صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

with Goethe, 34; condemns his
play, ib.
Development, principle of, grasped
and applied by Goethe, ii, 130.
Devrient, his description of the Jena
students at the Weimar theatre, ii,
213; his observations on the Weimar
school, 216.

Dialogues, Goethe's early composi-
tions, i, 20.

Döbereiner, story of Goethe's keeping
his bar of platinum, ii, 355.
Dodd's Beauties of Shakspeare, its
influence in Germany, i, 69.
Dogs, performing, refused admittance
on the Weimar stage, ii, 227.
Domesticity, its antagonism to genius,
i, 128.

Drama, Greek, traditional errors con-
cerning, ii, 8; necessary calmness
of evolution mistaken for calmness
of life, 9.

Dramatists, unacted, error of, ii, 211.
Dresden, Goethe's visit to, i, 71.

ECKERMANN, his account of the exten-
sion of Wilhelm Meister's Wander-
jahre, ii, 358.
Egmont, a universal favourite, but
not a masterpiece, ii, 56; a novel in
dialogue, not a drama, 57; character
of Egmont a type of humanity, ib.;
analysis of the play, 58; criticisms
on, 64.

Eichhorn's Introduction to the Old
Testament studied by Goethe, ii,

Einsiedel, character of, i, 294.
Elective Affinities, the, ii, 324.
Elgin marbles, effect of their disco-
very on Goethe, ii, 349.
Emilia and Lucinda, story of, i, 97.
Engravings, by Goethe, i, 72.
Enthusiasm, Goethe's, character of,
i, 42.

Erfurt, congress of, ii, 317.
Erl-king, the, ii, 301.
Erwin und Elmire, compósition of, i,


Esenbeck, Nees von, recognizes

Goethe's discovery respecting the
Metamorphoses of Plants, ii, 101.
Euripides, parallel between his Iphi-
genia and that of Goethe, ii, 12.

FABRICIUS, Goethe's comment on a
chapter in, i, 90.

Faith, general want of, in the eigh-
teenth century, i, 171; Goethe's
idea of, in connexion with know-
ledge, 243.

Faust, analysis of Maler Müller's play
of, ii, 291.

Faust, gradual development and pro-
gress of, ii, 242; the problem of our

intellectual existence and picture
of our social existence, 244; resem-
blance between Faust and Hamlet,
244; popularity and prodigality of
Faust, 245; the Idea, 246; analysis
of the first part, 247; the theatre
prologue, ib.; the prologue in hea-
ven, 249; necessity for the two pro-
logues, 252; first scene of Faust
in his study, 253; the scene before
the gate, 257; Faust's study, 259;
Auerbach's cellar, 262; the witches'
kitchen, ib.; meeting with Marga-
ret, 263; wood and cavern, 264; the
Walpurgisnacht, 267; causes of the
early disappointment, and after-
fascination of the readers of Faust,
273; Coleridge's criticisms com-
pared with Goethe's own observa-
tions, 294.

Faust, second part of, embarrassment
in expressing a faithful opinion of
it, ii, 368; comparison of the im-
pressions produced by the first and
second parts, 369: character of the
second part, 370; causes of its fail-
ure, 371; analysis and criticisms, 372.
Faustus, Marlowe's, analysis of, ii, 279.
Fellow Sinners, the, Goethe's drama
of, i, 61.

Fischerin, die, Goethe's operetta of,
i, 332.

Fisherman, the, Goethe's poem of, i, 325.
Fire-brigade instituted at Weimar at
the instigation of Goethe, ii, 23.
Frankfurt-on-the-Maine, the native
place of Goethe, i, 15; its two-fold
character, 17; its occupation by the
French, 32; their departure, 36;
rough manners of Frankfurt, 48;
Goethe's oration, ii, 348.

Frankfurter Gelehrte Anzeigen, i, 131.
Frederic the Great, literary tendencies

of, opposed to Goethe, i, 350; his
indirect influence on literature, ib.
Frederika. See Brion.
French verses of Goethe, i, 87.
Friday evenings, ii, 141.

