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النشر الإلكتروني

hardly be over-estimated. His 'History' having been written at intervals, and amid the distractions of a busy life, much of it is in a confused and ill-digested state; but it is valuable for its information and for the public documents it contains, and it has passages of vigorous picturesque writing, humour, and satire.

Assassination of Cardinal Beaton.

After the death of this blessed martyr of God [George Wishart], began the people, in plain speaking, to damn and detest the cruelty that was used. Yea, men of great birth, estimation, and honour, at open tables avowed, that the blood of the said Master George should be revenged, or else they should cost life for life. Amongst whom John Leslie, brother to the Earl of Rothes, was the chief, for he, in all companies, spared not to say: "That same whingar (shewing forth his dagger) and that same hand should be priests to the cardinal." These bruits came to the cardinal's ears, but he thought himself stout enough for all Scotland; for in Babylon-that is in his new block-house*-he was sure as he thought, and upon the fields he was able to match all his enemies. And to write the truth, the most part of the nobility of Scotland had either given unto him their bonds of manrent, or else were in confederacy and promised amity with him.


After the Pasche [Easter], he came to Edinburgh to hold the Seinze [Synod], as the papists term their unhappy assembly of Baal's shaven sort. It was bruited that something was purposed against him at that time by the Earl of Angus and his friends, whom he mortally hated, and whose destruction he sought, but it failed, and so returned he to his strength; yea, to his God and only comfort, as well in heaven as in earth. And there he remained without all fear of death, promising unto himself no less pleasure nor did the rich man, of whom mention is made by our Master in the Evangel; for he did not only rejoice, and say: Eat and be glad, my soul, for thou hast great riches laid up in store for many days;' but also he said: "Tush, a fig for the feud, and a button for the bragging of all the heretics and their assistance in Scotland! Is not my Lord Governor mine? Witness his eldest son there, pledge at my table. Have not I the queen at my own devotion? (He meant of the mother to Mary that now mischievously reigns.) Is not France my friend, and I friend to France? What danger should I fear?' And thus in vanity the carnal cardinal delighted himself a little before his death. But yet he had devised to have cut off such as he thought might cumber him, for he had appointed the whole gentlemen of Fife to have met him at Falkland the Monday after that he was slain upon the Saturday. His treasonable purpose was not understood but by his secret council; and it was this: that Norman Leslie, sheriff of Fife, and apparent heir to his father, the Earl of Rothes, the said John Leslie, father-brother to Norman, the lairds of Grange, elder and younger; Sir James Lermond of Darsie, and provost of St. Andrews; and the faithful laird of Raith; should either have been slain or else taken, and after to have been used at his pleasure. This enterprise was disclosed after his slaughter, partly by letters and memorials found in his chamber, but plainly affirmed by such as were of the council. Many purposes were devised how that wicked man might have been taken away; but all failed, till Friday the 28th of May, anno 1546, when the aforesaid Norman came at night to St. Andrews. William Kirkcaldy of Grange, younger, was in the town before, awaiting upon the purpose; last came John Leslie aforesaid, who was most suspected. What conclusion they took that night, it was not known, but by the issue that followed. But early upon the Saturday, in the morning, the 29 of May, were they in sundry companies in the abbey kirkyard, not far distant from the castle. First, the gates being open, and the drawbridge letten down, for receiving of lime and stones, and other things necessary for building-for Babylon was almost finished-first, we say, essayed William Kirkcaldy of Grange, younger, and with him six persons, and getting entrance, held purpose with the porter, 'If my lord was waking?' who answered: 'No.' While the said William and

the porter talked, and his servants made them to look at the work and the workmen,

*The archiepiscopal palace of St. Andrews, in which the cardinal resided. was a fortified building, to which it appears, he had recently made some important additions for, further security.

