صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

And what shall my perfume be for the grave of him I love?

Sea-winds blown from east and west,

Blown from the Eastern sea and blown from the Western sea, till there on the prairies meeting:

76 These, and with these and the breath of my chant,

I'll perfume the grave of him I love.

O what shall I hang on the chamber walls?

And what shall the pictures be that I hang on the walls, 80 To adorn the burial-house of him I love?

Pictures of growing spring and farms and homes,

With the Fourth-month eve at sundown, and the gray smoke lucid and bright, With floods of the yellow gold of the gorgeous, indolent, sinking sun, burn

84 With the fresh sweet herbage under

In the distance the glowing glaze, the

ing, expanding the air,

foot, and the pale green leaves of the trees prolific,

breast of the river, with a wind-dapple here and there,

With ranging hills on the banks, with many a line against the sky, and shadows,

And the city at hand with dwellings so dense, and stacks of chimneys, 88 And all the scenes of life, and the workshops, and the workmen homeward

Lo, body and soul this land,


My own Manhattan, with spires, and the sparkling and hurrying tides, and the ships,

The varied and ample land, the South and the North in the light, Ohio's shores and flashing Missouri, 92 And ever the far-spreading prairies, cover'd with grass and corn.

Lo, the most excellent sun, so calm and haughty, The violet and purple morn, with just-felt breezes, The gentle, soft-born, measureless light,

96 The miracle, spreading, bathing all, the fulfill'd noon,

The coming eve delicious, the welcome night, and the stars,
Over my cities shining all, enveloping man and land.

Sing on, sing on, you gray-brown bird,

100 Sing from the swamps, the recesses, pour your chant from the bushes, Limitless out of the dusk, out of the cedars and pines.


Sing on, dearest brother, warble your reedy song,

Loud human song, with voice of uttermost woe.

O liquid and free and tender!

O wild and loose to my soul! O wondrous singer!

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You only I hear yet the star holds me, (but will soon depart,)
Yet the lilac with mastering odor holds me.



Herrig-Förster, British Authors. Appendix


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Die starktonigen Silben sind in mehrsilbigen Wörtern durch einen über der Zeile stehenden Punkt hinter dem haupttonigen Vokale (oder Diphthonge) bezeichnet.

Abkürzungen: adj. — Adjektiv. adv. Adverb.

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ae. -






Am. amerikanisch. Ayr. Ayrshiredialekt. conj. Konjunktion. E. D. D. English Dialect Dictionary von Jos. Wright (Orford 1898 ff.). Ellis Ellis, On Early English Pronunciation (London 1889). — frz. · französisch. gael. gaelisch. hind. Hindustani. inf. Jn= finitiv.it. · italienisch. int. Interjektion. ir. irisch. Kersey John Kersey, English Dictionary (London 1708). · Linc. Lincolnshiredialekt. loc. - lokale Aussprache. mittelenglisch. ne. - neuenglisch. nhd. neuhochdeutsch. tionary von Murray, Bradley, & Craigie (Orford 1888 ff.). pret. Präteritum. ptc. Partizip. - sb. Substantiv. W. Stokes, Urkeltischer Sprachschaß (Göttingen 1894). vb. Verbum. v.a. verb active (Transitivum). vulg. vulgär.

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act; in act, wirklich.

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'ad (æd, ad) had.
addle (nördl. adl), verdienen.
'adn't (adnt), vulg. für had not.
a-dropping (adro'pin) — dropping.
a-dying (adaiin), adv. am Sterben.
ae (betont Sc. e, Ayr. je), einer.
a-faulding (Sc. afō·ldin); fauld, v. a. — fold,
Schafe einpferchen.

afeerd (afd), vulg.

aff (Sc. af)


afeard, bange.

affrightment (afraitmənt) — affright, Schrecken, Entseßen.

afoor (Linc. ǝfūə) — before.

