صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

frame, and the latter being fixed upon a frame of its own, moving on the centre screws LL, beneath the principal frame of the machine. In this way the borer E can be moved within certain limits, so as to bore holes in different positions, and these limits are determined by two screws, one at a, and the other on the opposite side. A projecting piece of metal f.on the under side of the slider k of the borer E


stops against the ends of these screws, to limit the excursion of the borer. The frames for both borers are brought up towards the block by the levers м N, which are centred on a pin at the opposite sides of the frame of the machine, and have oblong grooves through them, which receive screw-pins fixed into the frames G and H beneath the pulleys P P, which give motion to the spindles.

[graphic][subsumed][subsumed][subsumed][subsumed][subsumed][subsumed][subsumed][subsumed][subsumed][subsumed][merged small][merged small][merged small]

one screw its borer will be in the proper place for one hole; and when inclined to the other screw, it will be in the proper place for the other hole; and this distance between the holes can of course be increased or diminished as required to suit thick or thin blocks. The borers can be unscrewed near the ends of their spindles at b, to put on one of a larger or smaller size. The points of the screw-centres at L, on which the frame of the borer E vibrates, can be put into different holes in the frame, so as to alter the difference of level between the two borers, to suit blocks of different sizes; and the screw a is changed for one with a thicker head, or a washer is put upon its head. The stop x can be altered in position, by sliding it further from or nearer to the frame.

At e

upon a lever n (except when being drawn over the sloping side of the tooth of the ratchet-wheel), the centre of which is a pin fixed in the vertical column of the frame. It is held up by a second lever, o, supported on a cock screwed on the frame. The opposite end of this lever is made so heavy that its weight is sufficient to raise up n and m, so that the tooth of the latter will be too high to intercept the teeth of the ratchet-wheel in its motion. The heavy end of the lever is kept up by a piece of metal fastened to the side of the carriage, at p, by screws passing through oblong grooves, so that it can be attached at any part along the length of the carriage. By this means, when the carriage has advanced as far as required, the loaded end of the lever o falls off the piece p, and disengages the rod m from the ratchetwheel. The fly-wheel and drum which turn the machine are fitted on a cylindrical part of the axis, so as to move freely thereon when it is not required to work the machine. A conical wheel s, with a hollow axis or tube centre-piece, is fitted upon the axis D so as to slide freely endwise, but is confined to revolve at the same time by fillets inserted in it. The end of the tube of the wheel s is formed into a circular groove, which is embraced by a forked lever L, centred in the opposite side of the frame. By moving the end of L towards the fly-wheel, the conical wheel s is thrust forward, and jammed into the inside of the drum A. This exactly fits the wheel, and the friction caused by the contact of the two conical surfaces is sufficient to work the machine. But when the lever L is pulled away from the flywheel, the conical wheel is drawn out from the rigger, and the fly-wheel detached from the axis, so as to revolve upon it freely without turning it.

6. The block thus prepared by the boring machine is taken to the mortising machine, Fig. 151. This machine is moved by an endless band passing round a drum at A, screwed to a fly-wheel B. This drum turns an axis D, at the extreme end of which is a crank, with a long rod extending from it up to a joint at a, by which it is connected with a frame E, fitted between sliders b d, and guided by a cylindrical rod F, sliding through a fixed collar. In this way the frame is moved up and down when the axis D revolves. To this frame the chisels are attached, and operate upon the block fixed at G in a carriage H, sliding horizontally in the frame of the machine. are three screws of the same size as the screw в of the boring-machine, each furnished with a similar ring at the end. This ring enters the impression made by the boring-machine, so as to fix the block in its proper position when the screw is turned. This forces the other end of the block against the cross-bar of the carriage, which has three steel circles fixed to In using this machine the block is applied with its it opposite the end of the screw e. Each of these screw mark to the end of one of the screws e. If rings includes two smaller rings with a sharp edge, a double block is to be mortised, as in Fig. 151, the and the pressure of the screw e forces the block centre screw is used; but if 2 single sheaves are against these rings, and prints their figure in the to be fixed in, the 2 outer screws are used. By wood. By this contrivance the block is held quite screwing it tight, the block is fixed between the fast in the carriage while being mortised. Behind the double circle points before mentioned. To guide carriage is a large double-wormed screw R, and this is the block to its proper position, so that the hole received through a nut turning round in a fixed collar, bored for the commencement of the sheave hole shall supported by a bar across the frame. To this nut two be vertical, the block being fixed, the handler is wheels g h are fixed: the former is a large ratchet- turned till the hole is brought beneath the sliding wheel; the latter a cog-wheel with a smaller one gear- frame. The chisels are now adjusted. These are ing with it, and fixed to the end of a long axis k fur-long square bars of steel TT, fastened to the frame nished with a winch r. When this is turned round by hand, the nut of the screw is also turned, and the carriage is moved slowly backwards or forwards. In this way the carriage is adjusted to the proper point for beginning the work. The gradual advance of the block to cach cut of the chisel is produced by turning the ratchet-wheel g by the following contrivance. The axis D has an eccentric circle I fixed upon it, which as it revolves acts upon a roller K fixed in one arm of a bent lever; the other end of this arm has a rod m jointed to it, with a tooth in the middle, which engages the teeth of the ratchet-wheel, and turns it round, a tooth at a time, as the rod moves backwards and forwards. The extreme end of this rod rests