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approached Norman Leslie with his company; and because they were in great number, they easily gat entrance. They address them to the midst of the close; and immediately came John Leslie, somewhat rudely, and four persons with him. The porter, fearing, would have drawn the bridge; but the said John, being entered thereon, stayed it, and lap in; and while the porter made him for defence, his head was broken, the keys taken from him, and he cast into the fosse, and so the place was seized. The shout arises; the workmen, to the number of more than a hundred, ran off the walls, and were without hurt put forth at the wicket-gate. The first thing that ever was done, William Kirkcaldy took the guard of the privy postern, fearing lest the fox should have escaped. Then go the rest to the gentlemen's chambers, and without violence done to any man, they put more than fifty persons to the gate; the number that enterprised and did this was but sixteen persons. The cardinal awakened with the shouts. asked from his window: What meant that noise?' It was answered, that Norman Leslie had taken his castle: which understand, he ran to the postern, but perceiving the passage to be kept without, he returned quickly to his chamber, took his two-handed sword, and caused his chamberchild cast chests and other impediments to the door. In this meantime came John Leslie unto it, and bids open. The cardinal asking: Who calls?' he answers: My name is Leslie.' He re-demands: Is that Norman ?' The other saith: 'Nay; my name is John.' 'I will have Norman,' says the cardinal, for he is my friend.' Content yourself with such as are here, for other shall ye get nane.' There were with the said Johm, James Melvin, a man familiarly acquainted with Master George Wishart, and Peter Carmichael, a stout gentleman. In this meantime, while they force at the door, the cardinal hides a box of gold under coals that were laid in a secret corner. At length he asked: "Will ye save my life?' The said John answered: 'It may be that we will.' Nay,' says the cardinal; 'swear unto me by God's wounds, and I will open to you.' Then answered the said John: 'It that was said is unsaid;' and so cried: Fire, Fire-for the door was very stark-and so was brought a chimley full of burning coals; which perceived, the cardinal or his chamber-child-it is uncertain-opened the door, and the cardinal sat down in a chair, and cried: 'I am a priest, I am a priest; ye will not slay me.' The said John Leslie-according to his former vows-struck him first ance or twice, and so did the said Peter. But James Melvin-a man of nature most gentle and most modest-perceiving them both in choler, withdrew them, and said: This work and judgment of God-although it be secret-ought to be done with greater gravity; and presenting unto him the point of the sword, said: 'Repent thee of thy former wicked life, but especially of the shedding of the blood of that notable instrument of God, Master George Wishart, which albeit the flame of fire consumed before men, yet cries it for vengeance upon thee, and we from God are sent to revenge it. For here, before my God, I protest, that neither the hatred of thy person, the love of thy riches, nor the fear of any trouble thou couldst have done to me in particular, moved nor moves me to strike thee; but only because thou hast been, and remains, ane obstinate enemy against Christ Jesus and his holy Evangel.' And so he struck him twice or thrice through with a stog-sword [a stabbing-sword]: and so he fell, never word heard out of his mouth, but, I am a priest, I am a priest; fie, fie, all is gone.'

While they were thus occupied with the cardinal, the fray rises in the town; the provost assembles the community, and comes to the fosse-side, crying: What have ye done with my lord cardinal? where is my lord cardinal? have ye slain my lord cardinal? let us see my lord cardinal.' They that were within answered gently: Best it were unto you to return to your own houses, for the man ye call the cardinal hath received his reward, and in his own person will trouble the world no more.' But then more enragedly they cry: We shall never depart till that we see him.' And 80 was he brought to the east block-house head, and shewed dead over the wall to the faithless multitude, which would not believe before they saw, and so they departed without Requiem æternam, and Requiescant in pace, sung for his soul. Now, because the weather was hot-for it was in May, as ye have heard-and his funerals could not suddenly be prepared, it was thought best, to keep him from stinking, to give him great salt enough, a cope of lead, and a nook in the bottom of the sea-tower -a place where many of God's children had been imprisoned before-to await what exequies his brethren the bishops would prepare for him. These things we write merrily, but we would that the reader should observe God's just judgments, and how,

that he can deprehend the worldly-wise in their own wisdom, make their table to be a snare to trap their own feet, and their own presupposed strength to be their own destruction. These are the works of our God, whereby he would admonish the tyrants of this earth, that in the end he will be revenged of their cruelty, what strength soever they make in the contrary.

We shall add a short specimen of the orthography of Knox's 'History.' In 1562, he had a memorable interview with Mary Queen of Scots, to defend himself from the charge of preaching against the queen's dancing, &c. Mary, he says, made a long harangue or oration, and Knox answered at length, shewing that he had been misrepresented:

Interview with Mary Queen of Scots.

The Queyn looked about to some of the reaportaris, and said: "Your wourdis ar scharpe yneuch as ye have spocken thame: but yitt thei war tald to me in ane uther maner. I know,' said sche,that my uncles and ye ar nott of ane religioun, and thairfoir I can nott blame you albeit you have no good opinion of thame. But yf ye hear anything of myself that myslykis you, come to myself and tell me, and I shall hear you.'

