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YOUNG PERSONS OF BOTH SEXES. [Mileah Martha Hill Moore →

'Tis Education forms the common Mind; "Juft as the Twig is bent, the Tree's inclin'd."





Reprinted by J. PHILLIPS, George-Yard, Lombard-street.



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THE right education of youth, being a point of

great importance to the prefent and fucceeding generations, it is to be regretted, that the want of proper books for the use of schools, should have been so general a subject of complaint; and that very few attempts have been made to fupply this deficiency, by introducing fomething on fuch a plan, as might, befides improving the underftandings and morals, inftructively amufe the vacant hours of young people, and have a tendency to render the task of teaching, a more agreeable employment.

WITH a view to thefe objects, the following Miscellaneous Compilation is now offered to the public. Moft of the extracts which compofe it. were collected fome years ago, from a variety of authors, by a person who had no other intention at the time, but that of preferving them for her own perufal and amusement; and who, from motives wholly difinterested, has lately, at the remqueft of her friends, confented to their publication, with a hope, that if they are favourably received, it may prove an incitement to fome perfon of greater abilities, to purfue this or a better plan, whereby our schools may be furnished with a book more deferving their accep


Ir gives fome concern to the compiler, that she neglected to diftinguifh the different parts, with the names of their authors, at the time they were felected, as it is not now in her power to supply the omiffion.

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