صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

edere non sinor religione promissi, quo illi obstrinxi me. Horribilis ille liber venit ex Anglią, missu Miltonii illius, qui adhuc dum Londini coecus viuit, et magnopere dolet, sibi non amplius licere satyram scribere. Idem Miltonius alia non vniusmodi scripta sua eidem transmisit Anglicana, inter quae facile principem commeretur locum ille capitalis liber pro diuortiis, cuius vsus vsque adeo hodie regnat locis non vnis. (pp. 947-8.) CONRING TO BOINEBURG.

Helmstad. d. 24. October. 1662. Arcana Bodiniana ego non tam desidero (nec enim de iis exspecto quidquam magnopere dignum refutatu post tot eximios pro veritate Religionis Christianae libellos) doctrinae inde hauriendae, aut impietatis cognoscendae rectius caussa, quam in complementum Augustae Domini mei bibliothecae. Spero, te, crebra vrsione et ostensione nullius subsecuturi periculi, possessorem ad describendum permoturum. Si optimo Principi meo velit librum committere, dabitur opera, vt a iurato librario describatur, et, ceu meretur, in arcanis tenebris detineatur. Spondeo hoc bona fide. Librum Miltonii de diuortiis nondum videre contigit. Petulantia tamen scripta illa contra Salmasium produnt ingenium non obtusum quidem; solidae tamen doctrinae inane. (p. 950.)


Moguntiae. d. 3. Nov. 1662. Bodini Arcana impia iam iterum petii a possessore, qui fortuito nunc hac transit. Excusat valde et operose, quod renuit. Caussatur nescio quid non? imo varia ac multimoda. Certe vel ipse mihi impia illa deliria comparare ab ipso nequiui. Libentissime alias librum mitterem; imo hic Serenissimo describi exacte curarem. Tentabo tamen hominem vltra. Miltonius de diuortiis Anglice scripsit. Idem ille, qui Bodini librum possidet, habet et illum. Ni fallor, ab illo Miltonio Bodinum et accepit, sub cautione forsan. (pp. 963-4.)

The repeated requests were however without avail, and Milton's friend and his manuscript disappear from the correspondence. But both Boineburg and Conring continued their search for a copy of Bodin's work, and ten years later, in 1672, they finally succeeded in their efforts, and the Heptaplomeres was added to the Duke's private library.

When and where Milton procured this manuscript will probably always remain unknown. But the mere fact of his possessing it has its significance as additional evidence of Milton's interest in radical or "libertine" thought and his intimate connection with people of advanced views.

It might be of some importance to identify Milton's friend in Germany, if it were possible. I venture the suggestion that he was not a German at all, but the Scotchman, James Durie, who spent

most of his life on the Continent in the vain endeavor of unifying the Protestant sects. During his residence in England, from 1640 to 1654, he had met Milton and become one of his more intimate circle.10 From 1654 to 1657 he travelled, in the interests of church unity, in the Netherlands and the district along the Rhine. In 1661-2 he settled at Cassel, under the protection and patronage of the Landgrave of Hesse, and continued his travels, especially in South Germany, Switzerland and Alsace, until 1668. He died in 1680. Durie must have sought out such influential men as Boecler and Boineburg and discussed religious questions with them at length, especially as Boineburg himself was interested in the problem of church unity. And with his great cause so deeply at heart, he might well have demanded solemn promises that his possession of the Heptaplomeres should not be divulged. One may surmise, too, that Durie would be quite likely to spend a summer at the watering-place of Schwalbach, gaining the intimacy of men of consequence, and thence pass on his travels through Mainz (fortuito nunc hac transit). Finally, the curious mixture of ingenuousness and caution in the conduct of the possessor of Milton's manuscript, seems to fit the character of Durie. Mossheim 11 says of him that he was a man justly celebrated on account of his universal benevolence, solid piety, and extensive learning; but, at the same time, more remarkable for genius and memory, than for nicety of discernment and accuracy of judgment, as might be evinced by several proofs and testimonies, were this the proper place for discussions of that nature."

University of Michigan.


See life in Dict. Nat. Biog. and in Jöcher, op. cit., II, pp. 253-4. 10 Masson, Life of Milton, v, pp. 229-236.

11 Ecclesiastical History, trans. MacLaine, London, 1819, v, 275. Jöcher, op. cit., corroborates this opinion: "Er war ein frommer und redlicher Mann, aber in seinen Meinungen sehr unbeständig, besasz auch die Gelehrsamkeit und Klugheit keinesweges, welche zu einem Unternehmen von solcher Wichtigkeit nöthig waren."


NOTE: The following bibliography attempts to include the more important books, aricles, and reviews which appeared in the year ending January 1, 1924, together with the more noteworthy productions of 1922 which escaped the bibliography printed in the April (1923) number of Studies. Thanks are due to Professor Oliver Towles for assistance in preparing Section VIII of the present bibliography.

Archiv =


Archiv für das Studium der neueren Sprachen und Literaturen. Beiblatt Beiblatt zur Anglia.


[blocks in formation]

Eng. Stud.


[ocr errors]
[blocks in formation]

Journal of English and Germanic Philology.

LR Literary Review to the New York Post.

[merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small]

PMLA = Publications of the Modern Language Association of America. PQ = Philological Quarterly.

[blocks in formation]

Albright, Evelyn May. Ad Imprimendum Solum Once More. MLN., XXXVIII, 129-40.

Art Studies: Medieval, Renaissance and Modern.

Edited by

Members of the Fine Arts at Harvard and Princeton Universities. Princeton University Press, 1923.

Aurner, Robert Ray. The History of Certain Aspects of the Structure of the English Sentence. PQ., II, 187-208.

Baugh, Albert C., Foerster, Norman, Lancaster, H. Carrington, Crawford, J. P. Wickersham, and Shumway, Daniel B. American Bibliography for 1922. PMLA., XXXVIII, 1-49. Benians, Sylvia. From Renaissance to Revolution. A Study of the Influence of the Renaissance upon the Political Development of Europe. London: Methuen, 1923.

Bloom, J. Harvey. English Tracts, Pamphlets and Printed Sheets: A Bibliography. I (1473-1650). London: Gandy, 1922. Brooke, Tucker. An Anomalous Elizabethan Relative Form. MLN., XXXVIII, 373-4.

Bullock, Walter L. The Genesis of the English Sonnet Form. PMLA., XXXVIII, 729-44.

Catalogue of Books Printed in Europe during the Fifteenth and Sixteenth Centuries. Part I. Incunabula. London:

Bernard Quaritch, 1923.

Catalogue of Early and Rare Editions of English Poetry. Collected and Presented to Wellesley College by George Herbert. Boston and New York: Houghton Mifflin, 1923. Chanter, H. Prosser. Shelton's Shorthand System. N. & Q., 12S., XII, 97.

Dark, Sidney. The Story of the Renaissance. London: Hodder and Stoughton, 1923.

Einstein, Lewis. Tudor Ideals. New York, 1922.

Rev. by Julius W. Pratt in South Atlantic Quarterly, xxII, 279-81. Ernle, Lord. Light Reading of the Stuarts. Edinburgh Review, 238 (July, 1923), 118-38.

G., W. W. Readers in the Bodleian, Nov. 8, 1602-Nov. 7, 1603. Bodleian Quarterly Record, III (1922), 212-7.

Gaselee, Stephen. English Pronunciation in 1550. LTS., April 12, 1923, p. 247.

Gentile, Giovanni. Studi sul Rinascimento. Florence: Vallecchi, 1923.

Graves, Thornton S. Some Pre-Mohock Clansmen. SP., XX,


Graves, Thornton S. Some Chaucer Allusions (1561-1700). SP., XX, 469-78.

Greg, W. W. An Elizabethan Printer and his Copy. Library, IV,


Gromort, Georges. Italian Renaissance Architecture. Translated from the French by George Waters. London: Tiranti, 1923.

Rev. in LTS., May 31, 1923, p. 367.

Gunther, R. T. The Circulating Library of a Brotherhood of Reformers of the Sixteenth Century at Magdalen College, Oxford. N. & Q., 13S., 1, 483-4.

Hill, G. F. A Guide to the Exhibition of Medals of the Renaissance in the British Museum. London: British Museum, 1923. Jahn, Robert. Letters and Booklists of Thomas Chard (or Chare) of London, 1583-4. The Library, IV, 219-37.

Jahrbuch der Deutschen Shakespeare-Gesellschaft, 58 (1922), pp.


Keller, Wolfgang, Bücherschau, pp. 120-150; Zeitschriftenschau, pp. 151-167.

Hartl, Eduard, Shakespeare Bibliographie, 1919-20, pp. 213-229.

Jiriczek, O. L. Specimens of Tudor Translations from the Classics. Heidelberg: Winter, 1923.

Rev. by S. B. Liljegren in Beiblatt, XXXIV, 360-2.

Johnson, Alfred Forbes. Books Printed at Lyons in the Sixteenth Century. The Library, III (Dec., 1922), 145-76.

Lathrop, H. B. The First English Printers and their Patrons. The Library, III (Sept., 1922), 69-96.

Lee, Sir Sidney, and Boas, F. S. The Year's Work in English Studies. Vol. II, 1920-1. London: Milford, 1923.

Paues, A. C.

Bibliography of English Language and Literature, 1922. Edited for the Modern Humanities Research Association. Cambridge: Bowes & Bowes, 1923.

Plomer, Henry R. Eliots Court Press. The Library, III (Dec., 1922), 194-209.

Plomer, Henry R. The Importation of Books into England in the Fifteenth and Sixteenth Centuries. The Library, IV (Sept., 1923), 146-50.

Pollard, Alfred W. The Output of English Books in 1623 and What has Survived of It. LTS., Dec. 13, 1923, p. 872. Record of the Celebration of the Tercentenary of the Introduction of Printing into Aberdeen by Edward Raban in the Year 1622. Aberdeen: Rosemount Press, 1923.

Ricci, Corrado. Architecture and Decorative Sculpture of the High and Late Renaissance in Italy. New York: Brentano's, 1923.

Rev. by Chandler K. Post in LR., July 14, 1923, p. 828.

Rivington, Reginald T. The Worshipful Company of Stationers. London: Printed for the Company, 1923.

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