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"No one can contemplate the present condition of the masses of the people without desiring something like a revolution for the better" (Sir R. GIFFEN, "Essays in Finance," vol. ii., p. 393).






JUNE 1906.




I. The Nation's Income.

THE annual income of the United Kingdom has been estimated by the following authorities:



Sir Louis Mallet, K.C.S.I. (India Office),
1883-4, National Income and Taxation
(Cobden Club), p. 23
Professor Leone Levi (King's College,
London), Times, January 13th, 1885...
Professor A. Marshall (Cambridge Univer-

sity), Report of Industrial Remunera-
tion Conference, p. 194 (January, 1885),
upwards of

Mr. Mulhall (1892), Dictionary of Statistics,
p. 320, Income for 1889

Sir R. Giffen, The Wealth of the Empire,
Journal of Royal Statistical Society,
vol. lxvi., part iii. 1903


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The gross assessments to income tax have risen (1881-2 to 1901-2) by £265,542,486 (Inland Revenue Report, 1897-8, C.-4,474 and Cd.-1,717). Allowing for a corresponding rise in the incomes not assessed and in the wages of manual labor, we may estimate the income for 1901-2 at not less than £1,800,000,000. The population in 1901 being nearly 41,500,000 (Cd.-1,727), the average annual income is about 434 per head, or £174 per adult man.* In 1840 it was about 20, and in 1860 £26 per head (Mr. Mulhall, Dict. of Statistics, p. 245);

These figures (which are mainly computed from income-tax returns and estimated average rates of wages) mean that the price in money of the commodities and services produced in the country

* It has been assumed throughout that one person in every four is an adult male, and that there are, on an average, five persons to each family group.

during the whole course of a year was about 174 per adult man.* Most of these commodities and services were used up within that period in maintaining the 41,500,000 inhabitants, and Sir R. Giffen estimates that about £200,000,000 is "saved" annually (Essays in Finance, vol. ii., p. 407). The bulk of this "saving" consists of new houses and of new railways, steamers, machinery, and other aids to future labor.

For subsequent comparison the total is represented by the annexed figure:

[graphic][subsumed][merged small]

The desirable commodities and useful services measured by this vast sum are produced solely by the "efforts and sacrifices" (Cairnes), whether of muscle or of brain, of the working portion of the community, employed upon the gifts of Nature.

Adam Smith "showed that labor is the only source of wealth, .. It is to labor, therefore, and to labor only, that man owes everything possessed of exchangeable value" (McCulloch's Principles of Political Economy, part ii., sec. 1).

"No wealth whatever can be produced without labor" (Professor Henry Fawcett (Cambridge), Manual of Political Economy, p. 13).

"That useful function, therefore, which some profound writers fancy they discover in the abundant expenditure of the idle rich turns out to be a sheer illusion. Political economy furnishes no such palliation of unmitigated selfishness. Not that I would breathe a word against the sacredness of contracts. But I think it is important, on moral no less than on economic grounds, to insist upon this, that no public benefit of any kind arises from the existence of an idle rich class. The wealth accumulated by their ancestors and others on their behalf, where it is employed as capital, no doubt helps to sustain industry; but what they consume in luxury and idleness is not capital, and helps to sustain nothing but their unprofitable lives. By all means they must have their rents and interest, as it is written in the bond; but let them take their

It may be observed that the estimated amount of "money" or currency in the country is about £130,000,000, or under £4 per head, including bank notes. Gold coin and bullion, between 80,000,000 and 100,000,000; silver and bronze, 415,000,000; bank notes, beyond gold reserves, £24,000,000 (W. S. Jevons, Investiga tions in Currency and Finance, p. 272; Report of Deputy-Master of the Mint, 1889; Mr. Goschen's Speech on Second Reading of the Coinage Act, 1891).

proper place as drones in the hive, gorging at a feast to which they have contributed nothing" (Some Leading Principles of Political Economy, p. 32, by the late John Elliott Cairnes, M.A., Emeritus Professor of Political Economy at University College, London; 1874).

III.-Who the Workers Are.

Those who profess to be taking part in the work of the community were divided, at the census of 1901, into the following

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(Compiled from Reports of the 1901 Census for England and Wales, Scotland

and Ireland.

Among the professed workers there are, of course, many whose occupation is merely nominal. The number is swelled by the "sleeping" partners, the briefless barristers, the invalids, and the paupers, prisoners, and sinecurists of every description. Many thousands more have occupations useless or hurtful to the community; and others, as for example many domestic servants, labor honestly, but for the personal comfort of the idlers, and they might, therefore, as far as production is concerned, as well be themselves idle.

Nevertheless, there were, in 1901, 663,656 adult men (one in twenty) who did not even profess to have the shadow of an occupation. Most of these form the main body of the idle rich, "the great social evil of . . . . a non-laboring class" (J. S. Mill, Political Economy, Popular Edition, p. 455).

It is clear that the labor of the workers is much increased by the presence among them of so large a proportion of persons who take no useful part in the business of life. The possible reduction of the daily hours of work has, however, been much exaggerated. Thus Mr. William Hoyle, writing in 1871, committed himself to the assertion that, "assuming every person did his share, a total of 1 hours' daily labor would suffice to supply us in abundance with all the comforts of life" (Our National Resources, p. 56). It appears from the context that his calculation refers to a community composed exclusively of actual workers in the production of material necessaries, whereas in ordinary human societies about half the population is under the age of twenty, and more than half the adults are women mostly occupied in domestic duties. The 1 hours daily have, therefore, at once to be multiplied fourfold, and account

* Most of these are married women engaged in domestic work, although not so described.

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