GALEN, indicated the existence of the
intermaxillary bone in man, ii, 117.
Gall, his visit to Jena, ii, 305; Goethe's
appreciation of his theory, 306.
Gartenhaus, the, i, 321; given to
Goethe by Karl August, 322.
Genius, hereditary transmission of,
discussed, i, 5.

German architecture, Goethe's tractate
on, i, 119.

German culture of Goethe, i, 101.
German literature, survey of, i, 205;
idealism its dominant and persistent
characteristic, 206; struggle between
idealism and realism, 213; the Ni-
belungen Lied, 214; effect of the

crusades, 216; of the reformation,
218; two-fold protest of the eigh-
teenth century, 219; Klopstock, the
representative of German idealism,
ib.; Wieland, the representative of
German realism, 221; Lessing, the
real revolutionary leader of the
German mind, 223; Herder, the
lineal descendant of Lessing, 226;
Goethe, the realist, and Schiller,
the idealist, 228.

German morals, laxity of, in the 18th
century, i, 302; based on sentimen-
talism, ib.

Germany no nation, ii, 335; Goethe's
opinion concerning, ib.; its social
condition in the 18th century. See

Gervinus, his criticism on Wilhelm
Meister, ii, 177.

Geschwister, die, Goethe's play of, i,

Gleim, story of his first meeting with
Goethe, i, 310.

Goethe, Johann Wolfgang, character

and extent of his claim to great-
ness, i, 3; intellect his primary fa-
culty, and justice his primary virtue,
4; hereditary transmission of qua-
lities discussed, 5; his ancestry, 6;
silence concerning his grandfather
the tailor, 8; genealogical tables of
the Goethe and Textor families, 9,
10; character of his father and
mother, 11; his subjection of emo-
tions to reason, 12; his birth, 15;
feeling for Italy, ib.; moderate ele-
vation of his social status, 17; his
precocious babyhood, 18; his love
for his sister Cornelia, ib.; his love
of story telling, 19; his grandmother
and grandfather Textor, 20; his early
compositions in Latin and German,
ib.; character of his precocity, 23;
his school life, 24; character not
formed by circumstances, 26; early
religious doubts awakened by the
Lisbon earthquake, 28, early sym-
bolical representation of the soul's
aspirations to the Deity, 29; the
Seven Years' war, 30; invention of
little stories, 32; occupation of
Frankfurt by the French, ib.; visits
to the theatre, 33; acquires French,
ib.; mock duel with Derones 34;
his early play, ib.; entertains a pro-
found contempt for the unities, 35;
departure of the French and re-
sumption of study, 36; writes a po-
lyglott romance, ib.; masters He-
brew, 37; dictates a biblical poem
on Joseph and his brethren, ib.;
influence of Fräulein von Kletten-
berg, 38; early love for Gretchen,
ib.; his disappointment, 39; fasci-

