All England Law Reports Annotated, المجلد 2Butterworth., 1942 "All England law reports noted against Halsbury's Laws of England:" table pub. Oct. 23 and Dec. 4, 1952, and therafter in the 1st Report of each month. Cf. Announcement, Oct. 23, 1952. |
من داخل الكتاب
النتائج 1-3 من 74
الصفحة 449
... corporation shall be at liberty to obtain a further supply of water from any source or place other than a source or place within the commissioners ' water district and " Bilston " agree not to oppose any application by the corporation ...
... corporation shall be at liberty to obtain a further supply of water from any source or place other than a source or place within the commissioners ' water district and " Bilston " agree not to oppose any application by the corporation ...
الصفحة 478
... corporation and the owners of one of the weirs in the stream . It was found as a fact that the flooding was not due to any appreciable extent to the weir owned by A the second defendants , nor to the bridge under the control of the ...
... corporation and the owners of one of the weirs in the stream . It was found as a fact that the flooding was not due to any appreciable extent to the weir owned by A the second defendants , nor to the bridge under the control of the ...
الصفحة 484
... corporation . Turning now to , the position of the corporation , I have been referred to a number of authorities , in the forefront of which was Sedleigh - Denfield v . O'Callaghan ( 3 ) . That case is of great general value as being ...
... corporation . Turning now to , the position of the corporation , I have been referred to a number of authorities , in the forefront of which was Sedleigh - Denfield v . O'Callaghan ( 3 ) . That case is of great general value as being ...
طبعات أخرى - عرض جميع المقتطفات
عبارات ومصطلحات مألوفة
12 Digest 36 Digest 44 Digest action agree agreement amendment appellant apply assessment committee authority Barrister-at-Law cause CH.D circumstances claim Clan Matheson construction contract Corpn corporation Council counsel Court of Appeal Courts Emergency Powers covenant Coxwold damage death decision defendants Digest Supp duty EDITORIAL NOTE entitled evidence executors fact Hailsham Edn HALSBURY held hereditament House House of Lords husband injury Inland Revenue Comrs judgment jurisdiction lease liability LORD ATKIN LORD MACMILLAN magistrates matter meaning NATIONAL PROVINCIAL BANK negligence offence opinion paid parties payable payment person plaintiff policyholder possession premises present proceedings provisions question railway hereditament reason referred regard regulations rent residuary estate respect respondent rule rule in Shelley's Sched sect settlement Solicitors statutory Tax Cas tenant testator testatrix Thomas Routledge trustees VISCOUNT warlike operation weir words