Bruis'd, and afflicted, and so low 61 As ready to expire, While I thy terrors undergo Astonish'd with thine ire. 16 Thy fierce wrath over me doth flow, Thy threatnings cut me through: 17 All day they round about me go, 18 Lover and friend thou haft remov'd, And fever'd from me far: They fly me now whom I have lov'd, And as in darkness are. A Paraphrafe on PSAL. CXIV. 65 70 This and the following Pfalm were done by the Author at W fifteen years old. WHEN the bleft feed of Terah's faithful fon After long toil their liberty had won, 5 10 Why Why fled the ocean? And why skipt the mountains? That glaffy floods from rugged rocks can crush, L PSA L. CXXXVI. ET us with a gladsome mind Let us blaze his name abroad, For of Gods he is the God; For his &c. O let us his praises tell, Who doth the wrathful tyrants quell. For his &c. Who with his miracles doth make For his &c. Who by his wisdom did create Who did the folid earth ordain For his &c. U 2 15 5 10 15 20 Who 25 Who by his all-commanding might Did fill the new-made world with light. For his &c. And caus'd the golden-treffed fun, All the day long his course to run. For his &c. The horned moon to fhine by night, For his &c. He with his thunder-clasping hand For his &c. And in despite of Pharao fell, 30 35 40 He brought from thence his Ifrael. The ruddy waves he cleft in twain 45 Of the Erythræan main. For his &c. The floods flood ftill like walls of glass, While the Hebrew bands did pass. For his &c. But full foon they did devour The tawny king with all his power. For his &c. His chosen people he did bless In the wafteful wilderness. For his &c. 50 55 In bloody battel he brought down For his &c. He foil'd bold Seon and his hoft, For his &c. And large-limb'd Og he did fubdue, For his &c. And to his fervant Ifrael 65 70 All living creatures he doth feed, And with full hand supplies their need. For his &c Let us therefore warble forth His mighty majesty and worth. That his mansion hath on high U 3 80 |