صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني


When the soul is about to leave the body, then all those who are around the sick man's bed should kneel down and pray earnestly for him. If the dying man be unable to speak, the name of JESUS should constantly be invoked, and such words as the following should be frequently repeated in his ear:

Into thy hands, O Lord, I commend my spirit. O Lord Jesus Christ, receive my soul.

Holy Mary, pray for me.

Holy Mary, Mother of Grace, Mother of Mercy, do thou defend me from the enemy, and receive me at the hour of death.

All present may join together in saying the Litany of Jesus, page 350; or the Litany of the Blessed Virgin, page 184; or 5 Our Fathers and 5 Hail Marys for the dying person.

The Soul being departed, the following Responsory is to be said.

COME to his assistance, all ye saints of God: meet him, all ye angels of God: receive his soul and present it now before its Lord. May Jesus Christ receive thee, and the angels conduct thee to thy place of rest. May the angels of God receive his soul, and present it now before its Lord.

V. Eternal rest give to him, O Lord; and let perpetual light shine upon him. R. May the angels of God present him now before his Lord,

V. Lord, have mercy on him.
R. Christ, have mercy on him.
V. Lord, have mercy on him.
Our Father, &c.

V. And lead us not into temptation. R. But deliver us from evil. Amen. V. Eternal rest give to him, O Lord. R. And let perpetual light shine upon him.

R. Amen.

V. From the gates of hell,
R. Deliver his soul, O Lord.
V. May he rest in peace.
V. O Lord, hear my prayer.
R. And let my cry come to thee.

Let us Pray.

TO thee, O Lord, we recommend the soul of thy servant N. that being dead to this world he may live to thee, and whatever sins he hath committed in this life through human frailty, do thou in thy most merciful goodness pardon through our Lord Jesus Christ, &c.

Then for a conclusion may be added the following Prayer for those who are present.


YRANT, O God, that while we lament the departure of this thy servant, we may always remember that we are most certainly to follow him. Give us grace to prepare for that last hour by a good life, that we may not be surprised by a sudden and unprovided death, but be ever watching, that when thou shalt call we may with the bridegroom enter into eternal glory. Through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

"It is therefore a holy and wholesome thought to pray for the dead, that they may be loosed from sins." 2 Machabees xii. 42.

"Have pity on me, have pity on me, at least you my friends; because the hand of the Lord hath touched me." Job xix. 21.

The Litany for the Bead.

LORD, have mercy on us.
Lord, have mercy on us.

Christ, have mercy on us.
Christ, have mercy on us.
Lord, have mercy on us.
Lord, have mercy on us.
Jesus, receive our prayers.
Lord Jesus, grant our petitions.

O God the Father, Creator of the world, Have mercy on the souls of the faithful departed.

O God the Son, Redeemer of mankind, Deliver the souls of the faithful departed.

O God the Holy Ghost, perfecter of the elect, Accomplish the bliss of the souls of the faithful departed.

O sacred Trinity, three persons and one God, Give rest to the souls of the faithful departed.

Blessed Virgin Mary, who by a special privilege of grace, wast triumphantly assumed into the kingdom of thy Son,

Blessed angels, who ordering aright the first act of your will, were immediately settled in an unchangeable state of felicity,

Blessed patriarchs, whose spirits were filled with joy, when the desired of all nations brought redemption to your long captivity,

Blessed prophets, who, having patiently awaited the coming of the Messias, were at length refreshed with the happy visit of his divine person,

O all you blessed saints, who, after the glorious resurrection of your Saviour, were by him translated from the bosom of Abraham to the clear vision of God,

Blessed apostles, who, at the last

Pray for the souls of the faithful departed.

Pray for the souls of the faithful departed.

and terrible day shall sit on the twelve thrones, judging the tribes of Israel,

Blessed disciples of our Lord, who, following his sacred steps in the narrow path of perfection, went straight on to the heavenly Jerusalem,

Blessed martyrs, who, passing through the Red Sea of your own blood, without journeying through a tedious wilderness, entered immediately into the Land of Promise, Blessed confessors, who, despising the vanities here below, and placing your affections entirely on the joys above, are already arrived at the full possession of all your wishes,

Blessed virgins, who, watching continually with your lamps prepared, were ready at the first voice of the chaste spouse of heaven, to enter with him into the marriage chamber,

O all ye holy saints, who, not retaining at your death the least irreg ular adherence to any creature, were perfectly capable of an immediate union with your Creator,

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