صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني
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1st day,

2d day,

3d day,


The 1st watch, from sun-set to

the 3d hour of the night.

The 2d, or middle watch,

from the 3d hour to the 6th.

The day, reckoning from sun

rise, and the night, from


sun-set, were each divided

5th day,


into 12 equal parts, called

The Sd watch, or cock-crow

The 1st, 2d, 3d, 4th, &c.

6th day,



7th, or Sabbath, Saturday.

4th day,

ing, from the 6th to the 9th.

The 4th, or morning watch, from the 9th hour to sun-rise.

An Index



The year






Luke, i.



Luke, ii.


Mat. ii.

1, 12,




THE angel Gabriel appears to Zachary the priest,
as he is offering incense in the temple, telling him,
that a son shall be born unto him, whom he shall call
John; who also shall be a Nazarite, and the fore-
runner of the Lord, in the spirit and power of Elias.

In the sixth month after John was conceived, the
same angel Gabriel is sent by God to Nazareth in
Galilee, to the inost blessed Virgin Mary (espoused
to Joseph, a person of the house and lineage of David):
the angel declares unto her that she shall conceive,
by the overshadowing of the Holy Ghost, and bring
forth a son, and call his name Jesus.

John the Baptist boru six months before Christ.
Christ our Lord and Saviour, in the fulness of time,
is born of the blessed Virgin Mary at Bethlehem, and
laid in a manger.

On the eighth day after his nativity, he is circum-
cised, and named Jesus.

The wise men of the east bring presents to the
new-born King of the Jews.

Joseph flies into Egypt with the child Jesus, and
Mary his mother.

Herod commands the infants in and about Beth-
lehem to be slain.

Herod dieth, and his son Archelaus is by Cæsar
made tetrarch of Judea ; other dominions, which be-

Jos. Ant.
1.17.c.10. longed to Herod, are divided among his sons.
Mat. ii.

Christ, by God's appointment, is brought back out

21, 23. of Egypt into Nazareth.

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Jos. Ant.
1.18. c.3.

The First Year of the vulgar Christian Era begins

By occasion of the Passover our Lord goes up
with his parents to Jerusalem, and there disputes with
the doctors in the temple.

Angustus dies, and Tiberius succeeds him.
Josephus, called Caiaphas, is made high-priest of
the Jews by the favour of Valerius Gratus, the Ro-

man governor.

Towards the end of this year, Pontius Pilate is
sent to be procurator of Judea, in the place of Vale-
rius Gratus.

27. Mat. iii. 1.
John the Baptist begins to preach and to baptize in
Mark, 1.2. the desert of Judea, thereby preparing the way of
Lake,ii.3. the Lord, and doing his endeavour that Christ's
coming after him may be made known unto Israel.
John, i. 7. Unto John God gives a sign whereby he may know
Isa. xli. 1. the Lord's Christ, that upon whom he shall see the
Spirit descending and remaining on him, the same is


¡he which shall baptize with the Holy Ghost.

Mat.iii.13. Jesus entering upon the thirtieth year of his age,
Mark, i. 9. comes from Galilee to Jordan, and is baptized of John,
Lake, iii.
at which time a most illustrious manifestation is made
of the blessed Trinity; for the Son of God ascending
out of the water, and praying, the heavens are open-
ed, and the Spirit of God, in the shape of a dove, de-
scends upon him; and the voice of the Father is
heard from heaven, saying, This is my beloved Son
in whom I am well pleased.

Joho, i.

Mat iv. 1.

Mark, i.


John sees it, and bears record that this is the Son
of God.

Jesus, full of the Holy Ghost, returns from Jordan,
and is led by the Spirit into the wilderness, where he
fasteth forty days and forty nights, and is tempted by

Luke, iv.1, the devil.

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After this, our Lord returns into Galilee.

John gives testimony to our Saviour, passing by
him: Andrew, Peter, Philip, and Nathanael, acknow-
ledge him to be the Messias, and become his dis-

Christ, at a marriage in Cana of Galilee, turneth
water into wine; this was his first miracle.

The First Passover of Christ's public Ministry,
from which the first Year of the Seventieth and
last of Daniel's Weeks begins: In which the
covenant is confirmed with many, DAN. ix. 27.
compared with MAT. xxvi. 28.

Jesus cometh to Jerusalem at the time of the Pass-
over, and, entering into the temple, scourgeth out
those that bought and sold there: the Jews require a
sign of bis authority. Christ bids them destroy that

The Year after


The Seventh Age of the World.

30. John,ii.13. temple (understanding the temple of his body), and in

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32. Mat. xiv. 15.

Mark, vii.

35. Luke, ix. 12. John, vi.

1, 15.

three days he will raise it np.

Herod the tetrarch casteth John the Baptist into prison for reprehending his incest with his brother Philip's wife, and other evils done by him.

Christ discovers himself to the woman of Samaria.

He goes throughout all Galilee, teaching in the synagogues, and working miracles. Matthew called to be a disciple.

The Second Passover of Christ's Ministry, John, v. 1, compared with iv. 3, 5, from which the Second Year of the Seventieth Week of Daniel begins.

Jesus comes up to Jerusalem at the time of the feast, and heals on the sabbath-day a man that had an infirmity thirty-eight years, lying at the pool of Bethesada. He makes a most divine apology to the Jews that sought to kill him, because he said that God was his Father.

Christ, out of the multitude of his disciples, chooseth twelve, whom he calleth apostles; namely, Peter, Andrew, James, John, Philip, Bartholomew, Matthew, Thomas, James the son of Alpheus, Simon called Zelote, Judas the brother of James, aud Judas Iscariot. Tothese our Saviour chiefly directs his discourse in that glorious, full, and admirable sermon on the mount.

Jesus sends his twelve apostles by two and two to preach, and heal the sick.

John the Baptist is beheaded in prison, by Herod's command.

Jesus feeds five thousand men, besides women and children, with five barley loaves, and two little fishes. He refuses to be made a king.

The Third Passover of Christ's Ministry, JOHN,
vi. 4. from which the Third Year of the Seven-
tieth Week of Daniel begins.

Jesus is transfigured on the mount: Moses and
Mark,ix.1. Elias are seen to talk with him; and a voice from
Luke, ix. heaven is heard a second time, saying, This is my
28. beloved Son; hear him.

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