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No. XXXII.-VOL. VI.] For JULY, 1806.


SKETCH OF THE LIFE AND WRITINGS pursuit; so that to excel in any thing OF BEILBY PORTBUS, D.D. LORD relating to composition under such auspices, must command a greater degree


T is the professed object of this of our approbation. Indeed there are

I Miscellany to bring our readers ac- few students who become distinguished quainted with the distinguished cha- authors who have not devoted their racters of the times-and we are happy early years to the cultivation of lanon every occasion in bringing forward guage. A good style is of gradual atsuch biographical details as may con- tainment. The labor lima must not tribute to their instruction and en- be spared; and Cowper justly remarks, tertainment. Accordingly the states- that" to touch and retouch, although man, the warrior, and the philosopher, some writers boast of negligence and have their several claims upon us and others would be ashamed to show their to these claims we have already paid foul copies, is the secret of almost all attention. We now therefore turn good writing."

aside to the contemplation of the peace- In 1755 our author proceeded to ful and retired theologian, whose la- take the degree of M.A. and in 1759 bours and writings are more immediate- he attempted the Seatonian Prize, and ly directed to the benefit and ameliora- obtained it. This prize was left by a tion of mankind. A minister of the Mr. Seaton, a private gentleman of proGospel, who is properly qualified for perty, whose will respecting this busiunderstanding and discharging the du- ness is always published along with the ties of his office, renders important ser- successful poem. The subject for the vices to society. Such an individual year happened to be Death-solemn has been esteemed in all ages and na- and affecting in itself, but not very fations of the world, and will continue vourable to poetical fertility. Howto be revered in spite of the ravings of ever, our author's poem having carried fanaticism and the illiberal sarcasms off the prize, was, according to the of infidelity. usual custom, published, and it is such BEILBY PORTEUS, D.D. was born a favourite with the public, that it has about the year 1737, in one of the run through several editions. We shall northern counties of England. His transcribe a few passages. The Minisfamily was respectable, and his parents ters of DEATH are thus pourtrayed: took care that he should enjoy the advantages of grammar learning, at the usual early period of life. Having passed, therefore, through the accustomed branches of preparatory learning, we find him entered as a member of the University of Cambridge, where he From her infernal store-around him rang'd soon distinguished himself; for having In terrible array and mixture strange, taken his degree of A. B. in the year Of uncouth shapes stand his dread minis1752, he soon obtained the medal given for the best classical Essay by the Duke of Newcastle, then Chancellor of the University. We mention this circumstance with particular pleasure, because we are persuaded that an acquaintance with the ancient languages forms a solid basis for intellectual improvement. Besides, it is to be remembered, that at Cambridge mathematics is the favourite subject of

At his right hand, nearest himself in place,
With fatal industry and cruel care,
And frightfulness of fom his pa ent-Sin
Busics herself in pointing all his stings,
And tipping every shaft, with




Foremost Old Age, his natural ally
And firmest friend-next him Diseases

Consumption wan-Palsy half warm with life,
A motly train.-Fever with cheek of fire:
And half a clay-cold lump-Joint torturing


And ever gnawing Rheum-Convulsion wild,
Swoln Dropsy, panting Asthma, Apoplexy
Full gorg'd. There too the Pestilence that

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Plant themselves round my couch in grim


And stab my bleeding heart with two-edg'd

Sense of past guilt and dread of future woe!
Far be the ghastly crew! and in their stead,
Let cheerful Memory from her purest cells
Lead forth a goodly train of virtues fair,
Cherished in earliest youth, now paying


With ten-fold usury, the pious care,
And pouring o'er my wounds the heav'nly
Of conscious innocence. But chiefly THOU
Whom soft-ey'd pity once led down from

To bleed for man, to teach him how to live,
And Oh! still harder lesson, how to die,
Disdain not thou to smooth the restless bed
That feeble nature drops; calm all her fears,
Of sickness and of pain. Forgive the tear
Wake all her hopes and animate her faith,
Till my rapt soul, anticipating Heav'n,
Bursts from the thraldom of incumbring

And on the wing of extacy upborne,
Sprags into liberty and light and life!

