosophy, Rabbi Abram Simon.

Rena Descartes, April 16, 1907.

The Methods of Descartes, Professor E. I. Devitt, S. J.
The Metaphysics of Descartes, Doctor W. M. Coleman.
The Theology of Descartes, Rev. T. A. Johnstone.
The Ethics of Descartes, Professor C. A. Dubray.

Gottfried Leibnitz, May 5, 1908.

Leibnitz's Doctrine of the Pre-Established Harmony, Professor Geo. L. Raymond.

Leibnitz's Contribution to Mathematics, Professor F. H. Bigelow.

Leibnitz's Theodicy, Doctor Edward E. Richardson.

Business at the Various Meetings of the Society.

In the following account of the business only that pertaining to the election of officers and new members as well as action taken concerning deceased members, and the more important other actions taken, are here given.

Nov. 7, 1905.

Dr. Sewall, who, together with Professor Raymond and Mr. Steele, had been designated as a committee to prepare resolutions concerning the late Dr. Edward Farquhar, Secretary of the Society, reported resolutions which the committee had prepared and which were adopted by the Society and it was directed that the same be spread upon the records and copies sent to the family of the deceased.

Following the reading of these resolutions eulogistic remarks concerning Doctor Farquhar were made by Doctor Sewall, Professor Raymond, Doctor Harris, Mr. Steele, Doctor Ward, Miss Seward, Professor Sterrett, and Mr. Hoyt.

These remarks were indicative of the high esteem in which Doctor Farquhar was held by all who knew him.

Dec. 12, 1905.

Doctor Edward E. Richardson was elected Secretary, vice Doctor Edward Farquhar, deceased.

It was voted that meetings of the Society should hereafter be held on the first and third Tuesdays of the month.

Jan. 2, 1906.

This being the first meeting of the calendar year the election of officers for the coming year was in order. The vote resulted in the election of the officers then serving, viz., President, Professor J. Macbride Sterrett; Secretary, Doctor Edward E. Richardson; Corresponding Secretary and Treasurer, Mr. Kepler Hoyt.

Professor Sauvage was elected a member of the Society.

Feb. 20, 1906.

Professor E. I. Dveitt, S. J., was elected a member of the Society.

Jan. 8, 1907.

This being the annual meeting for the election of officers it was voted that the present officers should be declared electted for the ensuing year.

The Committee on Membership reported favorably the names of Mrs. R. H. Thayer and Miss Edith Jennings and they were elected members of the Society.

Nov. 19, 1907.

The Committee on Resolutions concerning the late Professor C. H. Hinton, through its chairman, Professor Bigelow, reported resolutions concerning Professor Hinton, and on a rising vote these resolutions were unanimously adopted and the usual action, concerning their being placed upon the records of the Society and a copy sent to the family, was taken.

Following the adoption of these resolutions remarks con

cerning the late Professor Hinton were made by Professor Bigelow, Doctor Kirk, Doctor Sewall, Professor Raymond, and Professor Sterrett.

All these remarks were indicative of the esteem in which Professor Hinton had been held.

Jan. 7, 1908.

This being the time, according to the rules of the Society for election of officers for the year, such election was accordingly held. The officers elected were: President, Professor J. Macbride Sterrett; Secretary, Doctor Edward E. Richardson; Corresponding Secretary and Treasurer, Mr. Kepler Hoyt.

The publication of the third series of the Memoirs of the Society was favorably considered but definite action was postponed.

Feb. 4, 1908.

Mr. W. K. Carr and Rev. W. V. Tunnell were elected to membership in the Society.

Apr. 7, 1908.

It was voted that the publication of the Memoirs be authorized and that the Secretary should prepare the Memoirs for publication.

Doctor Frank P. Woodbury was elected a member of the Society. A committee consisting of Doctor Sewall, Doctor Coleman, and Mr. Hoyt were appointed to draft suitable resolutions concerning the late Mr. John Hitz.

April 21, 1908.

The committee appointed at the previous meeting to draft resolutions concerning the late Mr. John Hitz, a member of

the Society, reported resolutions which were unanimously adopted and it was directed that these resolutions be spread upon the minutes and a copy transmitted to the family of Mr. Hitz.

Nov. 17, 1908.

A Committee on Resolutions concerning the late Major James A. Clark, a member of the Society, was appointed. This committee consisted of Mr. Johnstone, Mr. Steele, and Mr. Hoyt.

Doctor Tom A. Williams was elected a member of the Society.

Dec. 8, 1908.

Mr. Johnstone, as chairman of the committee appointed at the previous meeting, presented resolutions concerning the late Major James A. Clark, and these resolutions were adopted and the usual action, regarding their being placed on the records and a copy sent to the family, was taken.

Bigelow, Frank H.
Boarman, Mrs. Chas. V.
Carr, W. K.

Coleman, William M.
Devitt, Edward I.

Dubray, Charles A.
Goetz, Mina.

Harris, William T.
Holmead, Alfred.

Holmead, Mrs. Alfred.


Hoyt, Kepler.
Jennigs, Edith.

Johnston, Virginia del C.
Johnstone, T. A.

Kirk, Hyland C.
Laws, Samuel S.
Lemon, J. S.
Pace, Edward A.
Randall, Arthur T.
Raymond, George L.

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