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النشر الإلكتروني

Religious Summary.

THE Society for the Propagation of the Roman Catholic Church throughout the world had receipts in 1852 to the amount of 4,790,468 francs, of which France contributed more than one-half. The operations are principally through the means of tracts. The appropriations to different missions are as follows:-In Asia, 1,198,154 francs; America, 958,452; Europe, 678,975; Oceanica, 461,878; Africa, 310,954. The missions in the North of Europe have received 189,100 francs, those of the German Redemptorists 5,000 francs, and those of Switzerland 44,000 francs. The appropriations for the conversion of Scotland amounted to 44,000 francs, and the receipts from that country only to 14,426 francs. The appropriations for England proper are 109,400 francs, the receipts only 72,810. The Society includes members of every age and each sex; it is so organized that

each circle of ten members collects three sous a

week, which is the regular contribution, and transmits the sum to another branch including ten circles, and so on.


The Roman Catholics in the United States have six archbishops, twenty-six bishops, one thousand seven hundred and fifty-one priests, thousand five hundred and forty-five churches, with an estimated population of over two millions. They have thirty-three ecclesiastical seminaries, forty-five literary institutions for young men, and one hundred and two female academies.

The total receipts of the Presbyterian Board of Missions the past year were $153,222 53, being $8,000 more than the receipts of the previous year. They have missionaries in India, China, Africa, and other distant parts of the


The Baptists have a flourishing theological seminary at Newton, Mass., where the anniversary exercises were held last week. The most pleasing feature of the day's festivities was the announcement that the endowment of $100,000 for the seminary was complete, with the exception of $5,000, and about $3,000 of this sum was raised on the spot.

Romanism is not maintaining its ground in Texas. Some eighteen years ago it was the only religion tolerated by law. Now, it has thirty churches, twenty-five priests, six literary institutions, and an estimated population of thirty thousand; while Protestantism, which eighteen years ago was an illegal heresy, has twenty-seven thousand communicants, - і. е., twelve thousand Methodists, eight thousand Baptists, six thousand Presbyterians, one thousand Episcopalians, and about three hundred thousand adherents among the population.

Upper Canada Bible Society. The anniversary meeting of this Society was held at Toronto on Wednesday evening last. In the absence of the president, Honorable Robert Baldwin, the mayor of the city presided. Interesting addresses were delivered by Rev. Messrs. Sanson, Irvine, Jenkins, and Dr. Caul. The report submitted to the

as it does that this noble institution is not only in a healthy state, but is rapidly increasing in usefulness and efficiency.

At the annual meeting of the Irish Society of London, the Marquis of Blandford in the chair, the committee reported that nearly fifty congregations had been gathered from the ranks of Popery by the Society's missionaries, while thousands of the Irish Roman Catholics had embraced the Protestant faith, and many thousands were inquiring into the divinities of the

word of God.

Religion in High Places. We rejoice to see it stated, on good authority, that the presidential mansion is a house of prayer. God is constantly recognized at the table; daily social devotions, attendance on Sabbath mornings by all the inmates of the house are maintained, and the blessing of the Most High is thus insured on that distinguished family, if not on the whole land, instead of the malediction uttered against

the families that call not on the name of the Lord.

A farewell missionary meeting was recently held in Spring-street Church, to take leave of Mr. and Mrs. Barker, who ere this have departed for Ahmednuggur, India, where Mr. B. is stationed as a missionary.

Novel Decision of a Law Case. A lawsuit was lately instituted in Spain, in which the heirs of a rich man sued the Church of Rome for the recovery of money paid under the will of the deceased, to purchase, at the fair market price, twelve thousand masses for his soul. The priests, though they took the money, objected to the labor, and the Pope, at their request, abridged it, pronouncing that twelve masses should be as beneficial as twelve thousand. The counsel for the Church, in answer to the allegation of non-performance of contract, produced the Pope's certificate, that the soul of the deceased had been delivered by the efficacy of the twelve masses. The judge decided, that inasmuch as full value had been received, there was no breach of contract; but intimated that parties about to die had better contract for deliverance with his Satanic majesty, as it could be done much cheaper than with the Pope.

