صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

BRENTANO. Die Christlich-Sociale Bewegung in England. Leipsig: Dunker and Humboldt; 1883.

CABET. Vrai Christianisme. Paris ?

CHRISTIAN SOCIAL UNION. Lombard Street in Lent. Elliot Stock; 1894. 25. The Gospel of the Kingdom. E. Stock; 1895. IS.

A Lent in London. Longmans; 1895. 3s. 6d.

Lombard Street Sermons, 1897. Hibberd; 1897. Is. net.

CRAWFORD, Rev. J. H. The Brotherhood of Mankind. Edinburgh: Clark; '95. 5s. DAVIDSON, J. MORRISON. The Gospel of the Poor. W. Reeves, Fleet Street; 1892. Is. DAVIES, Rev. J. LLEWELYN, D.D. Social Questions from the point of view of Christian Theology. Macmillan; 1885.

Order and Growth as Involved in the Spiritual Constitution of Human Society. DEARMER, Rev. PERCY. Christian Socialism Practical Christianity. Clarion Office, Fleet Street; 1897. Id.

The Social Work of the Undivided Church: New Party. Hodder; 1895. 2s. 6d. EDE, Canon W. MOORE. The Church and Social Problems of Town Life. Camb. Univ. Press; 1896. Is.

ELY, Prof. R. T. Social Aspects of Christianity. New York: Crowell. goc. FLETCHER, A. E. Christian Ethics and Practical Politics: Vox Clamantium. Innes; 1894.

FREMANTLE, Rev. W. H., Dean of Ripon. The World as the Subject of Redemption. FRY, Rev. T. C., D.D. A Social Policy for the Church. Hibberd; 1893. Is. net. GIDE, C. Du Rôle pratique du Pasteur dans les Questions Sociales. Paris: Fisch

bacher; 1889.

GIRARD, E. de. Ketteler et la Question Ouvrière. Berne: Wyss; 1896. 5fr. GIRDLESTONE, E. D. Christian Socialism and Present Day Unsocialism. W. Reeves; 1887. IS.

Thirty-Nine Articles of Belief for Christian Socialists. Bristol: Arrowsmith; 1886. 2d.; o.p.

Society Classified. W. Reeves; 1876. Id.

GLASSE, Rev. J., D.D. The Church of Scotland and Social Reform. Progressive
Review, February, 1897. Is.

GORE, Canon C. The Social Doctrine of the Sermon on the Mount. Rivington; 2d.
The Kingdom of God (with two other Addresses). Bristol: Hemmons; 1897. 6d.
The Sermon on the Mount: a Practical Exposition. Murray, 1897. 3s. 6d.
HANCOCK, Rev. T. Christ and the People. J. Hodges. 6s.; and ed. o.p.
The Banner of Christ in the Hands of the Socialists. Verinder, 376 Strand. Id.
HARMEL, LÉON. Manuel d'une Corporation Chrétienne. Tours; 1879.
A Key to Labor Problems (Catéchisme du Patron).
Catholic Truth Society, Kennington Park Road; 1897. 6d.
HEADLAM, Rev. STEWART D. The Laws of Eternal Life. W. Reeves; 1897. IS.
Priestcraft and Progress. Guild of St. Matthew.
Lessons from the Cross. G. S. M.



Trans. V. M. Crawford,

The Guild of St. Matthew: An Appeal to Churchmen. G. S. M. 2d.
Christian Socialism. Fabian Society; 1892. Id.

Salvation through Christ. G. S. M. Id.

The Clergy as Public Leaders. G. S. M.


HEATH, R. Nonconformity in Relation to Labor and the Social Movement. Pro

gressive Review, Feb., 1897.


HECKFORD, SARAH. The Life of Christ and its Bearings on Communism. Field and Tuer; 1893.

HERRON, Rev. G. D. The New Redemption. New York: Crowell; 1893. 75c. The Christian Society. New York: Revell; 1894. I dol.

HIRD, Rev. D. Jesus the Socialist. Clement Wilson; 1896. Id.

HOLLAND, Canon H. SCOTT. The Labor Movement (with two other Addresses). Bristol Hemmons; 1897. 6d.

The Ground of our Appeal. C. S. U. Leaflet.

The Church of England and Social Reform. Progressive Review, Jan., 1897. IS. HORTON, Rev. R. F., D.D. Christus Invictus: New Party. Hodder; 1895. 2s. 6d. HUGHES, THOMAS. Tracts on Christian Socialism, No. 2.



