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النشر الإلكتروني

and partly from the use of those numerous expe- sovereign. Charles X. accidentally learned the dients to which a deep sense of determined patri-project, and stopped it, saying—“Why, the Duke otism enables men to resort in such moments. An of Orleans is the best subject I have, and did he indefatigable frequenter of the drama, who repair-think there was any danger, he would be here to ed to the barricades, was astonished to find his "dii advise me." He little thought that all that day penates" on the qui-vive in every direction. Char-messengers had passed between Neuilly, where lemagne's Sword was gleaming on one spot-Tan-Louis Philippe was, and Mr. Lafitte's, every half cred's Panoply was mounted in another-the Hel-hour, and that Mr. Oudart, secretary to the Dumets of the Horatii rivalled with the Swords of chess, had been the bearer of the more confidential Nero's Freedmen—and halberds and partisans, the communications. usual caparison of the minions of despotism, waved high in the coarse hands of Sans-culottes.

Before night the tricolor waved in triumph from the Hotel de Ville and Notre Dame, and the troops were concentrated around the Tuileries. Tacitus says that a cloudy sky is a disastrous omen, and that the midnight enterprise languishes under the omen of a clouded moon; but the citizen soldiers were happy in their auspices, for pure and bright as their aspirations for liberty was the heaven above their heads on the night between the 28th and 29th of July.

were mingled with the sharp challenge, or the watchful" sentinel, guard well your post," which one hundred thousand citizens on foot for liberty passed, from one to another, every quarter of an

A newspaper of the day, "La Tribune," narrates an interesting scene which occurred at one of the barricades in the Rue Cadet, between the hours of one and two in the morning, when an old man, walking with difficulty, sought to pass.

At four in the morning, a deputation of the Polytechnic School had been received by General Lafayette, and in a few hours these young heroes were directing the movements of the insurgents in every quarter of the city. The National Guard began to re-organize itself, and some imperial uniforms were obtained from the wardrobe of a minor theatre. In vain did Mr. Arago attempt to perFew Parisians closed their eyes, for suade the Duke of Ragusa to cease firing on the though the tocsin had ceased to sound, and the firing people-indignant that his regular troops had been had ceased, a solemn murmur of busy labor was in two instances repulsed by journeymen printers, every where heard. In every street paving stones who fired the type they had been forbidden to use were torn up and trees cut down to form barricades, legitimately, he was determined to occupy the city. the gunsmiths "plied their rattling trade," and the Barricades were erected of felled trees and over-groans of the wounded on their way to the hospitals turned carriages, while, as the troops moved on through the narrow, obstructed streets, an invisible enemy poured forth their fire, with deadly aim, from nearly every window. The very women, their passions roused, hurled down from the house-hour. tops paving stones, logs of wood, and bricks, bruising and harassing the soldiers who escaped the shot. All hope of conciliation was destroyed, and it now remained for victory alone to decide between the King and the people. The latter were inspired by the cry of Live the Charter," and, "Halt," cries the sentinel; "corporal, come and although "ignorant of its meaning, they threw in- reconnoitre." (The corporal was a working man.) to it," says Louis Blanc," all the vague hopes that "You must come to the post, you fellows there; swelled their bosoms. Many of them died for a and you shall tell us what keeps you abroad so word they did not understand-the men who did late." The group walk toward the post, where understand it were to show themselves by-and-by, each of the unknown undergoes an examination. when the time was come to bury the dead." First, a man well stricken in years, of venerable The protest of the liberal Deputies was issued countenance, and for whose passage it had been in the afternoon, though many of them had left the necessary to make breaches in two or three of the city, among them Mr. Thiers, who had taken re- barricades-then, three other persons, who appearfuge with Madame de Courchamp, at Montmoren-ed to be under his orders, as aides-de-camp. All ey. Charles X. was at St. Cloud, and although this appeared very suspicious to the Commandant, he could hear the firing, he refused to credit the who sharply interrogated the old man. The latter reports brought to him from time to time. The replied to him: "Captain, you see me moved to the Parisians," he said," are in a state of anarchy-an- very soul at the spectacle which you make me witarchy will necessarily bring them to my feet." ness; embrace me, and know that I am one of your This blind security was not shared by the mon- old comrades!" The Commandant hesitated. "It arch's niece, the Duchess of Berri, who was posi-is General Lafayette!" said some one. Every one tive that the insurrection was the work of another flew into his arms; but the Commandant, resuming uncle, the Duke of Orleans. So strong were her all his gravity: "Gentlemen," said he," to arms!" suspicions, that she organized a party to proceed and immediately all fell into line, and the General to Neuilly, seize the Duke, and oblige him by force reviewed the post, as in the most regular army. to consent to enter Paris with her, to exhibit her infant son Henri to the people, as their legitimate