Madam,' quod he, I am assured that your uncles ar enemyes to God, and unto This Sone Jesus Christ; and that for manteanance of thair awin pompe and worldlic orie, that thei spair not to spill the bloode of many innocents; and thairfoir I am sured that thair interpryses shall have no better successe than otheris baif had that foir thame have done that thei do now. But as to your awin personage, Madam, I old be glade to do all that I could to your Grace's contentment, provided that I exSee the houndis of my vocatioun. I am called, Madam, to ane publict functioun within the Kirk of Grou, om appointed by God to rebuk the synnes and vices of all. I am not appointed to come to a man in particular to schaw him his offense; for that laubour war infinite. Yf your Grace pe to frequent the publict sermonis, then doubt I not but that ye shall fullie understand boy what I like and myslike, als weall in your Majestie as in all otheris. Or yf your Grace vill assigne unto me a certane day and hour when it will please you to hear the forme anl.substance of doctrin whiche is proponed in publict to the churches of this realme, I winmost gladlie await upoun your Grace's pleasur, tyme, and place. But to wait upou your chalmer doore or ellis whair, and then to have no farther libertie but to whisper my mynd in your Grace's eare, or to tell you what otheris think and speak of you, ather will my conscience nor the vocatioun whairto God hath called me suffer it. For albeit at your Grace's commandiment, I am heare now, yitt can not I tell what other men shall judge of me, that at this tyme of day am absent from my book, and wayting upoun the courte.'

'You will not alwayis,' said sche, 'be at your book'-and so turned hir back. And the said Johne Knox departed with a reasonable meary countenance; whairat some Papists offended, said: 'He is not effrayed.' Which heard of him, he answered: Why should the pleasing face of a gentiil woman effray me? I have looked in the faces of many angrie men, and yit have nott bene effrayed above messure.' And so left he the Quene and the courte for that tyme.

Iu the following interesting extract from Knox's 'History,' we have modernised the spelling:

Another Interview with the Queen.

The queen, in a vehement fume, began to cry out that never prince was handled as she was. I have,' said she, borne with you in all your rigorous manner of speaking, baith against myself and against my uncles; yea, I have sought your favours by all possible means. I offered unto you presence and audience, whensoever it pleased you to admonish me, and yet I cannot be quit of you. I avow to God I shall be anes [once] revenged.' And with these words scarcely could Marnock, her secret chamber-boy, get napkins to hold her eyes dry for the tears; and the owling, besides womanly weeping, stayed her speech.



The said John did patiently abide all the first fume, and at opportunity answered: True it is, Madam, your Grace and I have been at diverse controversies, into which I never perceived your Grace to be offended at me. deliver you from that bondage of darkness and error, in the which ye have been nourished, for the lack of true doctrine, your majesty will find the liberty of my But when it shall please God to tongue nothing offensive. Without the preaching place, Madam, I think few have occasion to be offended at me, and there, Madam, man [must] obey Him who commands me to speak plain, and to flatter no flesh upon the face of the earth.' am not master of myself, but

'But what have ye to do,' said she, with my marriage?'

'If it please your majesty,' said he, patiently to hear me, I shall shew the truth in plain words. I grant your Grace offered me more than ever I required; but my answer was then, as it is now, that God hath not sent me to await upon the courts of princesses, nor upon the chambers of ladies; but I am sent to preach the evangel of Jesus Christ to such as please to hear it; and it hath two parts-repentance and faith. And now, Madam, în preaching repentance, of necessity it is, that the sins of men be so noted, that they may know wherein they offend; but so it is, that the most part of your nobility are so addicted to your affections, that neither God, His word, nor yet their commonwealth, are rightly regarded. And therefore, it becomes me so to speak, that they may know their duty.'


What have ye to do,' said she, with my marriage? Or what are ye within this commonwealth?'

A subject born within the same,' said he, 'Madam. And, albeit I neither be earl, lord, nor baron within it, yet has God made me-how abject that ever I be in your eyes-a profitable member within the same. Yea, Madam, to me it appertains no less to forewarn of such things as may hurt it, if I foresee them, than it does to any of the nobility; for both my vocation and conscience craves plainness of me. And therefore, Madam, to yourself I say that which I speak in public place: whensoever that the nobility of this realm shall consent that ye be subject to ane unfaithful husband, they do as much as in them lieth to renounce Christ, to banish his truth from them, to betray the freedom of this realm, and perchance shall in the end do small comfort to yourself.'