[blocks in formation]

ain (Sc. en)

own, eigen.

airt (Sc. ert), Himmelsrichtung [gael. aird]. aizle (Sc. exl), Funken.

akneelin' (Am. anilin), kniend.

alane (Sc. ǝlen) alone.

alder-bush (oldaubus), Erlengebüsch. ale-dearth (el-da up), Biermangel; Wyatt: 'ale-dearth, terror as of a dearth of ale, great terror'.

almer (etwa amai), eigentl. Almosenpfleger; von Chatterton irrig als 'beggar', also Almojenempfänger" gefaßt.

amaist (Sc. ǝmē st), adv. almost.

amang (Sc. ama⋅ŋ) ·


ammost (Linc. ŏ'məst) — almost.

an' (ən), dial. u. vulg. and.

ance (Sc. jens, jins), adv.

'and (Linc. and) hand.


ane (Sc. en, Ayr. jễn) · one, einer.

ane anither (Sc. en ani đǝr) = - one another. anes (Ayr. jenz) ones.

anigh (mai), adv. in der (die) Nähe.

animalcule (animælkjul), Infusionstierchen. anither (Sc. ani dər) — another. 'ant (Linc. ant) has not.

a-paleing (apelin), am Bleichwerden. ape-like (plaik), affenähnlich. apostate (@po'stet), adj. verfehrt.

approvance (aprū ̈vəns), Billigung. Aprile (me. aprīlǝ) - April. arboret (aboret), Strauch.

argent-vive (audient-vaiv), Quedsilber. aroint (ǝroint), int. hinweg.

as dial. als Relativ.

'as (Linc. ǝx)

has und have.

ase (Sc. es, es) ash, Asche.

aspen-malady (ā ̈spən-mæ·lǝdi), Espen-, Zitterfrankheit.

assay (ǝse") essay, sb. Versuch, Bemühen; Probe.

asteer (Sc. astër), adv. astir, in Bewe

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auctioneership (ōktšənīšip), Bersteige= rungsamt.

augrh (etwa ōx'), schallnachahmende Int. für den Gähnlaut des Wolfes. auld (Sc. ōl, ōld) — old.

auld lang syne (Sc. ōl-lan-sein), adv. lange lange her, dazumals, die guten alten Zeiten.

aumere (ōmï') -me. aumere, älter almere, eigentl. Almosentasche, Beutel; bei Chatterton irrig 'a loose robe or mantle' aus Kerseys 'welt, skirt, or border'. autremete (etwa ōtrimit), nach Chatterton 'a loose white robe worn by priests' (bei Kersey nur 'a kind of vestment'); verlejen für a uitremite (Chaucer C.T. B 3562), das wohl Frauenhaube" bedeutet.

avale (avel), v.n. sich senken, abwärts fließen. avow (avau), Gelübde.

awa (Sc. oue) — away.

awaäy (Linc. awēs)

away, weg.

awayward (ǝwewoud), adv. hinweg. awfu' (Sc. ō'fə) — awful.

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back-stroke (bakstrōk), Rückschlag [beim Gewehr].

bairn (Sc. bērn, bern), Kind.

bait (beit), v.a. mit Köder versehen. baith (Sc. bep) both.

baiting-place (bētimples), Futterplaß. balance-statement (balans-ste1tmant), Bilanzaufstellung.

bale (bel), v. a. Wasser aus einem Boote ausschöpfen.

bale-heedy (bē1·l-hīdě), unheilsinnend. banding (bandin), Bandwerk.

bane (Sc. ben) - bone.

bare (ba) pret.


barrater (barata), Prozeßanstifter.

barrick (bærik) barrack.

base-court (bē1skōut), der äußere Schloßhof basnet (basnet) - basinet, Sturmhaube. bastardised (bā stǝudaizd), entartet. bathed (me. ba đǝd), ptc. gebadet. bauk (Sc. bōk) balk, Balfen, Querbalfen oder Latte in einem Dörrofen [auf welche das Getreide usw. zum Trocknen gelegt wurde]. bauk-en' (Sc. bō'k-e⋅n)

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balk end, Balken

ende. bauld (Sc. bold, bōl, bāl) bold, tühn. bauldly (Sc. bō·ldli) — boldly.

bayou (baiu, auch beu), Am. jumpfiger Nebenarm am Ausfluß eines Stromes oder Sees.

be, 327, 9 gut sein für, auftommen für, be= zahlen.

beachy (bits), fieselig. beän (Linc. biən)


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