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At sunrise on the 29th, the bourgeois took up

arms, and joined the insurgents, whose ranks, thus | show him the way: "I know it better than you all far, had been filled with wild students, Phalanste- do," said he with a smile, and ascended the grand rians, St. Simonians, Communists, and other anar- staircase. chists, secretly instigated by agents from the Palais Monsieur Sarrans, his aid-de-camp, gives us a Royal. They had accomplished wonders, but there vivid picture of the scene which these head-quar was danger of revolutionary excess, and when La-ters of insurrection presented: "What mighty refitte called upon the middle classes to join the popu- collections were intermingled with others yet more lace in order to check their mad audacity, and es- grand! Those immense halls, filled with crowds tablish a firm constitutional government, few refu- of citizens of every class, of every age-those sed. A regular system of attack was now organ- combatants, intoxicated by victory, interesting by ized, and from every quarter of the capital marched their wounds-those hangings, covered with fleurcolumns, in whose ranks were to be seen mechan-de-lis, coolly torn to pieces-the bust of Louis ics and noblemen, veteran soldiers and boys, uni- XVIII. thrown upon the floor; that of Charles X. forms and rags, led on to victory by the ardent dashed to atoms-those citizen soldiers arriving Polytechnic students-Generals of twenty years, from all sides to announce the defeat of the eneas Beranger called them. Prodigies of valor were mies of liberty, the carrying of the Louvre, the enacted by many of these improvised battalions, and Tuileries, and the barracks of Babylon, bringing we even read of boys waving the tricolor flag amidst the colors, and dragging along the cannon which the volleys of grape-shot, and rushing among the they had forcibly taken from the soldiers of Charles enemy's squadrons to poniard the horse of the dra- X.--orders dictated in haste, and dispatched in goon whom they could not reach. The King's every direction, to pursue and harass the Royalists troops, particularly the Swiss guards, "fought like in their retreat-those guards with naked armsbrave men, long and well," but they could not re-military posts forming at every point-the Place de sist the masses which attacked them on all sides. Grève covered with ammunition wagons and broThe Louvre was evacuated--the last company of ken arms-the whole Polytechnic school in battle the Swiss foot guards fell in the Place de Carrou- array-elsewhere pious hands already digging the sel-and at one o'clock, Charles X. looking through grave of the heroes of liberty-in short, this coma telescope from the Palace of St. Cloud, saw the pound of a popular tumult and a real battle against fiery tricolor waving in triumph over the Palace of experienced troops and generals, resolving itself the Tuileries. The insurgents had conquered, and walked through regal halls, as the Spartan army did through the palace of Xerxes, without committing the slightest acts of violence-for to have devastated or plundered would have brought death. The bourgeoisie were determined to enforce law and order, and while they humored the mob by joining in the chorus of La Marseillaise, they succeeded in inspiring in their breasts a delicate sense of honor, which would not have discredited the days of chivalry.

into a multitude of attacks of posts and partial suc cesses-all this, rendered vivid and animated by the consciousness of a great triumph, presented a spectacle worthy the pen of a Tacitus or a Sallust."

