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النشر الإلكتروني

when I come to fulfil them, ye might know the promise stands on record in my Gospel. But what can men prove by their wisdom, that have. been bound in heaven and bound on earth, loosed in heaven and loosed on earth, if my word is not the binding of my promise made to man? That when THE TWO TOGETHER, the MAN and WOMAN, asked the promise made in the fall, it should be done for them. For, Satan that was in heaven, and lost his place there for rebellion, shall now lose his power on earth for rebellion the same, if he breaks the bond which I have made. And

man is loosed from the power and arts of the devil when he goes to heaven; so by Satan's being bound, man shall be loosed from all his arts and power here upon earth. For, my word is binding, and man's petitions shall be binding also: and as saints in heaven are loosed from Satan's power; so shall men upon earth be loosed from his power also. Then will they give glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace and good will towards men: but though there is good will towards men, they cannot prove peace hath been upon earth, when wars have followed all my Followers; for, in this world they have had tribulation; but in ME they shall now find peace. For I will take the stumbling-block out of the way of my people, and they shall possess my Holy Mountain in peace. And they that improve the talents left on record, given by ME; and have faith to believe I shall fulfil my word; then they will gain other two talents: One to discern my word, that it is by the Spirit of Revelation that it must be made known; for how can it be fulfilled, before my Spirit comes to fulfil it? For I said both should grow together till the harvest; and then I should come to separate the wheat from the tares. But now the seed is sown; that meaneth, my word is come to warn you that my

harvest is at hand: and a net is let down to gather in both good and bad. All these parables stand for the LAST DAYS, to shew you how I shall bring in my Kingdom here upon Earth. For, none of these signs are in heaven. I tell you all, they allude to my coming to claim my Kingdom, that I died to redeem.-And now I will answer thee of the man that said, all the Jews were lost, spiritually and temporally, which he declared were my words,

"He that believeth shall be saved; and he that believeth not shall be damned." But how do men understand that word, that all who believe in ME, as dying for them, to be saved; and they, who do not believe it, to be damned? And so they judge I came upon the earth to destroy all my chosen peo ple, both spiritually and temporally; for the Jews were my chosen people. Then for what good do they judge that I came to mankind: For, how few believe in ME now to be the Redeemer of mankind, the Saviour of the world! for I said I came to seek and to save that which was lost: I came not to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance; for they that were whole needed not a physician, but they that were sick. Then how did I come to call the Jews, who said they were righteous? Did I not say I came to the lost sheep of the house of Israel? And to them I was known. But how could condemnation be passed on all men at that time, who did not believe, when I said "Father, forgive them, for they know not "what they do?" Then how can they be all lost, because they did not then believe? And yet they are still believing in a Messiah to come, and redeem them from their captivity; and that the Lord will fulfil all HE hath spoken by the mouths of his Prophets. So their belief still remains as firm as thousands of the Gentiles-and more firni; for they believe that I shall come as it is written of ME, to be the EVERLASTING FATHER, the PRINCE


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vest is at hand and a net is let down to gather oth good and bad. All these parables stand the LAST DAYS, to shew you how I shall bring my Kingdom here upon Earth. For, none these signs are in heaven. I tell you all, they de to my coming to claim my Kingdom, that ied to redeem.-And now I will answer thee of man that said, all the Jews were lost, spiritually I temporally, which he declared were my words, He that believeth shall be saved; and he that ieveth not shall be damned." But how do men derstand that word, that all who believe in мE, dying for them, to be saved; and they, who do t believe it, to be damned? And so they judge I me upon the earth to destroy all my chosen peo, both spiritually and temporally; for the Jews re my chosen people. Then for what good dọ ey judge that I came to mankind: For, how w believe in ME now to be the Redeemer of ankind, the Saviour of the world! for I said I me to seek and to save that which was lost: I une not to call the righteous, but sinners to reentance; for they that were whole needed not a ysician, but they that were sick. Then how d I come to call the Jews, who said they were ghteous? Did I not say I came to the lost sheep the house of Israel? And to them I was known. ut how could condemnation be passed on all en at that time, who did not believe, when I id "Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do?" Then how can they be all lost, ecause they did not then believe? And yet they re still believing in a Messiah to come, and reeem them from their captivity; and that the Lord vill fulfil all He hath spoken by the mouths of his 'rophets. So their belief still remains as firm as housands of the Gentiles-and more firm; for hey believe that I shall come as it is written of IE, to be the EVERLASTING FATHER, the PRINCE tobe

of PEACE, to visit and redeem my people, and fulfil all that the Prophets have prophesied of ME. This is their belief, that I shall fulfil: but your belief is, there is no merit in my death and sufferings, only to save the righteous, that need not a physician. For, the just have always lived by faith, that the Lord would save them, who obey him. And I said, I came not to destroy that Law, but to fulfil it: and that Law is not destroyed by the Jews to this day; for they are living dependent upon his words and promises! Then how can men suppose, that condemnation was past on all men at that time? Who then will be saved? I must come to condemn the world, and not to save it, if I then passed that awful curse on man. Oh! ye sons of men, judge for yourselves, how few will be saved by your judgment, if that curse took place at my Death. O, how doth Satan work in your minds and hearts to wrest the Scriptures to your own condemnation; and overlook all the Scriptures which are for your justification, and for Satan's condemnation! But I now tell you all, he that believeth not in the promise made in the fall, cannot believe to his own salvation.-But here thou sayest, who then will be saved? I answer: In the time of ignorance, God winkedand I said, they had no cloak for their sins: but I did not mean it at that time; for they have cloaked them to this day. But when I make my Bible clear, there cannot be a cloak for any one; but my dying words were never understood by any one, when I said, Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do. Then if they knew not what they did, they must have a cloak for their sins; for, to have no cloak for their sins, they must know what they did: but my words were left on record for my Second Coming; and it is them, who believe in my Gospel, that have no cloak for their sins, who rely on my heel being

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