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he became so absorbed in the subject, and, at length, so deeply impressed, and strongly agitated, that he was scarcely able to stand; the lantern fell from his hand, and was dashed in pieces; and that part of the audience in the immediate vicinity of the speaker's station, were not a little interested, and, for a few moments discomposed by the occurrence.

The impressions thus begun, were confirmed and deepened, and resulted in a short time afterwards, as he hoped, when he was but little more than twelve years of age, in a saving knowledge and acceptance of Jesus. Christ as the only refuge and hope of his soul; and in a cordial devotedness to his service.

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A subsequent circumstance, connected with this event, and not less remarkable, is worthy of being recorded. Mr. Whitefield, in the course of his fifth visit to America, about the year 1754, on a journey from the southward, called at St. George's, in Delaware, where Mr. Rodgers was then settled in the Gospel ministry, and spent some time with him. In the course of this visit, Mr. Rodgers being one day riding with his visitant, in the close carriage in which the latter usually travelled, asked him, whether he recollected the occurrence of the little boy, who was so much affected with his preaching, as to let his lantern fall? Mr. Whitefield answered, "O yes! I remember it well; and have often thought I would give almost any thing in my power to know who that little boy was, and what had become of him." Mr. Rodgers replied with a smile, "I am that little boy!" Mr. Whitefield, with tears of joy, started from his seat, took him in his arms, and with strong emotion remarked, that he was the fourteenth person then in the ministry whom he had discovered in the course of that visit to America, of whose hopeful conversion he had been the instrument.


THE celebrated Saurin, when one of the pastors to the French refugees at the Hague, was so celebrated for his preaching, that he was constantly attended by a crowded

audience. His style was pure, unaffected and eloquent, sometimes plain, and sometimes flowery; but never im proper. "In the introduction of his sermons," says Mr. Robinson," he used to deliver himself in a tone modest and low; in the body of the sermon, which was adapted to the understanding, he was plain, clear, and argumentative; pausing at the close of each period, that he might discover, by the countenances and motions of his hearers, whether they were convinced by his reasoning. In his addresses to the wicked, (and it is a folly to preach as if there were none in our assemblies) M. Saurin was often sonorous, but oftener a weeping suppliant at their feet. In the one, he sustained the authoritative dignity of his office; in the other, he expressed his master's and his own benevolence to bad men, "praying them in Christ's sake to be reconciled to God." In general, his preaching resembled a plentiful shower of dew, softly and imperceptibly insinuating itself into the minds of his numerous hearers, as the dew into the pores of plants, till all the church was dissolved, and all in tears under this sermons."


We are happy to learn that a Bible Class has been organized among the young ladies of the first Baptist Church and Society in this city. We are authorized by the Pastor to state that the plan of instruction is very similar to that which has been adopted in other places where the BIBLICAL CATECHISM is used. The whole class commit all the questions and answers which at the preceding meeting have been assigned for the lesson.---After each answer has been repeated, the Pastor makes such remarks, explanatory, or practical, as the subject may seem to suggest. The great object of this part of the exercise is to impress the doctrines of Scripture just as they are revealed, upon the consciences of the hearers. Before the biblical recitation commences, some remarks have been generally made upon the importance and the general principles of Belles Lettres.

The essays which have been furnished by the members of the class are then read, and their principles brief


ly and plainly applied to them. It is hoped that by a course of this kind, intellectual and moral cultivation may be happily blended together, and that whilst by the cultivation of a taste for literature, a foundation is laid

for more extended influence, that influence may be so directed, as efficiently to subserve the interests of the Redeemer. It may be proper to remark in addition, that the meetings are invariably opened and closed with prayer. The number of stated attendents is between fifty and sixty.

Essay writing, in Bible Classes, we consider admirably adapted to benefit the writers. And we have seen many pieces of composition from youths in such classes, the perusal of which, we believe, would be interesting to others. We shall here insert one, written by a young lady, as a specimen of such Essays.

"How should the WRITTEN WORD OF GOD be treated ?"

