صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

Who by his wisdom did create

The painted Heav'ns fo full of state.

For his &c.

Who did the folid earth ordain

To rife above the watry plain.

For his &c.

Who by his all-commanding might

Did fill the new-made world with light.

For his &c.

And caus'd the golden-tressed fun,

All the day long his course to run.

For his &c.

The horned moon to fhine by night,
Amongst her spangled sisters bright.
For his &c.

He with his thunder-clafping hand
Smote the first-born of Egypt land.
For his &c.

And in despite of Pharao fell,
He brought from thence his Ifrael.

For his &c.







The ruddy waves he cleft in twain


Of the Erythræan main.

For his &c.

The floods stood still like walls of glass,

While the Hebrew bands did pass.

For his &c.

But full foon they did devour

The tawny king with all his power.

For his &c.

His chosen people he did bless

In the wasteful wildernefs.

For his &c.

In bloody battel he brought down
Kings of prowess and renown.

For his &c.

He foil'd bold Seon and his hoft,
That rul'd the Amorrean coaft.

For his &c.

And large-limb'd Og he did fubdue,
With all his over-hardy crew.

For his &c.

4 E 2






[blocks in formation]

All living creatures he doth feed,

And with full hand supplies their need.

For his &c.

Let us therefore warble forth

His mighty majesty and worth.

For his &c.

That his mansion hath on high
Above the reach of mortal eye.
For his mercies ay indure,
Ever faithful, ever fure.





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Chorus bewails, and tells the good Adam 3, 4, beginning with the firft overthrow of hath loft.

A& V.

Adam and Eve driven out of Paradife :

Prefented by an Angel with

Labor, Grief, Hatred, Envy, War,
Famin, Peftilence, Sickness,

Difcontent, Ignorance, Fear,

Death enter'd into the world,


to whom he gives their names: likewise Win

ter, Heat, Tempest, &c.




comfort him, and instruct him.

Chorus briefly concludes.


Dinah. Vide Eufeb. Præparat. Evang. L.9.C.22.


The Deluge.

The Perfons.


Debora, Rebecca's nurfe. Sichem.




Counselors 2.

Thamar Cuophorufa; where Juda is found to have been the author of that crime, which he condemn'd in Thamar. Thamar excus'd in what fhe attempted.

[blocks in formation]

Saul in Gilboa, 1 Sam. 28. 31.

David revolted, 1 Sam. from the 27 c. to the 31.

David adulterous, 2 Sam. c. 11, 12.
Tamar, 2 Sam. 13.

Achitophel, 2 Sam. 15, 16, 17, 18.
Adoniah, 1 Reg. 2.

Solomon Gynæcocraţumenus, or Idolomargus, aut Thyfiazufæ. Reg. 1. 11.

Rehoboam, 1 Reg. 12. where is disputed of a politic religion.

Abias Therfæus. 1 Reg. 14. The queen after much difpute, as the laft refuge fent to the prophet Ahias of Shilo; receives the meffage. The Epitafis in that the hearing the child fhall die as fhe comes home, refuses to return, thinking thereby to elude the oracle. The former part is spent in bringing the fick prince forth as it were defirous to fhift his chamber and couch as dying men ufe, his father telling him what facrifice he had fent for

The Golden Calf, or the Maffacre in Horeb. his health to Bethel and Dan; his fearlesness The Quails, Num. 11.

The Murmurers, Num. 14.

Corah, Dathan, &c. Num. 16, 17.
Moabitides, Num. 25.

Achan, Jofue 7 and 8.

Jofuah in Gibeon, Jof. 10.
Gideon Idoloclastes, Jud. 6, 7.
Gideon pursuing, Jud. 8.

Abimelech the Ufurper, Jud. 9.
Samfon purfophorus, or Hybriftes, or Sam-
fon marrying or in Ramath Lechi, Jud. 15.
Dagonalia, Jud. 16.

Comazontes, or the Benjaminites, or the
Rioters, Jud. 19, 20, 21.

Theriftria, a pastoral out of Ruth.
Eliadæ, Hophni and Phinehas, Sam. 1, 2,

of death, and putting his father in mind to fet
[fend] to Ahiah. The Chorus of the elders of
Ifrael, bemoaning his virtues bereft them, and
at another time wondring why Jeroboam being
bad himself fhould fo grieve for his fon that
was good, &c.

Imbres, or the Showers, 1 Reg. 18. 19.
Naboth σunopausvos, 1 Reg. 21.

Ahab, 1 Reg. 22. beginning at the fynod of falfe prophets; ending with relation of Ahab's death; his body brought; Zedechiah flain by Ahab's friends for his feducing. (See Lavater, 2 Chron. 18.)

Elias in the mount, 2 Reg. 1. 'Opuάτns, or better, Elias Polemistes.


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