by a clamp. The back of each chisel has a small piece of steel attached for thrusting out the chips which it cuts, to prevent the hole from being clogged up. It has also two small cutters or scribers, fixed perpendicular to its edge, and projecting rather before it, so that in the descent of the chisel, two small clefts are cut or scribed, which include the width of the chip to be cut out by the chisel in the succeeding stroke. By this means the mortice has its sides perfectly smooth. The back of the chisel is rounded to conform to the hole bored in the boring machine.

The clamp to which the chisels are attached passes behind the cross-bar of the frame, and the chisels being put exactly over the holes which are to become

sheave-holes, are screwed fast by means of clamps. The machine is now put in motion by depressing the handle P, which is at the end of a lever, the fulcrum of which is a pin fixed in the column of the frame at s, and a short arm gives action to the end of the lever L, so as to put the machine in motion. At the first descent of the chisels, they cut down through the whole depth of the holes previously bored, so as to give them a flat side when they rise up. The eccentric circle 1, moving the bent lever and rod m, turns the ratchet wheel round on both and advances the block through a small space in the direction of the fly-wheel, so that the chisels in descending cut a fresh space, and in ascending the block advances. In this way the sheave-holes are rapidily cut, each chisel making from 110 to 150 strokes per minute, and cutting at every stroke a chip as thick as pasteboard with the utmost precision. When it is completed, the loaded end of the lever o drops off the piece p previously adjusted, and raises the rod m, so that the further advance of the block is prevented. The attendant then raises the handle P, which stops the machine. The finished block is now removed and a fresh one put in: the handler is screwed back to bring the block to the proper point, and the machine is set in motion as before. By an adjustment of the cross bar in the back of the carriage, the mortising machine is adapted to blocks of different sizes, and the frame E may have any number of chisels fixed to it corresponding to the number of mortices required to be cut.

7. The corners of the block are next cut off by means of the corner saw, Fig. 152, which consists of a mandrel mounted in a frame A, carrying a circular saw L on its extremity. The frame of this mandrel

[blocks in formation]

is screwed down upon the frame BB, which is supported by four columns. CC DD is an inclined bench or trough, in which a block, as E, is laid, being supported on its edge by the plane c, and its end kept up to its position by the other part of the bench D. By sliding the block along this bench it is applied to the saw, which cuts off its four angles in succession, by applying its different sides to the trough. In the figure, two of the angles have been cut off and the third is just marked by the saw. By laying pieces of wood of different thickness against the plane D, so as to fill it up, the block is kept

| nearer to or further from the saw, and in this way different sizes of blocks can be cut.