Such is the Poem on DEATH: with respect to its merits, we shall just remark, that though it cannot lay claim to any great degree of originality, yet the sentiments are just, the language favourable to the interests of morality poetical, and the tenor of it is highly and piety. We perceive, indeed, a close imitation of some of our best

Other passages we might transcribe, Poets, but the imitation is skilfully equally interesting and impressive, and managed, and produces an happy efindeed we cannot refrain from adding fect.

the conclusion of the Poem:

Let DEATH approach. I reck not; let him

but come

In genuine form, not with thy vengeance
Too much for man to bear. Oh! rather


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But to return to the life of our author:-Quitting the University and entering the Church, we find that in commended him to the notice of Arch1761, a sermon preached by him rebishop Secker, which laid the foundation of his future advancement in life. His gratitude to his patron led him to draw up memoirs of him in the year 1770, about two years after the Archbishop's decease. In this piece of biography he gratefully acknowledges his obligations; states clearly the events of his patron's life, and defends his reputation against Hurd and Warburton, who had reflected upon him because forsooth he was no admirer of that strange Quixotic work, "The Divine Legation," a work concerning which, with all its learning, it has been a doubt whether it has rendered most service either to Christianity or to Infidelity!

We shall now subjoin a list of the subjects, from which the reader will have it in his power to judge of the contents of both these volumes, which have been so generally read and admired.

The unpardonable offence which Secker Sermons, some of which were original, had committed, was speaking lightly and the others had been preached and of this marvellous performance, though printed on former occasions. The topics it seems that few of the clergy were ad- were happily chosen; the language was mirers of its plan or tendency. Dr. perspicuous, and even sometimes elePorteus, however, has properly defend- gant, and the spirit in which they were ed his patron, and has displayed a spirit written congenial to the Christian dissuitable to the occasion. The literary pensation. Another volume was added world has been significantly denomi- some years after, much in the same nated the Republic of Letters. The style and manner, and both volumes liberty of private judgment must be have had an extensive circulation; for granted to all, and in its exercise no they are, indeed, favourites with the offence should be taken. But War- public. We differ, indeed, from his burton was a literary tyrant; he treated Lordship on many of the topics which his contemporaries with contempt when he has discussed, but we agree with they dared to criticise his productions him in the grand leading points of the or to arraign his judgment. Tyranny, Religion of Christ, the sum and subhowever, of every description we.deli- stance of which is " Glory to God in ver over to the execration of mankind. the highest; on earth, peace and goodAbout the year 1766 Dr. Porteus was will towards mankind " presented with the living of Hunton, near Maidstone in Kent, where, till of late years, he passed a great part of his time in a pleasing retirement. In 1777 he was raised to the bench by the influence of her Majesty, it is generally said, though we cannot state it with The discourses in the first volume` certainty. Chester was the see to are "On the Love of God." "Causes which he was elevated, and here he of Unbelief." "Possibility of resisting continued for a number of years, dis- Temptation, asserted and proved.” “ Å charging the duties of his station with summary View of the Natural, Moral, an exemplary fidelity. In the year and Scriptural Evidences of a future 1787, upon the decease of the celebrated Lowth, he was promoted to be his successor; a proof that he was considered of no mean talents and learning by those in whose hands the power of promotion is placed. At least we cannot suppose that an insignificant indi- The Necessity of National Reformavidual would be raised to a situation, tion." Christianity vindicated from the influence and dignity of which may the Charge of Cruelty." "The Pacific be pronounced inferior to none except and benevolent Temper of the Christhat of the Archbishopric of Canter- tian Religion proved from Scripture and bury. Besides, the successor of Lowth Facts." "An immoderate Love of ought to be respectable; he distinguish- Diversions inconsistent with the Duties ed himself by the eminence of his lite- of a Christian." "Universal Obedirary labours, beginning with the well- ence to the Laws of Christ necessary to known "Elements of the English Salvation." "The Civilization, ImGrammar," and terminating with the provement and Conversion of the Nefar-famed "Lectures on Hebrew Poe- gro Slaves in the British West India try." His candour also, and liberality Islands recommended." of sentiment, are worthy of particular The second volume contains Sermons commendation, and this truly Chris- on the following subjects:-" Cheertian trait is to all prelates deserving of fulness a distinguishing Feature of the imitation. His sermon therefore deli- Christian Religion." The Chrisvered at Durham in 1758 surpasses our tian Doctrine of Redemption." "Selfpraise:-we would wish it read by latest Communion recommended." "The posterity. Character of David, King of Israel, impartially stated." Purity of Manners no less necessary to a Christian Cha