Tracts for Priests and People (1st series). Macmillans; 1861.
A Lecture on the Slop-system. 1852. Religio Laici.

JAMES, Saint.

James' Letter (a Modern Translation of the Epistle). Guild of St. Matthew. Id.

KAUFMANN, Rev. M. Christian Socialism. Kegan Paul; 1888. 4s. 6d.

Charles Kingsley, Christian Socialist. Methuen; 1892.

KEEBLE, S. J. Industrial Day Dreams. Elliot Stock. 5s.

KENWORTHY, J. C. The Christian Revolt. Brotherhood Co., 26 Paternoster Sq. Is KETTELER, Bishop. Die Arbeiterfrage und das Christenthum.

heim; 1864.

Maintz Kirch

French translation of the above. Liège: Grandmont Donders; 1869. KINGSLEY, Rev. C. Alton Locke: a Novel. Macmillan; 1890. 6d. Yeast: a Novel. Macmillan; 1890. 6d.

Cheap Clothes and Nasty (Parson Lot). Pickering; 1850. o.p.


The Message of the Church to the Working Classes. A Sermon. 1851.
Sermons on National Subjects. 1852.

Who are the Friends of Order? A reply to certain observations in a late number
of Fraser's Magazine on the so-called Christian Socialists. 1852 (see above).
Sermons for the Times. 1855. Andromeda, and other stories. 1862.
KITCHIN, Rev. G. W., Dean of Durham. The Mission of the Churches: New Party.
Hodder; 1895. 2s. 6d.

LUDLOW, JOHN M. Tracts on Christian Socialism, Nos. 4,

Tracts by Christian Socialists, Nos. 3, 4. 1851.

6. 1850.

Christian Socialism and its Opponents. (Lecture.) 1851.
The Master Engineers and their Workmen. (Lecture.) 1852.

MANNING, Cardinal. The Rights and Dignity of Labor. Burns & Oates; 1887. Id.
MARSON, Rev. C. L. Social Teaching of the Early Fathers: Vox Clamantium.

Innes; 1894.

The Church and the Democratic Idea: New Party. Hodder; 1895. 2s. 6d. Churchmen and their Politics. Westminster Review, February, 1894. MARTIN, Rev. SAMUEL. True Christianity-True Socialism. (A Lecture.) 1851. and LLOYD JONES. The Progress of the Working Class, 1832-67. 1867. MATHESON, Rev. A. SCOTT. The Church and Social Problems. Edinburgh: Anderson and Ferrier; 1893. 7s. 6d.

MA RICE, Rev. F. DENISON. Introductory Lecture delivered at the opening of the Metropolitan Evening Classes for Working Men. 1849.

Tracts on Christian Socialism, Nos. 1, 3, 7, 8. 1850-1.

Tracts by Christian Socialists, No. 1. 1851.

Reasons for Co-operation (a lecture). 1851.
God and Mammon: a sermon to young men.



The Reformation of Society, and how all classes may contribute to it. (A Lecture) Administrative Reform and its connection with Working Men's Colleges. 1855. A Lecture delivered at the opening of the Lower Norwood Working Men's Institute, Jan. 2nd, 1860.

Social Morality. Macmillan; 1869. 6s.

Christian Socialism. C. S. U., 118 Fleet Street. 2d.

MAZZINI, J. God and the People. (Ed. Dean Stubbs.) Unwin. 5s.

MOKE, Sir THOMAS. Utopia. Walter Scott; 1892.

Is. 6d.

MORGAN, JOHN WINTER. The Revolt of the Bees; The Christian Commonwealth;

etc. Longmans; 1850.

NEALE, E. V. The Characteristic Features of some of the Principal Features of Socialism. (A Lecture.) 1851.

May I not do what I like with my own? (A Lecture.) 1852. and T. HUGHES. A Manual for Co-operators. Macmillan; 1881. "NEW TESTAMENT SOCIALIST." If the Churches came to Christ.

Brotherhood Trust, 28 Clerkenwell Road. Id.

NITTI, Prof. F. S. Catholic Socialism. Sonnenschein; 1895.


IOS. 6d.

NOEL, Hon. RODEN. Christianity and Social Advance: Vox Clamantium. Innes. PERIN, C. Le Socialisme Chrétien. Paris: Lecoffre; 1886.

