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the limits circumscribed by his own fanaticism. Not to the earth-born wretch who will plunge into the darkness of paganism or embrace any doctrine, however erroneous, if, by that means, he may throw off the burden which his own conscience has imposed-but to him who, born in obscurity and ignorance, has yet acquired a competent degree of knowledge to understand its merits and give an impartial decision. Why then, when an appeal is made to the charity of the rich for its application to the wants of the heathen, is the answer so frequently and triumphantly reiterated," the more ignorance, the more peace ?" What if you speak of the wildness of the Tartar-the moral degradation of the Hotentot or the savage ferocity of the New-Zealand cannibal? You are repulsed with the cold and unmeaning vagary of a distracted philosophy

"Disturb not the tranquillity they have so long enjoy. ed by affording them the means of instruction. Let them live and die in the religion of their fathers-the religion of nature. Give them the Bible, and you dissipate the mists which have been so long settling around them, to hide the horrors of their situation,-you awake them to disappointment and sorrow. The flowers which have so long bloomed in their path will wither, and their paradise will be couverted into a garden of thorns." Merciful God! Does the religion of thy Son sanction such language or approve such conduct? But who are the men by whom these sentiments are uttered? You will find them coolly calculating the amount of their property. ignorant of any thing but the mode of accumulating it. Or perhaps they "grind the face of the poor" by unreasonable extortion. Selfishness or gross ignorance prompts them to such feelings and such actions, and the one is to be detested as much as the other is to be pitied. We are happy, however, in the reflection that objections to the present mode of instructing the heathen are neither so numerous nor so strongly urged as formerly. Liberality is more the characteristic of the present day than of any preceding age. Selfish principles are thrown more into the back-ground, and Christianity, of course, gathers oftener her wreath of laurels. The period is, evidently, not far distant-I can almost see it ushered in, ➡when education, of which Christianity is not the least part, shall erect her edifices wherever human beings ex

ist, and when the genius of literature shall extend as far as the wants of man, and, gathering her trophies, shall lay them, consecrated by the spirit of religion, at the feet of Jesus.

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NUMEROUS Letters recently received, requesting information respecting the formation of Bible Classes, have induced us to prepare for the pages of THE MONITOR an article on that subject ;-a subject which we have repeatedly been requested to discuss more in detail than has yet been done.

WHEN the formation of a Bible Class is to be attempted, we recommend, that on the Sabbath a discourse should be delivered, exhibiting the inestimable value of the Inspired Volume, and the importance of an early and intimate acquaintance with its truths. If possible, let all ages be made to feel that it is a duty, and a privilege to have the word of Christ dwell richly in them in all wisdom ;-that it is desirable to obey even the letter of the direction given by Moses; "These words" the words of Divine revelation," shall be in thine heart. And thou shalt teach them diligently unto thy children and shalt talk of them when thou sittest in the house and when thou walkest by the way,-when thou liest down and when thou risest up." At the close of the service, let the young be invited to meet their Pastor, at such time and place as he is pleased to appoint, and let parents be invited to be present and co-operate. Let it be notified that when the Class is organized, all which their Pastor wishes of them will be definitely explained, and then such youths over twelve or fourteen years of age as please, will be formed into the Bible Class. Between the Sabbath and the proposed meeting of the youth, it will be useful for the Pastor to call on so many of his influential young people, as his other duties will permit, and enlist their feelings in the object.

When the period arrives for organizing the Class, the introductory exercises will vary according to circums

stances. A short portion of the Scriptures, like the 19th Psalm, may be read, with the blessing of God invoked on the proposed exercises, either before or after its perasal. Then the youth may be informed of the particular manner in which their future meetings will be conducted. Most of the numerous Bible Classes in New-England, either use the " Bible Class Text-Book," consisting of a system of questions answered in Scripture language entirely, or a Reference Testament, called the "Sabbath School Testament." We will describe the usual exereises in Bible Classes with each of these works, so far as we have been acquainted with them. Where the "Text Book" is chosen by the Pastor, the members of the Class will be furnished with that at the first meeting. Such as engaged in studying it, might conveniently be formed into five divisions, three of females and two of males,— or, where the Pastor chooses, he can have two Classes, —one of females, to meet in the afternoon,-the other of males, to meet in the evening, and each Class separated in four or five divisions. Let one division take the first lesson. Each member of that division is expected to commit to memory the passages of Scripture which are pointed out, and as many of the others which are in reference as may be convenient. Besides doing this, the Notes in the appendix should be attentively consulted in their place, and such use made of Bibles with marginak reférences, as may more fully unfold the will of God on that particular subject. Unwearied attention in the scriptural investigation of their lessons should be given. On this, much of the benefit of the other exercises depends. Let the second division use the second lesson, the third division the third lesson, the fourth division the fourth lesson, and the fifth division the fifth lesson. Let each division study its own lesson with the critical minuteness already recommended, and likewise give con⚫ siderable attention to each of the five lessons.

Besides the scriptural recitations, the Pastor might recommend, writing essays on their respective lessons, after an attentive consultation of the Bible. Many ad. vantages might be derived from such an exercise, even if the compositions were never shown to the Pastor. When he receives them, after making needful correc

tions, he could read as anonymous, such as he thought fit, and return others to the writers without reading them to the Class. These exercises, though imposing a considerable tax on the Pastor's time, promise so much benefit to the young, that he will probably cheerfully consent to them.

When the members of the Class are convened for recitation, let them be reminded that they are engaged in no ordinary study,-that the appropriate exercises of the Class demand, a reverential, prayerful and practical attention. Let them be reminded that, rightly to understand and faithfully to apply its truths, they need the influences of the same Spirit which indited the Sacred Volume. A few remarks of this kind will tend to prepare their minds, to spend five minutes in prayer at the opening of the meeting.


The first question will then be propounded to the first division, and one of its members will be desired to repeat a part or the whole of the texts printed out. other may be requested to recite other verses which fol low, whether printed or only in reference. And when a Note, in the Appendix, belongs to a lesson, members of the division may be questioned respecting that Note. When a division is large, it is not expected that each member of it, should recite at each meeting. All should be prepared, and some can recite at one meeting, others at the next. After hearing the Scriptures in the lesson recited, and perhaps some of them repeated, the Pastor, in the manner which shall seem most likely to benefit the Class, will explain, illustrate, enforce, and apply the general subject, or any particular text which it included. After spending from 5 minutes to 15 in lecturing on one lesson, let the second division recite the second lesson, in the manner in which the first division recited the first lesson, and let the recitation be succeeded by the familiar lecture as before. This course may be adopted with each division, if the time will permit. Text Books with a margin sufficiently large for the Pastor to minute such hints as he wishes to introduce and expand in the meeting of the Class may be obtained if desired. may be best near the middle of the evening exercises, to inquire what new names are to be added to the Class. Essays which should be read, would be well introduced


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