nation of his nature, 40; character-
istics of his childhood, 41; his
manysidedness, ib.; his seriousness,
formality, and rationality, 42; ra-
tional' character of his enthusiasm,
ib.; his impatient susceptibility,
43; commences his collegiate life
at Leipzig, 47; wearies of logic and
jurisprudence, 48; his appearance
in society, 49; acquaintance with
Frau Böhme, 50; literary society at
the table d'hôte of Herr Schönkopf,
52; falls in love with Anna Katha-
rina Schönkopf, 53; description of
Goethe in Horn's letters to Moors,
54; composition of Die Laune des
Verliebten, 57; works of Goethe
an embodiment of his experiences,
59; pranks and extravagancies with
Behrisch, 60; composition of The
Fellow Sinners, 61; objective cha-
racter of Goethe's genius, 64; con-
crete tendency in his works, 65;
compared with Shakspeare, 66; his
moral toleration, 67; neglects his
collegiate studies, 69; his love
songs, 70; joins Oeser's drawing
class, 71; trip to Dresden, 72;
learns engraving, ib.; serious illness,
72; state of religious doubt, 73;
returns to Frankfurt, 74; his re-
ception, ib.; letters to Käthchen
Schönkopf, 75; unpleasant relations
with his father, 79; studies in al-
chemy, 80; religion, ib.; passing
affection for Charity Meixner, 81;
proceeds to Strasburg university,
82; description of his person, ib.;
general progress, 84; his disgust at
the Système de la Nature, 85; his
exasperation at the pictures exhi-
bited to Marie Antoinette, ib.; his
French verses, 87; mystical meta-
physical studies, 88; early tendency
towards nature worship, ib.; notes
on Bayle's criticism, 89; comment
on a chapter in Fabricius, 90; im-
proved demeanour, 91; increased
circle of friends, 92; acquaintance
with Stilling and Lerse, 93; con-
quers his irritability and sensitive-
ness, 94; two love poems, 95;
dancing lessons at Strasburg, 96;
story of Emilia and Lucinda, the
dancing master's daughters, ib;
his German culture, 101; acquaint-
ance with Herder, 102; Herder's opi-
nion of him, ib.; strange introduc-
tion to the Brion family, 105; falls
in love with Frederika, 106; obtains
his doctor's degree, 111; his oration
on Shakspeare, 115; his tractate on
German architecture, 119; parting
with Frederika, ib.; his reception
by his father, 123; his reluctance

to appear in print, 124; his anguish
at having renounced Frederika, 125;
composition of Götz von Berlichin-
gen, 132; his meagre account of
Wetzlar in his Autobiography, 145;
Kestner's description of him, 148;
his acquaintance with Gotter, 150;
his connexion with the Göttingen
school, 151; falls in love with Char-
lotte Buff, 154; visit to Höpfner,
158; melancholy departure from
Wetzlar, 160; interrogates fate
whether he should become an artist,
163; studies at Frankfurt, 165; re-
writes Götz, 166; its publication,
167; letters to Kestner and Char-
lotte, 172; coquetting with suicide,
173; state of his mind, ib.; medi-
tates a drama on Mahomet, 177;
dangerous intimacy with Maximili-
ane, 180; publication of Götter,
Helden und Wieland, 181; first ac-
quaintance with Karl August, 183;
composition of Werther, 186; dis-
tinction between Werther and
Goethe, 192; prodigious effect of
the publication, 195; Goethe ob-
tains the forgiveness of Kestner and
Charlotte, 201; lottery marriage
with Anna Sybilla Münch, 230;
composition of Clavigo, ib.; ac-
quaintance with Klopstock and La-
vater, 239; religious opinions, 242;
acquaintance with Basedow, 244;
with Jacobi, 246; his personality,
ib.; studies Spinoza, 247; the Mo-
ravian doctrines, 249; idea of an
epic on the Wandering Jew, 250;
fragment of Prometheus, 253; affec-
tion for Lili, 259; Erwin und El-
mire, 264; composition of Stella,
265; tour in Switzerland, 267; sepa-
ration from Lili, 269; accepts Karl
August's invitation to Weimar, 270;
creates a sensation, 301; close inti-
macy with Karl August, 304; elected
to the post of Geheime Legations
Rath, 306; breach with Klopstock,
309; Gleim's anecdote of Goethe,
310; falls in love with the Frau von
Stein, 316; his Gartenhaus, 321;
fondness for fresh air and water,
323; ballad of the Fisherman, 325;
appearance in the character of a
water sprite, 326; useful influence
at Weimar, 327; theatricals, 328;
his acting, 333; general amusements
and occupation, 334; love and am-
bition, 336; letters from sentimental
youths, 338; composition of Triumph
der Empfindsamkeit, ib.; journey
to the Harz in disguise, ib.; inter-
view with Plessing, 340; suicide of
Fräulein von Lassberg, 344; in-
creased hatred of Wertherism, 345;

