All England Law Reports Annotated, المجلد 1Butterworth., 1943 "All England law reports noted against Halsbury's Laws of England:" table pub. Oct. 23 and Dec. 4, 1952, and therafter in the 1st Report of each month. Cf. Announcement, Oct. 23, 1952. |
من داخل الكتاب
النتائج 1-3 من 80
الصفحة 237
A C pretation , that if a statute creates a duty , and also provides a remedy , there is prima facie no right of action at the suit of a person injured for a breach of the statutory duty ; and he cited Atkinson v . Newcastle Waterworks ...
A C pretation , that if a statute creates a duty , and also provides a remedy , there is prima facie no right of action at the suit of a person injured for a breach of the statutory duty ; and he cited Atkinson v . Newcastle Waterworks ...
الصفحة 303
... statutory obligations imposed by the Nelson Local Board Act , 1879 , s . 8 , and apparently also those imposed by the Nelson Water and Gas Act , 1866. These obligations to direct water from the corporation's reservoir into the stream ...
... statutory obligations imposed by the Nelson Local Board Act , 1879 , s . 8 , and apparently also those imposed by the Nelson Water and Gas Act , 1866. These obligations to direct water from the corporation's reservoir into the stream ...
الصفحة 646
... statute is summed up in Rickards v . Lothian ( 11 ) . If , however , there is statutory authority , one is not liable unless there has been negligence or the statute has expressly imposed liability . The principle was considered in ...
... statute is summed up in Rickards v . Lothian ( 11 ) . If , however , there is statutory authority , one is not liable unless there has been negligence or the statute has expressly imposed liability . The principle was considered in ...
طبعات أخرى - عرض جميع المقتطفات
عبارات ومصطلحات مألوفة
44 Digest accident action agree agreement amount appellant application arbitrator assessment authority bankruptcy Barrister-at-Law CH.D circumstances claim codicil common law compensation contended contract contributory negligence corporation counsel county court judge Court of Appeal Courts Emergency Powers creditor damage decided decision defendants Digest Supp duty EDITORIAL NOTE enemy entitled evidence Finance Act fund Hailsham Edn HALSBURY held House of Lords income tax Inland Revenue Comrs judgment landlord lease liability LORD ATKIN LORD GREENE LORD PORTER LORD WRIGHT Lordships matter meaning negligence occupier opinion owner paid parties payable payment person plaintiff present proceedings profits provisions purchaser purpose question reason received referred regard rent respect respondent rule Sched sect settlement settlor shares ship Solicitors statute statutory sur-tax tenant testator THANKERTON trade trustees VISCOUNT SIMON words workman