صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني
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Published by Ma Rumgten St Pauls Church Yard Sept 1st 1809.


besyde theyr honest fame and renowme. thus whan they hadde gone theyr iourney, the one of them, that is to saye, IOHN GOWER, prepared for his bones a restynge place in the monastery of saynt Marye Overes, where somwhat after the olde ffashion he lyeth ryght sumptuously buryed, with a garland on his head, in +token that he in his lyfe dayes flouryshed freshely in literature and science. And the same moniment, in remembraunce of hym erected, is on the Northe syde of the foresayde churche, in the chapel of saynte Iohn, where he hath, of his owne foundation, a masse dayly songe. And moreouer he hath an obyte yerely done for hym, within the same churche, on fryday after the feaste of the blessed pope saynte Gregory. Besyde on the wall where as he lyeth there be peynted three virgins, with crownes on theyr heades; one of the whiche is wrytten Charitie, and she hold eth this devise in her honde:

En toy qui es fitz de dieu le pere

Sauve soit que gist souz cest piere.

The second is wrytten Mercye, which holdeth in her hande this devise:

O bone Jesu fait ta mercy

Al alme dont le corps gist icy

Now Saint Saviour's Church, Southwark.

+ See Francis Thynne's remark on this circumstance, p. 24.

The thyrde of them is wrytten Pity, whiche holdeth in her hand this devise:

Pur ta pite Iesu regarde

Et met cest alme en sauve garde.

And there by hongeth a table, wherin appereth that who so euer praith for the soule of John Gower, he shall, so oft as he so dothe, have a thousande and fyve hundred dayes of pardon.

The other lyeth buryed in the monasterye of seynt Peters at Westmynster in an ile on the south syde of the churche.

On whose soules, and all christen, Iesu have mercy.


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