صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

clouds and the shadows. The Easter sermon in the first volume is a good example of this generous, positive method, and I close with two selections from it.

"I am He that liveth.' He declares continuous, eternal life. There is a long, large life that is not transitory. When we know that just as the children's lives set themselves into the life of their father which seems to them really eternal, just as the leaves, coming and going, growing and dropping, find their reason and consistency in the long, unchanging life of the tree on which they grow; so our lives find their place in this long, unchanging life of Christ, and lose the vexation of their own ever-shifting pasts and futures in the perpetual present of His being. A Christ that liveth redeems and rescues into His eternity the broken, temporary lives and works of His disciples."

"The living Christ, dear friends! the old, ever new, ever blessed Easter truth! He liveth He was dead: He is alive for evermore. Oh that everything dead and formal might go out of our creed, out of our life, out of our heart to-day! He is alive! Do you believe it? What are you dreary for, O mourner? What are you hesitating for, O worker? What are you fearing death for, O

man? Oh, if we could only lift up our heads and live with Him; live new lives, live high lives, lives of hope and love and holiness, to which death should be nothing but the breaking away of the last cloud, and the letting of the life out to its completion."



I JOHN 2:13. "I have written unto you, little children, because ye know the Father."

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