P. Terenti Phormio

الغلاف الأمامي
B.H. Sanborn & Company, 1895 - 182 من الصفحات

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عبارات ومصطلحات مألوفة

مقاطع مشهورة

الصفحة 80 - Lucius, let me bring him down at a long shot— a long shot, Sir Lucius, if you love me!
الصفحة 159 - ... quis est senex: Dziatzko reads sed quis hie, etc., rejecting, with Seyffert (Stud. Plaut., Berlin, 1874) the reading of A. I have preferred to follow A for the following reasons: (1) In the matter of the relative position of words, this Ms. is overwhelmingly superior to the best of the other Mss. See Pease, on the Relative Value of the Mss. of Terence (Transactions of the Am. Phil. Assoc. for 1887, p. 33) ; (2) This is a case where the scribes of the other Mss., who show a constant tendency to...

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