The King of Prussia, on the 15th of March last, issued a public order, directing: "1. That on all marches, the Sabbath, as far as it is practicable, is to be selected as a day of rest for the troops; 2. That in those cases where it is not possible to avoid marching on the Sabbath, care is to be taken that the breaking up for the march shall not interfere with the celebration of divine service; and, 3. That in all such cases the troops do not, in their march through any place, or upon reaching the spot of their destination, create any disturbance of the Sabbath services; for which reason the use and noise of drums or other military music is to be foregone." Such an order is worthy of the sovereign, who, at his own cost, has circulated

meeting is of a very cheering nature, showing | above two hundred and fifty thousand copies of the Holy Scriptures, in six different languages, among his troops.

True to its word for this time, The Freeman's Journal, the organ of Archbishop Hughes, has made its appearance as a Sunday newspaper. The first number, under the new arrangement, is dated "Sunday morning, July 3, 1853." If The Freeman and its friends can have their way, there will soon be as little of the Sabbath left here as there is now in Papal countries.

Quite an encouraging amount of revival spirit is prevailing in the Methodist Churches of Texas.

Dr. Cook says the revival in Southern France, and particularly at Nismes, is still progressing.

Dr. Medhurst, the veteran missionary of the London Society in China, who has been engaged, in company with Dr. Bridgman and others, many years in translating the Scriptures into the Chinese language, has announced the final accomplishment of the great task.

The Mormans of Malmea, in Norway, have been summoned by the Minister of Justice to appear before the Court of Lund, to answer the numerous charges reported against them. They are twenty in number. Their chiefs, three priests of that sect, have been accused of many infamies and sent to prison.

The Methodists of Cincinnati recently commemorated the fiftieth anniversary of their first church organization in that city, resolving unanimously to contribute $50,000 to three objects, viz.: 1. About $6,000 to put the German churches out of debt; 2. About $10,000 or $12,000 for the Female College; and, 3. The remainder, or about $32,000, for the Sunday Schools and church extension among the needy.

Of the two millions of inhabitants in the

Canadas, nine hundred and forty thousand belong to the Catholic religion, and one million and sixty thousand to the Protestant, showing nearly eleven Protestants to nine Catholics. The latter have gained five hundred and sixty thousand in thirty years, the former nine hundred and twenty thousand. The Catholics have more than doubled their number, but the Protestants have increased theirs more than sevenfold.

Colored communicants in the South number largely. A cotemporary makes the following

statements: - There are about one hundred and fifty thousand colored members of the Southern Methodist Church, one hundred and twenty thousand in the Baptist, ten thousand in the Presbyterian, and in other churches about twenty thousand-making a total of three hundred thousand.

Rev. J. T. Bowen, Rev. J. H. Lacy, and Rev. J. S. Dennard, Baptist Missionaries to Central Africa, with their wives, embarked at Boston for Lagos on Wednesday, 6th instant.

The Moravians on the Continents of Europe and America do not number above twenty thousand souls, yet they have gathered, through their missionaries, not less than seventy thousand persons into Christian congregations in foreign lands. At Labrador, nearly the whole of the natives had been Christianized there;

and at Surinam, out of thirteen missionaries, eleven had died of the yellow fever. Yet there was no lack of laborers for God. During the last eleven years, the congregations at Surinam had risen from ten thousand to seventeen thousand persons. It might be estimated that onefourth were communicants. In the West Indies the congregations numbered about forty thousand persons, principally negroes, and there were upward of two thousand children in their schools. Two training schools had been established for the education of native teachers. It was seldom that one taught in their schools left the path of rectitude. The Moravians have seventy missionary stations and two hundred and eighty-six missionaries in the world, and these are sustained for the trifling expense of about $60,000.

We see it stated in a New-Haven paper that the action of the New-Haven Railroad Company, in relation to the Sunday mails, meets the approbation of the public in Connecticut. There is a strong feeling in opposition to the running of trains on the Sabbath.

