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النشر الإلكتروني

presenting such a perfect fulness to the mind of those who love God and obey his commands, as enables them in a small degree to comprehend, with all saints, what is the breadth, and length, and depth, and height, and to know the love of Christ, which passeth knowledge, and thus they become filled with all the fulness of God, and which may be looked upon as a foretaste of the third degree in the kingdom of God, which is Joy in the Holy Ghost." But when the number three is considered in reference to the fulness of time when Christ came into this world, then the fulness of three, or three multiplied by three for length, and again by three for breadth, and by three for thickness, the fulness or result produced will be eighty-one. Then, eighty-one multiplied by forty-nine, being the third great week, or Sabbatic period, will produce 3969.

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What I mean by the third great week, or Sabbatic period is, that the first week, or Sabbatic period, is composed of seven days; the second week, or Sabbatic period, is composed of seven years, and the third great week, or Sabbatic period, is composed of the square root of seven years, equal to 49 years. I do not affirm that though 81 multiplied by 49 producing 3969, is a decided proof that this was the time that elapsed from the creation of Adam to the birth of Christ, because I cannot find any part of Scripture— either historical or prophetical—that directly warrants me to make such a calculation, although the calculation produces a number that squares with the truth, yet considering it symbolically, it may be considered as an inferrable proof, seeing twenty-seven is the cube

of three; and again, twenty-seven multiplied by three, is equal to* 81; which again, being multiplied by the third great Sabbatic period, 49, produces the fulness of time, when Christ came into this world, or the time that elapsed, from the creation of Adam to the birth of Christ, being 3969 years. But I dare make a direct appeal to the prophetical time given by Moses in his days of the creation, for the correctness of my calculation, because there it is mentioned the sun was created in the fourth day, symbolic of the Sun of Righteousness, that was to arise on the fourth day, or fourth thousandth year, with healing in his wings; and this, though it may not have been observed by commentators, agrees with the three days (symbolic of three thousand years) spoken of by Christ himself.— When the age of Christ, 30 or 31 years, the time he began his ministry on earth, is added to 3969, it shows that Christ began his ministry 4000 years after the creation of Adam; therefore, the Sun of Righteousness did arise upon the world on the fourth day, according to the Scriptures, and squaring with Moses' seven days' rest, and agreeable to what Christ himself said, "On the third day I shall be perfected," and according to the prediction of Isaiah, xi. 11, "His rest shall be glorious."

I annex an explanation of Moses' six days of the creation and seventh day's rest, because there is great reason to believe these days ought to be ranked among the prophetical numbers of the Bible: and the true spiritual Israelites, previous to the coming of Christ,


It was in the beginning of the eighty-first Jubilean period of Redemption, that Christ said, "It is finished."

viewed the first chapter of Genesis in a figurative prophetic sense, and were looking for that great light that was to appear on the fourth day, or fourth thousandth year; and when He did come He was spoken of by them, as the light that would enlighten the Gentiles, and the glory of his people Israel, and He himself said, "I am the Light of the world."

The first enemies of Christianity seeing how favourable the prophecy of the fourth day was to the believers in Christ, probably was a principal reason that induced them to corrupt the chronology of the Septuagint, so as to throw the time of Christ a day and a half, or equal to about 1500 years wrong; and I hesitate not to say, from the investigation I have made, that this was done in the second century after Christ, during the power of the fourth Beast, of whom it was predicted, Daniel, vii. 25, “And think to change times and laws, and shall be given into his hand until a time and times, and the dividing of time." The Jews seeing that it was impossible to throw aside the prophetic meaning of the first chapter of Genesis-as it appears this was the manner it was explained to them previous to the coming of Christ-induced them to shorten their chronology about 209 years during that period of time, from the end of the captivity-to the birth of Christ, because they had no sacred books that gave an account of that period of time, this being the only period of time that they could corrupt, because the previous time was distinctly given in their sacred Hebrew books. Their chronology was shortened 209 years, I have no doubt, in the hope that some one more suited to their notions would come as their

Messiah, before their corrupted method of calculating the fourth day, or fourth thousand year was ended. Their corrupted time of 209 years being ended without their expectations being realized, they formed a new chronology called the lesser chronology of the Jews, by which they made themselves believe that 90 years should be deducted off their former chronology, their former chronology, from the creation of Adam to the birth of Christ, being 3760; and their lesser being 3670. Again, being disappointed in their expectations, they lost sight of the prophetic character of the first chapter of Genesis, and allowed it to be explained as if it had been a mere history of the method that God had taken to create this world, sun, moon and stars, in six days. Not having seen the ticulars of the Jewish chronologies, I have only presumed that they could not shorten any other period of time than the period I have stated; and their reasons for shortening this period may not be easily obtained. It might be, they reasoned that the time during which they paid tribute to foreign powers should not be calculated. But although they have corrupted time in their chronologies-chronologies that were distinct from their sacred books, yet it is clear the prophetic time given in the first chapter of Genesis, and that prophetic time given by Christ, of the three days, prove that the Jewish Scribes have not corrupted a single number in their Hebrew sacred books.


Reading carefully Leviticus, xxv. 8—16, I think that the clear directions given by Moses were, that seven should be multiplied by seven, giving thereby a result of forty-nine years, and the year following the

forty-ninth was to be hallowed as the Jubilee, and in the year of this Jubilee every man was to return to his possession. I do not know that any language could more distinctly inform us that it was not on every forty-ninth year, but on every fiftieth year, that the Jubilee and year of redemption was kept. Although the Jews calculated seven times seven, agreeably to Moses' direction-such being the great week, or great Sabbatic cycle-yet it is evident that it was the between each of these cycles that they kept as the Jubilean year of redemption, being every fiftieth year; and when Moses established this Jubilean period, he might have respect to the total number of years from the creation of Adam to the time he received his commission from God, to lead the children of Israel out of Egypt, viz., about three years before their departure from thence, being the end of the forty-ninth Jubilean period from the creation of Adam.


Now 50 multiplied by 49, produces a term of 2450 years, being the time that elapsed from the creation of Adam to the time when Moses received his commission from God; or, as the end of the fiftieth Jubilee happened about seven years after the death of Moses, then 50 multiplied by 50, equal to 2500, produces the time that elapsed from the creation of Adam to the seventh year after the death of Moses, this being about the time the land was divided.

Now if Moses really did intend the product of 49 by 50, which is 2450, to exhibit the time that did elapse from the creation of Adam, to the time when he received his commission from God, and the square of 50, equal to 2500, to exhibit the period that inter

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