manifold employments, 348; con-
tempt for the Prussian court, 349;
mental crystallization, ii, 3; bound-
less productiveness of fancy com-
bined with an indestructible love of
nature, 4; earnestness of manhood,
5; composition of the Iphigenia in
prose, ib.; review of the Iphigenia,
8; official duties, 23; made Geheim-
rath, ib.; journey with Karl August
to Frankfurt and Strasburg, 24;
interviews with Frederika and Lili,
24, 25; changes in his mode of life,
27; feels authorship to be his true
mission, 32; poem of Ilmenau, 34;
journey in the Harz with Fritz
von Stein, 36; prepares the planet
dance, ib.; oration on the reopening
of the Ilmenau mines, ib.; discovers
the intermaxillary bone in man, 37;
studies in natural history, ib.; cha-
rities, 39; changes in Weimar so-
ciety, 40; secret departure for Italy,
43; his residence in Italy, 44; re-
turn to Weimar, 66; relieved from
his official duties, 68; first acquaint-
ance with Schiller, 69; connexion
with Christiane Vulpius, 74; review
of Tasso, 87; character of Goethe
as a man of science, 98; second
visit to Italy, 140; campaign in
France, 142; description of his
house in the Frauenplan, 154; the
Bürgergeneral, 156; the Aufgeregten,
ib.; Reinecke Fuchs, 157; history
and character of his friendship with
Schiller, 161; review of Wilhelm
Meister, 175; review of Hermann
und Dorothea, 195; history of his
management of the Weimar theatre,
209; his mode of life at Weimar,
229; review of Faust, 242; review
of the Lyrical Poems, 297; battle
of Jena, 305; outburst against Napo-
leon, 308; marriage with Christiane,
312; nature of his acquaintance with
Bettina 314; interview with Napo-
leon, 318; supposed servility, 322;
passion for Minna Herzlieb, 324;
review of the Wahlverwandtschaften,
325; acquaintance with Beethoven,
332; indifference to politics, but
earnestness in art, 334; not true
that he "looked on life as an
artist", 338; character of his re-
ligion, 339; his morals, 343; cha-
racter of his old age, 345; his
oriental studies, ib.; the West-
östliche Divan, 346; oration at
Frankfurt, 348; publication of the
Kunst und Alterthum, 349; growing
tendency towards mysticism, 350;
visit of Werther's Charlotte to Wei-
mar, ib.; death of Christiane, ib.;
anecdote of his enlargement of the

Jena library, 351; quarrel with the
Landtag, 353; charged with stealing
an ingot of gold, 355; story of the
hundred engravings borrowed from
Knebel, 356; review of Wilhelm
Meister's Wanderjahre, 357; spread
of his fame, 361; vitality of his old
age, ib.; passion for Fräulein von
Lewezow, 362; celebration of his
jubilee at Weimar, ib.; protection
of his copyright throughout Ger-
many, 365; death of Karl August,
ib.; review of the second part of
Faust, 368; his eighty-first year,
379; indifference to the revolution
of 1830 in comparison with the
scientific contest between Cuvier
and St. Hilaire, ib.; death of his
only son, 382; tribute from fifteen
Englishmen, 383; interview with
Thackeray, 384; activity in old age,
388; signs of decay, 389; his death,

Goethe family, genealogical table of,
i, 9.

Goethe, Johann Caspar, father of the
poet, i, 8; his character, 11; dis-
satisfied with his son's progress at
Leipzig, 74; his harshness to Cor-
nelia, 79; his pride in his son, but
distress at his manners, 123, 124; his
death, ii, 28.

Goethe, Katharina Elisabeth, mother

of Goethe, i, 8; her character, 11;
her stories to her children, 19; her
death, ii, 331.

Goethe, Cornelia, sister of the poet,
his love for her, i, 20; her father's
harshness, 79; her marriage, 177;
her death, 337.