Wesleyan Methodist Church in Canada. The thirtieth annual conference of this branch of the Methodist Church has lately been held in the city of Hamilton. After deducting the losses occasioned by deaths, removals, expulsions, &c., the increase over the past year amounted to about twenty-five hundred.

The increase of Sabbath schools in Great Brit

ain is an exceedingly hopeful aspect of the religious state of that country. According to a recent Parliamentary return, in 1818, when the population of England and Wales was 11,642,683, the number of Sunday schools was 5,463, with 477,225 scholars. In 1851, when the population had increased to 17,927,000, there were 23,498 Sunday schools, with 2,407,409 scholars. A great moral impression is, by these multitudinous schools, making upon the British mind, that will not be without effect on the future of that country.

A comprehensive union of all the associations for promoting temperance, and of those desirous of an anti-liquor law, not connected with Temperance Societies, has been undertaken in Carada West, under missionary auspices. It is called the Canada Prohibitory Liquor Law League; and the Association has begun its service by offering a premium of £25 for the best essay on the nature and objects of the League, embracing full and valuable statistical information upon the extent, expense, and results of the liquor traffic in Canada. Rev. Dr. Ryerson, Professor Lillie, and Professor Taylor, are the adjudicators.

American Colonization Society. The receipts of this society, during one month ending June 20, were $6,542, including a donation of $5,000 from David Hunt, Esq., of Rodney, Mississippi, and another of $200 from Dr. Stephen Duncan, of Natchez, Mississippi.

Rev. Thomas Gallaudet, pastor of the recently organized church of Deaf Mutes in this city, at the annual examination of the New-York Institution received from the pupils a beautiful present of books. Mr. Morehouse made the presentation.

Arts and Sciences.

AT a meeting of the Society of Antiquaries, En- | per year, and this enormous trade may be

gland, Jonathan Gooding, Esq., of Southwold, exhibited a medal by Albert Durer, bearing date 1508, with Albert Durer's monogram. It represents a female bust nearly to the shoulders, the head thrown back, but looking upward. The original drawing for this medal is preserved in the British Museum. The lady represented was Albert Durer's wife. In the Museum there is also a copy of this medal with a reverse, which this has not: it is supposed that the reverse was probably attached to the medal at some subsequent period. Mr. Gooding also exhibited the matrices of two seals, a weight of a quarter noble, and several farthing tokens of the reign of James I. and Charles I., found near Southwold.

The Chicago Tribune mentions a machine in that city which splits and shaves, not saws, shingles. The shingle trade of Chicago is enormous, amounting, last year, to over seventyseven millions. The increase, we are told, this year, thus far, has been twenty-five per cent., and it is presumed that this year's business will exceed one hundred millions.

Mr. Hewitt communicated an account of the

monster cannon preserved at Edinburgh Castle, known as Mons. Meg, and formerly at the Tower of London, whence it was conveyed back to Scotland, by order of George IV., in 1829. This extraordinary piece of ancient ordnance closely resembles the huge bombard at Ghent, supposed to be the same which is mentioned by Froissart. Mons. Meg is first named in the reign of James IV., having been used at the siege of Dumbarton in 1489; but tradition affirms that the piece existed long prior to that time. The construction is very curious; long bars of iron are welded together, like the staves of a cask, and strongly hooped with welded iron; the length is upward of fifteen feet, and the enormous weight rendered this cannon almost unmanageable in the field. It has been supposed, with much probability, that it was fabricated at Mons, in Flanders, whence James II., King of Scots, imported in 1460, as chroniclers have recorded, a celebrated bombard, call

ed the Lion.

The Milwaukie Sentinel says that Mr. S. D. Carpenter, late of the Madison Democrat, has succeeded in inventing a new printing-press which has some very great improvements. Three of its prominent features are these: First, it feeds itself, and does it perfectly. Second, it works both sides of the sheet at once; the half-cylinder rocking to and fro, printing one side of the sheet as the bed-plate moves forward, and the other side as it comes back. The register, too, is as accurate as machinery can make it. Third, the press registers its own work; a clock face, with hands on the side, showing at each moment the number of sheets, as well as the number of tokens worked off.