At these words, owling was heard, and tears might have been seen in greater abundance than the matter required. John Erskine of Dun-a man of meek and gentle spirit-stood beside, and entreated what he could to mitigate her anger, and gave unto her many pleasing words of her beauty, of her excellence, and how that all the princes of Europe would be glad to seek her favours. But all that was to cast oil in the flaming fire. The said John stood still, without any alteration of countenance, for a long season, while that the queen gave place to her inordinate passion, and in the end he said: the weeping of any of God's creatures; yea, I can scarcely well abide the tears of my Madame, in God's presence I speak: I never delighted in own boys, whom iny own hand corrects, much less can I rejoice in your majesty's weeping. But, seeing that I have offered unto you no just occasion to be offended, but have spoken the truth, as my vocation craves of me, I man sustain, albeit unwillingly, your majesty's tears, rather than I dare hurt my conscience, or betray my commonwealth through my silence.'

Herewith was the queen more offended, and commanded the said John to pass forth of the cabinet, and to abide further of her pleasure in the chamber. The Laird of Dun tarried, and Lord John of Coldingham came into the cabinet, and so they both remained with her near the space of ane hour. The said John stood in the chamber, as one whom men had never seen-so were all effrayed-except that the Lord Ochiltree bare him company; and therefore began he to forge talking of the ladies, who were there sitting in all their gorgeous apparel, which espied, he merrily said: 'O fair ladies, how pleasant were this life of yours if it should ever abide, and then in the end that we might pass to heaven with all this gay gear! But fie upon that knave Death, that will coine whether we will or not! And when he has laid on his arrest, the foul worms will be busy with this flesh, be it never so tender; and the silly soul, I fear, shall be so feeble, that it can neither carry with it gold, garnishing, targeting, pearl, nor precious stones.' and so passed the time till that the Laird of Dun willed him to depart to his house.* And by such means procured he the company of women

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Burton suggests that these dialogues between Knox and the Queen were in


A work similar to that of Knox, but on a much more extensive scale, was written by DAVID CALDERWOOD, another eminent Scottish divine (1575-1650). An abridgement, entitled 'The True History of the Church of Scotland,' was printed in 1646; and the complete work, printed from the manuscript in the British Museum, was given to the world in eight volumes, Edinburgh, 1841-49, published by the Wodrow Society. Calderwood was a stern unyielding Presbyterian, resolutely opposed to Episcopacy, for which he suffered persecution and imprisonment. 'A Historie of the Kirk of Scotland' from 1588 to August 1637, was written by JOHN ROW (1563–1646), and, with a continuation to July 1639, by his son, of the same name, was published in 1842 by the Wodrow Society.

SIR JAMES MELVIL, privy-councillor and gentleman of the bedchamber to Mary Queen of Scots, was born at Hall-hill, in Fifeshire, about the year 1535, and died November 1, 1607. He left in manuscript an historical work, which for a considerable time lay unknown in the Castle of Edinburgh, but having at length been discovered, was published in 1683, under the title of Memoirs of Sir James Melvil of Hall-hill, containing an Impartial Account of the most Remarkable Affairs of State during the Last Age, not mentioned by other Historians; more particularly relating to the Kingdoms of England and Scotland, under the Reigns of Queen Elizabeth, Mary Queen of Scots, and King James. In all which Transactions the Author was personally and publicly concerned.' This work is esteemed for the simplicity of its style, and as the sole authority for the history of many important events. But Dr. M Crie, the biographer of Knox, points out several errors in Melvil's narrative of the transactions of that. period, and is of opinion that all our historians have given too easy credit to Melvil, both in his statements of fact and in his representations of character. In 1564, Melvil was despatched to the English court by Mary Queen of Scots, and in his Memoirs he gives a lively and graphic account of his interviews with Queen Elizabeth. subjoin a part of this description:

Melvil's Interview with Queen Elizabeth.


She appeared to be so affectionate to the queen her good sister, that she expressed a great desire to see her. And because their so much by her desired meeting could not so hastily be brought to pass, she appeared with great delight to look upon her majesty's picture. She took me to her bed-chamber, and opened a little cabinet, wherein were divers little pictures wrapped within paper, and their names written with her own hand upon the papers. Upon the first that she took up was written 'My lord's picture.' I held the candle, and pressed to see that picture so named: she appeared loath to let me see it, yet my importunity prevailed for a sight thereof; and I found it to be the Earl of Leicester's picture. I desired that I might have it to carry home to my queen, which she refused, alleging that she had but that one picture of his. I said: Your majesty hath here the original;' for I perceived him at the fur

French, not in the language in which Knox reports them. Mary's habitual language was French, and Knox had lived and preached in France. See Burton's History of Scot land, iv. 211.


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