RAMSAY, THOS. Is Christian Socialism a Church Matter? (A Lecture.) 1851. RICHMOND, Rev. WILFRID. Christian Economics. Rivington. 6s.

Economic Morals. Allen; 1890.

RUSKIN, J. Letters to the Clergy. Allen; 1896. 5s.

SARSON, Rev. G. The Eucharist and Common Life. Hibberd; 1896. Is.

SAINT-SIMON. Nouveau Christianisme. Paris: Bossange; 1825.

SHUTTLEWORTH, Rev. Prof. The Christian Church and the Problem of Poverty: Vox Clamantium. Innes; 1894.


SPRAGUE, Rev. P. W. Christian Socialism: What and Why. New York: Dutton. STOCKER, Dr. A. Socialdemokratisch, Socialistich und Christlich-Social. Brunswick Wollermann; 1880.

Die Bibel und die Sociale Frage. Nuremberg: Braun; 1881.

STUBBS, Rev. C. W., Dean of Ely. Village Politics. Macmillan; 1878. 3s. 6d. Christ and Economics. Isbister; 1893. 3s. 6d.

Christ and Democracy. Sonnenschein; 1889. 3s. 6d.

A Creed for Christian Socialists. W. Reeves; 1897. Is.

TALBOT, Bishop (Rochester). The Religious Aspirations of Labor. S. P. C. K. 2d. TUCKWELL, Rev. H. Christian Socialism and other Lectures. Simpkin; 1891. 6d. Christian Socialism. Manchester Labor Press Leaflet.

TODT, Pastor R. Der Radikale Deutsche Socialismus und die Christliche Gesellschaft.
Wittenberg: Herrosé; 1878.

TOLSTOY, Count. The Kingdom of God is Within You. W. Scott; 1894. 2s. 6d.
Christ's Christianity. Brotherhood Publishing Co. 5s.
What to Do. Brotherhood Publishing Co. 2s. 6d.

The Gospel in Brief. Brotherhood Publishing Co. 2s. 6d.

TOYNBEE, ARNOLD. The Industrial Revolution. Rivingtons; 1884.

WESTCOTT, Bishop (Durham). Social Aspects of Christianity. Macmillan; 1887. 6s. The Incarnation, a Revelation of Human Duties. S. P. C. K.; 1893. 6d. Socialism. Verinder; 1890. 2d.

The Christian Social Union. C. S. U., 118 Fleet Street; 1895. 2d.

The Co-operative Ideal. Labor Association, John Street, W.C.; 1895. 2d. The Christian Law. C. S. U. 2d.

WILSON, Archdeacon. The Ethical Basis of the Labor Movement. S. P. C. K.; 1895. 2d.

WODEHOUSE, Rev. T. A Grammar of Socialism. Verinder. 2d.


The Economic Review (Ed. Oxford C. S. U.). Rivingtons; Quarterly. 35. monwealth. Hibberd; Monthly. 3d. Brotherhood. Monthly; id. Hibberd; Monthly. Id.


[blocks in formation]

The Co-operator, 1828-30; Politics for the People, 1848; The Christian Socialist, 1850-1; The Journal of Association, 1852; The Church Reformer; The Christian Weekly; The Christian Socialist (c. 1880-1890); Journal des sciences morales et politiques (afterwards L'Européen), 1831-?; L'Atelier, 1844-50; Concordia (Leipzig, Gustav Mayer), 1860-7; The Church of To-Day (ob. 1897).



THE Guild of St. Matthew, the oldest among the existing English Socialist Societies, was founded on June 29th, 1877.

Its objects are

I.-To get rid, by every possible means, of the existing prejudices, especially on the part of "Secularists," against the Church, her Sacraments and Doctrines; and to endeavor "to justify God to the People."

II. To promote frequent and reverent worship in the Holy Communion, and a better observance of the teaching of the Church of England as set forth in the Book of Common Prayer.