Goethe, Frederick, i, 8.
Goethe, Hans Christian, i, 8.
Goethe, Jacob, early death of, i, 32.
Goethe, Ottilie von, her marriage, ii,

351; death of her husband, ii, 382.
Gold, ingot of, report that Goethe
had stolen one, ii, 355.

Goldsmith's Deserted Village, trans-
lated by Goethe and Gotter, i, 151.
Göchhausen, Mlle., her character, i,

Gott und die Bajadere, ii, 300.

Gotter, i, 148; Goethe's acquaintance
with him, 150.

Gottfried of the Iron Hand, history
of, i, 133.

Götter, Helden, and Wieland, i, 181;
reviewed by Wieland, ib.
Göttling, his discovery respecting
phosphorus, ii, 170.

Götz von Berlichingen, three versions
of, i, 132; Goethe's own account of
its composition, 133; character of
Gottfried of the Iron Hand, 134;
Götz, a dramatic chronicle, not a

drama, 135; singularly un-Shak-
sperian in construction, 136; in the
presentation of character, ib.; in
the language, 137; the firstborn of
the romantic school, ib.; its injuri-
ous influence on dramatic art, 138:
its originality denied by Hegel, 139;
scenes from, 141; rewritten, 166;
its publication, 167; its effect, 168;
translated by Scott, ii, 194.
Goué, instituted the Round Table at
Wetzlar, i, 147.

Greek art, its realistic character as
opposed to the idealism of Chris-
tian art, i, 206; Goethe's enthu-
siasm for, ii, 349.

Greek drama, traditional errors con-
cerning, ii, 8; necessary calmness
of evolution mistaken for calmness
of life, 9.

Gretchen, story of Goethe's early love
for, i, 38.

Gross Kophta, der, ii, 142.

HAMILTON, Lady, captivates Goethe,
ii, 49.

Hamlet, Wilhelm Meister's criticism
on, ii, 185; twofold cause of its po-
pularity intellectual sublimity, and
dramatic variety, 245; compared
with Faust, ib.

Harz, Goethe's journey in, i, 338; ii, 36.
Hegel, criticism of Götz, i, 139; on

heroes and valets, 351; a convert
to Goethe's erroneous theory of re-
fraction, ii, 111; on Hermann und
Dorothea, 207.

Heine, anecdote of his first interview
with Goethe, ii, 231.

Helena, Carlyle's review of, ii, 376.
Helmholtz, his testimony in favour of

Goethe's labours in organic science,
ii, 116.

Herculaneum, Goethe's visit to, ii, 50.
Herder, his acquaintance with Goethe,
i, 102; his opinion of him, ib.;
his influence on him, 103; cold re-
ception of Götz von Berlichingen,
140; the lineal descendant of Les-
sing, 226; survey of his works, ib.;
drawn to Weimar by Goethe, 300;
closer intimacy with Goethe, ii,
27; his jealousy of Schiller, 236;
his death, ib.

Hereditary transmission of qualities
discussed, i, 5.

Hermann und Dorothea, foundation
of Goethe's poem, ii, 195; analysis,
196; character of the poem, 203;
objective delineation of the charac-
ters and scenes, 204; pure human
existence represented in the subject
matter, 206; clearness and signifi-
cance of the style, ib.; German
criticisms on, 207.

Herzlieb, Minna, Goethe's passion for,
ii, 316, 324; his sonnets to her,
317; heroine of Die Wahlverwandt-
schaften, 325; her marriage, 331.
Homer, Goethe's studies in, ii, 50.
Höpfner, Goethe's visit to, i, 158.
Horen, die, publication of, ii, 168.
Horn, his description of Goethe to
Moors, i, 54.

Humboldts, their acquaintance with
Goethe, ii, 171; letter to Goethe re-
lating the death of Karl August, 365.