"SEARCH THE SCRIPTURES," is the explicit command of him who alone knows the awful extent of that darkness, that wretchedness and that guilt in which the human race are involved. He does not say, it will be useful to read them occasionally as you may have leisure or inclination. No. For he knew our depraved tastes would lead us to seek amusement from novels and plays, at the best from history and moral essays, in preference to the word of life. He knew that the heart, which by renewing grace,is in a measure restored to a correct moral taste, is perpetually prone to stray in dangerous paths. Therefore, he says to all, "These my words you shall lay up in your heart and in your soul, and bind them for a sign upon your hand, that they may be as frontlets between your eyes. And ye shall teach them to your children: speaking of them when thou sittest in thine house and when thou walkest by the way; and when thou liest down and when thou risest up." As an adequate reason for the precept, "Search the Scriptures," our Lord adds "for in them ye think ye shall have eternal life, and they are they which testify of me.”

Besides the authority of Heaven, do we need further incitements to fidelity in the study of the Scriptures ?Yes. We need line upon line, precept upon precept, here a little and there a little.

Do we love history? The Scripture history commences with the birth of time. In all the grandeur of simplicity it gradually unfolds the most interesting and important events connected with the existence of time, till time shall be no more. Nor is it simple narration of facts only. It is interwoven with those doctrines and those duties; those promises and those threatnings, which are interesting as ETERNITY. We feel that we are immortal, accountable creatures; but this we should never have known without the light of Revelation. Would we learn the character of our Judge, we must "search the Scriptures.' 99 Here the character of Jehovah is delineated. Here his perfections are displayed. Here his law is promulgated. Here his whole preceptive will is revealed. Here the impress of his Spirit has stamped Holy, Holy, Holy, on every page.

In this precious volume, our gracious Redeemer has furnished us, not only with general rules for a holy life; but with particular directions for every possible emergeney of life. O that I had the tongue of a seraph, it should be exerted to convince those, who are yet unconvinced of the importance of studying the oracles of God! Would to Heaven, we were all resolved to imitate the noble Bereans! They not only received the word with all readiness of mind but they searched the Scriptures daily whether these things were so. They compared spiritual things with spiritual. They searched the Scriptures of the Old Testament. impartially comparing the prophetic intimations of the Messiah, with the testimony of Jesus whom Paul preached. And what was the result? Many of them believed. They had a present reward in joy and peace in believing.

Some persons profess a sacred regard for the New Testament, while they consider the Old Testament hardly worth a careful investigation. But the author of both, has declared, "Every word of God is precious."-“ All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for do trine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness; that the man of God may be perfect, thoroughly furnished to all good works."

It is doubtless true that the New Testament contains all the essentials of salvation: But would we be "root ed and grounded in the faith," we must classify the

Seriptures we must collate the parallel passages, in proof of every question presented to view. In doing this, we shall be convinced of the mutual harmony and connexion of the whole canon of Scripture.

But though we may daily read the Scriptures; though we may commit the whole to memory, it is only by a prayerful, diligent, impartial, believing investigation, that we shall find them to be "the wisdom of God and the power of God to the soul." That it may be "a light to our feet," and guide our souls in the way of salvation, we must receive the engrafted word with meekness. Here let it be inquired how mankind in general peruse their Bibles. Unconscious of their guilty, perishing circumstances, they see no beauty in the gospel plan; no form or comeliness in the glorious Redeemer that they should desire him. They therefore read the Scriptures in a careless indifferent manner. But though we may be indifferent, God is never indifferent. His eye is ever fixed on his holy word. He knows when we neglect it. He observes the disposition with which we read. God cannot be deceived. He will not be mocked. As we sow we must expect to reap. The judgment day, the light of eternity will convince us of the exceeding criminality of a careless perusal of the word of God. It is the Bible which distinguishes us from the heathen in. this world. It is the Bible which will distinguish us from the heathen in the world to come. It is a saving acquaintance with the Bible which prepares us to live; and it is this alone which will prepare us to die. This saving knowledge of the Bible, is the "golden chain let down from heaven" which binds the spirits of the "just made perfect" to the ETERNAL THRONE amidst the wreck of worlds. It is the Bible neglected and despised, which, like a mill-stone will sink its possessors, deeper, and deeper, and deeper in the bottomless pit of despair. My youthful associates, We Now enjoy peculiar advantages and assistance in searching the Scriptures" for ourselves. Do we faithfully improve them? Let conscience answer.

Finally;-If we wish for comfort in life, if we wish for peace in death,-if we desire happiness beyond the grave, we must "search the Scriptures,' If we have any, compassion for souls around us, we must exert all

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