صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

3 Their powerful language to no realm
Or region is confined;

'Tis nature's voice, and understood
Alike by all mankind.

4 Their doctrine does its sacred sense
Through earth's extent display;
Its bright contents the circling sun
Does round the world convey.

5 From east to west, from west to east,
His ceaseless course he goes;
And, through his progress, cheerful light
And vital warmth bestows.


1 God's perfect law converts the soul,
Reclaims from false desires;
With sacred wisdom his sure word
The ignorant inspires.

2 The statutes of the Lord are just,
And bring sincere delight;

His pure commands, in search of truth,
Assist the feeblest sight.

3 His perfect worship here is fix'd,
On sure foundations laid;
His equal laws are in the scales
Of truth and justice weigh'd;

4 Of more esteem than golden mines,
Or gold refined with skill;
More sweet than honey, or the drops
That from the comb distil.

5 My trusty counsellors they are,
And friendly warnings give:
Divine rewards attend on those
Who by thy precepts live.

6 Rut what frail man observes how oft
He does from virtue fall?

O cleanse me from my secret faults,
Thou God that know'st them all!

7 Let no presumptuous sin, O Lord,
Dominion have o'er me;

That, by thy grace preserved, I may
The great transgression flee.

8 So shall my prayer and praises be
With thy acceptance blest;
And I, secure on thy defence,
My strength and Saviour, rest.


From the xx. Psalm of David.

MAY Jacob's God defend

And hear us in distress;
Our succour from his temple send,
Our cause from Sion bless!

2 May he accept our vow,
Our sacrifice receive,

Our heart's devout request allow,
Our holy wishes give!

3 O Lord, thy saving grace
We joyfully declare;

Our banner in thy name we raise-
"The Lord fulfil our prayer!"

4 Now know we that the Lord
His chosen will defend;

From heaven will strength divine afford,
And will their prayer attend.

5 Some earthly succour trust,

But we in God's right hand :
Lo! while they fall, so vain their boast,
We rise, and upright stand.

6 Still save us, Lord; and still

Thy servants deign to bless:

Hear, King of heaven, in times of ill,
The prayers that we address.


From the xxii. Psalm of David.


MY God, my God, why leav'st thou me

When I with anguish faint?
O, why so far from me removed,
And from my loud complaint?
2 Lo! I am treated like a worm,
Like none of human birth
Not only by the great reviled,
But made the rabble's mirth.

3 With laughter, all the gazing crowd
My agonies survey;

They shoot the lip, they shake the head
And thus deriding say:

4 "In God he trusted, boasting oft
That he was Heaven's delight;

Let God come down to save him now, And own his favourite."

5 Withdraw not, then, so far from me,
When trouble is so nigh;

O send me help! thy help, on which
Alone I can rely.


1 LIKE water is my life pour'd out,
My joints are out of frame;

My heart dissolves within my breast,
Like wax before the flame.

2 My strength is like a potsherd dried,
My tongue is parch'd with drought;
And to the dismal shades of death
My fainting soul is brought.

3 Like dogs, to compass me, my foes
In wicked counsel meet;

They pierced my inoffensive hands,
They pierced my harmless feet.

4 My body's rack'd, till all my bones
Distinctly may be told;
Yet such a spectacle of wo
As pastime they behold.

5 As spoil, my garments they divide,
Lots for my vesture cast:-
Therefore, O leave me not, my God,
But to my succour haste.


1 LORD, to my brethren I'll declare
The triumphs of thy Name;
In presence of assembled saints
Thy glory thus proclaim:

2 "Ye worshippers of Jacob's God,
All you of Israel's line,

O praise the Lord, and to your praise
Sincere obedience join.

3 "He ne'er disdain'd on low distress
To cast a gracious eye;
Nor turn'd from misery his face,
But hears its humble cry."

4 Thus in thy sacred courts, will I
My cheerful thanks express;
In presence of thy saints perform
The vows of my distress.

5 The meek companions of my grief
Shall find my table spread;

And all that seek the Lord shall be
With joys immortal fed.

6 Then shall the glad converted world
To God their homage pay;
And scatter'd nations of the earth
One sovereign Lord obey.

7 'Tis his supreme prerogative

O'er all mankind to reign;

'Tis just that he should rule the world, Who does the world sustain.

8 The rich who are with plenty fed
His bounty must confess;

The sons of want, by him relieved,
Their generous patron bless.

9 With humble worship to his throne
They all for aid resort;

That power, which first their being gave, Alone can them support.

10 Then shall a chosen spotless race,
Devoted to his Name,

To their adoring sons his truth
And glorious acts proclaim.


From the xxiii. Psalm of David.

THE Lord himself, the mighty Lord,
Vouchsafes to be my guide;
The shepherd, by whose constant care
My wants are all supplied.

2 In tender grass he makes me feed,
And gently there repose;

Then leads me to cool shades, and where
Refreshing water flows.

3 He does my wandering soul reclaim,
And, to his endless praise,
Instruct with humble zeal to walk
In his most righteous ways.

4 I pass the gloomy vale of death,
From fear and danger free;
For there his aiding rod and staff
Defend and comfort me.

5 Since God doth thus his wondrous love Through all my life extend,

That life to him I will devote,
And in his temple spend.

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