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النشر الإلكتروني

vid, in some of the prophets, and in other parts of the inspired volume.

These are but few of the interesting subjects, which are presented on every page of the sacred Scriptures. Now if these subjects were thus exhibited by uninspired men, they would attract, fascinate, and instruct; but when we consider that every word is accompanied with the impressive declaration," Thus saith the Lord;" that the Bible is not intended for private interpretation, and that by it we must soon be judged, how ought we to search it, as for hidden treasure, and with microscopic eye endeavour to discover through the outward covering its more intrinsic beauties. With such impressions, that mind must be insensible indeed, which in attending to the biography of Moses, Joseph, and others, forgets him, who left the bosom of his Father, and came into this world of moral wretchedness,-was despised, rejeeted, crucified, and slain; whose life was spotless ;but who condescended by a cruel death to purchase for us all our blessings, and who is now exalted to be a Prince and a Saviour. Who in reading the history of the chosen people of Israel does not apply it to Christ's followers, while passing through this moral wilderness to the heavenly Canaan? By the rejection of the Jews, we are taught, that those who do not exercise cordial faith, and endure unto the end, will hereafter be excluded from the rest that remains for his people. Who that is attracted by its poetry can fail to anticipate the song of the redeemed in heaven, and earnestly desire to be admitted to their blest society.

But what will all these beauties and excellencies of the Bible avail, and to what purpose were they sent to those, who do not read and study the word of God? As the sun shines in vain to a person who by choosing a subterraneous dwelling, voluntarily denies himself his enlightening beams, so the beauties of the Bible will be forever unknown to us, and its heavenly light will shine around us in vain, if it lie in our houses unperused, unopened. But let us bear in mind, that the book of God's remembrance, is not closed;-there our names are reg istered, our thoughts recorded, and every neglected privilege and unoccupied talent will appear as a testimony against us at the last day."

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[Concluded Did not intend to go beyo must yet add a few lines: ying soul is concerned, I kno I know all I can say, will b pleased to grant his blessing elf for life is precarious.) per pistle, you may receive from on nd reciprocated your friendsh icitude for your everlasting we rtain (han that ere-long, you an iverse, shall stand before the Ju and hear the welcome salutationthe awful address- Depart ye eseech you to examine the ground anding, will it bear a dying hour rutiny of the last day, when that secret shall be proclaimed to he then for every idle word we shall count. Think, my dear friend, th the soul. Think of that What shall it profit a man, if he d lose his own soul? Or what sha ange for his soul? quests

But I must have done. Let me end with all diligence to your soul able loudly calls for such a



MAY, 1823.

NO. 5.


[Concluded from Page 112.]

I Did not intend to go beyond the limits of a sheet, but I must yet add a few lines: when the soul, the neverdying soul is concerned, I know not where to stop; and yet I know all I can say, will be of no avail, unless God is pleased to grant his blessing. Perhaps too, (who can tell, for life is precarious.) perhaps this may be the last epistle, you may receive from one who has long enjoyed, and reciprocated your friendship, and who feels great solicitude for your everlasting welfare. Nothing is more certain than that ere-long, you and I, with the assembled, universe, shall stand before the Judgment seat of Christ, and hear the welcome salutation-Come ye blessed”or the awful address-" Depart ye cursed." O let me

beseech you to examine the ground on which you are standing, will it bear a dying hour? Will it stand the scrutiny of the last day, when that which has been done in secret shall be proclaimed to heaven and earth, and when for every idle word we shall be called to give an account. Think, my dear friend, think often of the loss of the soul. Think of that questson of our Saviour, "What shall it profit a man, if he gain the whole world and lose his own soul? Or what shall a man give, in exchange for his soul ?

But I must have done. Let me beg of you, Sir, to attend with all diligence to your soul. Every thing valuable loudly calls for such a course of conduct. Do ex2d Edit.


amine the Scriptures; examine the evidences of their divine origin; seek daily by fervent prayer to God, through Christ, for direction. And may he lead you into all truth. You know my sentiments; they are the same in every situation and at all times. I desire to be more and more influenced by the precepts of the Gospel. I know but little of them, and am so different from what I ought to-be, that I often fear, that I cannot be a true follower of Him who went about doing good, whose meat, and whose drink it was to do the will of God, and whose conduct in every period of life, evinced a heart warm with love to God and to man! O to be more conformed to his image, to possess more of his temper and disposition, and finally to be saved by his grace! I wish, my friend, that you would buy and read frequently and attentively, Doddridge's "Rise and Progress." Compare yourself with what you will find in a little book, called Essays to do good;" and do be particular with regard to the books you read. Time is short; it flies apace; and fifty years hence, the great concern will be, not what has been the news, or whether we have been rich or poor, but whether we have been interested in Christ, and lived to his glory.

I hope you will think seriously of what I have written. I would say the same in sickness, or in health, in prosperity or adversity, in every stage of life, or on a death bed. Do live for eternity, and believe me yours truly.




Lo, the winter is past, the rain is over and gone; the flowers appear on the earth; the time of the singing of birds is come, and the voice of the turtle is heard in our land: the fig-tree putteth forth her green figs, and the vines with the tender grape give a good smell.


THE Song of Solomon is a correct specimen of the luxuriance of an Eastern imagination. It is a fine alle

gorical Poem, in which the mutual love and felicity of Christ and his Church are represented in language de seriptive of the strongest conjugal affection. The royal poet introduces the richest imagery, interwoven with sentiments of exquisite tenderness. Parts of this Poem, and indeed the Scriptures generally, abound with inimi table classical beauties.

In our motto, the man of taste may discern an admirable propriety and beauty in the arrangement, symmetry, and vivacity of the thoughts which it contains. The winter is past, the rain is over, the flowers appear, the melody of the groves is heard, and the immature fruit regales the sight, the smell, and the hope of a harvest. Our natural thirst for the sublime and beautiful in deseription, may draw more congenial draughts from the river of God, the volume of inspiration, than from all the streams of human composition in existence.

Mach might be said concerning the mystical import of the passage which we have selected as the motto of our present Essay, but we choose rather to use it by way of accommodation, and follow it with reflections adapted to the season. It is an admirable description of the SPRING TIME OF NATURE. By it we are reminded that there is a SPRING TIME OF LIFE, a SPRING TIME IN RELIGION, and a SPRING TIME FROM THE GRAVE. Το illustrate these subjects will be the object of this Essay. FIRST; There is a SPRING TIME IN NATURE. The enchanting scenes of this day are witnesses of this truth. For, lo, the winter is past, the rain is over and gone; the flowers appear on the earth; the time of the singing of birds is come, and the voice of the turtle is heard in our land: the vines with the tender grape give a good smell. God has loosed the frozen bands of WINTER, and from the hand of his benevolence is profusely disseminating the delights of SPRING. He is reclothing the earth with beauty, perfuming the air with nature's incense, and causing creation to rejoice.

It is peculiarly delightful to contemplate creation emerging from the torpor and gloom of winter, to the energy and smiles of spring. Every sense is then regaled. The eye is delighted with the richest, noblest, scenery imaginable. The ear is charmed with the songs of a world rejoicing in the renovation of nature. The smell,

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