Sought loft Elijah, so in each place these Nigh to Bethabara; in Jericho 20 Then on the bank of Jordan, by a creek, 25 Alas, from what high hope to what relapse 30 Unlook'd for are we fall'n! our eyes beheld Meffiah certainly now come, so long Expected of our fathers; we have heard His words, his wisdom full of grace and truth; Now, now, for fure, deliverance is at hand, 35 The kingdom shall to Ifrael be reftor'd: Thus we rejoic'd, but foon our joy is turn'd Into perplexity and new amaze: For whither is he gone, what accident Hath rapt him from us? will he now retire 40 After appearance, and again prolong Our expectation? God of Ifraël, Send thy Meffiah forth, the time is come; Behold the kings of th' earth how they opprefs Thy chofen, to what highth their pow'r unjust 45 They have exalted, and behind them caft All 50 All fear of thee; arife and vindicate 60 Thus they out of their plaints new hope refume To find whom at the first they found unfought: But to his mother Mary, when she saw Others return'd from baptifm, not her fon, Nor left at Jordan, tidings of him none, Within her breast though calm, her breast tho' pure, Motherly cares and fears got head, and rais'd Some troubled thoughts, whichshein sighs thus clad. O what avails me now that honor high To have conceiv'd of God, or that falute Hail highly favor'd, among women blest! While I to forrows am no less advanc'd, And fears as eminent, above the lot 66 70 Of other women, by the birth I bore, A 75 A manger his; yet foon enforc'd to fly From Egypt home return'd, in Nazareth Hath been our dwelling many years; his life 80 Private, unactive, calm, contemplative, 90 Spoken against, that through my very foul 95 He could not lose himself; but went about His Father's business; what he meant I mus'd, Since understand; much more his absence now 100 Thus long to some great purpose he obscures. My My heart hath been a store-house long of things Sole but with holiest meditations fed, 110 Into himself defcended, and at once All his great work to come before him set; How to begin, how to accomplish best His end of being on earth, and mission high: 115 Where all his potentates in council fat; 120 Princes, Heav'n's ancient Sons, ethereal Thrones, Demonian Spirits now, from th' element Each of his reign allotted, rightlier call'd Pow'rs of fire, air, water, and earth beneath, So may we hold our place and these mild feats 125 Without new trouble; fuch an enemy Is risen to invade us, who no less Threatens than our expulfion down to Hell; I, as I undertook, and with the vote Consenting in full frequence was impower'd, 130 Have found him, view'd him, tasted him, but find Than when I dealt with Adam first of Men, 135 If he be man by mother's side at least, Perfections absolute, graces divine, And amplitude of mind to greatest deeds. 140 Rather to be in readiness, with hand 145 Belial, the dissolutest Spirit that fell, 150 The fenfuallest, and after Asmodai The fleshliest Incubus, and thus advis'd. Set woman in his eye, and in his walk, 155 Per |