صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

6. Dô sih Adam dô beviel,

do was naht unde vinster,

sô berhte sô sie wâren: nebilvinster naht,

in des gewalt wir wâren,

dô skinen her in welte die sternen be ir zîten, die vil lucel liehtes pâren, 60 wanda sie beskatuota diu tiu von demo tievele chom, unz uns erskein der gotis sun, wâre sunno von den himelen. 7. Der sternen aller ielîch, ter teilet uns daz sîn lieth. sîn lieth taz cab uns Abel, taz wir durh reht ersterben. 70 dô lêrta uns Enoch, daz unseriu werh sîn al in got. Noe ze himile reht gedinge. daz wir gote sîn gehorsam; daz wir wider ubele sin genâdich.

ûzer der archo gab uns
dô lêrt uns Abraham,
der vil guote David,


53. beuil hs. 56. beirzten hs. 66. lieth] leth hs.




(L.) Manega uuâron that sia uuord godes reckean that girûni, undar mancunnea

the sia iro môd gespôn, uuisean bigunnun,

that thie riceo Crist

inâritha gifrumida

5 mid uuordun endi mid uuertun. That uuolda thô nuisara filo

liudo barno lobon,

hêlag uuord godas, berehtlîco an buok, frummian, firiho barn.

10 under thera menigo, helpa fan himila,

lêra Cristes,

endi mid iro handon scrîban

huô sia is gibodseip scoldin

Than uuârun thoh sia fiori te thiu
thia habdon maht godes,
hêlagna gêst,

craft fan Crista: sia uurðun gicorana te thio
that sie than evangelium ênan scoldun

an buok scrîban endi sô manag gibod godes,

15 hêlag himilise uuord: sia ne muosta helitho than mêr, firiho barno frummian, nevan that sia fiori te thio

thuru craft godas gecorana uurðun,

Matheus endi Marcus (so unârun thia man hêtana),
Lucas endi Johannes: sia uuârun gode lieba,

20 uuirðiga ti them giuuirkie. habda im uualdand god

[blocks in formation]

fasto bifolhan endi ferahtan hugi,

số manag uuislik uuord endi giuuit mikil,

that sea scoldin âhebbean hêlagaro stemnun

25 godspell that guoda, that ni habit ênigan gigadon huergin,

thiu uuord an thesaro uueroldi, that io uualdand mêr

drohtin diurie eftho derbi thing,

firinuuerc fellie eftho fîundo nîth,

strîd uuiderstande: huand hie habda starkan hugi,

30 mildean endi guodan, thie thes mêster uuas,

adalordfrumo alomahtig.

2. that sia bigunnun uuord godes C. 8. berethlico C. scoldin zwischen sia

u. is C. 14. se C. 31. adal ordfrumo C.

That scoldun sea fiori thuo fingron scriban,

settian endi singan
that sea fan Cristes

35 gisâhun endi gihôrdun,

endi seggean forth,

crafte them mikilon

giuuisda endi giuuarahta,

thes hie selbo gisprae,
uundarlicas filo,

sô manag mid mannon mahtig drohtin,

all so hie it fan them anginne thuru is êna craht
uualdand gisprak, thuo hie êrist thesa uuerold giscuop

40 endi thuo all bifieng mid ênu uuordo,

himil endi ertha endi al that sea bihlidan êgun,
giuuarahtes endi giuuahsanes:

that uuarth thuo all mid uuordon

fasto bifangan endi gifrumid after thiu,
huilic than liudscepi

landes scoldi


45 uuîdost giuualdan, eftho huân thiu muerold scoldi
aldar endon. ên uuas iro thuo nohthan

firio barnun biforan, endi thiu fivi uuârun âgangan;
scolda thuo that sehsta

cuman thuru craft godes


endi Cristas giburd,

50 hêlandero best, hêlagas gêstes

an thesan middilgard,

managon te helpun,

firio barnun ti frumon uuid fiundo nith,

uuid dernero dualm. Than habda thuo drohtin god
Romano liudeon farliuuan rikeo mêsta:

55 habda them heriscipie herta gisterkid,

that sia habdon bithuungana

thiedo gihuilica.

habdun fan Rumuburg rîki giuunnan,
helmgitrosteon: sâton iro heritogon

an lando gihuem,

habdun liudeo giuuald

60 allon elitheodon. Erodes uuas


an Jerusalem ober that Judeono fole

gicoran te cuninge, sô ina thie kêser tharod

fon Rumuburg.

rîki thiodan

satta undar that gisîthi. hie ni uuas thoh mid sibbeon bilang avaron Israheles, eðiligiburdi

cuman fon iro cnuosle, nevan that hie thuru thes kêsures thanc fan Rumuburg rîki habda,

that im uuârun so gihôriga hildiscalcos,

avaron Israheles elleanruova,

70 suîtho unuuanda uuini, than lang hie giuuald êhta

Erodes thes rîkeas endi râdburdeo

obar Judeono liudi.

Than uuas thâr ên gigamalod mann,

that uuas fruod gomo, habda ferehtan hugi,

uuas fan them liudeon Levias cunnes,

75 Jacobas suneas, guodero thiedo:

Zacharias uuas hie hêtan. that uuas sô sâlig man:

43. gifrimid C. 45. scoldi hinter endon (v. 46) C. 61. hierusalem immer C.

