صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

and passions of mankind can be engaged, is less than nothing and vanity, when compared with the cause and kingdom of God.

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We beseech you, holy brethren, partakers of the heavenly calling, consider THE APOSTLE AND HIGH PRIEST OF OUR PROFESSION, CHRIST JESUS. Let the excellency of his cause; the ardor which he himself hath shown in it; the personal obligations you are under him, and blessings derived from him to all his people, excite your zeal to the uttermost. Reflect on the original dignity which he eternally possessed, and consider the depth of humiliation to which he condescended for your sakes. He took upon him the form of a servant, and how did he exert himself then in the glorious cause. He was unwearied in seeking his Father's glory; he made it his meat and drink to do his will. He could truly say, The zeal of thine house hath eaten me up. petually employed in doing good to the bodies and souls of men, though he suffered so incessantly the contradiction of sinners against himself. He put on righteousness as a breastplate; and the helmet of salvation was on his head: and he put on the garments of vengeance for his clothing; and he clad himself with zeal as with a mantle. He set his face like a flint against all opposition; and gloriously finished the work which his Father had given him to do, though it was the most arduous task that ever was achieved, even the reconciliation of transgressors unto God. The difficulties in his way were such, as none could have surmounted but himself, and it cost him his life to effect his wonderful design. He willingly sacrificed himself to secure the happiness of his people, in perfect consistency with the divine glory. The kingdom of God among men, the kingdom of righteousness and yet of peace, was founded in Immanuel's blood. He knew it could not be erected at less expense; but it had been foretold that he should not fail, nor be discouraged, until he had set judgment on the earth, and that the isles should wait for his law. And now the most difficult part of his work is finished; he accomplished the purchase of redemption by himself alone. But having applied that salvation to your hearts, he condescends to employ you under him in the

further advancement of his cause. And can you be languid and lukewarm in the service of such a friend? Let his love, his dying love, constrain you to imitate his example, and exert yourselves in his interest. Had he never died for you, it would have been robbery of your Maker to have employed your powers not for him, but for another. But you are now the Lord's by a new and more endearing tie. He has not only brought you out of a state of non-existence, but bought you off from that punishment which would have deservedly rendered your existence infinitely more dreadful than nonexistence; and now he has called you to glory and virtue. Certainly he needs not your aid, but he honors you by employing you in his service. And though we must confess, that without him we can do nothing, we ought to consider ourselves as much bound to activity in behalf of his blessed kingdom, as if its prosperity depended on our exertion.

Let the greatness of the opposition that is made to the reign of God on earth stir you up to the more ardent zeal.—Are not the hosts of hell in league against you, and your glorious Lord? Are not the major part of mankind still engaged on the side of sin? And were not you yourselves once active enemies to the blessed Saviour? Let reflection upon your former servitude rouse you to assert that glorious liberty wherewith Christ has made you free. Be at least as active for the best of masters, as you were once for the worst of tyrants. Think how much dishonor has been unjustly cast upon God by yourselves, and by your fellow-sinners. Reflect how greatly God may be glorified after all, in your pardon and recovery. Let these thoughts stimulate you to activity in glorifying him.-Remember the power and policy of hell are engaged against you, and yet they shall never prevail ; for the Captain of your salvation has proved himself more than a match for the powers of darkness. He has triumphed gloriously, and his promise insures your victory; but it will not be obtained without an earnest conflict. You must engage with principalities and powers, and combat with enemies, who once lorded it over you. But Omnipotence is on your side. Through your God you may do valiantly, for he shall tread down your enemies for you.-Be not contented

with standing merely on the defensive. Carry on the war in the name of Jesus into the empire of your adversary. Through the Spirit you shall mortify the deeds of the body, and obtain farther conquests over your in-bred foes. And you are warranted to labor and hope to be the instruments of rescuing others from the prince of darkness, that are now led captives by him at his will.

