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النشر الإلكتروني

Boers offered better terms for naturalization, and, finally, under pressure, diminished the period of residence in that country from fourteen to five years. The terms, however, of naturalization were such as to force Englishmen, and other foreigners, to alienate themselves from the mother country. Of course, the idea of citizenship in the Boer republic in preference to that of the British Empire, was merely for temporary purposes,-was, in fact, a subterfuge to which, after all, few Uitlanders were very willing to resort, and the concessions now made by President Kruger did not satisfy the English government. The question of the franchise was set aside by Mr. Chamberlain, and the question of suzerainty brought forward. This question was one that offered an easier solution of so difficult a problem. Were not the Boers, after all, subjects of Great Britain? They were subjects of Great Britain when they inhabited Cape Colony. And was it not a legal and technical principle of international law that a man did not lose his citizenship simply by migrating from his native land? Were the Boers not subjects of Great Britain when they took the Transvaal? Did they not, as subjects, do so, with full recognition of the paramount authority of their mother country? While these discussions were going on, England was amassing troops on the frontier, preparing herself to enforce whatever demands she might choose to make later on. In the meantime, the Dutch had not been wise. The irritation in the administration of the law had become a source of enmity between the Uitlanders and the Boers. A man by the name of Edgar had been arrested and shot, and the story of his unjust treatment was circulated and repeated in the most sensational manner. Again, there were many private interests to be adjudicated. The relationship between the miners and the government was to be established. Rights of private property were set up to be adjudicated by the judges; and, although these judges belonged to the Boers, the government began to mistrust even them, and by law undertook to control the judgments of the courts, placing the final adjudication of all matters of private rights in the hands of the Dutch parliament, rather than leaving them where they are left by all civilized nations-in the hands of the judiciary.

It will be said that, in the strained relationship between the Boers and the English, the Boers were not wise. But mad men are never wise, and the Boers had been enraged: they had been goaded

by the Jameson raid, and by the open insults which they felt that Sir Alfred Milner was constantly heaping upon them, in order that the conditions might be pressed into a crisis which would force the intervention of England. England had not declared war, but she did what would be equivalent, in any other country on earth, to a declaration of war. So that the declaration, or ultimatum itself, and the question of who fired the first shot, became merely matters of detail. England forced the crisis. The impartial historian of the future will review the matter, perhaps, with more candor, and, perhaps, with more justice than partisans on either side at present. The war is now on, and it is a war, from all appearances, of greater magnitude than any that has been waged since the Franco-Prussian war of 1870-71. It will cost thousands of lives, and millions upon millions of treasure, and what seems to be more unfortunate than all, it will undoubtedly create a race prejudice, if not intense hatred among the Dutch in South Africa, that will give the English greater trouble than any they have experienced for years among their colonists. While England has been perhaps, of all colonial empires, the fairest and the most just of any on earth, it has nevertheless its faults. There can be little doubt, however, but that the country itself will be benefited by a change of government. But it will be said, in answer to these statements, that it is the old argument by which the means is justified by the end.

But it is not a question of justification. It is rather one of explanation. The end must certainly aid us in weighing all the questions that have arisen in this unfortunate conflict, pro and con, and enable us to determine as correctly as one may determine political questions of that character, where the right and where the wrong lay. At the outset the Boers have shown themselves to be excellent strategists, but England cannot repeat the policy of Majuba Hill. She cannot surrender, and will not yield in her determination to carry on the contention to a finish. There can be but one result, and that is the overthrow of the South African Republic, the establishment in its stead of a British colony, and, it may be, that this colony will lead to a confederation of all South Africa. And thus the work of anglicizing the Dark Continent is moving rapidly on, and England will play the part, in the future, that she has played in the past-the part of the foremost colonizer in the world.



