صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

Manftock ás fufficed to inform her fhe was upon a very interefting discovery as to the identity of a young man who had belonged to her deceased friend Ratcliffe, and whom the expected to meet that morning at the Doctor's. Of Henry's adventure with the Miller, and what had paffed in confequence of it, that young lady was fully apprifed; the story had been told to Sir Roger in her hearing over night, and more circumftantially detailed by Lady Crowbery as fhe came with her in the chaife. When the faw, therefore, a young man. in mourning, whofe appearance answered to the description she had had of him, she was in no doubt of his being the perfon in question: Curiofity led her to furvey him with fome attention; and when the perceived him, after ftopping for fome little time at the gate, turn back without entering it, (for the fight of Lady Crowbery's equipage made him doubt of the propriety of his vifit) she took courage to accoft him, saying-" If your name is Henry, Sir, I believe you are expected within doors." "That is my name, Madam," he replied very refpectfully; " and I am much beholden to you;" upon this he turned back, and entered through the fhop to the offices. B. 5


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In the kitchen he was encountered by old Bridget, who, after staring at him for fome time with astonishment, no fooner recognized his perfon, thus newly habited, than fhe began a ftring of questions, huddled together with fo little order, and fo much eagerness, that he fairly excufed himself the trouble of replying to any one of them, by defiring she would let her mafter know that he attended his pleasure. -"Hold there!" cried Bridget, " master is engag'd."-" I know how he is engag'd,' "I replied Henry, "but I fancy he will fee me."-"Say you fo?" quoth the hag, "then 'tis clear from what quarter your fortune comes: Ifackins! you're a rare one! Some folks have the luck of it, that's for certain : times are well chang'd with you, youngster, fince you first enter'd thefe doors; no wonder you was in fuch hafte to leave us; fine cloaths and an eafy fervice fuit you better than hard work and a coarfe jacket!"-She then ran on with more of the like trash, with feveral fly glances at Lady Crowbery, till Henry again reminded her of going up to her mafter-" Well, well!" replied fhe, "have a little patience, my fine spark, and recollect it is not yet my place to go on


your errands at the word of command: though my lady has thought fit to dress you out like a gentleman, fhe has not hir'd me to be your meffenger: However, I shall tell my master you are here. Sit down upon that bench; time was when you would have thank'd me for the offer: when you are call'd for I'll let you know."

Thus muttering to herself, the mounted the ftairs; but instead of going into Zachary's room, went ftrait to her mistress, eager to broach the news fhe was charged with, and well prepared to fet it off with every proper comment and illuftration, fuited to her own envious temper and the hearer's taste.

"Here's news to tell the King!" cried the hag, as the hobbled into Jemima's chamber: "As fure as you are in that place alive, Mistress, wou'd you think it? there's Harry, our errand-boy, now in the house, fpruc'd out as fine as any lord in the land, If he was heir to the greateft fquire in the county he couldn't be in handsomer mourning; fpick and span new from top to toe, and all of the beft!"-" What do you tell me?" exclaim'd Jemima, "how has all this happen'd?" How has it happen'd!" repeated B 6 Bridget;

Bridget; "why, as it always happens to fuch vapouring Jacks, by a smooth tongue and a handfome face; the poor and homely may go ftarve for fome folks; young and perfonable beggars pick up all the charity: marry commend me to fuch charity, it may well be faid to cover the multitude of fins! As if it cou'd be a queftion, how he came by his clothes, when there is a certain great lady clofe clofetted with master, who is waiting to fee him in all his glory, and I warrant you upon thorns till I tell her he is come; but I won't tell her, not I, at least till I have your orders for it I won't: for why? I am no fervant of her's, I'm no putter-together of people that don't pay me for it: why should I skip of his errands? I wish to my heart, miftrefs, you cou'd only fee with your own eyes how the lad is chang'd fince he flipp'd his skin : Then he carries him in fuch a way; he is as vain as a peacock: I proteft to yoù I did not know him when he stept into the kitchen: Sir, faid I, with a curtefy, what is your pleafure? for I thought he was fome fine gentleman that might have cuftom for my master.Bridget! cries he, go up to your master, and tell him I am here.-Marry come up! my


dirty companion, quoth I, (for his tongue betray'd him, and by this time I had fpied him out) who'll be the fool then? My master's employ'd with your betters. Let him be employ'd with whom he will, quoth he, I shall be welcome, fo tell him what I bid you. With that I thought of the old proverb, "Set a beggar on horfeback," and will'd him to reflect on what he was before he prefum'd to fend me on his meffages: Yet I was minded to tell you what was going on, fo I came nevertheless; and now, if you pleafe, I will go back and let him know I'm not the perfon he takes me for, to fetch and carry at his command; for my part, I am out of all patience with fuch upstarts."

"Hold, Bridget," replied Jemima, " upon reflection I think it beft you should let him come up; for 'tis clear to me from what point this wind blows; and though I don't approve of my house being made a house of affignation, yet by indulging them in this one meeting we may get to the bottom of the plot, if we can but contrive to overhear their cabal. So this is your fine charitable Lady Crowbery, whom every body is praifing for her good works! rase works, o'my confcience! excellent charity!

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