Consider the miserable state of mankind. O that you had all of you a conception of the extent of Satan's empire over the children of men. We recommend to your serious attention the sketch which Brother CAREY has lately given of the state of the heathen world, and the sermons published by Brethren SUTCLIFF and FULLER, on Jealousy for the Lord of Hosts, and the Pernicious Influence of Delay. In these you will find many particulars, which we have not room to lay before you in this letter, that will tend, if you have any feelings in your souls, to excite your compassionate concern for your brethren of the human race, who sit in darkness and the shadow of death. How great are their present miseries! And what ruin is before them! O the poor miserable heathens! Mahometans! Papists! Eastern Christians! Nominal Protestants! What a state are they in! Read books of history and geography with tears of compassion. Let every newspaper excite your pity. Open your eyes, and look round your towns, your villages; yea, round our congregations, and see what multitudes are sinfully dead to God; then say, How dwelleth the love of God in us, if we feel not for these wretched souls! Yet may these dry bones live, though they are very many and very dry. God can as easily convert any one of them as he could you. And it is his will that you should inquire of him concerning these things, and seek to him for the effusion of his Holy Spirit upon them.

Had we more zeal for God, how much happier should we be! Activity is the best proof of life. Exercise is conducive to health. The exercise of grace is the health of our souls. Brethren, the dreaming lives too many of us live, have but little pleasure in them; and no wonder. Henceforth, while while we live, let us live! May we live more abundantly to God. May we press forward in his ways. The way of the

Lord is strength to the upright. They that run therein shall not be weary; but if we only walk, the most that can be said is, we shall not utterly faint. The most active Christian will be ordinarily the most happy, the most honorable, the most useful. But how does our Lord hate lukewarmness, and how should we hate it! and tremble. Rev. iii. 16. Be zealous and repent. v. 19. and watch against it in future. in exercise, how sensibly will its odious opposite extend its baneful influence over us! How will it chill our hearts, and

Read his message to Laodicea, Regard his animating charge, Repent of past lukewarmness, But unless zeal is continually

enervate our hands! How will it render such that should be as the salt of the earth, as salt that hath lost its savor, which is fit only to be thrown out and trodden under foot of men. Think of the many instances in which you have seen the love of others wax cold, and dread lest the epidemic infection should seize yourselves. See the activity of your Lord's enemies, and let their fervor in a bad cause provoke you to jealousy. Shall they be active who are engaged in the same war with devils? and will you be indolent who are engaged on the same side with angels?

Certain victory awaits the zealous followers of the Lamb. Not only shall each obtain the victory individually, and inherit a crown of glory; but a glorious period is hastening, when the kingdoms of this world shall become the kingdoms of our LORD and of his CHRIST. God has promised to do great things before the end of time, and we know not how soon the happy period will commence. The present age

seems pregnant with great events. The nations of Europe appear in commotion, and whatever may be the views of contending parties, God our Saviour has a good and benevolent end to answer, to which even the efforts of his enemies shall be subservient; but how great the honor of being numbered with his sincere and zealous friends. If the days we hope for are at hand, the question concerning the present race of professors is this, Shall we be among those who will be employed in bringing forward the glorious period, or among those that must be removed out of the world before the happy times can begin. The whole creation groaneth and travaileth

in pain until now; and certainly, if we have the first fruits of the Spirit, we also shall long and labor for the redemption of the whole mystical body of Christ. Hitherto we have been ready to complain, We have not wrought any deliverance in the earth, neither have the inhabitants of the world fallen. But let us not cease crying mightily unto the Lord, until the SPIRIT be poured upon us from on high; then the wilderness shall become as a fruitful field, and the desart like the garden of God. Yes, beloved, the scriptures cannot be broken. JESUS must reign universally. All nations shall own him. All people shall serve him. His kingdom shall be extended, not by human might, or power, but by the effusion of his Holy Spirit. He will be exalted in his own strength. Whatever dark scenes we may see first, his brightness is as the light. He cannot err. His whole plan is clear before him; and he hath power absolutely infinite to execute it. His strength is so far from being exhausted, that it hath not yet been all exerted. All the displays of his power hitherto have been rather the hiding of his power, than the full manifestation of it. He intends to accomplish far greater events before the end of time, than have yet taken place; and as he loves to make his strength perfect in weakness, our own insufficiency and imbecility is no objection to his using us in the advancement of his blessed cause. The weaker we are in ourselves, the more will the excellence of the power appear to be of God. Wherefore, beloved, be ye zealous, steadfast and immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, forasmuch as your labour is not in vain in the Lord.

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