That afternoon the tricolored flag waved from every public building in Paris; not a man was to be seen unadorned with the tricolored cockade. Prompt measures were taken for the preservation of the public tranquillity, and the following procła mation was placarded upon the walls:

"My dear fellow-citizens and brave comrades,

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At this moment, Lafitte declared at a meeting of the Deputies, that as they had remained behind the once more to the command of the public force. The confidence of the people of Paris calls me people, they must now at least endeavor to over- With joy and devotedness I have accepted the pow take them by organizing without delay a Provi-er that has been intrusted to me, and now, as in sional Government, with General Lafayette at its 1789, I feel myself strong in the approbation of my head. Half an hour after the Tuileries surrender- honorable colleagues now assembled in Paris. I ed, this Provisional Government was on its trium-known. The conduct of the Parisian population, shall make no profession of faith; my opinions are phal march to the Hotel de Ville, amid shouts of during these last days of trial, renders me more "Vive Lafayette!" passing through barricades than ever proud of being at its head. stained with fresh blood, while from the house-tops, Liberty shall triumph, or we will perish tofrom whence, but a few hours before, massive paving stones had been cast with destructive force upon the doomed soldiery, now showered gentle flowers and tricolored cockades on the revolutionary veteran. The entire capital resounded with shouts His forces slain or dispersed, the Duke of Raof joy, which went up from the square in front of gusa fled to St. Cloud, where, the day before, he the Hotel de Ville as the procession arrived, and had pledged himself to keep possession of the ca Lafayette entered the walls, where, forty years be-pital for at least a fortnight longer. The news that fore, another generation had placed him at the head the rebels were victorious so incensed the Duke of of the Revolution of 1789. Some one wishing to Angouleme, that he demanded the Duke's sword,


"Vive la Liberté ! Vive la Patrie!

"Paris, July 29, 1830."


and broke it over the pommel of his saddle, ordering him into arrest. This act of violence was disapproved of by Charles X., who limited the arrest to four hours, and at dinner time sent to inform the Duke that a cover was placed for him at the royal table. The invitation was not accepted. Finding that further resistance to the popular will was useless, the King consented to repeal the ordonnances, and directed the Duke of Mortemart to repair to Paris, and treat for his abdication, as well as for that of the Duke of Angouleme, in favor of his grandson, who would ascend the throne as Henri V. Well informed politicians have expressed it as their opinion, that had the Duke of Montemart seen the leading Deputies that night, the elder branch might have saved the throne.

At four o'clock on the morning of the 30th, Lafitte received a letter from one of the agents he had sent thither on the preceding day, which contained, in the following closing paragraph, the final instructions of the arch-conspirator.

"It is proposed to wait on him in the name of the constituted authorities, suitably accompanied, considerations or scruples of delicacy, it will be and to offer him the crown. Should he plead family answered him, that his abode in Paris is important to the tranquillity of the capital and of France, and that it is necessary to place him in safety there. The infallibility of this measure may be relied on. the Duke of Orleans will not be slow to unite himFurthermore, it may be set down for certain, that self fully with the wishes of the nation."

"The Duke of Orleans has carried the tricolor

The confidence of Charles X. in Louis Philippe A copy of this was carried to the office of the remained unshaken. As he coolly sat at the whist" National," where Messrs. Thiers, Mignet, and table, enjoying his usual rubber, Monsieur Duras Beranger were in session, and in an hour placards (first gentleman of the bed-chamber) trumped his from their pens were profusely distributed in every king of hearts with a knave of clubs, and the Du- direction. One will give an idea of all. chess of Berri remarked, "So, my uncle, you will fall a victim." “Banish these suspicions against those good d'Orleans," replied the monarch; "there are not more loyal people in France, and just now, when I heard a lieutenant of the guards say that he could have seized the Duke, I told him that, had he laid a finger on him, I should have loudly

disavowed the act."

flag under the enemy's fire; the Duke of Orleans can alone carry it again. We will have no other flag.