8. The blocks thus prepared have their outside surface formed to their true figure by means of the shaping machine, Fig. 153, the principal part of which is the chuck which holds the blocks. This consists of two equal wheels, A, B, mounted on the same axis, A being firmly fixed, while B slides upon it so as to render the space between them greater or less, as may be required for blocks of different lengths. This is effected by means of five bolts and nuts, the heads of the nuts being shown at a. Both wheels are divided into 10 equal parts. At each of these on A, a short axis or mandrel is fitted through a projecting part of the rim of the wheel. On the outside of the wheel each of these mandrels has a small wheel a fixed upon its end. On the ends in the inside of the wheel the mandrels have each a short cross-bar fixed, sufficiently long to contain two steel rings, which are exactly the same size and distance apart as those in the morticing machine, which support the block. The wheel B has at each point opposite the mandrils a, a screw centre similar to the back centre of a lathe, but furnished at its point with a steel ring of the same size as that at the end of the screw of the boring machine. The blocks are held in between the wheels by putting the double point at one end of each block, against the double rings at the end of one of the mandrels; and then, screwing the screw in the other wheel tight up, the block is confined between them. In this manner the chuck being filled with 10 blocks, if they are turned round rapidly and a chisel or gouge be fixed for them to cut against, each will be formed to a segment of the circle in which they move. This gouge is supported in a frame moving on a fixed rest D, which is curved to a circle whose centre is in the centre of the chuck. It is confined to move on this arch by a curved radial bar E, fitted to centre on the floor beneath the machine at one end, and having the other attached to the frame F which supports the tool. This frame contains a slider f moving in a groove, and at the end carrying the tool g in a holder. The slider has an axis or spindle fitted perpendicularly in it at h. On the lower end of this is a roller, which applies itself against a curved piece of metal i, called a shape, fixed upon the framing. The roller is kept in contact with the shape by a lever centered atk on the frame F, and connected by a short coupling iron with the slider f; so that when its handle is pressed towards the machine, the roller is kept up to the shape. By means of a handle G jointed to the frame F, which carries the tool and all its apparatus, this frame can be moved along the rest D, being guided by the radial bar E in its motion. Now if the other handle 7 be at the same time pushed forward, the roller applies itself to the shape, and the gouge describes the same curvature as the shape. Below the first shape is a second m, and by a simple movement the roller can be depressed so as to roll in the second shape, and give the curvature of it to the tool instead of the upper one.



Supposing the 10 blocks to be fixed as just described, the frame F of the gouge is turned to one end of the rest D, and the chuck put in rapid motion, by a band round a pulley н, on its axis. The attendant, with the handle G in his right hand and 7 in his left, sweeps the frame along its rest by the handle G, while he keeps the roller in contact with the shape, by pressing the lever / towards the machine. In this movement, the gouge cuts to their proper curvature the faces of all the 10 blocks which are farthest from the centre. When the frame has slowly traversed the whole length of its sweep, the outside faces of all the blocks are finished, and the machine is stopped by casting its movement off from the mill. But as it preserves a considerable velocity, this is checked


by a steel spring at I, fixed at one end to the frame, and extending round a wheel fixed on the pulley н. The other end of this spring has a handle, which being pressed down, the curved part of the spring encloses the wheel and acts as a gripe. When the motion ceases, the blocks are all turned one quarter round on the small mandrels a, by an endless screw on each of the wheels a. These screws are cut in the ends of as many spindles d, pointing towards the centre of the chuck. At the ends of those nearest the centre, each spindle has a small bevelled wheel e fixed upon it. There is also a large bevelled wheel K fitted upon the axis, between the wheel ▲ and the pulley H, so as to slip freely round upon the axis, and when it is turned round, it will evidently turn all

[graphic][subsumed][subsumed][subsumed][subsumed][merged small]

the wheels, spindles, screws, and mandrels at once, I and thus turn all the blocks so as to bring another face outwards. While the chucks are turned round, the wheel is held fast, and the wheel K is stopped by a catch L, moving in a joint fixed on the ground. This wheel being detained, the attendant takes hold of the chuck by its rim and turns it round 4 times, and the bevelled and other wheels are so proportioned that those 4 times will make the blocks revolve exactly one quarter on their separate axes, so as to bring another side of each block outside. The machine is then set in motion as before, and the work is alternately stopped and carried on until all four sides are finished, the upper shape being employed to

cut the third side in the same manner as the first, and for the second and fourth sides, the lower shape is used. By means of a screw m, the socket supporting the axis of the roller h can be moved along the slider, the effect of which is to project the tool g more or less beyond the shape, as may be required to cut larger or smaller blocks. The same shapes will serve for several different sizes.