The total value of India-rubber goods made in the United States approaches $10,000,000

said to have sprung up since 1844, as, previous to that date, there were very few manufactories working at a profit.

A very superior marble has lately been discovered in the south of Somerset county, Pa., on the route of the Pittsburgh and Cornellsville


At the last annual meeting of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, held in Boston, the following officers were chosen for the ensuing year:-Jacob Bigelow, M. D., President; Professor Daniel Treadwell, Vice-President; Professor Asa Gray, Corresponding Secretary; Samuel Kneeland, Jr., Recording Secretary; Nathaniel B. Shurtleff, M. D., Librarian; Edward Wigglesworth, Esq., Treasurer. This is one of the oldest incorporated institutions in the United States, having been founded in 1780. It has numbered among its fellows and associates the most eminent gentlemen in various departments of science, both at home and abroad. Its memoirs have embraced a large number of valuable papers, and their publication has given it a high reputation. It possesses a valuable library, now numbering about

8,000 volumes, which is kept at the rooms of the academy at the Athenæum Building, in Beacon-street.

The Rochester American says that an examination of the sun, by Professor Dewey, of the University, through his reflecting telescope, disclosed a large number of spots on its surface. One of them was 12,000 miles in diameter. An archipelago of spots was discovered, which, if united, would cover an area 40,000 miles long.

An English paper states that a dissertation, lately read before the Royal Society by Mr. Toynbee, contains some particulars interesting to deaf people. Much of the deafness that occurs is found to be caused by an aperture having formed in the drum of the ear; in such cases, if an artificial drum, made of vulcanized India-rubber or gutta-percha, be introduced, the cavity is again closed, and the power of hearing is considerably restored. It is hardly necessary to add that the old notion about certain little bones beating on the tympanum drummerwise are altogether fallacious.

Spots on the Sun. - Another proof of the unu sual condition of celestial phenomena this season has come to light. Dr. Forster, in making some observations on the sun with a large achromatic telescope, discovered a long cluster of dark spots on the solar disk, not much in figure unlike one of the elongated nebule. This remarkable congeries of macula was widest in the middle, with one spot much larger than the rest: there was also another distinct and nearly circular spot at some distance from the rest.

A resolution has been passed by the Common Council of Detroit, tendering to Hiram Powers, the great American Sculptor, the hospitality of the city. The resolution was of a highly complimentary character.

Mr. Benjamin Hardinge, of Cincinnati, has made a valuable discovery in synthetic chemistry, by which he is enabled to produce an artificial marble from common pebbles and sand. It is said he is about to erect in or near that city a model palace, to be built entirely of marble and precious stones.

Seven thousand dollars have been appropriated by the corporation of Trinity Church, N. Y.,

for the construction of a monument to the memory of those American soldiers and citizens who died in the English prison-ships in the war of 1812. It is to be built of carved brown-stone, and its height will be seventy-three feet. The base will be fifteen feet square, and be placed at the top of a series of steps twenty-four feet square at the bottom. It was proposed to have a figure of Washington, in a niche. A cenotaph, surmounted by appropriate military emblems, is also suggested as a good design. Messrs. Wills and Dudley are the architects, and the style of the monument will be similar to the monumental crosses of England.

The monument to be erected at Tarrytown to the captors of Major Andre is to consist of three blocks of marble, with a shaft forty feet in height, on which a suitable inscription will be engraved.

An Italian artist, who prefers the West Rutland marble in Vermont to that of his own

country, has ordered from Rome two blocks weighing one ton each, for the purpose of making

a test.

A New Discovery in Photography. A Swedish artist, Carleman, has made a discovery, which he calls photochromography. By this new application of photography he is enabled to take from three hundred to four hundred copies per day, and the various objects are represented in their natural colors. Herr Carleman will take out a patent in Germany without delay. Should this new art succeed, it will revolutionize lithography and engravings.