"The Duke of Orleans does not declare himself. He waits for the expression of our wishes. the charter, as we have always understood and deLet us proclaim those wishes, and he will accept sired it. It is from the French people he will hold his crown."

"Who shall rule France ?" was that night discussed by thousands-the aristocracy advocating the claims of Henri V., the bourgeoisie the Duke of These placards provoked an explosion of anger Orleans, the war party young Napoleon, and the among the Liberals, and Pierre Leroux hurried to liberals a President. To General Lafayette a Re- the Hotel de Ville to remonstrate with Lafayette, public, modelled after the United States, was the declaring that the accession of another Bourbon dream of a long life, but the people remembered would be the signal for a renewal of the conflict. the excesses of 1789. "Take the Duke of Or- The General is represented as having sat immovaleans for your King," said Monsieur Lafitte-"Lib-ble in a large arm-chair, apparently lost in deep erty will be satisfied with the sacrifice of legitima- thought, and would undoubtedly have opposed Louis cy! Order will thank you for saving it from Robe-Philippe, had it not been for the appearance of spierre! England, in your revolution, will recog- Odilon Barrot, who prevailed upon him to uphold nise her own!" a constitutional monarchy.

"Take Louis Philippe as our King!" replied Louis Philippe had left Neuilly on the morning Monsieur de Glandeves. "Why, are you not aware of the 30th for Raincy, and was therefore away that he is accused of having approved of the ho- from home when Messrs. Dupin, Persil and Thiers micidal votes of his father, and having been impli- arrived, bringing an informal offer of the crown cated in schemes for seizing the throne since he from the Chamber of Deputies. The Duchess of was eighteen, besides having fought against Na- Orleans could not bear to see her family honored poleon? Do not all impartial observers accuse him by "a crown snatched from the head of an old of constant intrigue since 1815, procuring the res- man, who had always proved himself to be a faithtitution of his stipend in defiance of the law, cring-ful kinsman and a generous friend;" but the ambiing at court, and out of court flattering the mischief tious Madame Adelaide promised that if her brothmakers? And, above all, has he not been so loaded er could not be found to accept what should be with favors by the elder branch, that it would be tendered him, she would receive it in his name. the blackest ingratitude for him to seize their her- Only," said the diplomatic Princess to Thiers, itage?" "Ah, my good Sir," was Lafitte's reply, "we must have a care that Europe does not think this "the Duke is such a good husband and so kind a revolution has been gotten up merely to change the father-besides, he would improve the commercial crown of France, and attribute the fall of Charles prosperity of the country. The bourgeois will give X. to the intrigues of the Duke of Orleans." In him their support." a few hours a committee of the Chamber of Depu

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ties presented themselves at Neuilly, bearing the and tears of a mother, the Dauphin acquainted following proclamation :

Charles X. that St. Clond was threatened, and that the seat of the monarchy must be moved a little "TO THE CITIZENS OF FRANCE:-The meeting farther; and some minutes afterwards, before dayof Deputies at this time in Paris, has deemed it break, Charles X., the Duchess of Berri, and the urgently necessary to entreat his Royal Highness children, were on their way to Trianon, under the the Duke of Orleans to repair to the capital, to exercise there the functions of Lieutenant-General protection of an escort of gardes du corps. The of the kingdom, and to express to him their desire aspect of the camp boded ill; and bitter thoughts to preserve the tricolored cockade. It has, more were written in the faces of all those armed ser over, felt impressed with the necessity of applying vants of fugitive royalty. The remains of the itself, without intermission, to the task of securing royal kitchen, distributed among the soldiers, sent to France, in the approaching session of the Chambers, all the indispensable guarantees for the full some flashes of gaiety through this dense and disand entire execution of the charter." mal gloom; but whilst some were dividing this unexpected booty among them, with laughter, others were abandoning their colors, and scattering their arms over the road as they fled. Little dependence can be placed on hired bayonets.