III. To promote the study of Social and Political Questions in the light of the Incarnation.

One of the earliest pamphlets of the Guild was entitled "Christian Socialism: by a Radical Parson." Courses of lectures, by members of the Guild, were carried on in many places; and several, who afterwards became well known as Socialist lecturers,

owed their first introduction to public speaking to these debates. The Guild in its early days also took an active part in the protest against the denial of constitutional rights to Northampton. A manifesto on "The Church and Socialism" was appended to its Annual Report in 1884, and an address on the same subject and on similar lines was presented to the Lambeth Conference in 1888. More recent manifestoes of the Guild have dealt with such subjects as the Democratization of Church Government; the duty of the Clergy towards Education, and especially towards Board Schools; and so on. There are now branches of the Guild in Oxford University and in Bristol, and local groups in several parts of London. The last Report (Sept. 1900) showed 287 members, of whom 93 were in Holy Orders. The Guild organizes each year a "Quiet Day for Social Reformers" and a "Mass for the Labor Cause" on May Day. Courses of sermons are arranged for Advent and Lent, and many services are held in all parts of England in connection with its Annual Festival (St. Matthew's Day, Sept. 21st). The Annual Meeting is held about the same time, usually in the Large Hall of Sion College. The Warden's "Annual Addresses" for the past sixteen years have been published, and afford the best guide to the Guild's history and principles.

Besides the publications included in the Bibliography, there is a terse summary of Christian Socialist principles in a leaflet called "The G. S. M.: What it is and Who should join it."

Hon. Sec.: FREdk. Verinder, 376 & 377 Strand, W.C.


THIS Society was founded in 1889 by Canon Scott Holland and others. It now consists of 35 branches, the largest being at London, Oxford, Cambridge, Manchester, Birmingham, Glasgow, and Bristol. There are also affiliated societies in New Zealand, Melbourne, Sydney, and the United States. The total membership is now over 4,000. The President of the Union is the Bishop of Durham, and among its leading members are the Bishops of London and Rochester, the Dean of Ely, Canons Gore, Barnett, Armitage, Robinson, Professors Sanday and Stanton, Archdeacon Wilson, J. M. Ludlow, Dr. Fry. Its work is mainly educational, by means of lectures and sermons and a considerable output of pamphlets and books; but other forms of work have been undertaken, e.g., fair lists, at Oxford (where the number of fair-dealing shops has been increased from 23 in 1891 to 146 in 1900), Glasgow, London and Birkenhead; investigations into dangerous trades, with reports thereon and petitions to the Home Secretary. Besides printing leaflets summarizing various social questions, the Oxford Branch issues the quarterly Economic Review. The London Branch has for some years organized daily sermons on social subjects in the City during Lent, which have resulted in four volumes of social sermons, the first, "Lombard Street in Lent," having reached a sixth edition; the example has now been followed in other towns. The London Branch has also published Haw's "No Room to Live," and a volume of lectures, "The Church and New Century Problems." There is now a C.S.U. settlement for men and women, "Maurice Hostel," Hoxton, N. Most of the work has been done by the various branches, which have considerable freedom, but the Central Executive also arranges annual meetings, or, rather, demonstrations, on a large scale in the principal provincial towns. The official objects of the Union are as follows:

1.-To claim for the Christian Law the ultimate authority to rule social practice. II. To study in common how to apply the moral truths and principles of Christianity to the social and economic difficulties of the present time. III.-To present Christ in practical life as the living master and king, the enemy of wrong and selfishness, the power of righteousness and love.

The Annual Report and List of Publications of the Union and explanatory leaflet by Dr. Fry can be got at the London C.S.U. Depôt, 44 Victoria Street, S.W. The Secretary of the London Branch is Rev. PERCY DEARMER, 102 Adelaide Road, N.W.


Objects:-1. To secure a better understanding of the idea of the Kingdom of God on earth. 2. To re-establish this idea in the thought and life of the Church. 3. To assist in its practical realization in all the relations and activities of human society.

President: JOHn Clifford, M.A., D.D.

Hon. Sec.: WILL REASON, M.A.. New Southgate, London, N.

Secretary, at the Fabian Office, 3 Clement's Inn, London, W.C. FABIANISM and the EMPIRE: A Manifesto. 4d. post free. FABIAN ESSAYS IN SOCIALISM. (35th Thousand.) Paper cover, 1/-; plain cloth, 2/-, post free from the Secretary. FABIAN TRACTS and LEAFLETS.

Tracts, each 16 to 52 pp., price 1d., or 9d. per dos., unless otherwise stated. Leaflets, 4 pp. each, price 1d. for six copies, 1s. per 100, or 86 per 1000. The Set of 88, 3s.; post free 3/5. Bound in Buckram, 4/6; post free for 55. 1.-General Socialism in its various aspects.