IDEAL or subjective intellects con-
trasted with real or objective intel-
lects, i, 63; idealism the dominant
and persistent characteristic of Ger-
man literature, 206; the dominant
characteristic of Christian art, 207;
perpetual struggle between realism
and idealism, 213; idealism asserts
itself after the realistic reaction of
the Crusades, 217; Klopstock the
representative of German idealism,
219; Schiller the idealist, 228.
Ideas constructed out of the depth of
moral consciousness, ii, 175; idea
of Faust, 246.

Ilmenau, Goethe's poem of, ii, 34; his

oration on the re-opening of the
mines, 37; his last visit to, 389.
Imitation, its false tendency, ii, 187.
Imperial court of justice at Wetzlar,
i, 146.

Intellect, distinction between the sub-
jective and the objective, i, 63.
Intermaxillary bone, discovered by
Goethe, its biographical signifi-
cance, ii, 37; a bone of contention
amongst anatomists, 117; its exist-
ence indicated by Galen, but gene-
rally supposed to be absent from
man, ib.; the comparative method
which led to the discovery, 119.
Interpretation, symbolical, extensive
application of, ii, 237.

Iphigenia, first composed in prose, ii,
5; comparison of the prose with
the poetic version, 6; Schlegel's
error in calling it an echo of Greek
song, 8; not a Greek but a German
play, 10; not a drama but a dra-
matic poem, 11; analysis of, 12;
Miss Swanwick's translation of, 13.
Irony, principle of, ii, 189.

Italienische Reise, character of the
book, ii, 45.

Italy, first visit of Goethe under an
assumed name, ii, 44; Goethe's de-
light in the present and not in the
past, 46; effect of his residence in
Italy, 52; Goethe's second visit to, 140.
JACOBI, his acquaintance with Goethe,
i, 246, 247; his tone and opinions

disliked by Goethe, ii, 41; his ani-
madversions on Wilhelm Meister,
184; his visit to Goethe at Weimar,

Jena students, their appearance at the
Weimar theatre, ii, 212.
Jena, battle of, ii, 305.

Jena library, anecdote of Goethe's
enlargement of it, ii, 352.

Jerusalem, his unhappy passion, i,
157; his suicide, 174; abridgment
of Kestner's account of, 186.
Jery und Bätely, ii, 26.
Joseph and his Brethren, Goethe's
early poem on, i, 37.

Jubilee, Goethe's, celebration of, at
Weimar, ii, 362.

KANT, Goethe's studies in, ii, 98.
Karl August, his flattering kindness
to Goethe, i, 183; invites Goethe to
Weimar, 270; his trick on Mlle.
Göchhausen, 294; his character,
297; his close intimacy with Goethe,
304; elects Goethe to the post of
Geheime Legations Rath, 306; si-
lences the protest of the court, ib.;
presents him with the Gartenhaus,
322; his journey with Goethe to
Frankfurt and Strasburg, ii, 24;
Goethe's occasional discords with
him, 30; releases him from the
more onerous duties of office, 68;
commands a Prussian regiment
during the campaign in France, 142;
dismisses Goethe from the manage-
ment of the Weimar stage, 227;
Napoleon's intemperate rage, 308;
Goethe's outburst, ib.; Napoleon's
friendly reception of him at Erfurt,
318; regular visits to Goethe in his
old age, 357; his death, 365.
Karsten and his performing dogs, ii,

Käthchen. See Schönkopf.
Kestner, his description of Goethe at
Wetzlar, i, 148; betrothed to Char-
lotte Buff, 154; his account of Char-
lotte and Goethe, ib.; his marriage
with Charlotte, 176; Goethe's let-
ters, ib.; his account of Jerusalem's
suicide, 186; his indignation at
Werther, 199; forgives Goethe, 201.
Kieser, recognizes Goethe's discovery
respecting the Metamorphoses of
Plants, ii, 101.

Klettenberg, Fräulein von, her influ-
ence on Goethe, i, 37, 80, 84, 129,
attracted him towards the
Moravians, 249.
Klopstock, made skating illustrious, i,
131; the representative of German
idealism, 219; survey of his works,
ib.; his acquaintance with Goethe,
his letter of remonstrance

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