Returning to Neuilly in the evening, Louis Philippe read this important document at the gate of his park, by the pale and flickering light of a torch, and immediately set out for the Palais Royal. He arrived about midnight, accompanied by only three persons, wearing the tri-colored cockade, and answering to the sentries' challenge, as they clambered over the barricades, " Vive la Charte." Strange to say, no sooner had he written notes to Lafitte and Lafayette, than he despatched a messenger for the Duke of Mortemart, who had been repulsed from the Chamber of Deputies as testamentary executor of Charles X. Louis Blanc thus describes the interview:

Early on the morning of the 31st, the deputation of the Chamber of Deputies waited on Louis Philippe for his decision, and found him nearly overpowered by fear and hope, for Charles X. was still at the head of a powerful army, and the Duchess was openly opposed to her husband's dethroning his generous kinsman. At last he sent Marshal Sebastiani to Talleyrand for his decision, and that old diplo matist settled the matter by saying, with the flippancy of a political coxcomb, "It is well-let him accept." In an hour the following proclamation was placarded:

The Duke of Mortemart followed the messenger, and was introduced through the roof of the palace into a small closet opening to the right on the court, and not belonging to the apartments occupied by the family. Louis Philippe was lying" INHABITANTS OF PARIS,on a mattress on the floor, in his shirt, and only half covered with a shabby quilt. His face was bathed in perspiration, there was a lurid fire in his eye, and all about him bespoke extreme fatigue and extraordinary excitement of mind. He began to speak the moment the Duke of Mortemart entered, and expressed himself with great volubility and earnestness, protesting his attachment to the elder branch, and vowing he had only come to Paris to save the city from anarchy. At this moment a great noise was heard in the court, where people were shouting Vive le Duc d' Orleans! "You hear that, Monseigneur," said De Morten art.

"The Deputies of France, at this moment assembled in Paris, have expressed their desire that I should betake myself to this capital, to exercise there the functions of Lieutenant-General of the kingdom.

"those shouts are for you." "No! No!" replied

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the Duke of Orleans, with increased vehemence ; I will suffer death sooner than accept the crown. He seized a pen and wrote a letter to Charles X., which he sealed and delivered to De Mortemart, who carried it away in the folds of his cravat.

"I have not hesitated to come and partake your dangers, to place myself in the midst of this heroic population, and use all my endeavors to preserve you from civil war and anarchy. On entering the city of Paris I wore with pride those glorious colors you have resumed, and which I had myself long carried.

"The Chambers are about to assemble: they will consult on the means of securing the reign of the laws, and the maintenance of the rights of the nation.

"A charter shall henceforth be a true thing. LOUIS PHILIPPE D'ORLEANS."

Surrounded by a numerous staff, and escorted by the Deputies, Louis Philippe now set out for the Hotel de Ville, passing over half-demolished By a curious coincidence-Louis Blanc goes on barricades, and by new-closed graves. Yet there to say-almost at the very hour that these things was no cheering, no enthusiasm, and where one were passing in Paris, in the Palais Royal, the cried "Vive le Duc d'Orleans!" a thousand cried Duchess of Berri started out of bed at St. Cloud," Vive le République! Vive Lafayette!" for the agitated by a thousand terrors, and ran half dressed people felt that they had not been consulted, and to awaken the Dauphin, and to reproach him for an the Bourbon blood of the Prince excited a violent obstinacy that endangered the lives of two poor irritation. The procession entered the Hotel de children. Distressed and overcome by the cries Ville, Lafayette receiving his royal visitor with