TRACTS.-121. Public Service versus Private Expenditure. By Sir OLIVER LODGE. 113. Communism. By WM. MORRIS. 107. Socialism for Millionaires. By BERNARD SHAW. 78. Socialism and the Teaching of Christ. By Dr. JOHN CLIFFORD. 87. The same in Welsh. 42. Christian Socialism. By Rev. S. D. HEADLAM. 75. Labor in the Longest Reign By SIDNEY WEBB. 72. The Moral Aspects of Socialism. BY SIDNEY BALL. 69. Difficulties of Individualism. By SIDNEY WEBB. 51. Socialism: True and False. By S. WEBB. 45. The Impossibilities of Anarchism. By BERNARD SHAW (price 2d.). 15. English Progress towards Social Democracy. By S. WEBB. 7. Capital and Land (6th edn. revised 1904) 5. Facts for Socialists (10th edn., revised 1906). LEAFLETS-13. What Socialism Is. 1. Why are the Many Poor? 38. The same in Welsh. II.-Applications of Socialism to Particular Problems. TRACTS.-128. The Case for a Legal Minimum Wage. 126. The Abolition of Poor Law Guardians. 122. Municipal Milk and Public Health. By Dr. F. LAWSON DODD. 120. "After Bread, Education." 125. Municipalization by Provinces. 119. Public Control of Electrical Power and Transit. 123. The Revival of Agriculture. 118. The Secret of Rural Depopulation. 115. State Aid to Agriculture: an Example. 112. Life in the Laundry. 110. Problems of Indian Poverty. 98. State Railways for Ireland. 124. State Control of Trusts. 86. Municipal Drink Traffic. 85. Liquor Licensing at Home and Abroad. 84. Economics of Direct Employment. 83. State Arbitration and the Living Wage. 73. Case for State Pensions in Old Age. 67. Women and the Factory Acts. 50. Sweating: its Cause and Remedy. 48. Eight Hours by Law. 23. Case for an Eight Hours Bill. 47. The Unemployed. By JOHN BURNS, M.P. LEAFLETS.-89. Old Age Pensions at Work. 19. What the Farm Laborer Wants. 104. How Trade Unions benefit Workmen. III.-Local Government Powers: How to use them. TRACTS.-117. The London Education Act, 1903: how to make the best of it. 114. The Education Act, 1902. 111. Reform of Reformatories and Industrial Schools. By H. T. HOLMES. 109. Cottage Plans and Common Sense. By RAYMOND UNWIN. 103. Overcrowding in London and its Remedy. By W. C. STEADMAN, L.C.C. 101. The House Famine and How to Relieve it. 52 pp. 76. Houses for the People. 100. Metropolitan Borough Councils. 99. Local Government in Ireland 82. Workmen's Compensation Act. 62. Parish and District Councils. 61. The London County Council. 54. The Humanizing of the Poor Law. By J. F. OAKESHOTT. LEAFLETS.-68. The Tenant's Sanitary Catechism. 71. Same for London. 63. Parish Council Cottages and how to get them. 58. Allotments and how to get them. FABIAN MUNICIPAL PROGRAM, FIRST SERIES (Nos. 32, 36, 37). Municipalization of the Gas Supply. The Scandal of London's Markets. A Labor Policy for Public Authorities. SECOND SERIES (Nos. 90 to 97). Municipalization of Milk Supply. Municipal Pawnshops. Municipal Slaughterhouses. Women as Councillors. Municipal Bakeries. Municipal Hospitals. Municipal Fire Insurance. Municipal Steamboats.Second Series in a red cover for 1d. (9d. per doz.); separate leaflets, 1/- per 100. IV. Books. 29. What to Read on social and economic subjects. 6d. net. V.-General Politics and Fabian Policy.

127. Socialism and Labor Policy. 116. Fabianism and the Fiscal Question: an alternative policy. 108. Twentieth Century Politics. By SIDNEY WEBB. 70. Report on Fabian Policy. 41. The Fabian Society: its Early History. By BERNARD SHAW.

VI. Question Leaflets. Questions for Candidates: 20, Poor Law Guard ians. 24, Parliament. 28, County Councils, Rural. 56, Parish Councils. 57, Rural District Councils. 102, Metropolitan Borough Councils.

BOOK BOXES lent to Societies, Clubs, Trade Unions, for 6s. a year, or 2/6 a quarter Printed by G. Standring, 7 Finsbury St., London, E.C., and published by the Fabian Society,

3 Clement's Inn, Strand, London W.C.

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