There are at least two ways to look upon the instructions that are given in the revelation. If the question should be asked, Why do you observe the commandment generally known as the word of wisdom? it is probable that there would be various answers. One does it out of principle, because it is a command of God, and he knows that by obeying, he will be benefitted in health; he has faith that the promises will be given to him, and that he shall run and not faint. Another looks upon it in an economic light, having perhaps less faith, but being possessed of business acumen, he obeys because it pays-it saves money. Young men should remember that both views are good. The first is the best, of course, for it covers the whole ground, it includes all the benefits of the second. But if you prefer to look upon the money side, well and good. You will gain value for all your effort, even looking at the subject thus. Saving money is a virtue in itself; and, if it can be done by simply obeying a command of God, which, besides, promises other rich blessings, is it not doubly worth your while?

The following is told by Collis P. Huntington, and gives an idea of how he gained his first conception of the value of money, and shows the wisdom of saving it rather than spending it for something of no special value. When he was a lad he, like many other country boys, had none too much spending money. There was to be a church festival in a nearby church which he much desired to

attend. He went to his father and asked him for a dollar, in order that he might attend the entertainment. His father replied, "If you really want to go to the festival, you will go out and make a dollar."

The lad, who was destined to dazzle the world with his great railway and financial operations, recognized the justice and reasonableness of the remark, and went out and made the dollar, working earnestly and devotedly at farm labor.

"But," says Mr. Huntington, "when the night of the festival arrived, and I went up to my room to dress, I thought to myself: 'Now, I've worked too hard for that dollar to squander it on something that will do me no special good.' I saved that dollar, and,” continued the capitalist with a twinkle in his genial eyes, "I've never been without a dollar since."

Smoking, drinking, chewing; are they of any special value to you? They are not; but, according to the command of God, are of great detriment. Then, when you are about to indulge, why not employ Mr. Huntington's argument: "I've worked too hard for that dollar to squander it on something that will do me no special good," (but rather an injury,) and save your dollar, and never be without money after? In addition, at least some of the promised blessings of the word of wisdom are likely to follow unsolicited.

Recently, Mr. Huntington administered a rebuke to a gentleman who entered his room smoking a cigar. This gentleman headed a committee which waited upon the financial magnate appealing for aid for some charitable institution. In presenting his plea, he waxed eloquent upon the signal manner in which Mr. Huntington had been blessed in worldly goods, and referred to the immense size of his fortune.

"Yes," said Mr. Huntington, with a smile, "I've got money, and have had lots of it; but do you know," and here his gaze rested full upon the gentleman who headed the committee, and who happened to be smoking a fragrant cigar, "I never had money to burn."

Smoking is too common among young men. Why not stop it, and employ the argument of Mr. Huntington? It may make you wealthy. It will surely make you better. Do not burn your money, but save it, and by so doing gain the double advantage of obtaining both money and health, both temporal and spiritual blessings..



This is a collection of hymns and songs set to music and adapted especially for the use of Mutual Improvement Associations and missionaries in their religious services and social entertainments. It contains some fifty-six songs which have come into popular use in the Church and Sabbath Schools and Mutual Improvement Associations. The book has been compiled and arranged by Prof. E. Stephens, general music director for the Young Men's Mutual Improvement Associations and the leader of the Salt Lake Tabernacle choir. It is especially fitted in size for carrying about, and will, therefore, become popular with missionaries. George Q. Cannon & Sons Co., publishers, Salt Lake City; price, $3.00 per dozen.


We have received a copy of Church Chronology, second edition, revised and enlarged. It is a record of important events pertaining to the history of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, compiled by Andrew Jenson, Assistant Church Historian. The period covered is from the birth of Joseph Smith to the close of the year 1898. In addition to the regular chronology, it has an introduction containing diagrams of the First Presidency and their counselors, also of the council of the Twelve Apostles from the beginning unto the present time, with the dates of their entrance into office. Similar diagrams are given of the first council of Seventies, the presiding bishopric, and church historians and recorders. A novel feature is the publication of ordinations to the Holy Priesthood of leading men of the Church, intended to benefit all who desire to trace the

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