We learn from Munich, that a few days ago two gigantic statues were cast in bronze in one entire piece in the royal foundry of that city. M. Miller superintended the difficult operation. It is the first time the thing has been attempted, the custom having heretofore been to cast large statues in different portions, and to weld them together afterward. The production of them in one complete mass is an immense progress in the casting art. One of the two statues is an equestrian one of Gustavus Adolphus, and is destined to be placed in the principal square of Gottenburg, in Sweden; the other is of Patrick Henry, one of the founders of the United States Independence, and is to form part of the gigantic monument to be erected to Washington.

Robert Lemon, Esq., exhibited at the Society of Antiquaries, in London, on the 17th ult., an oil-painting in his possession, presumed to be a portrait of the poet Milton. It had formerly the poet's name in an old hand, written at the back upon the canvas, but which, upon the relining of the picture a few years ago, was removed. Mr. Lemon, in illustration of this portrait, presented the copy of a letter preserved

among the Harleian Manuscripts in the British Museum, (No. 7003, fol. 116,) from Mr. George Vertue to Mr. Charles Christian, dated Aug. 12, 1721, describing an interview between Vertue and Deborah Milton, the poet's youngest daughter, in which she repudiated a supposed portrait of her father then shown to her, "it being of a brown complexion and black hair and curled locks. On the contrary, (she said,) her father was of a fair complexion, a little red in his cheeks, and light-brown lank hair;" a description which Mr. Lemon considered closely to tally with the portrait before the Society.

The Dean of Exeter exhibited before the

Archeological Institute, London, a drawing of the fresco-painting, representing the Resurrection, lately discovered in Exeter Cathedral. The whitewash has been carefully removed, and the painting is a work of considerable merit, apparently of the fifteenth century. The principal figures measure about five feet in height.

Alexander Humboldt has written a letter, in which he advocates the construction of an oceanic canal, without locks, across the Isthmus of Darien, having reference to points on the Gulf of San Miguel and Cupica.

A. G. Findlay, Esq., recently read a paper before the Society of Arts, London, on the Proposed Central American Canal, and its Relations to Commerce. The object of this paper was, to show the peculiarity of the geographical position of the American Isthmus, and, consequently, the peculiarity of its climate, and some hitherto unnoticed influences in the current systems which center here, and which bear most strongly upon any system of navigation ;then, to show what new fields for commercial enterprise it will open, and what existing advantages it will increase.

The London Record of the 30th ult. says: An expedition, to test with care the mineral resources of Greenland, has been arranged to start from Portsmouth this week. A yacht, of two hundred and seventeen tons, called the Dolphin, has been fitted out, for the purposes of full exploration. She takes out several scientific men, engaged for the undertaking, and the mines to be investigated consist of copper, tin, silver, and lead.

An interesting and successful series of experiments have been made by Professor Challis, of Cambridge, on the determining the longitude by electro-telegraphic aid. Already in America some results of a similar kind had been obtained. The present observations have been made at Greenwich and Cambridge Observatories under peculiarly advantageous conditions. The signal-giver at Greenwich had the means of observing the passage of a star across the field of the transit telescope and of giving signal at the same time, and in several instances his signals were made at the instant of transit, so that the observation taken at Greenwich was actually recorded at Cambridge. Above a hundred and fifty separate observations were taken under various circumstances, so that amply sufficient data are obtained for accurate and satisfactory induction.



OCTOBER, 1853.



VOL. III, No. 4.-W


EAT, dust, and" a villanous compound of (not) sweet smells," are the prominent characteristics of a city like NewYork in the dog-days. Physical nausea has produced heart-sickness, despondency, and misanthropy: you begin to think that man is a social being, only because society offers better opportunities than solitude for the gratification of his supreme selfishness. A morning stroll on the Battery invigorates you a little, and as you approach Whitehall, you see the Staten Island ferry-boat just entering her slip. Pay your fare, only sixpence, and step on board. A sail of half an hour over the waters of our beautiful bay will give you pure air enough to quell your nausea; a view of a portion of the fleet of our modern Tyre will convince you that the city prospers, notwithstanding dirty streets, high taxes, and a bribe-loving common

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