This machine is surrounded by an iron cage (a portion of which is shown in Fig. 153), for the purpose of defending the workmen, lest the blocks which are revolving with great velocity should be loosened by the action of the tool, and fly out by their centrifugal force.

9. As the blocks come from the shaping engine, | ring, which enters the double points before mentioned they are taken to the scoring engine, which forms the in the end of the block. The blocks being properly groove round their longest diameters for the reception mounted, the attendant presses the cutters EE by of their ropes or straps. This engine receives two means of the handle ƒ down upon the blocks, depressblocks A, B, Fig. 154, each held between two small ing them between their pins until their descent is pillars, a fixed in a strong plate D, and pressed stopped by the piece h resting on the shape g. He against the pillars by a screw b, which acts on a then turns the screws bb, to fix the blocks tight, and clamp d. Over the blocks a pair of circular planes the cutters being put in motion will cut the scores, or cutters, E E, are fixed on one spindle, which is which, by the adjustment previously made, will be of turned by a pulley in the middle. This spindle is no depth at the pin-hole; but, by depressing the fitted in a frame F F, moving in centres at e e, so as handle L so as to incline the blocks, and keeping the to rise and fall when moved by a handle f. This cutters down upon their shape g by the handle f, they brings the cutters down upon the blocks, and the will cut any depth towards the ends of the blocks depth to which they can cut is regulated by a curved which the shape g admits. In this way one quarter shape g, fixed by screws upon the plate D between of the score is formed; the other is done by turning the blocks. Upon this rests a curved piece of metal, both blocks together half round, by the following contrivance:-The centres are not fitted into the plate D, but into a frame at R beneath the plate, which is connected with it by a centre pin, exactly midway between the two blocks, A, B. A spring catch, the end of which is seen at r, confines them together; when this catch is pressed back, the plate D can be turned about upon its centre pin so as to change the blocks end for end, and bring the unscored quarters or those over the clamps beneath the cutters; the workman, taking the handles f and L one in each hand, and pressing them down, cuts out the second quarter. This might have been done by simply lifting up the handle L, in which case, however, the cutter would have struck against the grain of the wood, but by reversing the blocks, it always cuts clean and smooth in the direction of the grain. The third and fourth quarters of the score are cut by turning the other sides of the blocks upwards and repeating the above operations. The shape g can be shifted for different sizes and curves of blocks.



Fig. 154. h, fixed to the frame F, and enclosing, but not touching the pulley. To admit the cutters to traverse the whole length of the blocks, the plate d is sustained between the points of two centres, which are furnished with screws at l. On depressing the handle L, the frame is inclined. At м a lever, weighted at the end, counterbalances the weight of the blocks and plate D, all which are above the centre on which they move. The frame F has also a counterpoise to balance the cutters, &c. The cutters E are circular wheels of brass with round edges; each has two notches in its circumference at opposite sides, and, in these notches, chisels, fixed by screws, project beyond the rim of the wheel.

In using this machine, the block is pressed between the two pins, a, and the clamp d is screwed up against it. This clamp has two claws, each furnished with a


As some of the snaping machines cut the wood without reference to the grain, roughnesses are left which require to be smoothed down. This is done by hand, and a smooth polished surface is produced without removing any of the wood.

10. For making the sheaves, the first process is cutting pieces or flakes off the end of the trees of lignum vitæ, of the proper thickness to form the sheaves. This is done by means of three converting machines, one with a reciprocating saw and the others with circular saws. The flakes are made circular, and their centres pierced by means of a crown saw which has a centrebit in the axis. The flake being fixed before this saw, it quickly cuts out a circle, and, at the same time, forms a centre hole.

11. The coaking engine is a most ingenious machine; it forms a cavity in the centre of the sheave for the reception of the coak or bush of bell-metal, which forms a socket for the centre pin. This cavity is in the form of three small semicircles, arranged at almost equal intervals round the hole formed by the last machine.

12. A drilling machine for perforating the three semicircular projections of the coaks, for the reception of short wire pins or rivets, which are rivetted down at the same time with the rest of the coak.


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