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النشر الإلكتروني

above-ground any where near the corporation; and if any were found, it was ordered that the searchers that searched should set up a mark thereby and a sign, that those that were appointed to bury them might find it, and bury it out of sight, that the name and remembrance of a Diabolonian Doubter might be blotted out from under heaven. And that the children and they that were to be born in Mansoul might not know (if possible) what a skull, what a bone, or a piece of a bone of a Doubter was. So the buriers, and those that were appointed for that purpose, did as they were commanded; they buried the Doubters, and all skulls and bones, and pieces of bones of Doubters, wherever they found them, and so they cleansed the plains. Now also Mr. God's-peace took up his commission, and acted again as in former days.

Thus they buried in the plains about Mansoul, the Election-Doubters, the Vocation-Doubters, the Grace-Doubters, the Perseverance-Doubters, the Resurrection-Doubters, the Salvation-Doubters, and the Glory-Doubters, whose captains were, Captain Rage, and Captain Cruel, Captain Damnation, Captain Insatiable, Captain Brimstone, Captain Torment, Captain No-ease, Captain Sepulchre, and Captain Past-hope: and old Incredulity was under Diabolus their general; there were also the seven heads of their army, and they were the Lord Beelzebub, the Lord Lucifer, the Lord Legion, the Lord Apollyon, the Lord Python, the Lord Cerberus, and the Lord Belial. But the princes and the captains, with old Incredulity their general, all made their escape; so their men fell down upon the slain by the power of the prince's forces, and by the hands of the men of the town of Mansoul. They also were buried, as

is before related, to the exceeding great joy of the town of Mansoul: they that buried them, buried also with them their arms, which were cruel instruments of death (their weapons were arrows, darts, mauls, firebrands, and the like); they bu ried also their armour, colours, and banners, with the standard of Diabolus, and what else soever they could find that did but smell of a Diabolonian Doubter 10.

10 Thus was the victory completed. All doubts of God's grace and love were utterly destroyed; and pains were taken that, if possible, the succeeding generation might never be plagued with the name of a doubter. The design of all this is to shew that doubt and distress of the love of Christ, contrary to the declarations of his word, should be utterly suppressed, as being infinitely dishonourable to our faithful covenant God, and unspeakably pernicious to our own souls.


A new Army of Blood-men, or Persecutors, attack the Town, but are surrounded by the Mansoulians, headed by Faith and Patience....The Examination of some of the Leaders....Evil-questioning entertains some of the Doubters, but is discovered by Diligence....The principal Doubters tried, convicted, and executed.

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The tyrant resolves to have yet a bout with Mansoul.

OW when the tyrant was arrived at Hellgatehill, with his old friend Incredulity, they immediately descended the den, and having there with their followers for a while condoled their misfortune, and the great loss they sustained before the town of Mansoul, they fell at length into a passion, and revenged they would be for the loss that they sustained before the town of Mansoul; wherefore they presently call a council to contrive yet further what was to be done against the famous town of Mansoul; for their yawning paunches could not wait to see the result of their Lord Lucifer's and their Lord Apollyon's counsel that they had given before, for their raging gorge thought every day even as long as a short for-ever, until they were filled with the body and soul, with the flesh and bones, and with all the delicacies of Mansoul. They therefore resolved to make another attempt upon the town of Mansoul, and that by an army mixed, and made up partly of Doubters, and partly of Blood-men. A more particular account now take of both1.

By Blood-men (or bloody-men, so called Psalm cxxxix. 19.) the author seems to intend Persecutors—men under the

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Description of the Land of Doubting.

The Doubters are such as have their name from their nature, as well as from the lord and kingdom where they were born; their nature is to put a question upon every one of the truths of Immanuel, and their country is, the Land of Doubting, and that land lieth off, and furthest remote to the north, between the Land of Darkness, and that called the Valley of the Shadow of Death. For though the Land of Darkness, and that called the Land of the Shadow of Death, be sometimes called as if they were one and the self-same place; yet indeed they are two, lying but a little way asunder, and the Land of Doubting points in, and lieth between them. This is the Land of Doubting, and those that came with Diabolus to ruin the town of Mansoul, are the natives of that country.

The Blood-men are a people that have their name derived from the malignity of Character of the their nature, and from the fury that Blood-men. is in them to execute it upon the town of Mansoul; their land lieth under the Dogstar, and by that they are governed as to their intellectuals. The name of their country is the province of Loath-good, the remote parts of it are far distant from the Land of Doubting, yet they do both butt and bound upon the hill called Hell-gatehill. These people are always in league with the Doubters, for they jointly make question of the faith and fidelity of the men of the town of Mansoul, and so are both alike qualified for the service of their prince.

Now of these two countries did Diabolus by the

power of that carnal mind which is enmity against God, and against his image in the soul of man. Here a new set of enemies arises, and may signify that opposition to religion which, more or less, every christian must expect, for "they who live godly, in Christ Jesus, shall suffer persecution."

beating of his drum raise another army against the town of Mansoul, of five-and-twenty thousand strong. There were ten thousand Doubters, and fifteen thousand Blood-men, and they were put under several captains for the war, and old Incredulity was again made general of the army.

As for the Doubters, their captains were five of the seven that were heads of the last Diabolonian army, and these are their names: Captain Beelzebub, Captain Lucifer, Captain Apollyon, Captain Legion, and Captain Cerberus, and the captains that they had before were some of them made lieutenants, and some ensigns of the army.

But Diabolus did not count that in this expedition of his, these Doubters would prove his principal men, for their manhood had been tried before; also the Mansoulians had put them to the worst, only he brought them to multiply a number, and to help, if need was, at a pinch; but his trust he put in his Blood-men, for that they were all rugged villains, and he knew that they had done feats heretofore.

As for the Bloodmen, they also were under command, and the names of their capThe captains of tains were, Captain Cain, Captain the Blood-men. Nimrod, Captain Ishmael, Captain Esau, Captain Saul, Captain Absalom, Captain Judas, and Captain Pope.

1. Captain Cain was over two bands, to wit, the Zealous and the Angry Blood-men; his standardbearer bore the red colours, and his scutcheon was the murdering club, Gen. iv. 8.

2. Captain Nimrod was captain over two bands, Their bands, to wit, the Tyrannical and Incroachstandard-bear- ing Blood-men; his standard-bearer ers, and colours. bore the red colours, and his scutcheon was the great blood-hound, Gen. x. 8, 9.

3. Captain Ishmael was captain over two bands,

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