صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

THE Janus's, who formerly deceived us, acted in character, and are fallen into the contempt they deferve. The profeffions of fome amongst them were known to be infincere, and only made to raise the wages of corruption. Others have given the most satisfying, expenfive proofs of their being in earnest, in the Service of their country. Perfeverance alone can place them confpicuously in the temple of honour, as the juft reward of approved triumphant virtue. The time is at hand when Ireland will know and expect the

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affiftance of her real friends, that fhe may be faved from the evil devices and designs of a numerous host of prostitutes and parricides!

To fuch firm, unshaken fenators we prefume not to point out the great line of duty; but we cannot help obferving, that no temptations whatsoever, no arguments, however plaufible, should induce our reprefentatives to agree to an union, nor any of its supposed advantages liftened to, which will


in the end prove fallacious. The arguments against it, appear to us to be conclufive and unanswera

ble; nor have they (tho' for fome time laid before the public) been controverted.

By the high price of provifions, by loans and taxes, our trade and manufactures labour under perpetual depreffion. By thefe, and a vain, deftructive fondness for foreign fopperies, our grand staple and support,---the linen, has of

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* We refer to the letters against a Stamp ac, published in this volume..

late much declined, and this declenfion encreases dangerous depopulating emigrations. New taxes must be the confequence of an. union, and it is easy to see, that when these shall take place, a quick decay in this great branch of bufinefs muft follow, for we shall then be underfold by foreigners. The evasive mode of entry, in which they are at present indulged, enables them already to do this, as the favings thereby are more than double of what is received by us, in the way of bounty on this article. This ought to be particu

particularly attended to by the great; for by the advance and flourishing State of our linen manufacture, the landed intereft in this kingdom was amazingly increased: By its decline it will, in time, fall back into its low, original value. Nor can any partial, paltry advantages to certain towns, or individuals, make amends for the removal of our fenate, our nobility and gentry, or the causing such a change in property and political fituation ;---for the loss of our independence and importance as a nation, or a degrading furrender of


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