the politeness of a gentleman, delighted to do the of Fine Arts in New York, a portrait of Mrs. honors of a wholly popular sovereignty to a Prince, Lewis, by Elliot, which is at the same time a forand then all eyes on the square were turned to the cible likeness and one of the most praiseworthy grand balcony. A sullen grief was depicted in pictures ever painted. In fact, we have seen nothe faces of the recent combatants, and others in thing better from Sir Thomas Lawrence ;-it alone the crowd were ghastly pale with fear. At last would suffice to place Elliot at the head of his prothe windows were swung open, and Lafayette, (the fession in this country-we mean, of course, as a picture of the arbiter of the troubled hour descri- painter of portraits. This picture conveys a disbed by Virgil.) his aged head crowned with the tinct idea of the personal authoress. She is, as character of seventy years, appeared on that same we have already mentioned, quite young-probably balcony where he had been so conspicuous nearly not more than 25 or 26-with dark and very exfifty years before, waving in one hand the flag of pressive hazel eyes and chesnut hair, naturally the old Republic, and presenting with the other curling-a poetical face, if ever one existed. Her the candidate for the new monarchy. Then, and form is finely turned-full, without being too much not till then, says an eye-witness, burst out the so, and slightly above the medium height. Her loud, hearty, and long resounding shouts of the demeanour is noticeable for dignity, grace and repopulace; then, and not till then, the people who pose. She goes little into society and resides at had been fighting for their liberties, the party that present in Brooklyn, N. Y. with her husband, S. had been plotting for Louis Philippe, and the de- D. Lewis, Esq., Counsellor at Law. We have ceived bourgeois united in upholding a Prince who thought that these succinct personal particulars of was "to put an end to all revolutions, and to es- one, who will most probably, at no very distant day, tablish on a permanent basis the institutions of occupy a high, if not the highest, position among France." American poetesses, might not prove uninteresting to our readers.



Mrs. Lewis has, in a very short space of time, attained a high poetical reputation. She is one of the youngest of our poetesses; and it is only since the publication of her "Records of the Heart," in 1844, that she can be said to have become known to the literary world :—although her "Ruins of Palenque" which appeared in the "New-World" sometime, we think, in 1840, made a most decided impression among a comparatively limited circle of readers. It was a composition of unquestionable merit, on a topic of infallible interest. In 1846, Mrs. Lewis published, in "The Democratic Review," a poem called "The Broken Heart," in three cantos, and subsequently has written many minor pieces for the "American" and "Democratic" Reviews, and for various other periodical works. In all her writings we perceive a marked idiosyncrasy-so that we might recognize her hand immediately in any of her anonymous productions. Passion, enthusiasm, and abandon are her prevailing traits. In these particulars she puts us more in mind of Maria del Occidente than of any other American poetess.

There has been lately exhibited, at the Academy

* The Child of the Sea and other Poems. By S. Anna Lewis, author of "Records of the Heart," etc., etc.


The "Records of the Heart" was received with unusual favor at the period of its issue. It consists, principally, of poems of length. The leading one is "Florence," a tale of romantic passion, founded on an Italian tradition of great poetic capability and well managed by the fair authoress. It displays, however, somewhat less of polish and a good deal less of assured power than we see evinced in her "Child of the Sea." We quote a brief passage, by way, merely, of instancing the general spirit and earnest movement of the verse:

Morn is abroad; the sun is up;
The dew fills high each lily's cup.
Ten thousand flowerets springing there
Diffuse their incense through the air,
And, smiling, hail the morning beam;
The fawns plunge panting in the stream,
Or through the vale with light foot spring:
Insect and bird are on the wing
And all is bright, as when in May
Young Nature holds high holiday.

"Florence," however, is more especially noticeable for the profusion of its original imagery—as for example:

The cypress in funereal gloom

Folds its dark arms above the tomb.

"Tenel" (pronounced Thanail,) Melpomene, (a glowing tribute to L. E. L.,) "The Last Hour of Sappho," "Laone," and "The Bride of Guayaquil," are all poems of considerable length and of rare merit in various ways. Their conduct as narratives, is, perhaps, less remarkable than their general effect as poems proper. They leave invariably on the reader's heart a sense of beauty and of

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