3 Their powerful language to no realm 'Tis nature's voice, and understood 4 Their doctrine does its sacred sense 5 From east to west, from west to east, PART II. C. M. 1 God's perfect law converts the soul, 2 The statutes of the Lord are just, His pure commands, in search of truth, 3 His perfect worship here is fix'd, 4 Of more esteem than golden mines, 5 My trusty counsellors they are, 6 Rut what frail man observes how oft O cleanse me from my secret faults, 7 Let no presumptuous sin, O Lord, That, by thy grace preserved, I may 8 So shall my prayer and praises be SELECTION 16. S. M. From the xx. Psalm of David. MAY Jacob's God defend And hear us in distress; 2 May he accept our vow, Our heart's devout request allow, 3 O Lord, thy saving grace Our banner in thy name we raise- 4 Now know we that the Lord From heaven will strength divine afford, 5 Some earthly succour trust, But we in God's right hand : 6 Still save us, Lord; and still Thy servants deign to bless: Hear, King of heaven, in times of ill, SELECTION 17. From the xxii. Psalm of David. PART I. C. M. MY God, my God, why leav'st thou me When I with anguish faint? 3 With laughter, all the gazing crowd They shoot the lip, they shake the head 4 "In God he trusted, boasting oft Let God come down to save him now, And own his favourite." 5 Withdraw not, then, so far from me, O send me help! thy help, on which PART II. C. M. 1 LIKE water is my life pour'd out, My heart dissolves within my breast, 2 My strength is like a potsherd dried, 3 Like dogs, to compass me, my foes They pierced my inoffensive hands, 4 My body's rack'd, till all my bones 5 As spoil, my garments they divide, PART III. C. M. 1 LORD, to my brethren I'll declare 2 "Ye worshippers of Jacob's God, O praise the Lord, and to your praise 3 "He ne'er disdain'd on low distress 4 Thus in thy sacred courts, will I 5 The meek companions of my grief And all that seek the Lord shall be 6 Then shall the glad converted world 7 'Tis his supreme prerogative O'er all mankind to reign; 'Tis just that he should rule the world, Who does the world sustain. 8 The rich who are with plenty fed The sons of want, by him relieved, 9 With humble worship to his throne That power, which first their being gave, Alone can them support. 10 Then shall a chosen spotless race, To their adoring sons his truth SELECTION 18. C. M. From the xxiii. Psalm of David. THE Lord himself, the mighty Lord, 2 In tender grass he makes me feed, Then leads me to cool shades, and where 3 He does my wandering soul reclaim, 4 I pass the gloomy vale of death, 5 Since God doth thus his wondrous love Through all my life extend, That life to him I will devote, |