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النشر الإلكتروني

"A woman's crowning glory is her hair,' said the poet. Had he said her 'hat,' he would have been no poet, but 'mere man.""


If the nose of Cleopatra had been shorter, the whole face of the earth would have been different.

Blaise Pascal.

I always envy the women with good noses more than I can express. . . . Eyes grow dim, and teeth depart, and figures increase, but a good nose is an abiding resting-place for your vanity. You know that it will last out your time, whatever happens, and that age cannot wither nor custom stale its satisfactory proportions.

Ellen Thorneycroft Fowler.

It really is an advantage to a girl if she doesn't want to be bothered by men, to be born plain.

Paul Leicester Ford.

A pretty woman's worth some pains to see.

Robert Browning.

Good looks in a man, as a very celebrated woman once remarked, are superfluous. A handsome man attracts attention, and so he has a certain preliminary advantage over a rival who is plain; yet this counts for very little in the end. John Wilkes, who was more than ugly, knew women well when he said, “Give me half an hour's start, and I am not afraid of the handsomest man in England." Harry Thurston Peck.

A great, good, handsome man is the first of created beings.

Charlotte Bronte.


A Little Girl's Opinion of Men. "Men are ugly. They are dirty. They say, 'Come here, my little girl, and I will give you something' then when I go to them they try and kiss me. I will not kiss them, because their mouths smell bad. They stroke my hair and pull it all the wrong way; and it hurts. And when I don't like my hair pulled the wrong way, they tell me I will be a great coquette."

Marie Corelli.

That man is not fit to join the honorable ranks of the bald who cannot spread and plaster down three hairs until they cover the entire top of his cranium.

Charles P. Burton.

They say that women and music should never be


Oliver Goldsmith.

A woman is never old until the little finger of her glove is allowed to project beyond the finger itself, and she orders her new photographs from an old plate in preference to sitting again.

Myrtle Reed.

The girl whose face is her fortune soon finds that Father Time is a great spendthrift.

James Jay O'Connell.

My birthday! "How many years ago?"


"Twenty or thirty?" Don't ask me!

"Forty or fifty?" How can I tell?

I do not remember my birth, you see!

Julia C. D. Dorr.

What a pity that wrinkles should not be all under our heels instead of on our faces! It would be a much better arrangement.

Ninon de l'Enclos.


We do not count a man's years until he has nothing else to count. Ralph Waldo Emerson.

What's a man's age? He must hurry more, that's all; Cram in a day what his youth took a year to hold; When we mind labor, then, only, we're too old.

Robert Browning.

The years of a man's life that count the most are often those which may be passed quickest in the story of it.

Winston Churchill.

The third age of love is the callow age, in which a boy always falls in love with a woman old enough to be his mother. It is accompanied by a desire on his part to be thought very, very old, and very, very wicked. He regards any reference to his age as a personal insult, and hates those who call him by his Christian name.

Dorothy Dix.

He who is not strong before twenty, handsome before thirty, wise before forty, and rich before fiftyon such a man even beer is altogether lost.

German Proverb.


Eve's fig-leaves had the merit of simplicity, economy, and comfort, in the climate of Paradise. Her daughters have seldom compassed so much with one hundred times the labor.


Marion Harland.

Woman ought every morning to put on the slippers of humility, the shift of decorum, the corset of charity, the garters of steadfastness, the pins of patience.


In those days the women laced until they had no room inside them for a good, square meal. They wore paper-soled shoes on the street, and thought it vulgar to look healthy, and the height of every well-regulated young woman's ambition was to have an unhappy love affair, and to go into a decline. We are more sensible nowadays.

Geraldine Anthony.

"It was Talleyrand who, on being asked by a lady his opinion of her dress, replied that it began too late, and ended too soon."

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