Soon after Dr. Porteus's elevation to the bench he published a volume of

Life, and future Retribution." "Ad-
vantages of an Academical Education."
"A Serious and Devout Observation
of the Lord's Day enforced."
Doctrine of Christ crucified no just
Cause of Offence to Unbelievers."





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Saw in his offspring all himself renew'd,
The same fair path of glory still pursued.
Saw to young George Augusta's cares im-


Whate'er could raise or humanise the heart,
Blend all his grandsire's virtues with his


And form'd their mingled radiance for the


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racter than Benevolence.". Early Piety enforced." "A Discourse at the Anniversary Meeting of the Sons of the Clergy, May 9, 1776." "Partial Faith and partial Obedience not permitted by the Christian Religion." A Discourse preached before the House of Lords." The superior Excellence of Christ's Preaching, and the No further blessing could on earth be giv❜n, Causes of it explained." A Dis- The next degree of happiness was-Heav'n ! course preached at the yearly Meeting of the Charity Schools in the Cathedral Many readers will, possibly, imagine Church of St. Paul's, May 2, 1782." that this epitaph is sufficiently pany"The Government of our Passions an gerical; but the character of George indispensable Duty." "The Charac- the Second, was on the whole very ter of our Lord, as delineated in the commendable and praiseworthy. Gospel, one convincing Proof that he When the excellent and pious Dodwas the son of God." A Discourse dridge was prosecuted by some high preached at St. Paul's on the Thanks- churchmen, for keeping an academy, giving Day for his Majesty's Recovery, it will be recollected, that the prosecuApril 23, 1789." The one Thing tion was dropped, by the express order Needful." The many Opportuni- of his majesty, who nobly declared, ties of doing Good.” "That there should be no persecution Such are the subjects of the two vo- for religious opinions, in his reign!"lumes of Sermons which this learned a sentiment which cannot be too much Prelate has presented to the public. admired, and which ought to consign They are well chosen, and sufficiently his name and memory to immortality. varied to interest the attention and impress the heart.


When we noticed the poetical Essay on Death, we ought to have mentioned an Epitaph on George the Second, by Dr. Porteus, not generally known indeed, and therefore we shall here introduce it:

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Wide as the sun extends his genial ray,
Yet saw (blest privilege) his Britons share
The smiles of peace amidst the rage of war;
Saw to his sho es increasing commerce roll,

And floods of wealth flow in from either

Warm'd by his influence, by his bounty fed,

Saw Science aise her venerable head.
Whilst at his feet, expiring, Faction lay,
No contest left, but who should best obey.

After the publication of his sermons, Dr. Porteus laid before the public a series of Lectures upon St. Matthew's Gospel, which he had preached to large and crowded audiences, in the year 1798, during the season of Lent. So great was the attendance that no place could be obtained but at an early hour, and the nobility and gentry vied with each other in frequenting St. James's Church on this occasion. As the higher ranks pay little or no regard to religion, it is to be hoped that this opportunity of doing them good was wholly lost, so that some useful impression might remain even to the present day. His lectures, however, have not been equally popular with his sermons: we have no room to institute a comparison of their respective merits; but will only remark, that both publications breathe the temper and spirit of Christianity.


The last and very recent publication of this industrious prelate, is entitled "The Beneficial Effects of Christianity on the Temporal Concerns of Mankind, proved from History and Facts." It is an admirable performance, and has attracted no small notice in the religious world. We shall present the reader with a brief analysis of the work, and we are persuaded that there

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