64. bifang C. 66. muosle C. 71. 72. radburdeon

liudi C. 75. sumeas C.



huand hie simblom gerno

uuarahta æfter is uuilleon.

gode theonoda,

deda is uuîb sô selv.

uuas iru gialdrod idis: ni muosta im erbiuuard
an iro iuguthêdi gibithig uuerthan.

libdun im farûter laster, uuaruhtun lof goda,

[blocks in formation]

quârun số gihoriga
diuridon ûsan drohtin:
under mancunnie
ne saca ne sundea.
that sea erbiuuard

ac uuârun im barno

thâr an Jerusalem,

that ina torohtlico

Uuas im thoh an sorogon hugi,
êgan ni muostun,

lôs. Than scolda hie gibod godes
so oft số is gigengi gistuod

tidi gimanodun,

90 sô scolda hie at them uuîhe uualdandes geld

hêlag bihuereban,


godes iungerscepi: gern uuas hie suîtho

that hie it thuru ferahtan hugi fremmean muosti.

(II.) Thuo uuarth thiu tid cuman the thâr gitald habdun 95 uuîsa man mid uuordun, that scolda thena uuih godas Zacharias bisehan. Thuo uuarth thâr gisamnod filo, thâr ti Jerusalem Judeoliudo

uuerodes te them uuîhe, thâr sea uualdand god
suîtho thiulico thiggean scoldun,

100 herron is huldi, that sea hebaneuning
lêthas âlieti. Thea liudi stuodun

umbi that hêlaga hûs, endi gieng im thie gihêrodo man
an thena uuîh innan.

umbi thena alah ûtan,

105 huan êr thie fruodo man

that uuerod oder bêd

gifrumid habdi

uualdandes uuilleon. Sô hie thuo thena uuîhrôc drôg
ald after them alahe endi umbi thena altari gieng

rikeon theonon

frôhon sînas. gerno suitho

mid is rôkfaton (frumida ferehtlico 110 godes iungerscipi midi hlûtro hugiu, gerno fulgangan): egison an them alahe:

an them uuîhe innan. 115 hiet that fruod gumo

sô man herren scal grurios quâmun im,

hie gisah thâr after thiu ênna engil godes hie sprak im mid is uuordon tuo, foroht ni unâri,

hiet that hie im ni andriede: 'thîna dâdi sind', quathie,

'uualdande uuertha

endi thin uuord sô self;

*thin thionost is im an thanke, that thû sulica githâht haves an is ênes craft. Ie is engil bium,

120 Gabriel bium ie hêtan, the gio for goda standu,

anduuard for them alouualdon, ne sî that he me an is ârundi huarod sendean uuillea. Nu hiet he me an thesan sîd faran,

93. it M, fehlt C. 99. suithe C, suuido M. 102. unbi C. gierodo C. 104. hebreo C. 106. uuihrog C, uuiroc M. 112. georno C grurio C. *Von 118 an der text nach M.

hiet that ic thî gicûddi,

fon thînera alderu idis

that thî kind giboran, ôdan scoldi

125 uuerdan an thesero uueroldi, uuordun spâhi.
That ni scal an is lîva gio lides anbîtan,
uuînes an is uueroldi: sô habed im uurdgiscapu
metod gimarcod endi maht godes.

hết that ic thì thoh sagdi, that it scoldi gisîd uuesan 130 hevancuninges. hêt that git it heldin uuel,

tuhin thurh treuua,

an godes rîkea
He quad that the
hebbean scoldi,

135 that kind than it
an thesaro uuidun

is selbes sunies,
an is bodskepi

quad that he im tîras sô filu
forgevan uueldi.

gôdo gumo Johannes te namon
gibod that git hêtin số

quâmi, quad that it Kristes gisîd
uuerold uuerdan scoldi,

endi quad that sie sliumo herod
bêde quâmin.'

Zacharias thô gimahalda endi uuid selban sprac

140 drohtines engil, endi im thero dâdeo bigan

thinun nuordun gisprikis.
efno tuêntig

uundron thero unordo: Huu mag that giuuerdan so', quad he, 'aftar an aldre? It is une al te lat sô te giuuinmanne, số thu mid huuanda uuit habdun aldres êr 145 uuintro an uncro uueroldi, êr than uuârun uuit nû atsamna gibenkeon endi gibeddeon, Sô uuit thes an uncro iugudi that uuit erbiuuard êgan môstin,

than quâmi thit uuîf te mî;
antsibunta uuintro

sidor ic sie mi te brûdi gecôs.
gigirnan ni mohtun,

150 fôdean an uncun flettea: nu uuit sus gifrôdod sint,

habad unc eldi binoman elleandâdi,

that uuit sint an unero

flêsk is une antfallan,
is unca lud giliden,

155 sind unca andbâri

siuni gislekit

endi an uncun sidun lat:

fel unscôni, lik gitrusnod, ôdarlîcaron,

môd endi megincraft, số nuit giữ số managan dag

uuârun an thesero uueroldi: sô mî thes uundar thunkit,

huuô it sô giuuerdan mugi, so thû mid thînun uuordun


(III) Thô uuard that hevencuninges bodon harm an is môde,

160 that he is giuuerkes sô uundron scolda

endi that ni uuelda gihuggean, that ina mahta hêlag god
số alaiungan, so he fon êrist uuas,

selbo giuuirkean, of he so uueldi.
Skerita im thô te nuitea.

165 gimahlien mid is mûdu,
fon thînero aldero idis

that he ni mahte ênig uuord sprekan, 'êr than thi magu uuirdid, erl âfôdit,

kindiung giboran cunnies gôdes,

uuânum te thesero uueroldi. than scalt thû eft uuord sprekan, hebbean thînaro stemna giuuald: ni tharft thû stum uuesan

170 lengron huîla.' Thô nuard it sân gilêstid số,

giuuordan te uuâron, so thar an them uuîha gisprak

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